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The proof is
in the pudding

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In 1961 KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to America. He became the most
controversial Russian defector of the Cold War. He first ran into
difficulties when he said there were KGB agents within the CIA. This sent
chills through the slumbering bureaucrats. A controversy bubbled within our
own intelligence community. Some disliked Golitsyn, having strong feelings
against the idea of traitors and moles in their midst. The chief of CIA
counterintelligence, James Angleton, took Golitsyn seriously and did a
number of tests (by leaking information to groups of CIA officers to see if
this information reached the Russians). According to Edward Jay Epstein, in
his book entitled, "Deception: the Invisible War Between the KGB and CIA,"
these tests proved there were moles and traitors at the CIA. Deeply
entrenched within our own intelligence community, these Russian agents were
trained to avoid detection. Information was not passed to the Russians
whenever Angleton was about to narrow the list of suspects.
Like most bureaucratic organizations, the CIA could not face the truth.
Angleton's views were resented. In 1974 the CIA's new boss, William Colby,
began to zero in on Angleton. Colby later admitted to journalist David Wise:
"Yeah, I was trying to ease ... (Angleton) out." In order to accomplish
this, Colby began to reorganize the CIA. This reorganization weakened CIA
counterintelligence, destroying Angleton's effectiveness.

Colby then engaged in a further intrigue. In December 1974 he met with
reporter Seymour Hersh of the New York Times. Colby confirmed a story Hersh
was working on about CIA domestic spying. Such spying is against the rules
and Angleton was implicated. Hersh left Colby's office and rushed to
telephone Abe Rosenthal, his boss at the Times. "Abe, I got it," said Hersh.
The story led to the resignation of Angleton. America's secret war was lost.

Director of Central Intelligence William Colby, who met his fate 21 years
later in a suspicious canoeing accident, came under counterattack after
Angleton left the agency. According to David Wise's account: "It began to be
whispered around Washington that Colby was the mole (Angleton had been
looking for). But somehow the rumors could never be tied to Angleton

With the fall of Angleton, Golitsyn's warnings about Russian deception
strategy were officially and finally discredited. A few years later,
Angleton and Golitsyn went to William F. Buckley, a former CIA officer and
editor of National Review. Angleton wanted Buckley's help in putting
together a book -- "New Lies for Old" -- which would detail the mechanisms
of Russian deception and warn the West of the dangers. Buckley later
satirized his meeting with Angleton and Golitsyn in a National Review
column. Buckley would have nothing to do with "New Lies for Old." In his
view Angleton and Golitsyn were demented.

Even from the vantage point of the early 1990s Buckley did not appreciate
Golitsyn's incredible accuracy as an analyst. Like many former CIA officers,
Buckley assumed -- without checking -- that Angleton was wrong. The germ of
anti-paranoia ravaged the CIA after Angleton. It infected nearly everyone.
Think about this for a moment; anti-paranoia is harmful to the very mission
of America's intelligence community.

Last week I had a long talk with a former CIA official. The subject of
Angleton and Golitsyn came up. Here again the blindness of our people
emerged. This former CIA official predictably described Angleton as
"paranoid." Such a label discredits a person without appeal.

In this context we ought to remember that a CIA counterintelligence chief
must -- like Sherlock Holmes -- hold to his suspicions. The easiest smear
against such a person, therefore, is the word "paranoia." The British writer
Tom Mangold, who wrote a book on Angleton entitled, "Cold Warrior," used
paranoia as a theme and a battering ram to destroy Angleton's reputation. By
blurring the distinction between the professional suspicions of a
spy-catcher and the inner demons of a crazy person, Mangold painted a vivid
portrait of madness and self-destruction. But the greatest lie that Mangold
told in his book, and the most unforgivable, was the lie that Golitsyn was a
false prophet. "As a crystal-ball gazer," wrote Mangold, "Golistyn has been
unimpressive." Mangold listed six predictions by Golitsyn that failed to
come true. Six failed predictions out of 145. Mangold forgot to mention the
139 predictions that proved correct.

Without William F. Buckley's literary assistance, Golitsyn wrote his
predictions down in "New Lies for Old." The book was published by Dodd, Mead
& Company in 1984 under the subtitle, "The Communist Strategy of Deception
and Disinformation." In 366 pages Golitsyn described how the KGB had
developed a machinery of deception in the late 1950s. The purpose of this
KGB machinery was to eventually erect a false democracy and a false market
economy in Russia. Through secret agents and KGB-controlled anti-Soviet
fronts, the Communist Party Soviet Union would continue to rule the former
Soviet empire from behind the scenes.

