-Caveat Lector-

               Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage
                                                            by Robert Henry

LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE is about the financiers, their fellow
conspirators and the plot to destroy Western Christian civilization. It was
written for the concerned American -- not for the skeptic.

In likelihood, the skeptic will, without ever having read it, dismiss this
-- with a roll of the eyes and wave of the hand while at the same time
declaring it to he outrageous fiction -- just another attempt to promote the
"conspiracy theory of history."

Quite honestly, I did not write LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE with a
hope or intention of convincing those "doubting Thomases" who, unlike the
Apostle Thomas who finally believed, will continue to deny the existence of
the conspiracy in spite of overwhelming and conclusive evidence to the
contrary. Actually these skeptics are important to the conspirators; they
are the "useful idiots" so cherished by Lenin.

Primarily, this work was written for anyone who suspects that there is much
more to modern European and American history than can be learned from the
standard and approved history textbooks. This work is written for the
Godfearing citizen who finds it difficult to believe that our country fought
two world wars and spilled the blood of our sons supposedly to make the
world free for all mankind, when in actuality we made it possible for two
bloodiest empires in history to enslave over a fourth of the world's people
in godless communism.

In this work we have tried to answer some obvious questions. why, who,
where, what, when. Why is there a conspiracy? Who are some of the
conspirators? Where does the funding come from? What is the motivation? When
did it all begin? In such a brief work, we don't pretend to present all of
the answers or name all of the conspirators or their naive "useful idiots.'

The late Congressman Carroll Reece (R-TN) chaired a congressional committee
which investigated the spending patterns of some major tax-exempt
foundations and concluded that there was evidence of a "diabolical
conspiracy" to enslave America. The assertion that this conspiracy is a plot
to overthrow Western Christian civilization is borne out by the evidence.

This work is nothing more or less, than a primer about the players and
payers in the plot. Hopefully, the reader will be provided with an
understanding of certain international events which otherwise would be

In this case, although the truth may or may not set us free, it can help us
understand why we are gradually losing our freedoms and being eased into a
one-world socialist federation/government where Christianity is considered a
superstition for the under-educated.

During the darkest days of World War II, the very survival of Britain was at
stake when Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallied the nation against an
implacable foe. His famous "V" for victory signal was recognized around the
world and became symbolic of a people unwilling to surrender to an evil
oppressor. Twenty years earlier, Churchill had warned of an even greater
threat; but his words went unheeded.

In a 1920 magazine article, Winston Churchill spoke of "this world-wide
conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of
society." Tragically, for the entire human race in general and Western
Christian civilization in particular, Churchill's caveat was heard by too
few, and understood by fewer still.

Churchill's World War II ally, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) either failed
or refused to understand that a communist conspiracy threatened the West,
including America; his chief foreign policy advisor for the crucial Yalta
Summit with Joe Stalin had already been identified as a Soviet agent. When
told by fellow Democrat Martin Dies that some of his most sensitive
appointments were communists, FDR angrily retorted, "Several of the best
friends I have are communists."

The French writer George Sand once wrote that "universal revolution" was the
goal of the conspirators who had reached the "point of fanaticism."
Certainly Karl Marx's fanaticism had reached the level of madness when he
declared "I hate all the gods."

If communism is anything, it is madness. It is a fatally flawed system which
denies the existence of God, the dignity of man and the freedom of the
marketplace. To the communist leader, the end always justifies the means,
which was amply demonstrated by Deng Tsiao-ping in Peking's Tiananmen Square
on June 4, 1989, when over 2,500 peaceful demonstrators, many of whom were
students asleep in tents, were systematically slaughtered. Some were
machine-gunned; others were crushed by tanks. Some of the medical personnel
tending the injured were shot in the back.

Deng's mentor, Mao Tse-tung, believed and taught as have all communist
leaders that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. So, the
Tiananmen Square massacre, like the Gorbachev-sanctioned massacre of
Georgians in April of '89, should have surprised no one. Communists were
acting predictably like communists.

