-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:519225">NATrOcities=www.antiwar.com</A>
Subject: NATrOcities=www.antiwar.com
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Ready)
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 1999 7:06 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Their "New World Order"--our Global Gulag!!
<A HREF="http://www.antiwar.com/">Committee Against U.S. Intervention</A>
Updated April 30, 1999 — 10:40 am EDT
  House Roll-Call Votes
–Troop Limit
–Air War Halt
–Clinton's Policy
–Declare War
NATO Misses Again, Hits HomesUS Set To Begin Carpet BombingNATO Bombs
Serb TV AgainRussia Pushes Peace PlanGreece: NATO's Achilles' HeelNATO
Deploys Rockets Toward Kosovo
Meet Mr. Massacre
by Mark Ames &
Matt Taibbi
Grief, Anger, and a Denial of Reality
Refuge Became
a TombUS Sending
More B-52s
NATO Ignores Pleas, Continues to Bomb Neutral Montenegro
Reinventing History
in the Balkans
by Wesley Pruden
The Autoeroticism Of NATO
by Arianna HuffingtonTurn Off the War Junkies
by Col. David Hackworth NATO's Frightening
Power Grab
by John DoggettKosovo War Has Gone Terribly Wrong
by Bill McSweeneyGlobalism's
Police Force
by Alan KeyesWhy Kosovo ...
Oh, Just Because
by Don Feder
Why we oppose US/NATO intervention in Kosovo:

Michael Allen | Michael Albert | American Friends Service Committee |
The American Spectator | Amnesty International | Branislav Andjelic |
Anglican Church of Canada | Gerald Atkinson | Augusta Chronicle | Doug
Bandow | Rep. Bob Barr | Austin Bay | Art Bell | Belgrade Center for
Human Rights | Michael Bliss | Samuel Blumenfeld | Rep. Roy Blunt | Alan
Bock | Boston Globe | Linda Bowles | Phil Brennan | Richard Brookheiser
 | Harry Browne | Pat Buchanan | Rep. Tom Campbell | Ted Galen Carpenter
 | Gerald Carroll | James Carroll | John Casey | Cato Institute | Jim
Chapman | Steve Chapman | Mona Charen | Noam Chomsky | Chattanooga Times
& Free Press | Rep. Helen Chenoweth | Chicago Tribune | Chronicles
Magazine | Citizen Soldier | Citizens for Honest Goverment | Jonathan
Clarke | Sen. Max Cleland | Nick Cohen | Charles Colson | Committee to
Protect Journalists | Conservative Caucus | John Corry | Rep.
Christopher Cox | Glynn Custred | The Daily Republican | Uri Dan |
Democratic Party of Serbia | Gary Dempsey | Bob Djurdjevic | John
Doggett | Steve Dunleavy | Eagle Forum | Michael Evans | The Exile |
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting | Joseph Farah | Don Feder | Fellowship
of Reconciliation | Thomas Fleming | Florida Times-Union | Cecil Foster
 | Kerry Fox | Andre Gunther Frank | David Frum | Amulya Ganguli | Eric
Garris | Marcus Gee | Jack Germond | Global Intellegence Update | Green
Party | William Norman Grigg | Richard Gwyn | Jeremy Hardy | Michael
Harris | James Henry | Edward Herman | James Hill | James Hirsen | Rep.
Stephen Horn | Arianna Huffington | Mick Hume | Charles Hunter | Sen.
Kay Bailey Hutchison | Sen. James Inhofe | Institute for Public Accuracy
 | International Federation of Journalists | Investors Business Daily |
Simon Jenkins | John Birch Society | Diana Johnstone | George Jonas |
Zachary Karabell | Hiranmay Karlekar | Rep. John Kasich | Martin Kelley
 | William Kelly | Jack Kemp | George Kendall | George Kenney | Alan
Keyes | Cliff Kincaid | Charles Krauthamer | Rep. Dennis Kucinich |
Larry Keuning | Henry Lamb | John Laughlin | Christoper Layne | Rep.
James Leach | League of the South | Rep. Barbara Lee | Lega Nord Piemont
 | Richard Lessner | Libertarian Party | Carl Limbacher | London Times |
Ludwig von Mises Institute | David MacReynolds | MADRE | Randall Major |
Manchester Union Leader | Robert Manning | Marin County (CA) Republican
Party | Chris Matthews | John McLaughlin | Mennonite Central Committee |
Geoff Metcalf | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | Brian Mitchell | C. Raja
Mohan | Michael Moore | Jan Myrdal | Eugene Narrett | The Nation | Lars
Erik Nelson | The New American | Newsday | Oliver North | Rep. Charles
Norwood | Robert Novak | J.R. Nyquist | Jan Oberg | Orange County
Register | David Orchard | Camile Paglia | Pope John Paul | Rep. Ron
Paul | Pax Christi USA | Howard Phillips | Kevin Phillips | James
Pinkerton | The Pioneer | Wlady Pleszczynski | Maralyn Lois Polak |
Richard Poe | Rep. Richard Pombo | Stephen Preston | The Progressive |
Dan Quayle | Justin Raimondo | Julia Reed | Charley Reese | William
Rees-Mogg | Republican Liberty Caucus | Peter Riddell | James Ridgeway |
Pat Robertson | Llewellyn Rockwell | A.M. Rosental | Christoper Ruddy |
Ibrahim Rugova | Joe Ruth | Edward Said | San Francisco Chronicle |
Debra Saunders | Rep. Jim Saxton | Robert Scheer | Daniel Schorr |
Benjamin Schwartz | Scottish National Party | St. Petersburg Times |
Alex Salmond | Rep. Mark Sanford | Debra Saunders | Savannah Morning
News | Phyllis Schlafly | Benjamin Schwarz | Sunil Sharma | Sen. Bob
Smith | Charles Smith | Tony Snow | Joseph Sobran | Norman Soloman |
Alexander Solzhenitsyn | Harley Sorensen | Thomas Sowell | Rep. Floyd
Spence | Student Union of Yugoslavia | K. Subrahmanyam | Jacob Sullum |
Vin Suprynowicz | Rep. Tom Tancredo | Sava Tatic | Philip Terzian | Cal
Thomas | Raju Thomas | Doug Thompson | Times of India | George Tintor |
Sonia Trikha | Jerome Tuccille | United Methodist Church | Jon Basil
Utley | Jason Vest | Veterans for Peace | Rowena Wall | Tom Walls | Jude
Wanniski | War Resisters League | William Westmilller | Paul Weyrich |
Anne Williamson | Gary Wilson | James Witcover | World Federation of
Trade Unions | Peter Worthington | Pauline Dubkin Yearwood | Jamie York
 | Jerome Zeifman | Howard Zinn | Stephen Zunes
Committee Against U.S. Intervention

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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