-Caveat Lector-

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Note: Mr. Plumlee knows the full context of his confession to us on
videotape and in his e-mail questions why we haven't posted all of his
confession. I explained to him the reasons and he is clear on it.

E-Mail from Tosh Plumlee........

To Bob Vernon:

Just looked at http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com

So much you have missed.

Of course I see things a little different than you, but I am cursed with
another vision which is much larger than the Kennedy thing which
encompasses years of "Black Ops" in many different areas under extremely
tight security with deadly political overtures toward those which did
the missions.

How about the guy who took missile tech off the island (Cuba) - Who was
that pilot?

The Pawley Expedition? Just one of many political operations from J/M
WAVE and OMC operations.

Sorta like the Sullivan and O'Rouke thing in 1957 and the pilot

How about the Santa Clara raids with Frank Strugis?

You've missed so much of the thread that connects all this.

<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9747/toshmail2.htm">Untitled

Note: My e-mail request to Tosh was for him to please elaborate one more
time on the flight from Florida to Dallas and the time he landed in
Dallas on the morning of 11/22/63. His responses are consistent with
everything he's ever told us.

E-Mail response from Tosh Plumlee........

To Bob Vernon:

Rojas the pilot had flown for MATs a few years before he started flying
for Riddle Airlines and Regina Airlines two CIA front companies, (or
used as fronts) The twin beach came from LB Smith Aircraft Corp of
Miami.... The DC-3 came from Regina or Riddle... not sure. We did not
file any flight plans from West Palm....only an AIDZ ID check as
military when we crossed out of eastern Florida to New Orl. over water.
Not sure if the DC3 was picked up inTampa. The Twin Beech was a Miami
International based aircraft at L.B. Smith and maintained by Riddle
Airline mech. it was flown from Lantana to Tampa... then the Riddle DC-3
picked up, for more load and cross water.....

On Tosh's arrival in Dallas during the early morning hours of 11/22/63:

I think it was around 6 am - 7am Weather was breaking toward Redbird
when we got to Garland and we could hop on over to Redbird later that
day....everyone split up at Garland.....By ten am I think I was at the
safe house in Oak Cliff not far from Redbird and the DC3 was at Redbird
by then....been a long time.......


<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9747/toshconfess.htm">

Former CIA pilot Robert "Tosh" Plumlee speaks out for the first time
about his participation in the JFK assassination. Mr. Plumlee's
testimony to the United States Senate Intelligence Committee has been
classified as "Top Secret."

This confidential report and the information herein are the sole and
exclusive copyrighted property of Investigative Concepts Unlimited
("ICU"), 2609 Coffee Tree Court, Antioch, CA 94509, Phone: (925)
754-8833. This report, in full or in part, may not be reproduced,
copied, broadcast, distributed, or disseminated in any manner without
the expressed written consent of ICU. Anyone who violates this copyright
notice may be subject to civil and criminal penalties and jail. All
copyright infringements shall be reported to the FBI.

Q: Tosh, how do you make your living, what kind of occupation are you

A: I'm a pilot, commercial pilot.

Q: When did you first become a pilot?

A: I started in 1956. I was an aircraft mechanic prior to going in and
getting my license.

Q: And, you've been flying for a living ever since?

A: Off and on and also doing other jobs in those lean, lean years so to

Q: In your times as a pilot, have you ever been associated with or
worked with the CIA?

A: Yes I have.

Q: What was the first time?

A: The first time was 1956 and the first time I became involved,
connected with the CIA, through out of military intelligence, was the
M-267 and that was a gun running supply operation to supply guns and
ammunition to the students at the University of Havana inside Cuba. This
was pro-Castro days. This was before Castro came into power. And, that
was the beginning.

Q: Have you worked with the CIA since that time?

A: Yes, I've worked with the CIA.

Q: On just another occasion or many occasions?

A: On many occasions.

Q: Over a period of how many years?

A: Off and on, over a period of 30 years.

Q: Have you ever met, in your lifetime, a person named John Roselli?

A: Yes, I knew John Roselli rather well.

Q: When did you first meet him?

A: I met Roselli in about 1960, last part of '60, first part of '61.
And, this was at Biscayne Park, we'd just came from a meeting place
called Sloppy Joe's on Flagler Street in Miami. And, Johnny, John
Farentello was there, the person that introduced me to John Roselli.

