1/05/01 by Sherman H. Skolnick


Who dares mention? Who cares to remember? Russian-style, America has
proceeded as a three-horse wagon. BUT, has the United States IN AMERICA [not
OF AMERICA] become stagnant because each horse has sought to pull in a
different direction?

Groomed as a handsome, glib stooge since a teenager, WILLIAM ROCKEFELLER
CLINTON or whatever his true name is or was, has been handled and promoted by
the Rockefeller interests that have for decades owned and operated Arkansas.
[Several terms before Governor alleged "Clinton", Winthrop Rockefeller was
Arkansas Governor. Alleged Clinton is an illegitimate great grandson of old
John D. Rockefeller, founder of the infamous Standard Oil Trust. Our
interviews with mid-level members of the Rockefeller family convinces us of
"Clinton's" lineage. Yet, all birth records and related early papers of him
have apparently been destroyed if they ever existed.] In Arkansas, you cannot
even be a dog-catcher, without the blessings of the world's oil-soaked
bankers, swindlers, and assassins.

Early in his career, through the London station chief of the American CIA,
alleged Clinton became an agent provocateur for Western interests, to
continue the control and image of the Soviets as "enemies" of the U.S., to
enrich U.S. war contractors endlessly. With covert American espionage
funding, jointly with the aid of a clever so-called "Marxist", Strobe
Talbott, alleged Clinton took up expensive residency in Moscow. Pretending to
be young peaceniks, and alleged Clinton pretendedly a "draft dodger" (while
serving actually the American CIA), whose fudged chronology fooled many,
together they somehow extracted the secret transcript showing Krushchev
lambasting the Stalinists. So doing, Talbott and the alleged Clinton passed
the CIA test.

Through London, the alleged Clinton from an early age, was, in simplest
terms, a British agent. [Who remembers that the British set up the American
CIA? See the book "Intrepid" by Stephens.] As a purported Cecil Rhodes
scholar, alleged Clinton was sent to Oxford. [According to published British
accounts, he could not finish his British education, having been charged with
raping a British woman. He was allowed to escape criminal prosecution on
agreeing to leave the United Kingdom.] Based on a 19th Century South African
gold/diamond fortune, the Rhodes Trust is pledged to overthrow the American
central government and restore the inhabitants of this continent as subjects
of the British monarchy with America resuming as British puppet colonies.
Chosen by the world government elite in 1991, the Bilderberg Society Group,
and sworn to support the Rhodes Trust, the alleged Clinton ran against his
little-known mentor, George Herbert Walker Bush. And Bush's role as oil
billionaire was arranged by the British Royal family. [See "Unauthorized
Biography of George Bush" by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaikin.] Bush and his
worldwide espionage vehicle, Zapata Offshore, since at least 1959, was part
of a CIA front operation.

By studying the alleged Clinton and his purported "wife", herself, separately
a CIA darling from a young age, it becomes obvious their role, on behalf of
the Brits, was with impunity, to shamefully discredit the American central
government, and the U.S. Constitution on which it is built and dependent.
Scandal upon scandal was used by the liars and whores of the Press to
entertain a dumbed down America. This culminated in a sex scandal that
younger Americans in particular, and old lechers in general, found highly

Little known or understood, GEORGE W. BUSH, called by some Bush the Younger,
over the years had the alleged Clinton as a trusted confidant. The Arkansas
traveler, from time to time, came to the Bush Family mansion at
Kennebunkport, Maine. There purports to be an undercover Drug Enforcement
Administration, DEA, photo, showing the alleged Clinton in recent years
snorting cocaine jointly with Bush the Younger. That photo, apparently
available to, or purchased by, the Gore year 2000 Presidential Election
Campaign, if used, might have severely detracted from the younger Bush's

During the Florida election debacle, British broadcasters and print
correspondents, on-site in Tallahassee, delighted in lampooning the American
government in general and Bush/Gore in specific. The Brits had an interest,
like the alleged Clintons, to completely discredit the American government
the Florida state judicary, and ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court dominated
by a fascist-like "Gang of Five". [Visit our website for earlier stories on
the year 2000 election trauma.] Chief Justice William Rehnquist easily could
play the role of a bygone day of a Nazi-era judge, with imperial gold stripes
on his black dress. In perjured testimony before the U.S. Senate, as a Chief
Justice appointee, Rehnquist denied that some years previous in his career,
he was known as a vicious bigot and racist.

To pave the way for a Bush family second presidency, the Commissar of the
Federal Reserve, properly called Alan REDSPAN, used a variety of dirty
tricks. Redspan and his gang artificially smashed down the price of gold,
below the cost of production, that enabled insiders to make gold forward
deals and gold leasing loans at as little as one per cent. Such funds were
secretly used by Wall Street derivative swindlers, like Goldman Sachs & Co.
[called by savvy folks GOldman Sucks], to manipulate the price of oil
upwards, with the aid of fellow gangster Marc Rich. The purpose to force up
the price of oil prior to the year 2000 Election, to falsely blame
presidential candidate Gore for causing the price rise.

