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April 21, 2000

Poll: Most don't favor new gun laws
By Donald Lambro

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Bush, Gore differ on whether tougher enforcement is enough
     The presidential candidates sharpened their positions on guns and
violence Thursday as a new poll found that most Americans favor stricter
enforcement of existing gun laws over more controls on firearm sales and
     Nearly two-thirds of Americans now believe it is more important to
enforce existing gun laws "than to enact new statutes aimed at restricting
weapons sales and improving gun safety," according to a national survey of
voter attitudes toward guns and youth violence by the Pew Research Center.
     On the anniversary of the high school shooting rampage in Littleton,
Colo., that left 15 dead, the Pew poll found that just 6 percent of voters
believe that tougher gun control laws would prevent a reoccurrence of the
Columbine High School tragedy.
     At campaign appearances Thursday, Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice
President Al Gore staked out different positions on gun violence — an issue
that has grown to one of major concern among voters in the aftermath of the
shootings at Columbine and at other schools.
     Supported by the Pew findings, Mr. Bush said he thought it was more
important to pursue tougher enforcement of the nation's present gun laws than
to enact more laws. He also said that teaching character, values, and right
and wrong in schools was the most effective, long-term answer to youth
     "Strict enforcement of tough laws is important. But ultimately the
safety of our children depends on more than laws. It depends on the values we
teach them, and the kind of culture we create and condone."
     Mr. Bush said that "character education," which his school reforms have
made a part of the Texas school curriculum, should be added to every school
curriculum in the country.
     "Columbine was a sad lesson, but it is an important reminder for us to
love our children and to teach our children what's right in life and what's
wrong in life and to make the right choices," he said.
     Mr. Bush's emphasis on teaching values and character, along with
increased federal funding for such curriculums, earned some rare praise from
Mr. Gore, who called for tougher gun laws at an appearance at Fort Lee, N.J.
     "I compliment him for doing that," Mr. Gore said. "I think that's right
near the top of the list."
     Speaking at a student assembly at Fort Lee High School, Mr. Gore said
there was no "easy, glib, silver-bullet answer" to juvenile shootings, which,
despite the higher profile of recent years, have been declining.
     Mr. Gore proposed new gun control laws that would, among other things,
require photo licenses for handgun buyers and mandate gun makers and licensed
dealers to report sales to a state authority.
     Mr. Gore also was critical of concealed weapons laws, such as the one
that Mr. Bush signed into law in 1995 that allows people with permits to
carry guns to protect themselves.
     The vice president's campaign put out a press release Thursday listing
the "differences on gun control" with his Republican rival. But the Bush
campaign responded with a statement saying that Mr. Gore "failed to explain
why prosecuting current gun laws is not a priority," noting the Pew poll.
     "It's fine to call for new laws, but it cannot hide Al Gore's failed
record on enforcing the current gun laws already on the books," said a Bush
campaign spokesman.
     An Associated Press poll Thursday also found stronger support for
stricter enforcement (42 percent) vs. tougher gun control laws (33 percent).
One year ago, immediately after the Littleton shootings, more than half of
Americans said more gun laws was the answer.
     Meanwhile, the Pew poll's findings appeared to support Mr. Bush's
emphasis on placing more responsibility upon schools and parents to teach
values to young people.

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