Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-28 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

But both the British and Americans fought valiantly
 and the important thing is, we are not the enemy.  :-}

I apologise if I offended anyone - my point was that there was a movement
called America First which actively influenced american industrialists not
to enter the war.
It is said that the american government had advanced intelligence on the
attack at pearl harbour,

the ordinary rank and file - folks like my family and yours go out and fight
valiantly for results that strategically are important for nation states but
unimportant for globalists and their profits who make more money than

and IF the US government knew about the oncoming attack a week in advance
and IF they redeployed some vessels it May be that the dead of pearl harbour
had been betrayed. ???
and if so - was pearl harbour a deliberate sacrifice ??? - these are
questions - maybe somebody knows the answer - but definitely no disrespect
to the lives that were lost.

andrew hennessey

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[CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Chicago Sun-Times

PEARL HARBOR / * 1/2 (PG-13)

May 25, 2001

Rafe McCawley: Ben Affleck
Danny Walker: Josh Hartnett
Evelyn: Kate Beckinsale
Doolittle: Alec Baldwin
Dorie Miller: Cuba Gooding Jr.
President Roosevelt: Jon Voigt

Touchstone presents a film directed by Michael Bay. Written by
Randall Wallace. Running time: 183 minutes. Rated PG-13 (for
sustained intense war sequences, images of wounded, brief sensuality
and some language).


Pearl Harbor is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about
how on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an
American love triangle. Its centerpiece is 40 minutes of redundant
special effects, surrounded by a love story of stunning banality. The
film has been directed without grace, vision or originality, and
although you may walk out quoting lines of dialogue, it will not be
because you admire them.

The filmmakers seem to have aimed the film at an audience that may
not have heard of Pearl Harbor, or perhaps even of World War II. This
is the Our Weekly Reader version. If you have the slightest knowledge
of the events in the film, you will know more than it can tell you.
There is no sense of history, strategy or context; according to this
movie, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because the United States cut off
its oil supply, and it was down to an 18-month reserve. Would going
to war restore the fuel sources? Did it perhaps also have imperialist
designs? The movie doesn't say.

So shaky is the film's history that at the end, when Jimmy
Doolittle's Tokyo raiders crash-land in China, they're shot at by
Japanese patrols without any explanation about the Sino-Japanese war
already under way. I predict some viewers will leave the theater
sincerely confused about why there were Japanese in China.

As for the movie's portrait of the Japanese themselves, it is so
oblique that Japanese audiences will find little to complain about,
apart from the fact that they play such a small role in their own
raid. There are several scenes where the Japanese high command
debates military tactics, but all of their dialogue is strictly
expository; they state facts but do not emerge with personalities or
passions. Only Adm. Yamamoto (Mako) is seen as an individual, and his
dialogue seems to have been rewritten with the hindsight of history.
Congratulated on a brilliant raid, he demurs, A brilliant man would
find a way not to fight a war. And later, I fear all we have done
is to awaken a sleeping giant.

Do you imagine at any point the Japanese high command engaged in the
1941 Japanese equivalent of exchanging high fives and shouting yes!
while pumping their fists in the air? Not in this movie, where the
Japanese seem to have been melancholy even at the time about the
regrettable need to play such a negative role in such a positive
Hollywood film.

The American side of the story centers on two childhood friends from
Tennessee with the standard-issue screenplay names Rafe McCawley (Ben
Affleck) and Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett). They enter the Army Air
Corps and both fall in love with the same nurse, Evelyn Johnson (Kate
Beckinsale)--first Rafe falls for her, and then, after he is reported
dead, Danny. Their first date is subtitled Three Months Later and
ends with Danny, having apparently read the subtitle, telling
Evelyn, Don't let it be three months before I see you again, OK?
That gets almost as big a laugh as her line to Rafe, I'm gonna give
Danny my whole heart, but I don't think I'll ever look at another
sunset without thinking of you.

That kind of bad laugh would have been sidestepped in a more literate
screenplay, but our hopes are not high after an early newsreel report
that the Germans are bombing downtown London--a difficult target,
since although there is such a place as central London, at no time
in 2,000 years has London ever had anything described by anybody as
a downtown.

There is not a shred of conviction or chemistry in the love triangle,
which results after Rafe returns alive to Hawaii shortly before the
raid on Pearl Harbor and is angry at Evelyn for falling in love with
Danny, inspiring her timeless line, I didn't even know until the day
you turned up alive--and then all this happened.