Q: Have you ever had an occasion to fly in an airplane or to fly John

A: I've flown John Roselli, I would say, perhaps more than 6 or 7
different occasions. These were to islands, well not islands, but to the
Marathon Key in Florida, Bimini, once to Havana, one other time from
Houston to Galvezton to see about getting a raider ship which was going
to O'Rourke's operation, and another time from Salt Lake City to
Thunderbird Inn in Las Vegas, and then from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara,
California. And, that particular transition of flights was 1963.

Q: On those occasions, did you get to know John Roselli personally?

A: Yes, I knew John Roselli personally.

Q: Where were you on November 22, 1963?

A: I was observing the attempt on Kennedy's life. I was at Dealey Plaza
on the South Knoll.

Q: Did you have occasion on that day to see John Roselli?

A: Yes, I did. I saw John Roselli. John Roselli was on board the flight
coming out of Houston. We had taken a flight out of Tampa, Florida and
went through New Orleans, New Orleans to Houston and Roselli had boarded
the flight at Tampa, Florida, and he was staying at the Congress Inn the
night before he boarded the flight. Our team flew out of West Palm
Beach, a place called Lantana, and to Tampa and then Roselli and a
couple of other people got on board in Tampa. We flew to New Orleans
where two people got off, three other people got on, Roselli stayed on
board. We flew to Houston and then the next morning, we had some
weather, and we left for Dallas, and we had to...we were heading for
Thunderbird, I mean for Redbird Airport, and we had to make a stop a
Dallas/Garland because of weather. We did not have an IFR flight plan
filed at that point. We did not want to file a flight plan. The
impression I was under at that time is we were flying a team into Dallas
to abort the assassination and John Roselli was on board that flight as
well as a couple of other Cubans and people that were connected with
organized crime in New Orleans.

Q: On the morning of November 22, 1963, did the flight that arrived in
Garland, Texas, just outside of Dallas, have anything to do with the

A: The CIA was....yes it did, the CIA was our support people. We were
military intelligence. The CIA was running support and coordinating
certain flights, making different arrangements, or necessary
arrangements, for us.

Q: Who got off of the airplane at Redbird?

A: Everybody else got off at Redbird. John Roselli got off at Redbird
and everybody went their own way. Where they went, I have no idea, at
that point and time I have no idea where they went.

Q: Where you there just as a pilot or were you there as a participant in
this operation?

A: I've said I was there as a pilot. I was there as a participant. I was
a spotter. We were finding to find out if this was a legit operation, if
it was going to be a "hit" and then we would take'em out.

Q: Where were you standing in Dealey Plaza when the shots were fired?

A: I was over on the South side, directly in line with the light posts.
Sergio and I were attempting to evaluate where the most logical place to
be to make the "hit". We had just got there to the Plaza and everything
was all messed up, timing was off, people were not in....where they were
supposed to be, the limited radio contacts that we had were not working.
Whether the team that I flew in was a combination of the abort team or
the shooter team, I have no way of knowing. It could have been a
combination of both or it could have been a complete 100% abort team, I
don't know.

Q: What kind of plane were you flying that day?

A: We were flying a DC-3.

Q: Tosh, did you know Lee Harvey Oswald?

A: Yes, I knew Lee Harvey Oswald.

Q: Where did you first meet him?

A: I first meet Lee Harvey Oswald at a secret base called Illusionary
Warfare Training at Nagshead, North Carolina in 1959 prior to him going
to language school and going to Russia.

Q: Did you just meet him or did you get to know him?

A: I got to...well, I just met him and remembered him....At the time
that I met him in '59 he was a Marine, we were all in Illusionary
Warfare Training, or something...propaganda stuff, and he was there and
he was doing language study at that particular point. I didn't recognize
him as anybody them other than just another black operative.

Q: Did you ever see him after that?

A: Yes, one time in Honolulu with another guy at a radar installation
and that was about....oh I guess shortly after that...shortly after
Nagshead... my dates may be wrong. It could have been '58 or '59 right
around that area.

Q: Were there other occasions when you saw him? A: Well, the one at the
radar complex there on either Ohau or...I can't remember exactly where
it was. But he was there at that time and I saw him briefly at Wheeler
Air Force Base there at there at Oahu outside Honolulu and he was
getting ready to leave an go to Dal...the whole group was getting ready
to leave and we had been just completing jungle warfare training.

Q: Did you ever see him again after that?

