[CTRL] News Flash: The Mass Media are Nothing More than NWO Puppets

2003-02-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

News Flash: The Mass Media are Nothing More than NWO Puppets
By Cliff Patterson

Turn on your television for a bit of news and what you will get are soulless robots giving the daily propaganda reports. The news anchors and reporters people turn to for an honest analysis of the happenings in the world are merely pimps for the New World Order. Their job is to sell you the lies and disinformation that the globalists need the general public to believe as fact. The news as we know it is nothing more than another scripted television event just like its sitcom partners. 

When (or if) a legitimate newsworthy story makes it on to the anchors desk it either becomes a blip on the screen and is never heard about again or it gets brushed under the rug altogether. Late Saturday night there was a show on Fox News Network called Heartland and they had a guest named Stephen Pelletiere who had some very important first hand knowledge concerning Iraq and the impending empirical takeover. He was on the show so that he could share this information with the late night viewers.

This is a man that worked for the CIA as the companys senior political analyst on Iraq for eight years and the only time slot he could get was at mid-night on a Saturday. And if that wasnt bad enough; every time he opened his mouth the host would cut him off yelling about the horrors he (the host) witnessed while he was in Iraq and that this man who has knowledge of the inner workings of Iraq and the CIA didnt know what he was talking about. The entire segment was basically the host going on about how right he was and telling the guest how wrong he was. Mr. Pelletiere never had a chance to make a point or even finish a sentence. All he could do was sit there and shake his head in disgust. At the end of the interview (if it could be called that) the host gave the name of Mr. Pelletieres book-Iraq and the International Oil System- with a condescending smirk and then shifted to the next story.

This is regular behavior in the new all news networks. There was a similar incident that happened between Jeremy Glick and Bill Oreilly on The Oreilly Factor. Jeremy Glick simply stated his opinion and Bill Oreilly flew off the handle and acted as if he was going fight Mr. Glick. Objectiveness was out the window. It has become near impossible to get a fair shake on any one of the talk shows if you have an opinion that differs from that of the hosts. The catch phrase for Fox is Fair and Balanced which has got to be a joke. If they were truly fair and balanced hosts like Bill Oreilly would be out of a job and people like Stephen Pelletiere could get their story out.

Guests on the talk shows arent the only ones having trouble getting their stories out. Now there will be reporters wandering around with the soldiers in the next war and it has been reported that their reports will have to go through an approval process or in other words will be censored. We are only allowed to know what they (the globalists) want us to know. They do whatever they can to control the stream of information to the mainstream media outlets. Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past and the only way to get real news is to seek it out on the Internet or through some other form of independent media.  

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Re: [CTRL] News Flash: The Mass Media are Nothing More than NWO Puppets

2003-02-25 Thread DIG Bryan Schingle
-Caveat Lector-
Personally, I see this as going beyond the media. I notice that the more people I meet, the more buy into the news they see everyday, and more people only want to see one side of the argument. Mr. Pelletiere's arguments could possibly have opened many eyes, but I have my doubts. The media pushing the New World Order is a very likely idea, but the phrase "give the audience what they want" comes to mind. Perhaps the audience has mostly already accepted the N.W.O. and the news is only telling them what they "know".
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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