Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model

2003-01-27 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model
-Caveat Lector-

Eugenics and euthanasia are not the same thing.

Who has the ultimate say who lives and who dies? The individual living or dying.

Not so complex or sinister is it?

Funny, you insult our intelligence because we dont have the same views on Godhood as you do. We did not attack you for believing in fairy tales and amorphous father figures. Assuming there is a god as you envision  he gave us freedom of thought, and the ability to control our own lives and destinies. To have it any other way is to spit in the face of the creator.

on 01/27/03 12:37 PM, Joe Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 

What are you all??? Jack Kevorkian imps??? 

Do you even have a clue what road you are barking down...??? 

The moment euthansia is sanctioned by law as it has been done in Holland, kiss your rights goobye charlie... I mean who is going have the ultimate say in who gets snuffed and who doesnt? That is the question here... start thinking for a change, instead of spouting this genocidal euthansia rot. 

Ultimately life and death are in the hands of God almighty.. we are just caretakers of life that has been given to us as a gift... LIFE IS A GIFT .. man is not the ultimate sovereign in control of life... but I suppose that is too above your low level mentality thinking to ponder on. 

Nazism = Eugenics Based Model of thinking as well (aka race control) which goes hand in hand with Euthansia perhaps you have not pondered on that fact. But hey.. why worry.. while the REX82 concentration camps are being primed ala bush and his croneys.. thanks to the initiation of this by the Reagan Administration, you sit back and say .. we should have the ultimate right to kill on demand... well if the present condition of present new age globalist tactics ala americano flavor continues.. you won't have to worry about deciding when to pull the lifeline.. bush will do it for you 

WAKE UP... !!! 

by the way Jack Kevorkian is in big trouble with the courts.. big time... 

William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/26/2003 10:20:54 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It should be up to each individual to decide their own fate; I like the Netherlands' model, where a patient signs a pact with their doctor authorizing VOLUNTARY euthanasia when the patient reaches a certain point in their medical condition...

I agree with you.

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Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model

2003-01-27 Thread Joe Smith
-Caveat Lector-

thew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- Eugenics and euthanasia are not the same thing.
Merriam Websters Definition of Eugenics  Euthanasia:
eu·gen·ics Pronunciation: yu-'je-niksFunction: noun plural but singular or plural in constructionDate: 1883: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed 
eu·tha·na·sia Pronunciation: "yü-th-'nA-zh(E-)Function: nounEtymology: Greek, easy death, from euthanatos, from eu- + thanatos death -- more at THANATOSDate: 1869: the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy- eu·tha·na·sic /-zik, -sik/ adjective 
Of course the dictionary definition of Eugenics and Euthanasia are NOT the exact same thing.. do you think I am that stupid to believe so... lol.. but the fact still remains that they spring from the same evil root and are appendages and tentacles of the same monster... are you that blind that you cannot see this??? 
Of course the dictionary definition of Eugenics and Euthanasia are NOT the exact same thing.. do you think I am that stupid to believe so... lol.. but the fact still remains that they spring from the same evil root and are appendages and tentacles of the same monster... are you that blind that you cannot see this??? 
Study these links and you will see some of the history philosophical mindset that led up to the nazis eugenics extermination ... and thinking person will see the connection between eugenics and euthanasia in the socialogical realm.

Euthanasia In Nazi Germany (and it wasn't mercy killing then):

Eugenics And Population Control Worldwide:

Eugenics And Racial Hygene:
Who has the ultimate say who lives and who dies? The individual living or dying.
You are a deluded fool as are most who believe in the LIE of FREE WILL.. who put the breath of life into you? yourself? did your life orignate with you? did you determine the day of your birth? obviously not.. the fact is the day of your death is predetermined.. whether even suicide or natural means play into the picture... so the appointed time of death is pre-arranged and predetermined.. that does not rule out mans moral agency.. ability to choose or think due to precausal events and predetermined bounds of his habitation. Free Will and Free Moral Agency (ability to choose) are not mutually exclusive. But Absolute Free Will in man is a lie and contradiction of God's Absolute Sovereignty.. man and God both cannot be Absolutely Soveriegn.. it is one or other.Not so complex or sinister is it?
Your lie of "FREE WILL" is the most sinister lie ever foisted upon the mind of man... 
---Funny, you insult our intelligence because we don’t have the same views on Godhood as you do. We did not attack you for believing in fairy tales and amorphous father figures. Assuming there is a god as you envision – he gave us freedom of thought, and the ability to control our own lives and destinies. To have it any other way is to spit in the face of the creator.