What is surprising however, is that for almost a century, wealthy
capitalists have financed the communist conspiracy both here and abroad.
Historian George Knupffer's suspicion that this alliance smelled "of treason
and collusion between alleged opponents," was subsequently confirmed when a
U.S. Communist Party official bragged to his comrades, "We are using
capitalist money to destroy capitalism."

This treatise deals with the atheistic conspiracy and its strange appeal to
Western capitalists, international bankers, and certain influential U.S.
leaders who have made continuing efforts to substitute humanism for
Christianity and a socialist economy for the free marketplace, thereby
changing life in America "so as to make possible a merger with the Soviet

Chapter One
IN 1920, as Lenin and his band of Bolsheviks were brutally solidifying their
stranglehold on the Russian peasants, Winston Churchill wrote, "From the
days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, down to Trotsky (Russia),
Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (USA), this
world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the
reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious
malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played .
. . a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.
It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement, during the
Nineteenth Century; and now, at last, this band of extraordinary
personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America
have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become
practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." (ILLUSTRATED
SUNDAY HERALD, February 8, 1920.)

Many students of atheistic communism are under the impression that Marx
started the movement about the time he wrote the Communist Manifesto in
1848, when actually, the fires of communist revolution had already been
smoldering in Europe for at least seventy-five years. Significantly
Churchill charged that this subversive conspiracy "played a definitely
recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution."

However, Churchill gives first place among communist revolutionaries not to
Marx, but to "Spartacus-Weishaupt."

Wieshaupt, born in Germany in 1748, received his early training from the
Jesuits and although inspired by their organizational ability, nevertheless
developed an intense hatred for their religious order. "He turned with
eagerness to the subversive teaching of the French philosophers [Rousseau
and Voltaire] and the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans," wrote
British historian Nesta Webster (WORLD REVOLUTION). Wieshaupt was greatly
influenced by Voltaire who was described by J. Cretineau-Joly as "the most
perfect incarnation of satan that the world has ever seen."

In Ingoldstadt, on May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt adopted the alias "Spartacus"
when he organized the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret revolutionary society
which later was headquartered in Munich.

Weishaupt, like Rousseau, held that civilization was a mistake. And like
Voltaire, he believed that man should return to raw nature, love of God,
love of country and love of family must give way to an intense hatred of
Christ and a vague concept of love for a universal happy family always, of
course, under the watchful eyes and forceful direction of the elitist
Illuminati. Weishaupt predicted that mankind, in this natural state
unhindered by Christianity, patriotism and love of one's family, would reach
"its highest perfection" and ultimately develop "the capacity for governing

Publicly, Marx made similar predictions that after a perfect state of
atheistic communism was reached, government would wither away. However, in
private, Weishaupt and his ideological descendants Marx and Lenin, expressed
the belief that the average man was too stupid to govern himself and that a
self-appointed inner-circle or Illuminati would secretly rule.

Until Bavarian police discovered Illumnist documents on the person of a dead
courier, Weishaupt had operated secretly so as not to alert the authorities.
His inner-circle adepts infiltrated and manipulated other European secret
societies in order to avoid discovery, build power, influence minds and
convert sympathizers. They took aliases like "Spartacus"; they used
misleading language or doubletalk; they denied the existence of the
Illuminati when questioned by governments; they lied when it served their
purposes; and like modern-day communists, they used any means, no matter how
brutal, immoral, or illegal, to achieve their ends the absolute destruction
of Christian civilization, and the creation of a BRAVE NEW WORLD in an
atheistic new age where, in the name of humanism, illumined man would
perfect and worship himself.

The late Whittaker Chambers after his long agonizing search for truth,
finally realized that man's ultimate happiness could be found only in
Christianity, not in communism. He wrote that the humanistic-communist
conspiracy 'is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its
promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil: 'Ye shall be as Gods.'

