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Dave Hartley

Source: http://www.sightings.com


Chemtrails & Disinformation

by Ken Welch


March 10, 2000

Spring comes early to the Texas Gulf Coast and since we’ve had very little
winter to speak of this year, the main indicator in the Houston area has
an unusual amount of overcast skies. Since January, we’ve seen exhausted
fronts periodically push down from the north, only to be pushed back again
warm moist air from the Gulf and lots of clouds. After more than a year of
chemtrail spraying, truly cloudless blue skies have become so rare that they
really stand out. One such day was Sunday before last, February 26th.
I’ve been involved in a photo project to better identify spray planes, I was
delighted to awaken to perfect "seeing" weather. Our local spraying group
been busy for many days, with spray plumes often visible through breaks in
the clouds, and the occasional taste of Ethylene Dibromide drifting through
the city. While the day before had seen some rain, there was no sign of it
this morning. Yet, for some reason, the spray crews seemed to be
I was disappointed because clear weather would give me some great photos and
a chance to try out a new lens, yet the planes were nowhere to be seen. I
would just have to keep an eye on the sky to see if they showed up later in
the day.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but a wonderful mood seemed to be sweeping
over the whole area and it seemed everyone wanted to be outside. I was
quickly caught up in spur of the moment plans to visit several open-air
markets in a search of great bargains in outdoor furniture and the like, and
discovered that twice the usual number of people were engaged in the same
pastime. The beautiful weather held for the whole day, with warm Texas
sunshine and a delightfully cool breeze from the north that made it a joy to
be outside. And not a chemtrail in sight the whole day.

Not even one!

In fact, the breeze became cooler and a bit stronger as the day progressed,
and when we got home I finally checked the weather situation to see what was
actually happening. The previous day’s rain had signaled the arrival of cool
air from the north, which had continued during the day on Sunday. In fact,
Sunday night actually got a little cool for people who’d spent the day in

The following day, warm moist air from the Gulf would flow northward again,
obliterating all traces of the exhausted cold front but reforming the cloud
cover that masked current spraying operations so well. Still, from our point
of view, the weather picture was quite significant. After fifteen months of
near continuous chemical spraying activity over Houston and so many other
major cities as well, why was there not a single white line in the sky on
that beautiful, cloudless Sunday?

Most readers will know that early last year I concluded that the chemical
spraying of civilian populations heralded a major event in the near future.
assume that this event will be marked by the heavy use of biologicals
decreased resistance to airborne infection is the only known result of
Ethylene Dibromide which seems relevant.

(Decreased fertility is gaining in significance as the program stretches out
over time.)

Others have more hopeful interpretations but I cannot see any reason for
other than wishful thinking. Since spraying operations have cost billions of
dollars at this point, I think it is safe to assume that we are looking at
event designed to create geopolitical and economic change of incredible
magnitude. As this "event" gets closer, we are seeing a sharp increase in
what I can only call disinformation.

I think that the expected curve of public awareness was carefully
with the conclusion that not enough people would wake up to what is
before it was too late. However, with the explosive growth of the Internet
chemtrail awareness is reaching "critical mass" much too soon. There are now
too many people who can say, "We know what you are doing, and when this is
all over you will pay."

At the same time a significant disinformation campaign is underway here and
in Europe to prevent this, and keep as many people as possible confused
what is really happening. To understand the logic, lets go back to that
beautiful Sunday. I’m up at the ranch today, and can see a nice spray
to the north over the city of Huntsville. Wind is from the west, so the
planes working Houston will be west of the city this morning, beyond my
horizon. If it shifts northward this afternoon they’ll be up here and I’ll
get out the camera. But on that particular, beautiful Sunday all spray
operations stopped, and there was not a single white line in the sky.


Cooler air was moving in that day so, according to the disinformation
campaign, those mysterious white lines in the sky should have been more
prevalent, and even longer lasting than usual. As most everyone is now
the disinformation specialist will tell you that your eyes and memory are
lying to you, and we are all seeing a "natural" phenomena called
Contrails are formed at high altitudes (roughly five or six miles up and
higher) when moisture in hot jet exhaust freezes, leaving a trail of minute
ice crystals that dissipates in a minute or so but under extremely cold and
still conditions can remain for longer periods.

Disinformation websites are actually posting pictures of chemical spray
plumes, and baldly telling everyone they are contrails. Interestingly
in Europe it appears that people have a better eye for distance and altitude
than they do here, or better memories of what contrails really look like, so
the contrail story doesn’t work so well.

