FEATURE STORY | June 25, 2001

The New Nuclear Danger


On June 12, 1982, 1 million people assembled in Central Park in New York City
to protest the reckless nuclear policies of the Reagan Administration and to
call for a nuclear freeze. They never assembled in such numbers again--in
part because Reagan reversed course and opened nuclear arms talks with the
Soviet Union, and in part because, after Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, the
cold war began to wind down. The day remains in memory as a reminder of how
quickly public concern over nuclear annihilation can arise and how quickly it
can evaporate. When the cold war finally did end, nuclear weapons pretty much
dropped out of the conscious thoughts of most Americans. The weapons
themselves, however, remain in existence--some 32,000 strong at last count.
Now the policies of a new administration and the rise of fresh nuclear
dangers have brought the issue back to awareness. On June 10 a coalition of
groups that calls itself Project Abolition will hold an antinuclear
demonstration in Lafayette Park across from the White House. It will be the
first major effort of its kind in the capital since the end of the cold war.
The precipitating event is the new arms race that is threatened by the Bush
Administration's embrace of National Missile Defense (NMD) and the
weaponization of space. A million people are not expected. But the protesters
hope to make up in staying power what they lack in numbers. Their underlying
cause is the abolition of all nuclear arms, and their vow is to stick with it
for the duration.

It is no simple matter to take stock of the nuclear predicament in the year
2001. Under the Bush Administration, the nuclear policies of the United
States--and of the world--are in a state of greater confusion than at any
time since the weapons were invented. Chaos would not be too strong a word to
use. In fact, the greatest current danger may lie not in one policy or
another but precisely in this confusion, which leaves the world's nuclear
actors without any reliable road map for the future. It is nevertheless
essential to try to understand at least the broad outlines of the new shape
of the predicament. This exercise is complex and riddled with paradox and
contradiction, not to mention wishful thinking and sheer fantasy, yet it is
unavoidable if either policy or protest is to make sense.

Nuclear danger today has two main sources. The first is the mountain of
nuclear arms left over from the cold war. The second is the proliferation of
nuclear weapons to new countries. The leftover cold war arsenals are still
governed by the policy that prevailed during the cold war, the doctrine of
nuclear deterrence, which holds (in its most enlightened version) that the
rival great powers are safest when each has the unchallengeable power to
annihilate its rival. This way, no one is supposed to try anything, because
if anyone does, all will die. Today the United States has about 7,200 weapons
poised to fire at Russia, and Russia has about 6,000 poised to fire at us,
and the continued existence of each nation depends on the reliability of the
other's forces, which is doubtful in the extreme in the case of Russia.
Deterrence's provocative other name, of course, is mutual assured
destruction, or MAD, a reference to the menace of complete annihilation on
which the stability of the arrangement rests. MAD's confusing adjunct is arms
control, whose aim has been to draw down the preposterous excess of offensive
weapons through the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) while suppressing
defenses by observance of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty of 1972,
until this year called the "cornerstone of strategic stability" in NATO
planning papers. Defenses had to be suppressed because if they ran free they
would upset the laboriously negotiated offensive reductions.

MAD, however, is not a creature of the ABM treaty; it is an inescapable
condition in a world of large nuclear arsenals, against which no defenses are
available. The ABM treaty merely ratifies and codifies this underlying
situation, the better to negotiate the reduction--though not the
elimination--of offensive forces. Other things being equal, a world without
an ABM treaty would not be a world without MAD; it would be a world with MAD
but without arms control.

MAD was of course a product of the cold war. It was a desperate makeshift in
a desperate situation. Today, however, the cold war has long been over. The
extreme peculiarity--or downright absurdity--of continuing to rely on MAD is
that the political antagonism that underlay and justified it ended ten years
ago, when the Soviet Union disappeared. During the cold war, the two powers
threatened each other with annihilation for a reason; now they do so without
a reason. Russia and the United States have no quarrel that would justify the
firing of a single conventional round, not to speak of mutual annihilation.
The human beings resolved their quarrels, but the weapons, displaying their
characteristic astonishing immunity to political influence, evidently did not
get the news. Here is a state of affairs that seems ripe for radical surgery.

The second source of nuclear danger, proliferation, is most dramatically
evident in South Asia, where India and Pakistan are engaged in the first
nuclear face-off entirely unrelated to the cold war. It's difficult to
predict where proliferation will occur next, but some of the main candidates
are obvious: the Middle East, where Israel already possesses nuclear weapons
and where Iraq and Iran are both known to be interested in acquiring them;
and East Asia, where North Korea has well-developed nuclear and missile
programs, and where Japan has just elected a prime minister who wishes to
alter his nation's Constitution, which now forbids the development of
offensive military forces, including nuclear weapons. If unchecked,
proliferation has no logical or necessary stopping point. It points to a
fully nuclearized world, in which any nation seriously threatened by another
will feel itself fully entitled to build nuclear arms.

