[CTRL] OFF TOPIC - But you may find this pix interesting - Bush Gains on Gore

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.msnbc.com/news/466002.asp"Bush Gains on Gore
If you haven't seen the pix at this mainstream site.  You may find it 

Rather blantant, eh what?

The Texas governor on the set of Regis Philbin's show
Bush Gains on Gore
The race between the GOP candidate and the vice president tightens to three 
NEWSWEEK WEB EXCLUSIVE      September 23 —  The race between Al Gore and 
George W. Bush is tightening, according to the latest NEWSWEEK poll.  
       Letter to Dick Cheney
 What Does $1 million for the Clinton Library Buy You?
 The White House E-Mail Trail
 Rupert Murdoch, Gore’s Unlikely Supporter
 Gore’s Truth Troubles   
    THE VICE PRESIDENT now leads 46 percent to 43 percent among registered 
voters in a four-way race with Green Party candidate Ralph Nader (3%) and 
Reform candidate Pat Buchanan (1%). Among likely voters, Gore’s lead is even 
smaller, (47% to 45%), with 3 percent for Nader and none for Buchanan.
        Bush’s bounce comes after a highly successful week of 
campaigning-including well-received appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show 
and on “Live with Regis.” In the NEWSWEEK poll one week ago, Gore led Bush by 
12 points among registered voters and 14 points among likely voters. This 
week’s NEWSWEEK poll was conducted over three nights (rather than the 
customary two) and had a larger sample size (1,000 registered voters rather 
than the usual 800). NEWSWEEK’s poll is conducted by Princeton Survey 
Research Associates and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage 

       The new NEWSWEEK poll also shows Bush with a 10-point gain from one 
week ago among minority voters (25%) and a 13-point gain among voters aged 
18-29 (47%). Bush has also cut Gore’s lead among female voters from 20 points 
(55% vs. 35%) to nine points (48% vs. 39%), the poll shows.
        Among registered voters, Gore is still seen as the candidate best 
able to handle the economy and jobs (48% vs. 38%); social security issues 
(46% vs. 36%); education and vouchers (47% vs. 36%); health care generally 
(49% vs. 35%); and helping seniors pay for prescription drugs (48% vs. 33%). 
Bush is seen as the candidate best able to handle national defense (49% vs. 
35%) and taxes (43% vs. 40%).
        More registered voters see Bush than Gore as having “strong 
leadership qualities” (63% vs. 60%), the poll shows. Gore had a marginal lead 
in this characteristic one week ago (62% vs. 59%) for the first time in a 
       © 2000 Newsweek, Inc.
 The Talk-Show Primary
 Jonathan Alter: The Lessons of Oprahland
 Al Gore’s Woman Problem
 Death on Final Approach
 Tough Questions for an ‘Ex-Gay’
            MSNBC VIEWERS' TOP 10    
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

Re: [CTRL] OFF TOPIC - But you may find this pix interesting - Bush Gains on Gore

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

If asked, he might well reply that that is the Texas Longhorn's football
team "gesture" or whatever one calls a sports hand-signal.  The fingers are
supposed to be the horns of the cattle.  Interesting that it is also the
mojo sign.

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