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The Baruch Plan for World Government

Peter Myers, September 5, 2001; update March 20, 2003. My comments are shown {thus}.

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Pavel Sudoplatov, Stalin's spymaster, says in his memoirs Special Tasks, that Niels Bohr & Robert Oppenheimer helped the Soviet Union get the atomic bomb.

It's not that they were "spies" as such; rather, they believed they were supporting a good cause. No doubt they were motivated by the "antiFascist" alliance of the time.

In 1946, the US government put to Stalin a plan for World Government, created by Bernard Baruch & David Lilienthal, both Jews. This plan was put in the pages of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Bertrand Russell described its development in his book Has Man a Future?. Baruch had earlier been associated with Wilson's attempt to have the League of Nations created as a World Government, with a World Army and a World Court. The Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971) says that Baruch "served on the Supreme Economic Council at the Conference of Versailles, where he was President Wilson's personal economic adviser".

Stalin got cold feet - he'd noticed the Jewish campaign to have a Jewish republic within the USSR, created in the Crimea. What unnerved him especially was that AMERICAN Jews, with their huge financial power, would be involved, and he felt that the USSR would lose control.

As a result, some leaders of the Jewish Antifascist Committee (American at that) had their lives shortened.

Arnold J. Toynbee, of the Royal Institute of Intetnational Affairs,  argues the case for World Government: "Abolishing war would involve setting up at least a rudimentary world-government. The first world-authority that it would be necessary for us to establish - and, of course, also to endow with effective power - would be a central agency for controlling the production and the use of atomic energy. ... " toynbee.html.

A proposal for World Government is a serious matter, affecting everyone. World Government will be final: there will be no "trial run", and nowhere to escape should it turn bad. Examination is therefore warranted; to promote study of this matter, here are images of the pages of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:

After the letters "bas", the date of each issue is indicated in the format yymmdd, and the page number follows. All issues are in 1946; at the time, only America had the bomb.

February 1, p. 6 - Emery Reeves for World Government: bas460201-p6.jpg

February 15, p.4 - H. C. Urey for World Government: bas460215-p4.jpg

March 1, back page - about a book called "One World Or None" - authors include Bohr, Oppenheimer, Szilard - and LOOK magazine issues a gory, scary pictorial: bas460301-back-page.jpg

June 1, p.1 - Robert Oppenheimer for the Baruch Plan: bas460601-p1.jpg

July 1, p.1 - The American and Russian Proposals - "presented to the world by Bernard Baruch as the official spokesman of the American government"; "Mr Baruch ... proposed ... the power of veto be eliminated", i.e. in the Security Council: bas460701-p1.jpg

July 1, p.3 - Bernard Baruch on the American Proposal: bas460701-p3.jpg

July 1, p. 8 - Andrej Gromyko puts the Russian Proposal: bas460701-p8.jpg

September 1, p. 22 - William Fox "Debate on World Government or Discussion of Atomic Energy Control": bas460901-p22.jpg

October 1, p. 1 - Note Russell's article is listed here: bas461001-p1.jpg

October 1, p. 19 - first page of Russell's article: bas461001-p19.jpg

October 1, p. 20 - second page of Russell's article: bas461001-p20.jpg

October 1, p. 21 - third page of Russell's article: bas461001-p21.jpg

October 1, p. 26 - Gregory Bateson presents Nationalism as the dangerous alternative: bas461001-p26.jpg

October 1, p. 27 - Bateson continues: a world authority must be a World Government: bas461001-p27.jpg

October 1, p. 30 - Chester Barnards: Security Through the Sacrifice of Sovereignty: bas461001-p30.jpg

October 1, p. 32 - back page - note the description of David Lilienthal, and the _expression_ "Publications of the Baruch Office": bas461001-p32.jpg

November 1, p. 23 - Stalin's reply - but he was not about to concede control: bas461101-p23.jpg

(1) Bertrand Russell on the Baruch Plan:

In 1946, just after the last world war, there were two huge armies, the Soviet and American. If they had joined up, no other force could have resisted them.

Such a proposal for World Government was put in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists over several months in 1946. In his book Has Man a Future?, Bertrand Russell - an advocate of world government - describes how it developed, first as a proposal assembled by David Lilienthal, then in a form developed by Bernard Baruch (p. 25 & p. 97). This "Baruch Plan" was canvassed in the issues of 1946 and put to Stalin. By the end of that year, Stalin had rejected it, on the grounds that it required submission to Washington, and the Cold War had begun.

