-Caveat Lector-


AngryWhiteDemocrat (961 posts)
    Jun-14-02, 03:55 PM (ET)
Ohio State fascism - What happened today

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-02 AT 03:59 PM (ET)
As I sit here before you, I must admit I am truly exhausted from a full day.
I've read the thread about Ohio State on LBN, and I am here to tell you it is
true...and then some. I'll try to hit all the details.
And what happened to us is truly unbelieveable.
We arrived at Ohio Stadium at 6am. A rally was scheduled at the Jesse Owens
memorial site for that time, and the graduates were to be at their places by
630am. Family and friends were permitted to enter at that time as well.
I didn't get close enough to the 6am rally, but in my search for an organizer
of Turn Your Back On Bush, I did indeed hear the announcement. Graduating
students were told that they would be expelled and arrested if they turned
their backs. they were alerted that dozens of staff memebers and police
officers would be watching the stands, as well as the Secret Service. A few
students asked for the definition of expulsion....did it mean removal from
the stadium or refusal of their diplomas, or both? One of the persons at the
front said "Both. And what will your parents do when they are paged from the
crowd to bail out their son?" I do not know if this person had an official
capacity with the Ohio State University or any police department.
I must say, I did not hear that exchange. I was informed of it later when I
found outside the stadium protesting. To tell these ADULTS that after 4 years
and 80,000 dollars that they would be tossed aside if they didn't face a
certain direction?????
I began to wonder how many of those students went to find their friends who
were graduating pre-law.....
We entered the stadium later with family and friends, and similar statements
swirled around the crowd. "Please make sure you stand and loudly cheer our
President. Our graduates have been requested to do the same, and have agreed
to give a loud cheer for Mr. Bush", etc.....
Once inside, we decided that it might not be a good idea to be too close to
the front. We saw the lines of people waiting to get in the stadium.....and
yes, we saw the yellow buses that carted them all in. I asked one of them
where they were from. The woman replied "Upper Arlington". However, she could
not provide a zip code when I asked her for it (the main zip code for UA is
43221). Figuring on the masses of bussed-in people, we knew it might not be
wise to be up front.
We went behind the graduates and looked for peace signs on the mortar boards
(a sign that was meant to ID the Turn-Your-Backers). It was really difficult
to get an accurate count, but there were a LOT of peace signs. I was sure
that we weren't the only ones counting peace signs.
It didn't take long for our stomachs to turn....the first speaker (I believe
teh OSU President) began spouting about how proud they were to have Bush
there. He said "We have a long tradition of inviting great men and women to
speak at our commencements." I quickly responded "but since we couldn't get
one, here's Georgie".
That got the attention of the state trooper in front of us. His eyes were on
me the rest of the time.
The speech continued to mention that Chimpy was "a tireless worker in the
field of education" and "a man who unified this country after the terrible
events of 9/11". It was interesting to note that it took a LONG time for the
9/11 applause to turn into a standing ovation....they held out for that one,
not continuing the speech intentionally.
About 10 minutes later, Shrub was introduced to speak. Before he even got to
the stage, we did our about-face. I looked over my shoulder to see how many
graduates were doing the same. However, everybody was standing at that point,
and in pure black robes, it was impossible to see who was facoing what
direction. Furthermore, over that same shoulder, I saw one of Columbus'
Finest heading our way.
We never got to see how many students participated. We were being led out of
Ohio Stadium. To the officers' credit, he realized there wase. When we
reached the exit, I asked the SS man why we had been ejected, and he told me
we were being charged with disturbing the peace. If we chose to leave, the
charges would be dropped immediately.
With our daughter in mind, we chose not to fight it. I am sure we will regret
it someday when Bush's fabulous economy strikes us and we need a few million
in a lawsuit. But our daughter did not need any more irritation on this day.
On this day, June 14th, 2002, I came to the realization that we no longer
live in a free society. This is rapidly heading in the same way Nazi Germany
headed. Questioning our leaders is no longer the most outrageous crime you
can be charged with. Not paying attention to them is.
As you take in this message I give to you, I would like to add a footnote.
Next time, I will not leave quietly.
Next time, I will not allow you to intimidate my fellow Americans who wish to
speak out.
Next time I will not be so blind when I confront you.
Next time we meet, I will have more people with me to oppose you.
Next time, I will have brought voter registration cards for people whose eyes
I will open to your oppression.
And next time, I will have a babysitter.
Watch what you say, or they'll be calling you a radical, a liberal."
Proud Card-Carrying Member Of The Grassy Knoll Society
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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