-Caveat Lector-

excerpt from:

The WOD is not "like" the old Inquisition, it *is* the old
Inquisition.  The best book explaining this is Shamanism and
the Drug Propaganda: Patriarchy and the Drug War. Dan
Russell. 11/98.

The Catholic Church formula was to take all the money and
possessions of anyone who used plants to have independent
religious experiencing.  The authorities forcefully insisted
that life must be lived within the total framework they
provided, mentally, experientially, and economically.  To
live outside that framework and to have religious or
philosophical experiencing outside that framework was to
break the law, which the church liked because then they
could gain all your possessions and money.  Science,
democracy, and the renaissance were largely rejections of
that sort of authoritarianism and forced hierarchical
government which could treat people as having no rights and
no property rights.  America was founded on the principle of
no martyrs, no victims of government campaigns, of inverting
the power relation and rights-relations of citizen and
government.  The government exists to serve the people; the
people do not exist to sustain the government.  Property
belongs to citizens, not to the king, pope, or governmental
hierarchy, nor to the police/guard/soldiers.

We need a better understanding of persecution by the
church.  People think it is about belief and doctrines at
bottom, but as far as the power brokers in the top of the
Church hierarchy is concerned, it is purely about worldly
money and the power of money and the power to accumulate
more money.  Ultimately, the Church didn't directly care
what people *believed*, but rather, what happened to the
people's *money*, which was directly affected by people's

The police love druggies and hope for lots of them, because
every identified or accused druggie means another property
and batch of money to seize.  The police-authoritarians love
accused druggies for the same reason the
Church-authoritarians loved accused witches -- these
demarcated "devils" or boogiemen give the authoritarians the
green light to take all the wealth which the person has
accumulated, without the person having any recourse.  The
person is sent to hell either way, or some other realm, from
which the person has no power to stop the authorities.
Whether the person marked as a damned one is sent to jail
for a long, long time, or killed and sent to hell or heaven
or purgatory, it's all the same to the authorities' bank
account: the person is removed, and their wealth is freed up
to be confiscated by the authorities.

It is crucial that we study the similarities between
confiscation of the property of plant-using people (branded
as "witches"), the Boston Tea Party, and forfeiture in the
War On Drugs.  These are all about the exact same thing at
the core.  I want to emphasize this above all: it is not an
accident that the WOD is covered by the Boston Tea Party; or
that drug use is covered by religious freedom.  America was
not started to prevent things *like* the war on drugs, it
was started and the constitution and bill of rights were
created to prevent specifically the war on drugs, not to
stop things *like* the war on drugs.  The Bill of Rights was
not created to prevent this *sort* of thing; it was simply
and frankly designed to stop this *very* thing.  The WOD is
not accidently covered by the Bill of Rights; the Bill of
Rights was meant to stop the WOD and also other things like
it.   The Bill of Rights was crafted and designed expressly
to block exactly what is really going on at the heart of the
WOD, this dynamic of people being victims of arbitrary
searches and seizures of contraband, money, property,

Problem: authorities wield power to pillage and confiscate
anything they feel like; all possessions potentially are the
property of the State, on excuses so flimsy and accusations
so vague, in the final analysis, no excuse or accusation is
needed at all.  Authorities see something they want, and
they take it; this is complete and blatant government

Solution: restraints on government.  The foundation of
America is the idea of restraint on government to prevent
arbitrary persecution, persecution which is most perfectly
represented by the war on drugs, the war on contrabands, the
war on alternatives to the governmentally enforced lifestyle
and worldview.  Such governments only permit one worldview,
the one which causes all wealth to flow their way.  If you
adopt a worldview which doesn't willingly send your flow of
wealth in the direction of the authorities, then they take
your wealth against your will, by force and by fiat.