On October 1, 1946, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists carried an article by Russell entitled The Atomic Bomb and the Prevention of War, where he writes,

"The American and British governments ... should make it clear that genuine international cooperation is what they most desire. But although peace should be their goal, they should not let it appear that they are for peace at any price. At a certain stage, when their plan (sic) for an international government are ripe, they should offer them to the world ... If Russia acquiesced willingly, all would be well. If not, it would be necessary to bring pressure to bear, even to the extent of risking war".

Baruch and Lilienthal, the authors of the Plan, were Jews, and both editors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which carried the Plan and its debate, were Jews.

(2) from Ben-Ami Shillony, The Jews and the Japanese, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland Vermont, 1991.

{p. 190} Jewish scientists played a prominent role in the development of the atomic bomb. It was an Austrian Jewish woman physicist, Lise

{p. 191} Meitner, who first alerted allied scientists to the possibility of splitting the atom. ... In July 1939, two Hungarian Jewish physicists who had fled from the Nazis, Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner, informed Albert Einstein, by then a refugee from the Nazis in the United States, that recent German successes in harnessing atomic energy could enable the Nazis to build an atomic bomb. They begged Einstein to urge the U. S. government to develop such a weapon before the Nazis did. ... The man who arranged the meetings between the scientists and the president was a Jewish banker and close friend of the president, Alexander Sachs. ...

Many Jewish scientists worked on the Manhattan project. The most famous of them was Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Los Alamos laboratory; the others included Leo Szilard, Niels Bohr, Otto Frisch, Eugene Rabinowitch, James Franck, Felix Bloch, and Edward Teller (who later developed the H-bomb).

{p. 192} The super weapon that Einstein and the other Jewish scientists had in mind was intended for use against Nazi Germany, not against Japan. ... after the surrender of Germany in May, 1945, Leo Szilard drafted a petition to President Truman, stating that although there had been justification for using the atomic bomb against Germany, there was no

{p. 193} justification for using it against Japan. ... In early June 1945, James Franck, Leo Szilard, Eugene Rabinowitch and others dispatched a report to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, urging him not to drop the bomb on Japan.

(3) from Alfred M. Lilienthal, THE ZIONIST CONNECTION II: What Price Peace?, Veritas Publishing Colnpany, Bullsbrook, Western Australia, 6084, 1983

{p. 235} The Jewish connection on the political level has been of even far greater consequence. Starting at least with the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, important decision-making echelons of the U.S. government have been filled with many Jews. The New Dealers contained the broadest kind of list, ranging from Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Herbert Lehman, David Niles, and Samuel Rosenberg to Morris Ernst and Robert Nathan. Bernard Baruch played a unique role as adviser to five Presidents. David E. Lilienthal and Lewis H. Strauss were Chairmen of the Atomic Energy Commission.

(4) The Atomic Scientists of Chicago

>From http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/spcl/chain.html:

'The University of Chicago is not only the site of the world's first self-sustaining nuclear reaction, but also one of the earliest and most influential centers of the atomic scientists' movement.

'On December 2, 1942, scientists at the University of Chicago produced the world's first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction ... This experiment, crucial to the control of nuclear fission, was one of several research projects at sites around the country, each concentrating on some task critical to production of an atomic bomb. All were administered by the U.S. Army under the code name of Manhattan Engineer District, or Manhattan Project.'

Two Jewish scientists, Eugene Rabinowitch and Hyman H. Goldsmith, created the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: http://www.bullatomsci.org/. Rabinowitch's biography is at http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/ger075.htm. It reads,

'Eugene I. Rabinowitch was born on April 27, 1901 at St. Petersburg, ... attended the University of Berlin ... With the rise of the Nazi Party in the early 1930s, Jews, such as Rabinowitch, were expelled from their university posts. ... Rabinowitch ... went first to Copenhagen to work with Neils Bohr at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. ...

'In June 1945 Rabinowitch and physicist Leo Szilard authored a memorandum, which became known as the Franck Report. The memorandum, which argued against the military use of the atomic bomb ... the Franck Report is one of the earliest statements of the Concerned Scientists Movement of the 1940s and 1950s. ... Rabinowitch was an early leader in both the Movement and the educational effort, co-founding with Hyman Goldsmith the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. As the editor-in-chief for more than twenty years Rabinowitch maintained the Bulletin's quality and independence as a forum for discussion of scientific issues with social and political implications. ...

'Rabinowitch's interest in public policy and political affairs was demonstrated in 1955, when he helped to organize the international forum, which became known as the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.