Unfortunately, the two basic elements of nuclear danger do not exist in
separate worlds; they fatally interact in our one world. Most important, MAD
is a standing invitation to proliferation, as the nuclearization of South
Asia has already demonstrated. The simple, unavoidable truth is that
possession fuels proliferation. If a country that feels threatened by the
nuclear arms of another accepts MAD, as the nuclear powers teach them to do,
they not only are likely to develop arms, they must do so. For a government
to do otherwise would be to criminally abdicate its responsibility to defend
its people. (Imagine the reactions in the United States, for example, if this
country somehow did not possess nuclear arms but was suddenly threatened by a
country that did possess them, and some third country lectured it on the
virtues of remaining nuclear-weapon-free in the name of nonproliferation.)

Enter George W. Bush. His Administration has addressed the two major elements
of nuclear danger in our world. In regard to the leftover cold war arsenals,
he has proposed what on the face of it appears to be the most radical shift
in policy since the inauguration of the MAD system. "The cold war logic that
led to the creation of massive stockpiles on both sides," he has announced,
in a refreshing acknowledgment of the new geopolitical reality, "is now
outdated. Our mutual security need no longer depend on a nuclear balance of
terror." The clear promise is of a fundamentally new policy, of a "new
framework," in his words. In regard to proliferation, he has proposed to
defend the United States with NMD (which was in fact embraced by President
Clinton and both parties in the Senate before Bush took office). In sum, "it
is time to leave the cold war behind, and defend against the new threats of
the twenty-first century." The Bush policies have the merit of acknowledging,
in a way that the seemingly insensate continuation of MAD into the post-cold
war world did not, the basic new realities--on the one hand, the collapse of
MAD's political underpinnings and, on the other hand, the increasing dangers
of proliferation. MAD acknowledges neither. It anachronistically deals with
Russia exactly as we did during the cold war (though with somewhat reduced
overkill), and it fatally undercuts nonproliferation by teaching that nuclear
arsenals are the key to a nation's security. It is, indeed, the
impossibility, in a MAD world, of framing effective nonproliferation policies
that set the stage for NMD. If diplomacy wedded to MAD cannot stop
proliferation, isn't it time to try something else, namely defenses? In that
respect, NMD is the product of MAD.

The Bush prescription, however, does not work merely because the policies it
purported to replace have failed. The most notable problem with the Bush
approach is that it has not provided--even in theory--policies that can make
its promises a reality. Bush seeks to offer an exit from the balance of
terror, but he provides no actual escape route. MAD, notwithstanding its
deficiencies, is a tough old bird, and cannot be waved away with a phrase in
a speech. The closest Bush has come to a concrete policy in this field has
been to announce a unilateral reduction in offensive nuclear arsenals to "the
lowest possible number"--a number, however, that he has not specified. But a
low number of offensive warheads, however welcome in itself (press reports
have suggested that the range might be between 1,500 and 2,500 warheads),
gives no release from the balance of terror. It preserves it at lower levels
of overkill. (Picture the United States or Russia after a thousand or so of
its cities have been destroyed.) In other passages of his speeches, Bush has
seemed to acknowledge that MAD will stay in effect. In a speech on May 1, he
stated in a less noted passage, "Deterrence can no longer be based solely on
the threat of nuclear retaliation." The word "solely" is decisive. It means
that MAD will be continued. At best, it will be supplemented by something,
not replaced by it. What will that something be? Bush immediately continued,
"Defenses can strengthen deterrence by reducing the incentive for
proliferation." But to add defenses to MAD is a far different proposition
from substituting one for the other.

That brings us to the second problem with the Bush plan. It is the one that
has led almost the entire world to reject national missile defenses. Russia
fears that a resurgent United States, feeling protected by its shield, will
bully it in the future, and China fears that its small nuclear arsenal will
be negated. The initial goal of NMD is to protect against proliferators. But
at the same time, it would upset arms control. Defenses do not enhance the
existing MAD system; they undermine it. That is why the world is upset that
the Bush Administration wants to jettison the ABM treaty. Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov, for example, has recently written, "With the ABM treaty
as its root, a system of international accords on arms control and
disarmament sprang up in the past decades. Inseparable from this process is
the creation of global and regional regimes of nuclear nonproliferation.
These agreements, comprising the modern architecture of international
security, rest on the ABM treaty. If the foundation is destroyed, this
interconnected system will collapse, nullifying thirty years of efforts by
the world community." The United States' NATO allies have just made it clear
that they agree.