Consequently, European disinformation channels are telling the people that
chemtrails are actually a pollution problem caused by a sudden and
conversion to high-polluting jet engines (the opposite is true), and what
must be a six-fold increase in commercial air traffic that apparently
happened overnight for no known reason. Here in the U.S. we would
dismiss this story as nonsense, but struggle with imaginary ice crystals
instead. So why would cooler temperatures in Houston cause the disappearance
of ice crystal formation in the upper atmosphere? Because it’s the wrong
question. In fact, we saw no "contrails" that day because spraying
were halted. There were no contrails from commercial air traffic simply
because Houston almost NEVER experiences contrails. There simply are very
few, if any, high altitude air routes that go over the city. If you will
at a map that shows the whole country you will see why.

Virtually all air traffic in our general neighborhood is arriving or
departing from one of our two major airports, and is at altitudes too low to
freeze anything at all. You can watch commercial flights all day long with a
simple pair of binoculars, and they never leave a trail of any kind at all.
Otherwise, the only explanation for the absence of "contrails" amid cooler
air would require that all air traffic was grounded that day.

NASA recently completed a landmark study of contrail formation and behavior
(wonder why?) and according to their results, the sub-zero temperatures
required are pretty awesome, at least to someone who lives near the Gulf
Coast. The chief scientist for the project has written that when
got any warmer than MINUS 35 degrees Centigrade, they couldn’t make a
contrail form at all.

To get a better handle on air temperatures and altitudes I appealed to
members of the chemtrail tracking club for help, and got responses from two
professional pilots that were invaluable.

First, I was directed to an excellent explanation of the way that decreased
air pressure causes a drop in temperature that can be calculated by formula.

Second, I was directed to the Winds Aloft Forecast, which is a goldmine of
information for anyone trying to understand spraying operations. Spraying
activity was halted over Houston on February 26th, not because of air
temperatures, but because winds at altitudes from 12,000 feet and below were
too fast to allow useful concentrations of chemicals to reach ground level
the city. In fact, the correspondence of wind speeds and spray days is SO
GOOD, I started to post predictions about whether we would see spraying or
not on the following day.

Unfortunately, the Winds Aloft Forecast itself is not very accurate beyond
about twelve hours, so I abandoned the effort. It worked if the winds
followed the forecast, but not if they didn’t. It’s right on the button for
current data though, and you can watch it’s correspondence with spraying
operations hold true, day after day.

The Winds Aloft Forecast is at http://www.awc-kc.noaa.gov/awc/awc-fd.html

In most locations spraying activity is now at fever pitch as the "event"
moves closer.

Consequently, I believe you will observe that there is always spraying
activity around major populated areas, in some cases 24 hours a day, unless
wind speeds in the critical zone from ground level to 12,000 feet prevent
This means that your work with the Winds Aloft Forecast will be confirmed by
days when the spraying stops, rather than the opposite. You will also see
that if wind speeds exceed 25 knots at 12,000 ft but are slower below that,
the spray planes are likely to operate at a slightly lower altitude as well,
giving you better photo opportunities if you are trying to catch the planes
rather than the spray plumes they leave behind. The winds aloft charts have
help function, or tutorial, that explains the abbreviated notations.

If you run in to difficulty, though, drop me a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I’ll walk you through it.

Once you’ve located the line of information that corresponds to a city near
your location, you will find that for various altitudes you have not only
wind speed and direction, but the TEMPERATURE at that altitude as well.
Disinformation channels that are pushing the contrail story believe that you
cannot tell the difference between an airplane two miles away and one that
five, six, or seven miles away.