'Eugene I. Rabinowitch Papers

'... Series 2: BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS, 1945-1972 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) was begun in December 1945 by Eugene Rabinowitch and Hyman H. Goldsmith. Originally called the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago, it served as a newsletter for the Atomic Scientists of Chicago. In 1946 the name was changed to its present form. The Bulletin started "as a means of calling public attention to the perils of atomic energy and the urgent need for its control by a civilian agency."'

(5) H. G. Wells on how Russia might be incorporated into a World Government:

H.G. Wells laid out the scenario for drawing the USSR back in, in his book The Shape of Things to Come (he called his One-World movement The Modern State Movement).

H. G . Wells, The Shape of Things to Come: the Ultimate Revolution. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1933:

"The method of treaty-making {i.e. international agreements} and a modus vivendi was already in operation in regard to Russia. There indeed it was hard to say whether the Communist party or the Modern State Movement was in control, so far had assimilation gone. And the new spirit in the old United States was now so 'Modern' that the protests of Washington and of various state governors against the Controls were received hilariously. Aeroplanes from Dearborn circled over the capital and White House and dropped parodies of the President's instructions to dissolve the Air and Food Trust of America. All over that realist continent, indeed, the Controls expanded as a self-owned business with a complete disregard of political formalities. But the European situation was more perplexing." (p. 320).

(6) Lionel Curtis on how World Government can be made to look like something else:

from Lionel Curtis, Civitas Dei: THE COMMONWEALTH OF GOD, MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON 1938.

{p. 471} THE GRAND ALLIANCE {1815, after the defeat of Napoleon}

AT Vienna the concert of Europe had come into being. When the Congress closed the dominant figure in its counsels was the Tzar, whose position in some ways resembled that which President Wilson afterwards filled at the Conference of Paris. Like Wilson he dreamed of creating a body to order the general affairs of mankind. In September 1815 he invited the governments of Europe to recognise that all human authority is derived from God, and to join in 'a Holy Alliance' to assert that principle. ...

Alexander hoped through this Article to realise the

{p. 472} dreams of a world-government foreshadowed in the Holy Alliance, and Castlereagh must have accepted it only to avoid giving him offence.

{end of selections}

Note that Alexander's text did not explicitly canvas world government, but the meaning was clear to Curtis; in the same way, the League of Nations and the Baruch Plan disguised their intentions.

(7) The Baruch Plan was certainly supported by Oppenheimer, and seemingly by Bohr. Was Oppenheimer on BOTH sides of the fence? Such scientists saw themselves as working, not for America or Russia, but for a World Authority based on universalist principles, which transcended national loyalty. If they were somewhat blind to Jewish domination in creating the USSR, or harshness in running the Cheka, this is comparable to white Americans' blindness to their invasion of indigenous Americans, despite the United States' universal principles.

The sense seems to be that, from the Jewish point of view, both East and West had "Jewish/Universalist" and "Aryan/Christian" factions. If "Jewish/Universalist" factions got power in both the East and West blocks at the same time, they might form a World Government. That's why, whatever Stalin's sins, one might be thankful that he, not Trotsky, was in power. The struggle between the two factions within the USSR led to Stalin's murder in 1953, and arguably to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Probably Oppenheimer & Bohr saw the "Aryan/Christians" (i.e. anti-communists) as their main enemy; sharing secrets with Stalin was a way of working against them. After WWII was over, they did not need Stalin so much, and could dare to assert supremacy, in the hope that he might agree, & their long-cherished dream come about.

(8) The very people who created the atomic bomb were the ones telling us we needed World Government because of the danger. Some of them had even shared the bomb with the Soviet Union, inadvertently creating the arms race.

They were right in a way - competition could destroy the planet; but had World Government been granted on their terms, they and their allies would have been in a position of great power, able to dominate the world. Can they therefore claim altruism as their motive?

Was the Baruch Plan an offer by those who had the bomb to relinquish control of it? Or were they trying to use their monopoly to extend their hegemony over the whole world?

A key feature of the Baruch Plan discussions was an insistence that the Permanent Members of the Security Council give up their Veto power; such a demand is still made today by the One-World lobby, as then associated with high finance. Then Baruch, today Soros.

Gorbachev bought their "One World" line; but look what they did to the Soviet Union. When they threatened to intervene in Chechnya as they had in Kosovo, Yeltsin reminded them that Russia still had a full nuclear arsenal. Perhaps that's why the American government wants its "missile-defence" system: so that it can intervene anywhere at will ... in the name of "Human Rights".

The West's betrayal of Russia after the Cold War shows that it cannot be trusted.

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