-Caveat Lector-

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Take a Leak

More money for the Great Satan.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted Monday to crack down on leaks and security
breaches by government agencies and boost allocations for the National
Security Agency.

A bill authorizing money for U.S. intelligence programs for the 2001 budget
year, which began Sunday, would make it a felony for government officials to
release any classified information, not just that involving nuclear weapons
or defense secrets.

The bill, approved on a voice vote, also will require the State Department to
certify that its employees comply with regulations covering the handling of
classified information.

The department has been embarrassed by a series of lapses, including the
theft from within the building of a laptop computer holding top-secret files.
Despite a reward offer, the computer has not been found.

``We must make it clear to individuals who handle classified material that we
are serious about enforcing security rules,'' said Sen. Richard Bryan, a
Nevada Democrat who is vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The amount of money in the bill was not disclosed, but committee aides said
the legislation includes a boost in funding to modernize the problem-plagued
National Security Agency.
Earlier this year, the NSA's communication network went deaf for three days.
The agency, based in Fort Meade, Md., has been fending off published
allegations that it was engaged in illegal snooping into e-mail messages of
Americans and others.

The legislation also sets up a board to advise the president on decisions to
declassify intelligence material.

The House already passed its version of the legislation. A House-Senate
conference committee will work out differences between the two bills.
Associated Press, October 3, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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