Evelyn is a heroine in the aftermath of the raid, performing triage
by using her lipstick to separate the wounded who should be treated
from those left to die. In a pointless stylistic choice, director
Michael Bay and cinematographer John Schwartzman shoot some of the
hospital scenes in soft focus, some in sharp focus, some blurred.
Why? In the newsreel sequences, they fade in and out of black and
white with almost amusing haste, while the newsreel announcer sounds
not like a period voice but like a Top-40 DJ in an echo chamber.

The most involving material in the film comes at the end, when
Doolittle (Alec Baldwin) leads his famous raid on Tokyo, flying Army
bombers off the decks of Navy carriers and hoping to 

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

The US government knew that it was going to happen -
and they actually 'redeployed' their best ships elsewhere

leaving the 'rubbish' for their co-conspirators the japanese,

I keep seeing the trailer in scotland '.. that america is a nation of
weaklings and playboys ...'

Wasn't it Lindenberg the pilot guy that was part of the America First
Movement that
actively blocked US participation in a European War - except for their
global factories
and banking -
eg. german factories on the Ruhr were deliberately not bombed
eg. Onasis tankers plied the mediteranean quite safely
eg. Junkers JU88 got the Wolframite for their engine alloy from Australia
eg. farber were into operating some concentration camps

I keep seeing the heroic side of america from CIA controlled Hollywood
but I have to be skeptical
all the US supplied the Uk with were some old solid fuel frigates for the
transatlantic run,
then after all the unnecessary hassle of finishing off the german war
machine -
the US actively imports the German 'scientists' to carry on the good work.

Its just the way that the US is portrayed - do you guys believe your own
Hollywood Hype ??


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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The USS Arizona went down at Pearl Harbour; a friend of the family was
on that one.

As for USA and England - my brother in law flew bombers over German from
High Wycombe (home of Hells Fire Caverns) and later was on Jimmy
Doolittles Staff in Asian part of war.

Our men laid themselves doon and deed for those bastard English and the
more I read of crap like this I am beginning to think we did fight on
the wrong side.

Remember the USS Liberty, the USS Cole, the USS Arizona and USS Oklahoma
and all the other ships and brave pilots flying the bluebirds over those
lousy white cliffs of what was once Dover.

England ain't got no class and it looks like the Scotts are headed down
under too.

Hope Wales remains home of Arthur.

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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 As for USA and England - my brother in law flew bombers over German from
 High Wycombe (home of Hells Fire Caverns) and later was on Jimmy
 Doolittles Staff in Asian part of war.

 Our men laid themselves doon and deed for those bastard English and the
 more I read of crap like this I am beginning to think we did fight on
 the wrong side.

there were only sides as far as the cattle were concerned - for as a
detailed look
at the Global Multinationals will prove to you - profit has no enemies or
read the analysis of the components that made up Hesses aircraft

and my family fought in those pointless conflicts as well - there were no
sides really,
in the first world war it was a bunch of english coalminers fighting a bunch
german coalminers in a muddy field far away from any real towns or
the only thing that got damaged were the poppies.
My grandfather got a medal for taking out a german fixed fire machinegun
oh the glory - but the reality was that the english and scottish  and german
would have been charging their own troops in pursuit of better wages and
working conditions

But I'm not desecrating the pointless waste of life, the futile waste of
life that is a war for some
misplaced notion of national greatness - the companies that run these wars
have enough
money and profit to make nations look like street urchins scraping about for
their dimes

the 'national pride' card is rather like being the employee of some very
very poor corporation,
but as the global trade treaties can show you - Global Corporations with
factories in china, taiwan,
america, germany, england, india, south america can easily bully nations
like canada into accepting
a bad deal - a multinational recently sued canada.

The reality is that an entire village of my relatives fought and died for
nothing, for the 5th Reich
and all the nazi research and researchers still lives on doesn't it ??

 Hope Wales remains home of Arthur.

sad news for you there too - historically, 'north wales' was the central
lowlands of scotland


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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 but as the global trade treaties can show you - Global Corporations with
 factories in china, taiwan,
 america, germany, england, india, south america can easily bully nations
 like canada into accepting
 a bad deal - a multinational recently sued canada.