lol.. your a fool duped by Satans lies.. wake up!on 01/27/03 12:37 PM, Joe Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector- What are you all??? Jack Kevorkian imps??? Do you even have a clue what road you are barking down...??? The moment "euthansia" is sanctioned by law as it has been done in Holland, kiss your rights goobye charlie... I mean who is going have the ultimate say in who gets snuffed and who doesnt? That is the question here... start thinking for a change, instead of spouting this genocidal euthansia rot. Ultimately life and death are in the hands of God almighty.. we are just caretakers of life that has been given to us as a gift... LIFE IS A GIFT .. man is not the ultimate sovereign in control of life... but I suppose that is too above your low level mentality thinking to ponder on. Nazism = Eugenics Based Model of thinking as well (aka race control) which goes hand in hand with Euthansia perhaps you have not pondered on that fact. But hey.. why worry.. while the REX82 concentration camps are being primed ala bush and his croneys.. thanks to the initiation of this by the Reagan Administration, you sit back and say .. we should have the ultimate right to kill on demand... well if the present condition of present new age globalist tactics ala americano flavor continues.. you won't have to worry about deciding when to pull the lifeline.. bush will do it for you WAKE UP... !!! by the way Jack Kevorkian 

Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model

2003-01-27 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model
-Caveat Lector-

on 01/27/03 3:04 PM, Joe Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 

thew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
-Caveat Lector- 
Eugenics and euthanasia are not the same thing.


Of course the dictionary definition of Eugenics and Euthanasia are NOT the exact same thing.. do you think I am that stupid to believe so... lol.. but the fact still remains that they spring from the same evil root and are appendages and tentacles of the same monster... are you that blind that you cannot see this??? 

I guess I am. I am too blind to not see a difference between allowing people to die with dignity, and breeding humans. Silly me. I am also to blind to see these things you call satan and god - can you please show them to me?

Your lie of FREE WILL is the most sinister lie ever foisted upon the mind of man... 

Foisted on us by your God, no? Isnt that the core of the whole repentance and born again thing, and the whole key to avoiding hell? God gave us free will, because without it, we are just robots, and good actions and faith have no meaning. Heaven loses its entire reason to exist without free will.


lol.. your a fool duped by Satans lies.. wake up!
Satan? Never talked to him, so he never lied to me. Hmm same thing goes for the Easter bunny.

Are you SO sure that you are not the one duped by the deceiver's lies? Hes pretty tricky you know.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Sir Winston Churchill 


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Netherlands Euthanasia Model

2003-01-27 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

New Age leadership brags that it has something
for everyone.  It is fascinating how
those on both the left and right who think they are exposing conspiracies are taken
in by those who claim they are on the side of the angels.  Some pro-abortion people buy Planned Parenthoods
arguments and some pro-lifers believe that Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell are on their side.  

There is no neutral source of information
on what is happening in Holland regarding euthanasia.  There
are many sites on the web presenting contradictory views of what is happening
there.  The establishment side wants to
cover up their weakness in holding to the law as it stands, which on the
surface sounds good.  However, living in
the Chicago area, Im very skeptical about the reality vs the image. 
Pro-life people may call attention to all of the exceptions to the law
that are happening in Holland and may call attention to the guy from England
who was visiting there, got ill and was euthanized
against his will by the doctors there as an example of all of the deaths thru
euthanasia taking place outside of the law.   Only when his family became involved did the
details become public.  Pro-life people
call attention to the change in law which allowed teens to determine what they
wanted to do with their own lives and how depression was an acceptable reason
for someone to choose death.  While these
may be exceptions to the normal procedures, they do exist and lives have been
dissolved under these laws.  

Those against euthanasia and abortion want
to see individuals informed of the possibilities open to them.  There are medications for depression.  There are many ways to control pain.  There is help for women who do not want to
destroy the life they have brought into existence but who feel they cannot
handle more in their lives.  For
instance, there are many families who look to China to adopt children who were born and who were left because the
women felt they could not care for the child they bore.  These families look to China and other countries because young children are not available for
adoption here.  (See the arguments that
black children can only be adopted by black families.)  

In connection with euthanasia, having survived abortion as a option
given to their parents, everyone who reads this post is a candidate for involuntary
death if they are considered useless eaters whether or not they have they know
they have more to contribute to contribute to societys betterment.  Right now, if you are against the
governmental support of euthanasia and if you want to commit suicide, that
option is always open.  Who can stop you
if your will is strong enough to make you kill yourself?  The governmental support of euthanasia
argument at this point centers around the idea that a
person would take their lives if they were in full control of their faculties
and were able to do so.  Doctors who feel
they must make that determination for you because you are handicapped, mentally
or physically not able to make that decision for yourself because you cant
communicate or because you are costing society too much to keep you alive, take
away control of your own control of your body. 
This option is an easy sell to the public because they have been sold on
the idea that a child would not want to be born into the world if it was
unwanted, so that decision is made for the child. 

Read Release of a Life Devoid of Value to understand what
is the bottom line on the abortion/euthanasia front.  

As I see it, the international culture is being sold, step by step, on
a way of thinking where the brilliant thinking of
 others certainly will be taking
away options from the individual.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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