In the nuclear sphere, defenses and offenses are oil and water. The addition
of defenses destabilizes an offensive system and vice versa. MAD is an
offensive framework, depending on mutual vulnerability to make everyone
cautious. A defensive framework--a so-called defense-dominated world--is
imaginable. Under it, offenses would be hugely reduced or eliminated by
mutual agreement, and protection from residual danger would be provided by
defenses. Only when defenses could clearly overwhelm any offense would a
defensive system have been achieved. At that point, and only at that point,
would MAD truly be a thing of the past. This was the vision put forward, at
least rhetorically, by Ronald Reagan as his ultimate goal when he first
proposed strategic defenses. Like MAD, defense domination qualifies as a true
framework for nuclear danger. It is one that is in fact supported by many
retired civilian and military officials, including the commander of the
allied air forces in the Gulf War, Charles Horner, and Reagan's chief arms
negotiator, Paul Nitze, both of whom have called for the elimination of
nuclear weapons together with the creation of defenses. The only way, indeed,
to make sense of antimissile defenses such as NMD is to wed them to a
commitment by the nuclear powers to abolish nuclear weapons.

A further problem with NMD--certainly, the strangest one--is that so far it
is a technical flop, having failed most of its tests. Aristotle said that the
most important attribute of a thing is existence. NMD lacks this attribute.
Or, to put it differently, it has the attribute of nonexistence. It's been
interesting to watch how this attribute has manifested itself politically.
The Bush Administration announced that it means to "deploy" NMD. Deploy what,
though? The Administration backed away from the Clinton plan--a limited
deployment of ground-based missiles that would shoot down incoming
missiles--and began to suggest even less-tested alternatives, including
airborne, sea-based and space-based systems. When Bush recently sent his
envoys to governments around the world to "persuade" them of the virtues of
his plan, the governments learned to their surprise that nothing of a
concrete character was on the table. It was one thing for Ivanov to say that
"in order to hold a discussion, you have to have some subject for it, a plan,
a concrete understanding of what the other side wants. For now, there are no
such plans." It was another when the American envoy Paul Wolfowitz had to
confess the truth of the charge, saying, "It is much too early, I think, even
for us to ask people to agree with us, because we have not come to firm
conclusions yet ourselves." The lesson may be that when you're promising pie
in the sky, you should at least have some pie.

Is it possible that the nonexistence of NMD will spare us its harmful
consequences? Unfortunately, not necessarily--unless the United States either
abandons the scheme or weds it to a commitment to abolish nuclear weapons.
Governments make their decisions according to future expectations. The
looming possibility of NMD can therefore bring many of the disadvantages of
actual deployment--disruption of arms control, pressure to
proliferate--without any of the advantages. NMD thus creates a political
problem that it cannot technically solve. When one reflects that the more
ambitious NMD programs cannot be fully deployed (if they can work at all)
until 2020, it becomes obvious that this is no minor consideration.

There is, we must note, one other "framework" that is possible: the framework
of American military dominance, nuclear and otherwise, of the world. As the
conservative commentators William Kristol and Robert Kagan have stated,
Republicans "will ask Americans to face this increasingly dangerous world
without illusions. They will argue that American dominance can be sustained
for many decades to come, not by arms control agreements, but by augmenting
America's power, and, therefore, its ability to lead." If the United States
does abandon all nuclear arms control (perhaps, breaking out downward, in a
manner of speaking, with unilateral cuts, the better to go upward again at
will) in a bid for global dominance, and if it seeks to develop not only
ballistic missile defense but--what may be more serious and technically
feasible--offensive, space-based weapons, then our future framework will be
neither MAD nor any version of defense dominance. It will be a hellbent
military competition with the other powers of the earth--not just one but
many arms races, and not, in all likelihood, in the nuclear sphere alone.
Some countries will likely resort to the ugly little sisters of the family of
mass destruction, chemical and biological weapons.

The great nuclear powers now rely on a system--MAD--that has lost political
relevance to the world we live in. The Bush Administration has promised a new
framework, in keeping with the needs of the time, but this collides both with
itself and reality, political as well as technical. Absent a coherent global
policy that actually does address the new shape of the nuclear predicament,
events are likely to be driven in the vicious circle whose operations have
already landed us in a world bristling with new nuclear dangers. Continued
possession will fuel proliferation; proliferation will fuel hope for missile
defense; missile defense (whether it can work or not) will disrupt arms
control; and the disruption of arms control will, completing the circle, fuel
proliferation. A second nuclear age has dawned, and it is running out of
control. No new policies now on the horizon, in Washington or elsewhere, seem
likely to turn things around anytime soon.

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