Consequently, they don’t expect you to be very firm in identifying a spray
plane at 10,000 feet (2 miles) or 30,000 feet (5-6 miles). With a little
practice and common sense you can get pretty good at this, however. Drive by
an airport and see how much of a big jet on the ground you can see at two
miles. Learn the altitudes of traffic in and out of your airport and
compare commercial planes and spray planes. You can even use measured angles
and triangulation to get an excellent altitude reading, with two instruments
at least 500 feet apart and some familiarity with surveying math. Once you
have a good idea of spraying altitude, which is generally between 9-12,000
feet, you can check the temperatures on the Winds Aloft chart to prove to
yourself once and for all the contrail/ice crystals story is a complete sham
and total disinformation. Remember that temperatures must be below -35 C on
the chart to see even the most short lived contrail form, and far below that
to make one that lasts. Beyond the silliness of ice crystals and hitherto
unknown forms of pollution, what other forms of disinformation are we
Some is not disinformation at all, but simply confusion that I suspect is
honest although misleading. A case in point is the widely circulated report
of a current DARPA research project pointed at improved bio-war
countermeasures. Many people who understand full well that we are being
sprayed on almost a daily basis still cling to the hope that it must be for
some "good reason", despite the climbing death rate from various forms of
upper respiratory and other unusual diseases. Personally I have difficulty
with the idea that governments are willing to harm or kill people in small
numbers but not large numbers. It’s never been true in the past, and I doubt
that in a political arena of almost total corruption it should suddenly be
true now. Be that as it may, the DARPA countermeasures project is a good
of simple confusion. First, it is a CURRENT project. This automatically
it out, since full scale operations we see today must come from research and
experimentation considerably in the past. My guess would be that you would
have to look back more than ten years, before the reformulation of jet fuel
to include EDB which took place in 1991. But the important thing to note is
that the project documentation itself does not describe aerial spraying at
all. A few key words do not make a billion dollar spraying program. In fact,
it turns out that the hoped-for countermeasures are to be used to protect
troops in the field, who have only a few seconds warning of a chemical or
biological attack. Careful reading shows that the program is focusing on a
mechanism by which a thick mist of soap suds laced with germicides could be
blasted into the air, so thickly that all airborne microorganisms would be
coated, dragged to the ground, and killed. Actually it’s quite brilliant and
might well save lives. It certainly has nothing to do with aerial spraying
whole cities for months on end. Imagine! Every time it rained, the whole
would start to foam! In fact, any sort of countermeasure theory simply won’t
work. What happened to the people who were NOT sprayed and consequently not
protected, in the first month of the program. How about those who were not
protected in the second month, or the third or fourth? Did they all die? No,
of course not. They don’t even have symptoms. In fact there is no evidence
any current threat except for the spraying itself, and the fact that our
populations are more and more susceptible to airborne biological agents. In
the UK this year, so many people died from the flu that was not flu, that
bodies were stored in refrigerator trucks because the hospital morgues could
not handle the numbers. I suppose we should also look at the magical
immunization program as well, but it is so short on facts that there is
little to talk about. Yes, there is current research on how this might be
done. No, there is no way it could be implemented in a program that must
begun years ago. Presumably, if such a thing were possible, our military
would be using it now instead of injections of a dubious Anthrax vaccine
is causing all kinds of trouble. Disinformation about an airborne
program, while perhaps well motivated, carries the message, "Go back to
sleep". This always makes me nervous, since it is so close to the message we
get from the media every day. It raises an interesting question, though. How
would they know which particular disease, and perhaps the particular strain
of that disease, to immunize against?

While a sprayed vaccine is just wishful thinking for now, the military
vaccination program has a very odd quality to it and some unanswered
questions for sure. Equally puzzling is the similarity between the denial of
the existence of Gulf War Illness and the denial of the existence of
chemtrails. Both have been handled as absolute non-events while at the same
time being completely visible to anyone with their eyes open. Perhaps the
satellite photo below, showing the actual use of CHEMTRAILS in the GULF WAR
by US forces, links these two stories together?

Were sick and dying veterans actually the victims of friendly fire?

This discussion of bad information is not intended to discourage new ideas
the nature or purpose of chemtrails. Certainly the more of us that are
thinking, and doing a little digging here and there, the more likely we are
to run across answers. And debating the various ideas can only serve to
sharpen our reasoning skills.

A case in point, which I suspect to be disinformation, was the recent
announcement by Michael McDonnough, creator of Chemtrails.Org, that he had
solved the chemtrails riddle and we could all forget the whole thing.
McDonnough’s story, which I have difficulty following and may not be stating
correctly, is that he obtained the use of a computer program available to
public to track commercial flights around the country. On the day in
he fired up the program with its Internet link and it reported two
flights in his area.

For some reason he waited until the program reported them gone, and then
outside to see two chemtrails, which he captured on video and showed on his
website. From this he concluded that chemtrails are in fact contrails laid
down by commercial aircraft going about their normal business. Why this
be a logical conclusion, since he did not even see the planes, is a mystery
to me.

In an unusual twist, he also states that we are seeing a lot more
lately because the air is now wetter. This is truly amazing. If McDonnough
can figure out how to freeze 1000 degree (F) jet exhaust by making it wet
instead of cold, I’m sure there are commercial applications worth millions.

