-Caveat Lector-
A MSG I received which I feel is worthy of forwarding to those concerned about the future of our Freedoms.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 2:20 PM
Subject: [JBirch] Joseph Farah: Why I'm not a conservative


Thursday, June 13, 2002

Why I'm not a conservative
Posted: June 13, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joseph Farah
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

I've said it before and I'll say it, again: I am not a conservative.

This comes as a shock to some people. We have come to view politics in America in this paradigm of right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, Republican vs. Democrat.

I tell you that is no choice at all.

I don't like the label "conservative." I reject the label. With all due respect to my "conservative" friends, I find the description detestable, extremely unflattering, simplistic and an insult.

Let me tell you why.

Conservatives, by definition, seek to conserve something from the past - institutions, cultural mores, values, political beliefs, traditions.

What happens when a society moves so far from righteous values and freedom principles that there is little left to conserve?

That is where I believe America finds itself in the early part of the 21st century. Let me give you some examples of why:

*      the breakdown of the institutions of marriage and family;
*      the inability of many to distinguish between right and wrong;
*      the consolidation of power in Washington and in the executive branch;
*      the breakdown in the rule of law;
*      the usurpation of power by unaccountable supra-national agencies;
*      infringements on personal freedoms
*      increasing vulnerability to weapons of mass destruction and government's unwillingness or inability to address such a basic concept of defense;

What do these and other problems our nation is facing have in common?

Today we have a federal government that acts without regard for the Constitution. What's the conservative prescription for that? Has "compassionate conservative" George W. Bush reversed unconstitutional government or continued it? Can you defeat unconstitutional government by putting your finger in the dike to prevent more?

No, it takes a radical agenda to defeat a radical agenda. Conservatives have no stomach for fighting - the kind of fighting it takes to restore real freedom to America.

It's not a time for timidity or compromise. It's not a time for defensiveness and conciliation. It's time to take the offensive in this struggle.

I'm not a "conservative" because I see precious little left in this world worth conserving. Conservatives, from my experience, do not make good freedom fighters. They seem to think a victory is holding back attacks on liberty or minimizing them. They are forever on the defensive - trying to conserve or preserve an apple that is rotten to the core.

What is the rotten apple? You can see it in the government schools that dumb down American kids. You can see it in the universities that pervert the concepts of knowledge and wisdom. You can see it in the federalization and militarization of law enforcement. You can see it in the proliferation of non-constitutional government. You can see it in the real "trickle-down economics" of confiscatory taxes. You can see it in the unaccountable authorities which give us global treaties. You can see it in the relentless attacks on marriage and the family. You can see it in euthanasia, population control and the phony "right" to abortion on demand. You can see it in the surrender of our national security.

It's all got to go. But how? Politics as usual will never get us there.

Conservatives, it seems to me, only forestall the inevitable slide into tyranny. I don't want to forestall it. I want to prevent it. I want to reverse that slide. I want to restore the dream that was America.

Was George Washington a conservative? No. He was a revolutionary. He is known throughout the world - or was when people appreciated such concepts - as the "father of freedom."

Today, those who stand for freedom, justice, the rule of law, self-government and the moral principles of the Bible are not part of "the establishment." We're the rebels. By the world's standards, we're the renegades.

The founding fathers knew that even the best designed government wouldn't work if the people were not righteous, moral and God-fearing - if they didn't love liberty and cherish it.

To practice self-government again, we must have a people capable of self-government.

It takes courage to stand in the gap, to man the barricades, to say "enough is enough" - and mean it. It takes more than a "conservative" vision to lead the way back to freedom.


Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of WorldNetDaily.com and writes a daily column. Get an autographed, first-edition copy of Joseph Farah's 1996 book, "This Land Is Our Land," published by St. Martin's Press.

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Edmund Burke 1729-1797

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