A: Yes, in '62 when I came back into Dallas area, that, through the
Dallas Cubans over on, not Harlendale Street, but there was a "safe"
house here in Dallas, Oak Cliff, two of'em. There was a small two
bedroom frame type house that was located in Oak Cliff not far from the
zoo where the old inner urban track used to go through, I mean there's a
highline down through there now, at that place and then I think it was
Zang's Blvd. there used to be "safe" house there that was run by
Hernandez out of Miami that had connections with Alpha 66 at one point
that se up a "safe" house for Dallas Cubans that were filtrating out of
the Miami area. Oswald, from those two "safe" houses, I went to another
"safe" house and that "safe" house was directly behind where Oswald had
rented a room, in the alley, and I carved my initials on the draining
board up there at that time and that was a gun running operation and
Oswald was renting the front house. I saw him there briefly but did not
talk to him.

<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9747/moretosh.htm">Untitled


This confidential report and the information herein are the sole and
exclusive copyrighted property of Truth, Truth, Truth, Inc. and
Investigative Concepts Unlimited ("ICU"), 2609 Coffee Tree Court,
Antioch, CA 94509, Phone: (925) 754-8833. This report, in full or in
part, may not be reproduced, copied, broadcast, distributed, or
disseminated in any manner without the expressed written consent of ICU.
Anyone who violates this copyright notice may be subject to civil and
criminal penalties and jail. All copyright infringements shall be
reported to the FBI.

Q: What do you think about at night?

A: Well, that's a tough question. Over the years it's like one of those
things that, you see a good buddy get massacred or killed, you don't
want to think about it. You don't pick up a book and study. You don't go
read these books that come out over the last 10-15 years cause it tears
your guts out. It's like living with a monkey on your back. You want to
talk. You want to tell your story. There was a time when it was
extremely derogatory to be even connected with the Kennedy assassination
and immediately if you said anything "Oh, I know something about the
Kennedy assassination", they say "Yeah, it's time for you to go to
Bellevue and we're gonna lock you up" Just now, it's coming around that
the new generation is demanding some answers and I think the new gen
eration deserves those answers and I think the truth should come out and
I think it's my responsibility, whether anybody believes this story or
not, or wherever the confirmation has come and does come, it's
immaterial to me what people think. If they're really sincere, let them
do their own investigation and there's enough documentation out there to
support this story as well as other stories about black-op operations.
Our military was extremely active, pro and con.

Q: Why did they go to the Mafioso in the first place to carry out this

A: Because they're available and because they have the know how and they
have the technique and there's not an operative or an agent that can
actually work in the bureaucracy of government and keep those type of
secrets so if a hitman was selected from the CIA or military and
something went sour, that's a direct connection to the United States
Government as a whole. It would only be feasible that the planners,
which were not high level CIA planners, but it was mid-level and rouges.
During that time, you got to remember, we come out of the Eisenhower
administration with military operatives that was very loyal to the OSS
back in the 40's and then we come into a new Kennedy breed that is gonna
change all that up. As a result of that, information was gathered and we
were actually fighting each other. We became similar to what DEA and
people are doing now in the drug war, where agencies begin to fight with
themselves. That's what we were facing in those days. And not to mention
the propaganda that was being perpetrated and played by special
interests within agencies that would throw our intelligence gathering
off. We could go around the Caribbean for weeks. In fact, in one case
with the Raider ship and O'Rourke, it was reported that we were landing
commandos in Cuba, and were down in Port Everglades and we were cleaning
the boat and painting it and going fishing for two weeks. But then we
would read in the paper about the raids we were carrying out inside
Cuba. So, there's a lot of propaganda out there about what we did and in
some cases we used to laugh about it and think it was very cute.

Q: What motivated you to come forward at this time?

A: My motivation to come forward at this time, I guess you would say
because of the work that Oliver Stone did do. I think that's it's
important that the younger generation know the truth behind the Kennedy
assassination. I'm under the impression for myself, after all these
years, it's time, if for no other reason, than to cleans my soul and to
tell the public the truth about what role I played that day in the
Kennedy assassination and put all this behind me and live a life and go
into my autumn years and be done with it.

Q: Do you have any personal regrets about that day?

A: The only personal regrets I have about that day that Sergio and I did
not take the initiative to do more observation from other areas in this.
We should have been a little more diligent in our approach to this
particular operations than what we were.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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