Part of the strategy the authorties must use is propaganda
designed to coerce the will of the citizens, the will of
"the governed".  So we see manipulation of beliefs and
encouraging a sense of respect: respect for the King, for
the Pope, for the police, for the media.  Sure, many
Americans favor police action against drug use, but what is
the nature of this "favor"?  Most Americas have no idea of
the dynamics of forfeiture, no idea of the punitive jail
terms and realities of jail, no idea of the alternatives, no
idea of the debates going on, no idea of the destruction of
prohibition itself; they are carefully fed a diet of lies,
partial pictures, censored reporting, distortion, biased
reasoning, propaganda.  *Of course* most Americans favor
police action against drug users -- that is what they are
trained to think by the establishment media.  Chomsky's idea
of "manufacturing consent" explains that people will consent
to whatever view and opinion the establishment media teaches
them to hold, so the will of the people becomes uncritical,
uninformed, just a puppet and a dumb mirror reflecting what
the establishment media projects onto them.  Citizens become
clouded mirrors more or less simply reflecting what they are
trained to believe by the media machinery of television and
newspapers.  Only when the parallels with, or repetition of,
the Church witch burnings, and the British searches and
seizures leading to the Boston Tea Party, and the McCarthy
figurative "witch hunt" become painfully obvious to all tv
viewers, does the persecution collapse, as the KKK collapsed
in the early part of this century and as the persecution of
gays recently collapsed, and as the Catholic Church
collapsed and caused a backlash.  We have reached the
necessary bottoming-out point at which the WOD becomes so
persecutive, it becomes obvious that it is the same dynamic
as with the old literal witch hunt. Church indulgences
(buying forgiveness) and forfeiture are seen to be the same
thing, to accomplish the same thing, and people reject this
when it goes too far.

There are numerous historical parallels to give reformers
hope and a sense that things are getting bad enough while
awareness is spreading, that this situation will bring about
its own collapse as long as we persevere.  The WOD is wound
up so tight now, it all stands or falls together, and
becomes entirely brittle so that the slightest mishap
explodes the whole thing.  I sense more and more attention
given to wholesale rejections of the fundamental idea of
jailing people simply for drug use itself -- more mentions
of the idea that we should legalize-and-regulate all drugs.

The WOD and its propaganda must keep on ramping up to the
point of being blatantly absurd and psychotic to everyone
even when watching the official propaganda.  When the
propaganda becomes so extreme and foaming-at-the-mouth, with
calls for the death penalty or worse, and declarations that
drug use is worse than murder... at *some* point, the
audience will turn against the punitive, alarmist
prohibitionists.  At *some* point, people ask "this story is
obviously motivated, so what is the real goal and the real
force driving this campaign to demonize people who use
drugs?"  However, if people are totally passive and totally
apathetic, they will become cynical but inactive; they will
gain understanding and have the truth, but won't take
action.  Even that could be an improvement; that inaction
could be better than today's active support by citizens who
ignorantly buy into the propaganda.

Don't think of "witch hunt" and "martyrs" as a metaphor;
these are literal terms.  The WOD is literally a witch hunt,
when you conceive of the persecution of witches in the dark
ages as a programme of accusing people of taking entheogens
for religious experiencing as a way around the Church's
economic framework. One of the most paradoxical things about
entheogens is that they provide real religion and cast doubt
upon organized dogmatic wishful-thinking religion.
Entheogens can reveal reality as opposed to wishful
thinking.  When people live in reality rather than childish
wishful thinking that is controlled by manipulative
authoritarians (who are not themselves true believers, but
are just immoral materialist opportunists), people are
unlikely to support the authoritarian manipulators by
supporting forfeiture or indulgences or other ways the
authorities line their pockets with the wealth of "the
governed".  Witches (entheogen users and freethinkers) are
not inclined to support the manipulative systems which are
designed especially to draw wealth from the people toward
the authorities.

Philosophy and religion are both directly related to
psychedelics.  Psychedelics do not mimic religious
experiencing synthetically; they are the actual historical
foundation of religion.  Organized religion typically is a
substitute for actual religion, which is plant-inspired
religious experience; and organized religion is essentially
motivated by financial opportunism, which requires declaring
plant-based religious experiencing strictly forbidden.
Plant-based religious experiencing and finance-driven,
organized religion, are inherently mortal enemies.  If
anyone can continuously cultivate plants which give
full-blown religious experiencing and full-blown
philosophical experiencing twice a week, people have no need
to buy their way to religious fulfillment.  When a material
is free and widely available, and you have a product to sell
that addresses the same need as the free and abundant
material, the only way to sell your product is to make an
artificial scarcity. The governor of Mars in the movie Total
Recall tried to hide and suppress the discovery of the alien
oxygen-generator in order to sell air to everyone.  Jesus
said salvation is a free gift, gotten not through paying for
sacrifices or paying for forgiveness, but simply through the
non-monetary, abstract act of "believing in" the figure of
Jesus instead.  From reading Barbara Thiering, I believe he
wanted every person to eat of the special sacramental loaves
which were baked exclusively for the high priests.  He said
that everyone should be a high priest themselves, for free
-- there is no need for church authorities and thus no way
for church authorities to charge people a lot of money to be
saved.  The Catholic Church was, above all, a financial
scam, selling people the fantasy of forgiveness and the
fantasy of postponed bliss, conning them into experiencing
themselves as guilty of invented abstract "original sin" in
order to sell them Product.  I do not believe that the
religious leaders themselves believed in their own religious
stories; the con man does not con himself but is only
cynically manipulating the outlook of others, to fleece the

