-Caveat Lector-

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<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:488483">The Wigged Mafia</A>
Subject: The Wigged Mafia
Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 7:43 AM
Message-id: <7a6qvt$hlp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Wigged Mafia is a harrowing true article about the corrupt practices of
the British Judicial System, where judges acted like kings in their own
courts. Read this David Vs. Goliath story and learn the truth about a man and
his wife who took on the Crown, battling more than a hundred corrupt judges
whose oath of allegiance to the Sovereign was suborned to the Masonic oath.
To date, government agencies have spent more than seven hundred and fifty
thousand dollars of tax payers money to conceal the fraud which Prankerd has
exposed. After a fourteen year legal battle, Prankerd won his case as a
litigant in person, but not before the Establishment had tapped his phone and
threatened the lives of the entire Prankerd family.

Timothy Prankerd

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Just the foreward. The total file is 220K
The Wigged Mafia!


Thirteen years ago my elder brother, and I emigrated to the United
States, and became American citizens. The decision was made not so much
on the abysmal prospects of a school-leaver in Britain in the early
eighties, or, for that matter, with regard to any common-sense fact that
sixty million people inhabited a small island three hundred miles wide
by six hundred miles long, where land, and property prices were off the
clock, and everyday life had become a proverbial rat-race in the
proverbial rat cage. Whichever, the way across the Atlantic was to a
large extent paved by Mum and Dad back in the seventies, who had, and
upon similar bleak prospects sold up their businesses after sixteen
years to take the family around the world upon the adventure of a
lifetime. We had a fine boat - the Winnie Rigg - a powerful, ocean-going
vessel of massive construction, on which my parents had spent many
years, and lavished much money preparing it for the grand adventure.
Life was what you made it.

Four years into the odyssey, Fate took a hand when we were pirated in
the Caribbean. Having voyaged down France, Portugal, Spain, and the
Mediterranean, we left Africa via the Canaries and Tenerife for South
America, thence to the Panama canal for the Pacific, but it was not to
be, for the man with a gun starts the worst kind of nightmare. Robbed of
food, equipment, charts, compass and cash, insult was compounded by
injury when Dad slipped a disc, and became a virtual cripple. We had no
option but to island-hop to Florida, and thence wend our way up the
eastern seaboard of America. In 1977, in the worst winter New York State
had known for thirty-three years, the ship was iced in Port Jefferson
harbour on Long Island, and we as a family came to know the overwhelming
hospitality of Christian Americans.

Somewhat recovered, the following Summer we bade tearful farewells to
those dear hearts who stood on the jetty to see us off, and voyaged on
to Canada, where, due to Dad's back, we were again iced in for nine
months at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Summer of 1979 saw the Winnie Rigg in
St. John, Newfoundland, from where we sailed for Falmouth in England.
Clearing icebergs in the Labrador current, Winnie Rigg arrived at
Plymouth after a fearsome storm in mid-Atlantic, which caused shipwreck
to many yachts racing their way around the Fastnet Rock off Ireland's
dreamy shores.

We took the boat upriver to Truro, and Winnie Rigg rested after her
labours. Little did my parents know that the paramount, principle battle
of their lives was just about to begin, for they were now to fall victim
of official piracy by corrupt government, and the legal profession.
Watching the saga unfold in all its rotten awfulness, I decided that the
story had to be published when, in realisation of world events in the
nineties, it became apparent that they were being subjected to a
malevolent, vicious strategy by agencies which I have now come to
recognise to be those of the powers of darkness. It all started
innocuously enough when a corrupt Harbour Authority decided to
fraudulently demand bogus harbour dues from the Winnie Rigg.

They picked on the wrong boat, and they picked on the wrong family.
 From little acorns do mighty oaks grow. Judicial corruption inherent to
the ensuing court case opened a horrifying can of worms of such
magnitude it became an unmitigated embarrassment to the British
government. As the case escalated, it unmasked judicial corruption in
the cases of other self-litigants, exposing an entire industry of
asset-stripping by zionist-masonic networks, a wigged mafia operating
its own rackets of sleaze, protection, and extortion. By 1993, my father
had contacted hundreds of those litigant victims divested of their
life's endeavour by unelected elites. Each, and all had systematically
been broken in vicious, but orchestrated attacks by the agencies of
State. The collective evidence showed that Crown, Government, and
Judicature were networking to an unholy, sinister, and covert