Chapter Two
FREQUENTLY, the French Revolution of 1789 is compared to the 1776 American
war for independence. It has even been suggested that the French were
inspired to action by the American example. Nothing could be further from
reality: the God-fearing American colonialists wanted to free their land
from foreign government; the French Revolution, on the other hand, was the
conscious result of a godless conspiratorial plotting and of created

"To whatever agency we attribute it, however, the mechanism of the French
Revolution distinguishes it from all previous revolutions . . . But in the
French Revolution we see for the first time that plan in operation which has
been carried on right up to the present moment -- the systematic attempt to
create grievances in order to exploit them," wrote Nesta Webster (WORLD

Adam Weishaupt's revolutionary and atheistic Illuminati had spread its
tenacles throughout Europe after he and his secret society were banned in
Bavaria. Weishaupt spent several years in Paris where the Illuminati, the
Jacobins and members of Grand Orient Lodge, inspired by the writings of
Rousseau and Voltaire, plotted the French Revolution.

At Charlestown, S.C. on May 9,1798, the Rev. Jedediah Morse preached this
remarkable sermon on the Illuminati: "Practically all of the civil and
ecclesiastical establishments of Europe have already been shaken to their
foundations by this terrible organization; the French Revolution itself is
doubtless to be traced to its machinations . . . The Jacobins are nothing
more nor less than the open manifestation of the hidden system of the
Illuminati. The order has its branches established and its emissaries at
work in America. The affiliated Jacobin societies in America have doubtless
had as the object of their establishment the propagation of the principles
of the illuminated mother club in France."

Morse's warning of the secret conspiracy was not an isolated incident. No
less a personage than the president of Yale University, the Rev. Timothy
Dwight, in July 1798 spoke to New Raven churchgoers of his deep concern
about the influence of the Illuminati and the outrages of the French
Revolution, "no impious sentiment of action against God has been spared; no
malignant hostility against Christ and his religion has been unattempted.
Justice, truth, kindness, piety, and moral obligation universally have been
not merely trodden underfoot . . . but ridiculed, spurned, and insulted . .
. Is it that we may see the Bible cast into a bonfire, the vessels of the
sacramental supper borne by an ass in public procession, and our children
either wheedled or terrified, uniting in the mob, chanting mockeries against
God and hailing to the sounds of the 'ca ira' the ruin of their religion and
the loss of their souls? Shall our sons become the disciples of Voltaire and
. . . our daughters the concubines of the Illuminati?"

The blasphemies against God, the desecration of churches, the massacre of
clergy, the rape of nuns, the beheading of innocent persons solely because
of their class, the pillaging of private property, the burning of libraries,
and the destruction of the Christian monarchy -- all of these violent
cruelties first took place on a grand scale during the French Revolution and
the subsequent "Reign of Terror." Robespierre, revolutionary leader and
disciple of Weishaupt and Rousseau, introduced the tactic of class warfare
during the French Revolution.

The French Revolution set the pattern for future communist revolutions and
it bequeathed its godlessness to Karl Marx who, by 1838, at the age of 20
had become an atheist. In 1843 he moved to Paris where he immersed himself
in a study of the French communists and their revolution against Christian
civilization. On the subject of the French revolutionaries, George Sand,
member of the French Grand Orient lodge, wrote, "It [the conspiracy] was
maturing in the minds of believers to the point of fanaticism, in the form
of a dream of universal revolution . . ."

Karl Marx was just such a fanatic. Inspired by the materialism of Ludwig
Feuerbach and the dialectics of G. F. W. Hegel, Marx and his collaborator
Friedrich Engels developed the "science" of communism (i.e. Marxism) which
would inspire revolutionary fanatics of the future.

Chapter Three
IN 1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the Manifesto of the Communist
Party which began, "A spectre is haunting Europe -- the spectre of
Communism. All the powers of Europe have entered into a holy alliance to
exorcise this spectre; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot . . . Communism
is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a Power. It is
high time that communists should openly, in the face of the whole world,
publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery
tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto.

