2002-04-25 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

Israel will do just fine. That's because they are the Chosenites and god
them better. Always has.
Quite simple really. Just watch.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 7:33 PM


April 22, 2002

Is Israel still part of the West?

Jenin – A HREF=;the
name/A is now a A
913.stmsynonym/A for the A
brutality of the Israeli war
machine/A, and for A
38491.asp+jenin+masadahl=enthe heroism of the Palestinian people/A as
they seek to defend
themselves against a merciless assault. The Israelis and their amen corner
aren't going to spin their way out of this one, and they know it. A
Janine di Giovanni in the London Times/A:

The refugees I had interviewed in recent days while trying to enter the
were not lying. If anything, they underestimated the the carnage and the
horror. Rarely, in more than a decade of war reporting from Bosnia,
Sierra Leone, Kosovo, have I seen such deliberate destruction, such
disrespect for human life.

Using civilians as human shields, the Israelis went on a rampage of
and bloodlust that only ran its course when the streets of Jenin were
with blood – not only the gore of fighters, as the Israelis are now
but that of innocent civilians wantonly murdered. Here's Marie Colvin, of
Times, A
HREF=;tracking down the
horrific truth/A. Apparently, she had only to –
literally – follow her nose:

The first medical teams allowed into the Jenin refugee camp last week
followed the chickens. Human senses were overwhelmed by the devastation and
the stench of death, but the birds were not distracted. They were hungry.
rusty-colored fowl pecking away at a bundle in the street drew a Red Cross
team to the remains of Jamal Sabagh.

He wasn't really recognizable to an untrained eye. His body had been lying
there for more than a week. The Israeli army had banned ambulances from the
camp for 11 days, and neighbors were too terrified to go to him.

Tank tracks led to his body, over it and onwards through the mud. What had
once been a young man was rotting flesh mingled with shredded clothing,
mashed into the earth. One foot was all that looked human.


Oh, can't you just hear Bill Bennett and his fellow Israel Firsters trying
justify this atrocity? After all, Sabagh was a terrorist, a potential
bomber, a fanatic bent on the destruction of Israel, and was killed in the
course of what the IDF calls a battle. Except that Sabagh wasn't a
A diabetic too ill to flee, he was also fearful that he might be mistaken
a fighter if he left his house. So he stayed – definitely a mistake:

Two days later, he left his house when the Israelis yelled over megaphones
that they were going to blow it up. He walked, directed by soldiers in
armoured personnel carriers, with other men to Seha Street at the centre of
the camp, carrying his bag of medicines. He joined the crowd. Soldiers
at him to take off his shirt, then his trousers. He clung to his bag of
medicine as he tried to unbuckle his belt, and he was slow. The soldiers
him, friends say.

The editorially pro-Israel Telegraph was A
1%2Fwmid111.xmlequally damning/A, with one story
headlined A
5%2Fwmid115.xmlHorror Stories from the Siege of Jenin/A. Summary
including the murder of young children, vicious beatings of women, and a
complete disregard for the elementary rules of war, marks the Israelis'
Operation Defensive Shield – what a name! – as the devilish work of
homicidal maniacs. Why else would the IDF have bulldozed houses, without
warning, while whole families were still in them? This was the Homicide
Offensive, meant to deliver a death blow to the Palestinian nation. But
swiftly burying the bodies under tons of rubble wasn't deep enough: as Nahum
Barnea, whom the Telegraph describes as Israel's leading newspaper
commentator, put it:

If Israel does not find some way to give them a dignified burial, the
will bury Israel.


Barnea recognizes that the main front in the war for a Greater Israel is not
on the West Bank


2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

April 22, 2002

Is Israel still part of the West?

Jenin – the name is now a synonym for the brutality of the Israeli war machine, and for the heroism of the Palestinian people as they seek to defend themselves against a merciless assault. The Israelis and their amen corner aren't going to spin their way out of this one, and they know it. Here's Janine di Giovanni in the London Times:

"The refugees I had interviewed in recent days while trying to enter the camp were not lying. If anything, they underestimated the the carnage and the horror. Rarely, in more than a decade of war reporting from Bosnia, Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, have I seen such deliberate destruction, such disrespect for human life."

Using civilians as human shields, the Israelis went on a rampage of vengeance and bloodlust that only ran its course when the streets of Jenin were running with blood – not only the gore of fighters, as the Israelis are now claiming, but that of innocent civilians wantonly murdered. Here's Marie Colvin, of the Times, tracking down the horrific truth. Apparently, she had only to – literally – follow her nose:

"The first medical teams allowed into the Jenin refugee camp last week followed the chickens. Human senses were overwhelmed by the devastation and the stench of death, but the birds were not distracted. They were hungry. Two rusty-colored fowl pecking away at a bundle in the street drew a Red Cross team to the remains of Jamal Sabagh. 

"He wasn't really recognizable to an untrained eye. His body had been lying there for more than a week. The Israeli army had banned ambulances from the camp for 11 days, and neighbors were too terrified to go to him."

"Tank tracks led to his body, over it and onwards through the mud. What had once been a young man was rotting flesh mingled with shredded clothing, mashed into the earth. One foot was all that looked human."


Oh, can't you just hear Bill Bennett and his fellow Israel Firsters trying to justify this atrocity? After all, Sabagh was a terrorist, a potential suicide bomber, a fanatic bent on the destruction of Israel, and was killed in the course of what the IDF calls a "battle." Except that Sabagh wasn't a fighter. A diabetic too ill to flee, he was also fearful that he might be mistaken for a fighter if he left his house. So he stayed – definitely a mistake:

"Two days later, he left his house when the Israelis yelled over megaphones that they were going to blow it up. He walked, directed by soldiers in armoured personnel carriers, with other men to Seha Street at the centre of the camp, carrying his bag of medicines. He joined the crowd. Soldiers yelled at him to take off his shirt, then his trousers. He clung to his bag of medicine as he tried to unbuckle his belt, and he was slow. The soldiers shot him, friends say."

The editorially pro-Israel Telegraph was equally damning, with one story headlined "Horror Stories from the Siege of Jenin." Summary executions, including the murder of young children, vicious beatings of women, and a complete disregard for the elementary rules of war, marks the Israelis' "Operation Defensive Shield" – what a name! – as the devilish work of homicidal maniacs. Why else would the IDF have bulldozed houses, without warning, while whole families were still in them? This was the Homicide Offensive, meant to deliver a death blow to the Palestinian nation. But swiftly burying the bodies under tons of rubble wasn't deep enough: as Nahum Barnea, whom the Telegraph describes as Israel's leading newspaper commentator, put it:

"If Israel does not find some way to give them a dignified burial, the bodies will bury Israel."


Barnea recognizes that the main front in the war for a Greater Israel is not on the West Bank, but in the West Wing – and in the West generally. In the propaganda war for the hearts and minds of their American patrons – without whom Israel would not last a year – the Sharon government is conducting a desperate struggle to suppress the truth not only about Jenin, but about their own annexationist agenda. "Operation Defensive Shield," eh? Now comes the news that Sharon plans to absorb half the West Bank into Israel proper. The Israeli blitzkrieg was about as "defensive" as Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia in the dark days prior to World War II – and just as ominous.


For weeks, the pro-Israel lobby in the US has been on the offensive, mirroring the IDF's scorched earth tactics with a take-no-prisoners propaganda blitz. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led the charge up Capitol Hill, with the usual array of sniper pundits giving him plenty of cover. Bob Novak archly remarked that Bibi's trip seemed to be an electioneering jaunt – perhaps to get his old job back – but left tantalizingly open the question of which election in which country. In a dress rehearsal for the key