But I think he could just as easily have said it was because we are all
eating a lot more ice cream, and made just as much sense. Air more humid?
Where on earth did that come from?

Since normal humidity in Texas ranges up to 100% anyway, I wonder what
constitutes more? 110%? What that would feel like! But the real story was
software. I checked it out and found that for a monthly fee it does indeed
show most commercial flights known to the FAA computers. However, the big
news was that a lot of air traffic is deliberately blocked out, by
request or mandate. No flights with military or government designations are
shown. Aircraft with foreign registrations are only shown if they are a
commercial airline, and so on. In other words, McDonnough had no idea what
was actually in the sky at the time he was watching the screen. If he had
outside with a pair of binoculars and actually identified the two commercial
planes being reported, it might have made a good starting point.

Personally, I think he would observe that the commercial flights were
no trails at all, the same as elsewhere. As I see it, he really had no
information at all on which to base any sort of conclusion. Who knows what
other planes were in the sky at the time? He certainly offered nothing
else -
for instance, whether or not the timing and direction of the planes matched
the different ages and directions of the chemtrails. Chemtrails.Org appeared
on the seen rather suddenly and somewhat late in the game.

As far as I can tell, McDonnough made an outstanding effort to gather good
photos and get as many people as possible to visit his website. Then, after
relatively short term effort, we have this bizarre conclusion. It is
certainly disinformation because it clouds the whole issue for anyone trying
to find the truth, but is it deliberate? An embarrassingly poor grasp of
simple facts? A response to pressure of some kind? I doubt that we will ever

Deliberate chemtrail disinformation is not designed to change the minds of
anyone that is actually involved with investigation, but to inject as much
confusion as possible into those who are new to the idea and just now trying
to make sense of it all. Since the beginning, early last year, there have
been voices echoing a "party" line that chemtrails were just nonsense and
purely a "natural" phenomena.

At the time it was so obvious that we were talking about two different
that I don’t think anyone paid much attention to them. Having dealt with
several of these folks via e-mail conversation, I think my experience might
be useful in recognizing what is going on.

Generally, the disinformation channel will provide a great number of quotes
from esoteric texts on atmospheric physics, all about contrails. Or, if you
are in Europe, it will probably be all about the evils of pollution. You, if
you are inclined, might respond that no, what you are seeing with your own
eyes does not fit the requirements for contrails.

Their response, however, will be more information about the red herring,
completely ignoring the points you put on the table. You may think that the
person is some sort of retired academic, having difficulty going outside the
bounds of a comfortable field of study.

So you try again, asking how air that is above freezing could at the same
time freeze jet exhaust, or why aircraft were going from one town to the
next, lingering at each one to make a fancy pattern in the sky. Or why an
unusually low spray pattern was burning everyone’s eyes with those pesky
kerosene-smelling ice crystals?

And of course all you will get back is the same stuff you got to begin with.
The disinformation source will REFUSE TO DISCUSS any of the key points that
distinguish the intensive aerial spraying of population centers from the red
herring, be it contrails or pollution.

A relatively new factor, in an attempt to explain why so many people are
apparently lying about what they see with their own eyes, is to raise dark
hints that someone is making a lot of money from chemtrails.

I can’t imagine how, or who this might be, but hope they will pin it down
soon. I want to apply for my share, and I’m sure that many others who have
put long hours into this mystery will want to do the same! If you are like
me, you will at first be puzzled by the distinct lack of communication. Then
you will conclude that the man is simply stupid, perhaps even senile, and
cannot grasp the basic issues. Later, you may decide that you were the
one for wasting your time and that’s really what they wanted in the first

Finally, you may look again and realize that you were fooled into believing
two opposite concepts: that the person is fairly sharp because they have
marshaled a great deal if information about the false target, some of it
seemingly very difficult to follow, and because they have been able to write
well and /or put up a nice logically designed website. And that they are
abysmally stupid because they cannot grasp the key issues. (You may notice
this is the same set of beliefs that we are given at birth about our current
political process.)

Needless to say, you cannot have it both ways and must eventually pick one
the two. Are they abysmally stupid or sharp as foxes, and dedicated to their
assigned task?

Regardless of their efforts, however, in the U.S. it is too little and too
late. Much more often now, when I ask a stranger if he or she knows what
spray plane is doing overhead, the answer is "Yes, they are spraying
something. They call them chemtrails, don’t they?"

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