-Caveat Lector-


Senator Byrd: Why Congress Has to Ask Questions


March 12, 2002

WASHINGTON - Do members of Congress have any business questioning a
president's military strategy in the midst of war? That was the question
swirling around Capitol Hill last week. In the heat of debate, some went so
far as to insinuate that any questioning of a wartime president is divisive
and unpatriotic.

What dangerous nonsense this is. Congress not only has the right to question
a president's policies, but also the duty. In a war, the American people
have every right to a full accounting of what their sons and daughters are
fighting for and what their government expects to achieve. To question is
not to accuse or to condemn. To question is to seek the truth. The less
forthcoming a president is, the more Congress will have to probe for
answers. Such is the current situation.

In the wake of Sept. 11, President Bush declared all-out war on terrorism.
Money is no object; time is no deterrent. We will win this war, the
president vowed. We will hunt down and destroy the terrorists.

Those words constitute a sweeping manifesto. I support the president's
commitment, but as a senator, I have a responsibility to look beyond the
rhetoric. How will we win this war? What are the costs? What are our
objectives? What are the standards by which we measure victory? How long
will we be in Afghanistan? Where else will we go? The Constitution states
that the president shall be commander in chief, but it is Congress that has
the constitutional authority to provide for the common defense and general
welfare, to raise and support armies, and to declare war. In other words,
Congress has a constitutional responsibility to weigh in on war-related
policy decisions.

Yet in this war on terrorism, Congress, by and large, has been left to learn
about major war-related decisions through newspaper articles. One day we
hear that American military advisers are heading to the Philippines. Another
day we read that military personnel may go into the former Soviet republic
of Georgia. The next day we are sending advisers into Yemen. And, oh yes, we
also learn from news reports that we have a shadow government in our own
backyard, composed of unknown bureaucrats, up and running at undisclosed
locations, for an indeterminate length of time.

Is it any wonder that members of Congress are beginning to question whether
the administration is deliberately leaving Congress in the dark - or whether
the administration is making major policy decisions on the fly, without
taking time for due consideration or consultation? Neither scenario is
comforting. And while the administration has started to meet with some
members of Congress, it appears to be more in reaction to criticism than in
genuine cooperation and consultation.

Last Wednesday, the remains of seven American servicemen killed in combat in
Afghanistan were brought home to Dover Air Force Base. The ceremony was a
somber and chilling reminder of what is involved in prosecuting America's
war on terror. It was a reminder that the waging of war is not merely a
matter of political debate. It is a matter of guns and bullets and bombs and
bloodshed. It is a matter of committing our sons and daughters to a
life-and-death struggle.

The loss of American lives in Afghanistan requires that we question the
president's wartime policies, no matter how uncomfortable the questioning
may be. We owe that to the Americans who have died, and who will die, in the
course of what may be a long and murky war.

Robert C. Byrd is a Democratic senator for West Virginia.

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