Karl Marx, who co-authored the Communist Manifesto which changed the course
of history, was a man inspired and motivated not by love but by an intense
all-consuming hatred of God and his fellow man.

The cause and development of this fanatical, even maniacal hatred, was in
part rooted in his childhood.

Born May 5, 1818, in the Rhenish town of Trier, Marx lived until 1883.
According to Sidney Hook in THE AMBIGUOUS LEGACY, "On both sides of his
family he was descended from a long line of Jewish rabbis. For social
reasons, Marx's father became converted to protestantism and his son grew up
without any consciousness of himself as being Jewish . . . Marx attended
briefly the University of Bonn and then the University of Berlin where he
developed strong intellectual interests in law, philology, and theology.
Upon the completion of his doctorate, he was made editor of the Rheinische
Zeitung, which was shortly suppressed because of its advanced liberal

Dr. Agnes Murphy in her book AN EVIL TREE presents a different perspective
of Marx. She asserts that Marx reacted irrationally to his father's
conversion from Judaism to Christianity. "As the intelligent and
temperamental Karl grew older, he . . . felt keenly the hypocrisy he had to
assume. He began to hate both Jew and non-Jew. This experience was probably
the first contribution to the reservoir of hate which he was to build in his
soul as he grew from youth to manhood to old age."

Herschel Marx wrote letters to his son Karl in which he expressed his deep
gloom and terrifying fear about his son's future because of young Marx's
excessive egotism and total lack of love for his parents. By the time he was
20, Karl had decided that there was nothing in the universe except that
which could be weighed and measured. Therefore, he had no soul to save and
no God to interfere with his liberty. He had become a hate-filled atheist
declaring, "I hate all the gods."

This is the contradictory hallmark of communists: as avowed atheists, they
deny the existence of God and yet they emphatically declare their hatred of
God. According to the late J. Edgar Hoover, Marx "called for war against
religion, a war that was to become the cornerstone of communist philosophy."

On June 12, 1843 Marx married his hometown sweetheart Jenny von Westphalen,
the daughter of a prominent and successful government official in Trier. In
spite of having a loving wife and growing family, Marx, refused to work
regularly for a living. Hook wrote that the wealthy Engels not only
collaborated with Marx in the development of the theory of communism but
also "relieved the burden of crushing poverty on Marx's family. Exiled from
Paris, Marx went to Brussels where he joined the Communist League and on the
eve of the Revolution of 1848 wrote the Communist Manifesto. He took a
lively part in helping to organize [that] Revolution . . . in Western
Europe, [and] was banished from Brussels, arrested, tried and freed in
Germany, and compelled to leave France again. He finally found political
asylum in London, where he spent the rest of his life."

Despite handouts from Engels and occasional fees for articles for the NEW
YORK TRIBUNE, Marx lived in squalor, was often sick, and suffered from boils
and rheumatism. Jenny's health failed and her seventh child was stillborn.
When another child, Franziska, died in infancy, there was not enough money
for a funeral and so a neighbor gave them a pittance for a small coffin.
Often, Jenny kept their remaining children alive by feeding them nothing
more than bread and potatoes. Ironically, Marx, whose Manifesto called for
the abolition of all inheritance, was hoping for the quick death of Jenny's
uncle so they would inherit his money.

"But Marx was stubborn," wrote Hoover. In spite of the tremendous suffering
and deprivations to which he subjected Jenny and his children, his thoughts
and concerns, his writings and work, were always about revolution and

According to a 1960 U.S. Congressional report on the history of communism,
after the revolution of 1848, Marx "began to prepare systematically the
ground for further revolutionary upheavals."