Put shortly, the British Constitution had been usurped by hidden elites-
infrastructured government, which controlled a suborned, corrupted
Judiciary. Unity became strength when the collective victims of this
tyranny realized that the British legal system had been hijacked by its
own practitioners, prostituting justice to an industry in the
zionist-masonic cause of the New World Order, its all-seeing eye giving
sneak previews of a hell to come under One World Government. Liaising
with other litigant victims similarly dispossessed in other countries of
western civilisation which had the misfortune to inherit the British
adversarial system, it became manifest that a global strategy was being
implemented by governments within governments - faceless oligarchies inf
rastructuring, and by-passing the Constitutions of Nation States, using
the legal system to enforce concealed stratagems of world domination,
slavery, seizure of land, and wholesale extinction of the white races.
It is the agenda of the Beast, and of Anti-Christ. It is already a fait
accompli. One may run, but there is nowhere to hide. Mankind's only
salvation is by divine intervention, for the object of the criminally
insane - the abomination of desolation - is total annihilation of

Soundly thrashed at public school for constant indiscipline to stolid
authority, my father had left at an early age to join the training ship
H.M.S.Worcester, a three decker. Serving his apprenticeship, he remained
man and boy with the Empress cruise liners of Canadian Pacific
Steamships. Leaving the sea when he married my mother, Patricia, in
1962, he became a self-employed businessman. A member of the Old
Worcester's Yacht Club, the Winnie Rigg having been in family ownership
for thirty years, Dad is proud to upkeep one of the last "wooden walls"
built for the British Admiralty.

Upon our return to England, in 1982, he wrote "Laugh at the Devil,"
destined to be killed twice on the printing press by government's
Special Branch, our pirate having been, it transpired, an agent for MI6
- amongst others. He later wrote his second book, "The Jesus Jigsaw"
which retrospectively analysed the spectrums of divine intervention in
our adventure, for we all came to realise that as well as celestial, or
terrestrial navigation, there was divine, spiritual navigation. His
third book, "Exit Exile" a trilogy, will be published soon, and for
those reasons Ezekiel gave in Chapter 33, verses: 1 - 9.

Having furnished me with duplicate copies of every document to his case,
I feel impelled to write our family's story from where my father left
off after the original article, and books he wrote were gagged by those
whom I have refered as the criminally insane. I have done so in the
third person, as the message this article carries is not so much
personal by way of autobiography, but more as promulgation of an
international message to the meek who, as all Christians were lovingly
told, will eventually inherit this Earth.

Finally, I wish to addend a preface to the message of 'The Wigged
Mafia!'  It has to be an indisputable fact that, not withstanding any,
or all disclaimers by Zionist Jews as to either forgery or falsity, the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have come to pass. Otherwise,
will have been brought to fruition by the year of Our Lord 2,000 AD.
Indeed, the historical events over the past three centuries have been,
in part or whole, the culmination of the aims and objects set out within
the said Protocols.

Equally, the aims and objects of the masonic Illuminati decreed in 1778,
have also reached fruition, for the masonic serpent now encircles the
gentile world, its grip extending deep into the ranks of the clergy, be
that clergy Protestant, or Catholic. Under the twin evils of masonic
zionism, the Churches have suffered a devilish, and sustained attack. No
wonder therefore, that the Priests are first into perdition, for they
have abysmally failed to sustain the Faith once delivered to the Saints.
The motive for these attacks on the Christian churches is wholly
Satanic. I make no apologies for these statements, for it is manifestly
impossible to demonize the demonic. The duality of purpose by both
Judeo-Zionist, and Master Mason being the utter annihilation of Chr
istianity with unified intent to phoenise the advent of Anti-Christ.

Parallel to the accomplishment of the respective powers of darkness, the
prophecies of Light are also coming to pass, for with each object gained
by the forces of evil, the prophecies are fulfilled in time, and by
measure. By their truth shall ye know them. This short synopsis is not,
and cannot be interpreted to be an unprovoked attack on common Jews, or
Masons. It does, however, seek to identify the "raison d'etre" for the
situation of the world today, and the constrained subservience of all
peoples to submit in abject slavery to an absolute tyranny of hidden
elites who have usurped control of the armies of western civilization
under the facade of the United Nations Organisation.

Thus, the average Jew, or the average Mason, being men or women in the
top of the Clapham omnibus, has little, if any, idea of the grand scheme
for global slavery being devised by secret hierarchies which control,
and direct the affairs of mankind through absolute power of hijacked
money machines - the world banks. What this message endeavours to
promulgate is that unless, or until the average mason, or the average
Jew take active steps to bridle, monitor, and supervise their hidden
hierarchists, they will themselves be sacrificed by criminally insane
oligarchies within their own kind, even as were the Jews of the
holocaust sacrificed by the very Zionist elites who have orchestrated
every revolution, every civil war, and global catastrophe for the past
three hundred years, for it was Jewish money from Jewish Bankers who
paid for both Kaiser Bill, and Adolph Hitler's military war machines.
Forewarned is Forearmed.

Timothy Prankerd

31st October 1997

© Copyright1997TimothyPrankerd
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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