Religious truth and philosophical experiencing are a free
gift from psychoactive plants.  There is no need to pay
anyone for religious or philosophical fulfillment, since the
fulfilment is already freely available in the form of
plants.  The only way to make money off of people's desire
for religious and philosophical fulfillment is to absolutely
suppress and demonize the use of plants to achieve that

It's true that some people who don't stand to profit believe
that drug use really is evil and that it is evil to not
believe in the authoritarian religions.  However, these
misguided beliefs are only a symptom, not the main drive to
demonize use of drugs.  Those people are merely puppets
dimly repeating what the authorities trained them to think.
The real drive to tag druggies as demonic non-persons is
driven not by beliefs, but by strategy for robbing people.
People think they are tough on burglars, but the actual
burglars, the main burglars who merely lead to burglary by
heroin users, are the police.  Violent crime in the WOD is
primarily caused by police against "the governed", and only
*secondarily* caused by drug users. Burglary in the WOD is
primarily committed by the police, and only secondarily
committed by drug users.  When a news item starts off by
talking about a burglary or a violent crime that has been
committed, my first, natural assumption is that the crime is
committed by police.  Criminal means police.

When hysteria escalates far enough, people are embarrassed
by it and dissociate themselves from it.  The WOD is
blatantly becoming pure hysteria.  The strangest thing is
that the prohibitionists signed a pact with themselves that
prohibition by definition would be absolute, with literally
zero tolerance -- and cannabis counts too.  Prohibition
thrives on the ease of cannabis persecution and shall die by
the absurdity of cannabis prohibition.  The prohibitionists
might as well have included air in their list of demon
drugs: air is easy to bust people for carrying, so it's
convenient to lump into prohibition, but by the same token,
it's so absurd to prohibit air, that strategy is *bound* to
backfire sooner or later.  Cannabis makes prohibition easy
to pursue and escalate, but the goodness of cannabis
eventually brings down the entire prohibitionist programme.
Cannabis is destined to have the center stage in prohibition
and its repeal. Without cannabis, prohibition would not be
worthwhile for the police.  Cannabis use is so easy to
detect and so easy to persecute, it's a suitable excuse for
the profitable forfeiture industry. Leary claimed he was
busted for a roach planted by police and was hated for his
LSD and mind-freeing ideas -- this shows how useful cannabis
is for the prohibitionists... their strategy is to fight
hard-to-fight drugs by, in propaganda, equating
easy-to-fight drugs (cannabis) with the hard-to-fight drugs
(LSD is the most extreme), but then, instead of fighting the
hard-to-fight drugs, fighting mainly the easy drugs.
"Heroin is bad, cannabis = heroin, and we made all these
busts of cannabis suspects and obtained all their wealth,
therefore we are winning the war against heroin." Cannabis
is convenient to persecute in the name of hard drugs, but
cannabis itself is ultimately a *terribly* impractical drug
to demonize, and when it inevitably falls and fails to be
seen as demonic any longer, so does the rest of the drug
persecution fall, all in one blow.  The ability to
practically continue the drug war depends on the ability to
continue cannabis persecution, entirely in the name of
protecting people from heroin -- so the WOD hinges totally
on the gateway theory.  If you disprove the gateway theory,
the justification for persecuting cannabis collapses, and so
the practical foundation of WOD forfeiture strategy
collapses, so the entire WOD collapses.  If the gateway
theory is publically shown to be a myth and recognized as
such, the entire WOD soon collapses.  If voters accept
cannabis, then the WOD becomes too much trouble for the
authorities to bother with.
-Michael Hoffman

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