In their Manifesto, Marx and Engels enumerated the goals for a successful
communist revolution. The following are four of their specific proposals
with the author's comments in parentheses:

"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax"; (a graduated income tax was
first passed into U.S. law in 1913 and during the Presidency of Franklin D.
Roosevelt, it became heavily graduated. Ronald Reagan reduced the extreme
graduation of the tax levels, although the principle of the graduated tax

"Abolition of all rights of inheritance"; (a heavy inheritance tax partially
accomplishes this goal)

"Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national
bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly"; (Federal Reserve Bank)

"Free education for all children in public schools." (no comment necessary)

When Karl Marx was finally expelled from Prussia, he penned this arrogant
farewell message: "We are ruthless. We ask no quarter from you, the
officials. When our turn comes, we will not hide our terrorism."

Every Soviet communist leader from Lenin to the current secretary general
has openly proclaimed strict adherence to Marxism. And ruthless they all
have been -- for a communist totalitarian regime cannot exist otherwise.

Chapter Four
REVOLUTIONS don't just happen. They aren't spontaneous and they certainly
aren't cheap. Karl Marx, one of the principal players in the centuries-old
plot to overthrow Christian civilization, was in large part financed by
fellow conspirator Friedrich Engels who benefitted from his wealthy and
industrious father.

Similarly, Lev Bronstein and Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov -- better known by
their aliases Trotsky and Lenin -- who developed the actual principles of
the Communist Party, were financed in their atheistic revolutionary
activities by some very wealthy foreign bankers.

In his book THE STRUGGLE FOR WORLD POWER, Russian historian George Knupffer
concluded, "the main point was that this revolution was supported first and
foremost by certain circles to whom national boundaries were a matter of no
importance and who thought and acted internationally at all times."

Other historical writers support Knupffer's conclusion. Former Canadian
naval officer and intelligence expert Commander William G. Carr, in his book
PAWNS IN THE GAME, reveals, "In the summer of 1917 . . . it was finally
decided that Kuhn-Loeb of New York should place $50,000,000 to the credit of
Lenin and Trotsky in the bank of Sweden. Both British and American
intelligence officers reported these facts to their respective governments
in 1917."

The book WATERS PLOWING EASTWARD by the Parisian L. Fry (a.k.a. Paquita de
Shishinaraff) reveals that Jacob Schiff, a senior partner in the New
York-based international banking house of Kuhn-Loeb and Co, "had long been
interested in the revolutionary movement in Russia and had transferred large
sums to support it through his bank as far back as 1905."

According to Knupffer, the revolution "was heavily subsidized during the
decades preceding it, and more especially during the First World War. Most
of the money came from two sources: New York and Berlin. This may seem
somewhat strange to the uninitiated, as in the last period of the war,
Germany and America were enemies . . . Nevertheless, the truth is simple: In
New York the money was given by such as the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
whose directors included Mr. J. Schiff and Mr. Warburg, founder of the
Federal Reserve System. While in Berlin the financing of the revolution was
handled by the German Imperial Staff working in conjunction with a German
banker [Max Warburg] who was a brother to the New York Warburg . . ."
Apologists for Schiff, Warburg, and the Kuhn-Loeb banking house, say that
the Jewish bankers gave tens of millions of dollars to fund the communist
revolution to gain equality for Russian Jews; but this rationale disregards
that Kerensky obtained equality for Jews without Lenin and without declaring
war on Christianity.

When anarchy in Russia reached a boiling point in early 1917, Tsar Nicholas
abdicated and the centuries old Romanov dynasty collapsed in March of that
year. Guaranteeing the imperial family safe passage to exile in England,
socialist Kerensky and his Menshevik party took control of the provisional
government of Russia whereupon he passed laws creating total equality for
Jews. In his epic work, THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, William Henry Chamberlin
explains that on April 2, 1917, the Kerensky government abolished "all legal
limitations on the rights of Russian citizens, based on faith or
nationality. This decree primarily benefited the Jews.

Kerensky had no intention of having the Christian monarch assassinated nor
did he express plans to close and destroy the churches or to outlaw
Christian worship.