Nobody has to bully Canada into accepting these trade agreements as
Canadian politicians are lapdogs for mutlinationals and globalism is seen
as something akin to Utopia by almost all pols and the media (barring the
occasional whinge from the CBC mind you). But this is to be expected in a
nation that yearns passionately to be the UN's model state - the perverse
logic here says that in allowing our country to be dominated and dictated
to by outside forces we somehow create a strong Canadian identity for

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, Andrew, I believe there was a little more involved than
that.  And bad timing as this is Memorial Day (Monday) when we
honor our deceased military.  Hollywood may have 'weaklings
and playboys' but that is not America.  We do not get our
information from there but from our families and we learn of
relatives who died and how. We know history text books are not
to be trusted and try to learn the truth from as many records
as we can access. I think it is mostly foreigners who buy into
the hype, and tourists.  Average Americans are very different
and perhaps you are buying into something yourself with your
denial. We don't like the Globalists, either.

But speaking of America importing the scientists started me
thinking~~perhaps I live in a rather interesting area after
all despite it being rather rural .  Many of the scientists
went to the jet propulsion lab at Palo Alto in California but
the majority of them came here to the Marshall Space and
Rocket Center/NASA/Redstone Arsenal here in Alabama.  I doubt
that very many people ever think of them any more who do not
live here as I do.

There used to be only one German restaurant in Huntsville so
there were frequently some of them there eating.  One would
see the wives shopping in small groups of 4 or 5, still
preferring to speak German among themselves.

I saw a once distinguished scientist so old and feeble he was
being assisted to the restroom last time I was there at the
restaurant. Really sad for we are genuinely fond of them and
named the local civic center for Werner Von Braun.  I wonder
exactly under what conditions they came and if they had
options or orders.

A friend of mine has a daughter who was doing community
service for National Honor Society and she was to take an
elderly person living alone to lunch.  I was elected to drive
for her mother was at work that day.  The lady was the widow
of one of the scientists.  During lunch we learned that she
had had a child that died during the war and they never had
any more children, she said, what with all the 'moving about.'
The teenager continued to ask the elderly woman questions
throughout lunch.  At first, she seemed rather startled and
maybe almost fearful when asked things such as 'how did you
happent o come to this country?  Eventually she seemed to
realize the girl was just attempting polite conversation.

The widow just said We came with the after the war effort.
When asked if she would not like to return to Germany now, she
did seem startled and said that the only relative she found
after the war was now deceased and she knew no one there.
Here, she said, she had five friend.

I cannot imagine what that must be like for her, here in this
country with no relatives and a very few friends so far from
where she started in life.  And actually sort of a child's
school project.  How 'long ago and far away' the Germany of
her childhood must seem to her now.  She is truly 'a stranger
in a strange land' despite efforts to make it her home.

And mind your manners, Laddie, for so very many in this
country have Scottish ancestors, particularly in this area
where it is about 100%.  Rare indeed is the person who does
not, so careful with the names.  Look in any American phone
book and you might be surprised at the percentage of names
that are totally familiar to you. My own family is fraught
with the Campbells, Kirks, Anderson and McIntyres.  You are
right about Gobalist knowing no national loyalties, only
profit.  But both the British and Americans fought valiantly
and the important thing is, we are not the enemy.  :-}

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

The US government knew that it was going to happen -
and they actually 'redeployed' their best ships elsewhere

leaving the 'rubbish' for their co-conspirators the japanese,

I keep seeing the trailer in scotland '.. that america is a
nation of
weaklings and playboys ...'

Wasn't it Lindenberg the pilot guy that was part of the
America First
Movement that
actively blocked US participation in a European War - except
for their
global factories
and banking -
eg. german factories on the Ruhr were deliberately not bombed
eg. Onasis tankers plied the mediteranean quite safely
eg. Junkers JU88 got the Wolframite for their engine alloy
from Australia
eg. farber were into operating some concentration camps

I keep seeing the heroic side of america from CIA controlled
but I have to be skeptical
all the US supplied the Uk with were some old solid fuel
frigates for the
transatlantic run,
then after all the unnecessary hassle of finishing off the
german war
machine -
the US actively imports the German 'scientists' to carry on
the good work.

Its just the way that the US is portrayed - do you guys
believe your own
Hollywood Hype ??


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