Similar to the alleged Clinton, George W. Bush is a form of British agent,
subject to the criterion of being blackmailable, whose family in the oil
business/dope trafficking/weapons smuggling was created by the British
monarchy. [As to oil, see Tarpley's book. As to dope/weapons, see our
extensive website series, with Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury documents
attached, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush Family". See the Bush joint account
with the Queen of England at Coutts Bank London owned by the British Queen.]

To understand how the American monopoly press has been, and remains,
pro-British, and like the Tribune Company having the Queen of England as a
large owner, one would have to begin by studying the early 1930s speeches in
the Congressional Record of the most brave and outspoken Congressman in U.S.
history, Congressman Louis T. McFadden. After surviving several assassination
attempts, he was apparently murdered. [Key portions of his revealing remarks
as of the date of this posting, are posted at
If you retype the address,
follow it carefully including the wiggle symbol, tilde, before the word

The Brits helped install George W. Bush in the White House. On a satire show,
they repeated my description of referring to Bush as the RESIDENT at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, and the PRESIDENT having received a nationwide plurality
of 600 thousand votes, as Albert Gore, Jr. To some, forever, Gore is the
PRESIDENT-In-Exile, not inaugurated, and continuing as a university

And the Brits know full well, having installed Bush the Younger, that he is,
at the same time, subject to being terminated at any time by documented
scandal. One of the largest U.S.newspapers, pro-British as most major
American publications, as well as a pro-British large U.S. news magazine,
reportedly have the pictures, documents, hotel records, airplane travel
records, and other corroborating details, to substantially prove the

As known, of course, for several years Florida Secretary of State Katherine
Harris has been in charge of the state's election procedures. As generally
UNKNOWN, she has for eight years or more, prior to the year 2000 Presidential
Election, been reportedly the sex-mate of George W. Bush. During the period
he was Texas Governor, and even prior thereto, she quietly followed him to
various meetings, conventions, and/or arranged with him to meet there, or he
to meet her there, in various places in the United States that she otherwise
would have no reason to be at. She reportedly stayed at the same hotels with
George W. Bush and he reportedly fathered a child with her which was
eliminated by abortion. [How does that fit with his public statements
catering to the ultra-right religious folks and their position on abortion?]
Katherine Harris played a key role in the George W. Bush alleged
"Presidency". And in helping defeat the efforts of Afro-Americans and others
cheated out of having the Florida ballots counted, she was not just any
reputed sex-mate of George W. Bush. [Unlike the Monica Lewinsky matter where
she did little, if anything, to further the alleged Clinton's position as
President. Clinton did send Monica to a key position in the Pentagon to use
her sex tricks to flush out, if possible, what generals and admirals under
the Military Code, were itching to arrest their Commander-in-Chief for
treason, such as with the Red Chinese Secret Police. See our website series,
"Red Chinese Secret Police IN THE UNITED STATES". In the process, seeking to
spy for Clinton, Monica became pregnant by a Pentagon official and had an

What can YOU do to confront those reportedly sitting on the George W.
Bush/Katherine Harris Affair? Start with the e-mail addresses of the
following in the oil-soaked monopoly press who have reportedly embargoed,
that is, suppressed, the story





The Brits benefitted from the 1929 U.S. markets collapse. At a key point in
October, 1929, the Brits pulled back their huge funds involved with U.S.
stockbrokers arranging margin accounts, at the time referred to as "call
money". [Some details in "The Great Crash 1929" by Kenneth Galbraith.]
British celebrity Winston Churchill orchestrated and supervised, along with
chief crook Bernard Baruch, the British promotion of the collapse, through
J.P. Morgan & Co., a British fiscal agent in New York. In the past, the Union
Jack flew at the entrance of Morgan's Wall Street headquarters. Some
historians sought to falsely explain away Churchill's role by stating that he
was merely sitting in the spectators' balcony of the New York Stock Exchange,
just spending some time watching the hectic proceedings.

Then fast forward. By the year 2001, the Brits were in a position to expect
and promote the general collapse, possibly worst in the history of the
Western World, of the American markets, stocks, bonds, commodities, U.S.
currency,the works. The Brits thereby hope, as prophetically outlined by
Congressman Louis T. McFadden in the 1930s, to grab up U.S. properties at a
penny on the dollar and use U.S. assets to underwrite foreign speculations.
In what the Brits expect to cause, the clearing houses
themselves---unthinkable expected disaster---would collapse making most
trades on the exchanges uncollectable. [In being the first to publicize the
then upcoming collapse of the Continental Bank in 1984, I was heckled when I
dared mention publicly that the exchange clearing house was in danger of
going under. Months later, the Chicago Tribune, without mentioning me,
sheepishly admitted the clearing house for some of the Chicago markets, came
within a hair of collapse.]

So the British, through their high-level operatives, some posing as
"President", past and present, have hoped to grab back America. Their
vehicle? A series of scandals, such as the reputed matter of George W. Bush
and Katherine Harris, being just one planned wreck of several. Is Richard
Cheney, a very sick man, up to taking over after the planned throwaway of
Bush? Will General Colin Powell be a martial law Emperor, like Napoleon, to
restore "order" as demanded by a psyched out, poorly informed populace,
worried about sleeping under bridges when it rains? More coming. Stay tuned

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