World War I was raging and Lenin was in neutral Switzerland unable to travel
to Russia to take part in the revolution. According to Chamberlin, "Vladimir
Ilyitch Lenin, the man who was to impose on the Russian Revolution its final
form, was still pacing the streets of dull, respectable, middle-class
Zurich, conjuring up one scheme after another for crossing the inhospitable
battle-fronts that separated him from his native country, which he
instinctively realized, was ripe as never before for social upheaval on the
grand scale."

The Tsar was out; Kerensky was in; and Jews had total equality. However,
Jacob Schiff was not satisfied. He and his Kuhn-Loeb bank made tens of
millions of dollars available to Lenin and Trotsky and the German Imperial
general-staff made available a train of sealed boxcars to assure safe
passage for Lenin and his aides through the war zones.

Arriving at the now famous Finland Station in Petrograd on the night of
April 16th, Lenin proclaimed to his fellow Bolsheviks, 'The Russian
Revolution which you have carried out has laid the foundation for a new
epoch. Long live the worldwide socialist revolution!" With this battlecry,
Lenin boldly announced the ultimate goal of the Marxists -- the
establishment of world-wide atheistic communism. In November, Lenin led the
second Russian revolution of 1917, this tie against the popular Kerensky and
his Mensheviks. The Tsar and his family were imprisoned and forbidden to go
into exile, and then, in 1918, were brutally assassinated by the Bolsheviks.
Thus began the bloodiest chapter in modem history and the establishment of a
"government" whose leaders had vowed to destroy property rights and
Christianity while enslaving the world's people in barbaric bondage. They
had created what they called the "dictatorship of the proletariat" when in
fact they had created a demonic dictatorship which had no use for the
Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity.

The irony is that while Lenin and Trotsky were establishing their violently
anti-Christian government in Russia with the financial backing of some New
York bankers, revolutionaries in New York were establishing an American
communist party with the financial backing of Dr. Julius Hammer, a wealthy
New York City pharmaceutical manufacturer from Odessa, Russia.

A strange and mysterious pattern had been established whereby certain
wealthy capitalists -- bankers, industrialists, philanthropists -- funded
communist revolutionary activities and their ensuing atheistic communist
governments. Tragically, this pattern, described by Knupffer as smelling "of
treason and collusion between alleged opponents," remains in use even today.

Chapter Five
DR. ARMAND HAMMER, chairman of Occidental Petroleum and headline-grabbing
friend of present and past Soviet leaders, is well known to Americans. Like
his communist friends in the Soviet Union, he frequently indulges in
exaggeration when describing his successes in life -- real or imagined. When
it comes to selling himself, his own aggressiveness knows few equals. This
unparalleled brashness, this penchant for aiding communists, this aggressive
deal-making, all these characteristics seem to be inherited directly from
his father Julius Hammer who was born in Russia in 1873 and brought to
America the following year by his adoptive parents, Jacob and Victoria
Hammer who, according to author Joseph Finder, in RED CARPET, were a
Russian-Jewish family from Odessa, merchants in this port city legendary for
its aggressive Jewish traders."

The Hammers settled at first in Bradford Connecticut, stronghold at that
time of the socialist movement in America. Julius worked in a foundry and
joined the Socialist Labor Party. After the Hammers moved to New York City,
young Julius aggressively pursued a pharmaceutical career. He started as a
druggist's apprentice and quickly advanced to registered pharmacist. He next
became a drugstore owner, and then established a drugstore chain. Finally,
he began manufacturing pharmaceuticals. During this time, he also studied
medicine and obtained his M.D. at Columbia University.

America, the "land of opportunity" had rewarded another immigrant; at an
early age, Julius had become a wealthy capitalist. But in spite of the
numerous benefits which had accrued to Hammer as a result of the free
enterprise system, he still joined the Socialist Labor Party in New York. It
was there that he met and later married a fellow Socialist Party member
named Rose. In 1898, they had a son whom they named Armand. Julius told
fellow socialist Bertram Wolfe that Arm and had been named after the party
insignia -- a worker's ARM holding a HAMMER.

