by Jim Smith
L.A. Labor News

Like a dry, hot desert wind in late summer, an oppressive layer of foreboding hangs 
over the city of the angels on the eve of the clash of two opposing social movements.

Anti-globalization, pro-democracy workers, students, socialists, anarchists and 
veterans of battles in Seattle, D.C., and Philadelphia are poised to confront those 
torchbearers of civilization and empire, the leaders of the Democratic Party. They 
will confront each other on political, ideological and physical levels. It is the 
latter that has ordinary citizens of Los Angeles convinced that we are on the verge of 
a Big One, magnitude 7.5 or greater. Depending on their political persuasion and color 
of their skin, Angelinos are girding for either a police riot, or they are 
anticipating anarchists and/or terrorists running wild in their downtown streets. As a 
result, no one except delegates, demonstrators and police will be showing up on the 
highrise field of battle for the next week. However, 3,000 National Guard troops are 
standing by to join the fracas.

Poor L.A. She began as a paradise of mountains and fields. Later she contracted a 
hacking cough from the SMOke and foG. Her Native California Indians were nearly 
extinguished. Her Mexicans were conquered by manifest destiny and her 
African-Americans saw their good union jobs disappear in the late 70s as auto, rubber 
and steel plants “went South.” Rampant development - a literal fear of ecology - 
riots, earthquakes, uprisings, a paramilitary police force that was unaccountable to 
anyone, fires, droughts, and rebellions finally led us to Ramparts, the most massive 
police misconduct scandal in U.S. history. No wonder Angelinos expect the worst.

Instead of calming fears, police and L.A.’s Republican Mayor Richard Riordan (who is 
heading the Democratic Party’s convention planning committee - talk about Coke and 
Pepsi!) are following Chicago’s late Mayor Daley's (whose son is Albert Gore’s 
campaign manager) dictum, circa Chicago 1968, that “the police are here to preserve 
disorder.” On July 13, the Mayor’s byline appeared in an L.A. Times opinion article 
entitled, “A Fair Warning to All: Don't Disrupt Our City,” in which His Honor 
explicitly threatened demonstrators who might interfere with the expensive happy face 
L.A. was presenting to the world. LAPD officials quickly followed up with a biased 
video presentation to the L.A. City Council of the Seattle protests that could have 
been made during the McCarthy era. The stage was set for serious government violence. 
County Sheriff Lee Baca’s statement, August 10, "We have plenty of room in our jails" 
was merely icing on the cake.

Antidotal evidence says the LAPD is itching for a fight. L.A.’s first African-American 
Police Chief Willie Williams was quickly deposed when he actually tried to implement 
reforms called for by the Christopher Commission in the wake of the Rodney King 
beating and subsequent massive uprising. He was replaced by Bernard Parks who acts as 
if he has never heard of Warren Christopher. Parks appointed Tom Lorenzen, the former 
head of L.A.’s SWAT squad, to be field commander of the convention detail (what 
valuable skills does he bring to the job?). Friends who have relatives who are married 
to cops say the LAPD wants to regain its honor after its slow reaction to the 1994 
uprising and to the Lakers’ victory party riot last month. “It’s the Vietnam syndrome 


It’s Saturday night. Tomorrow is the first big march - for Mumia Abu Jamal. He is the 
poster model for the fight against capital punishment. He is becoming our patron 
saint, in the way that Che Guevara is the patron saint of Cuba. The fact that he is 
wrongly accused of killing a Philadelphia cop is incidental - except to the cops who 
see red at the mention of his name. If we can get past Sunday without police violence, 
we have a chance to get home free.

I visit the Independent Media Center in Patriotic Hall, which is just a stone’s throw 
(excuse the expression) from the “Office Supply” convention center (you won’t get a 
free commercial plug from me), where the convention will take place. About 100 
veterans and new video, audio and print journalists are gathered in a stuffy room 
where they lay plans to cover the demonstration with military precision. If the pen is 
indeed mightier than the sword, these are the people for the establishment to fear. 
They’re well organized and they have diverse skills which are not in service to the 
corporations. What could be scarier? “Democracy Now,” the “Nightline” of the 
alternative media will be encamping on these premises by Monday and delivering TV, 
radio and web feeds across the country. Do the Democrats have a chance of winning the 
ideological battle? I think not.

Onward to the Peoples Convention which is holding forth in the Belmont High School 
auditorium. Downtown is thick with California Highway Patrol and LAPD vehicles. What 
will it be like tomorrow.

The Peoples Convention was nearly left out in the cold. It wasn’t until Aug. 4 that 
legal pressure forced the school district to honor its contract and allow the 
convention to use its auditorium. The uncertainty of a location obviously hurt its 
attendance. When I arrived, no other media are present and about 50 diehards are 
listening to the windup of a panel on the CIA’s role in bringing crack cocaine to 
south central L.A. This has been a hot topic in the Black community since Gary Webb 
broke the story in the San Jose Mercury News and lost his job as a result.

In the previous four days, Peoples’ conventioneers had heard from United Farmworker 
Vice President Dolores Huerta on the need for third parties and various local 
political radicals and some elected officials on issues ranging from neoliberal 
globalism to the need for a gang truce in Los Angeles. As I left, organizers were 
distributing 30-odd resolutions for ratification or rejection by the body. In spite of 
the lack of violence and terrorism, early arriving media from as far away as Japan had 
aired parts of the four-day proceedings.

My last stop was the Convergence Center. It was only yesterday that a federal judge 
had barred the LAPD from staging a preemptive raid on this West 7th street 
headquarters of the D2KLA and the Direct Action Network. The four-story building was 
thronged with people. I made the mistake of walking in with my press credentials 
showing. For this, I was quickly accosted by a security person who told me that media 
visitation hours were over. Fortunately, my union had endorsed D2K early on. This 
gained me entrance to the ground floor with a promise not to go higher where important 
meetings were underway. The ground floor turned out to be a production area for giant 
puppets - those icons that have taken the place of the saints and the Virgin Mary in 
our political processions. In fact, the judge specifically prohibited the LAPD from 
messing with the puppets - unless they were weapons (as if an icon is not a weapon!).

Tomorrow, and the next few days, will tells us if the First Amendment is alive and 
well in Los Angeles. Right now it’s a toss-up.

L.A. Labor News <> will publish daily reports on its website on 
the Battle of Los Angeles, with a particular emphasis on labor activities.

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.........It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

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