However, Julius Hammer's dedication to socialism and communism was far more
than just symbolic. Naming his son after the socialistic communist insignia
was simply an indication of his undiluted commitment to worldwide communist
revolution and Hammer's aggressive nature -- his Odessa heritage -- was as
apparent in the revolutionary cause as it was in the business world. At the
same time that Julius was funding New York-based Soviet agent Ludwig Martens
and fellow communists in America, he was also supporting V. I. Lenin and the
Bolsheviks abroad.

Julius Hammer first met Lenin at the 1907 International Socialist Congress
in Stuttgart, Germany. Ten years later, when the Bolshevik revolution was
about to collapse because the French and English blockades of Soviet ports
were preventing supplies ftom reaching Lenin's revolutionaries, Hammer
illegally circumvented the blockades and sent the needed materials -- on

Then in 1919, in New York City, he was made chairman of the radically
extremist Greater New York Left-Wing Section of the Socialist Party of the
U.S. and donated the building to be used for party headquarters. This group
advocated immediate revolution in America modeled after Lenin's Bolshevik

Finder examined Hammer's motivations and concluded, "Julius's party was
controlled and made up largely of Russian Jews like himself. It seems
curious that these ardent revolutionaries were, by and large, not oppressed
workers but men of means. One explanation for this apparent paradox has been
offered by Harvard sociologist Nathan Glazer: 'Despite the relatively good
economic position of Jews, their rapid rise to middle-class status produced
certain strains -- a sense of discrimination, a feeling of oppression and
exploitation, if not its reality.' Many of the Russian Jews in the party,
who had been hounded from Russia by the czar's anti-Semitic pogroms, looked
to the Russian Revolution which had to a large extent been accomplished by
Jews -- as a triumph of a new, just world order."

Finder, no anti-Semite, does not excuse Hammer's treasonous actions, quite
the contrary, he has gone to great lengths to document and expose Hammer.
But the author of RED CARPET has overlooked the very important point that
Lenin's Bolshevik revolution overthrew Kerensky's provisional government
which had already given equality to the Jews. The "feeling of oppression" as
Nathan Glazer described Jewish motivations, was hardly reason for Julius to
actively support a communist revolution in America for in America, the Jews
enjoyed equality and freedom as never before in modem history.

Objectively, the serious student of history can only conclude that Julius
Hammer must have had other reasons to justify the seeming contradiction: a
wealthy capitalist supporting atheistic communism. According to Finder, one
of Hammer's reasons was greed. "Julius profited handsomely from the
accession of the Bolsheviks to power; his political convictions had material
as well as psychological rewards."

Historian George Knupffer, however, believes that this type of behavior
smells of "treason and collusion." Perhaps, a clue to Hammer's reason for
supporting communism can be found in a November 6, 1986 speech given by U.S.
Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) to a Jewish audience at the Wise Center in
Cincinnati, Ohio. In a November 13 issue of the AMERICAN ISRAELITE, editor
Phyllis Singer writes, "'We must see to it' says Sen. Howard Metzenbaum,
'that we will not permit the religious right to take over this country . . .
Do not let the forces of evil take over to make this a Christian America."'
Coincidentally, Metzenbaum is a multimillionaire who is reported to have
belonged to several communist-front organizations in the past.

This irrational belief that committed Christians are the "forces of evil,"
is also the cornerstone of the communist philosophy which Julius Hammer
helped to install in Russia and tried to establish in the United States. The
ultimate goal of the communist conspiracy is to destroy Christianity. Noted
columnist and former presidential speech writer, Pat Buchanan put it
succinctly in his book RIGHT FROM THE START, "The war between West and East
is not between the economic systems of capitalism and Marxism; it is a
religious war for control of the soul and destiny of mankind, the outcome of
which cannot be arbitrated or negotiated."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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