Golitsyn's description of controlled democratization and liberalization in
Russia was so close to the actual events, which occurred from late 1989
through 1991, that researcher Mark Riebling, author of "Wedge: The Secret
War Between the FBI and CIA," credited Golitsyn with 94 percent accuracy.
Since that time Golitsyn's accuracy has increased further. His prediction
that Russia and China would unite into "one clenched fist" at the end of the
final phase of the long-range strategy has come true. Now Golitsyn has
proved correct in 140 out of 145 predictions.

In the last few months we have seen Russia engaged in a series of military
mobilizations under the cover of the crisis in Dagestan and Chechnya. At the
outset of this crisis Yeltsin appointed a new prime minister -- Vladimir
Putin, chief of the Russian secret police. Putin is a militaristic tough
guy, allied to the Russia General Staff, committed to mobilizing Russia's
military industrial complex.

Once again Anatoliy Golitsyn proves to be a prophet of incredible accuracy.
A fellow researcher sent me a note the other day, pointing to page 229 of
Golitsyn's book, "The Perestroika Deception." On this page Golitsyn predicts
how a war in Chechnya would be used by Kremlin strategists to accomplish a
leadership change. Golitsyn writes of "the military/nationalist option as
the third course upon which the Kremlin strategists might embark in (the)
future to adjust the style and leadership of a new government if, for
example, Yeltsin was considered to have exhausted his usefulness in
extracting concessions from the West."

Golitsyn adds that "the Chechnyan 'crisis' can be seen not as a likely cause
of a military coup, but as a possible planned prelude to a change of

But this nationalist government, says Golitsyn, would be Communist at its
core. Nationalism is simply a motivational device to jump-start the old
Soviet machinery. The Russian people are more energized by nationalism than
by Marxism-Leninism, so the trick is to use the slogans and propaganda which
most efficiently serve the cause of militarization. That is the key to
Putin's policy. That is why "the Bear" faction in the Duma has been given
life -- as the second strongest political party after the Communists.

Golitsyn's analysis goes further: "Since an outright military or nationalist
government might prejudice the flow of Western aid and the continued
'cooperation' with the West ... it is more likely that the Kremlin
strategists will opt for ... a new President and Commander-in-Chief with a
military background and a 'reformist' Prime Minister, in the context of
overtly tighter KGB control."

Although Putin is a paramilitary KGB careerist, he is perceived as an ally
of Russia's General Staff. He therefore fits Golitsyn's description.
Furthermore, we now find that the man emerging as Putin's chief lieutenant
and future prime minister also fits Golitsyn's description. Finance Minister
Mikhail Kasyanov has become Putin's deputy prime minister and -- most
probably -- Russia's future prime minister.

Kasyanov is said to speak English, and he has extensive relations with
Western financiers. He is polished, likable and a good negotiator. Who else
could do a better job of keeping Western money flowing into Russia?

According to a Jan. 11 Moscow Times story entitled, "Kasyanov Given Chance
to Prove His Mettle," Western investors think that Kasyanov's rise is a
green light to pouring further billions down Russia's economic rat-hole.

"The markets have reacted to his appointment positively," said Arnab Das, a
market analyst with JP Morgan.

Those who continue to ignore Golitsyn's accuracy do so at their own risk.
Such people are being slowly but surely discredited themselves, however smug
they now appear. Golitsyn was so prescient in his predictions about a
Chechen war leading to a change in the Russian government, that he even got
the details right. "The transition might be brought about," said Golitsyn,
"by the resignation of Yeltsin. ..."

Those who reject Golitsyn's warnings about Russia object to his statements
about secret collusion between Russia and China. That collusion is now
happening in plain view. When are we going to wake up? The man who predicted
it all should be listened to. Golitsyn understands how the Kremlin
strategists think.

In our own private lives we discover that knowing a person enables us to
predict that person's future actions. But if we are constantly wrong in
predicting those actions, maybe we don't know the person after all. With
Golitysn it is clear. He knows the mind of the Kremlin. He can therefore
predict how the Kremlin will act in the future. Those in Washington who have
failed, time and time again, to predict Kremlin actions have only proved
that they do not understand Russia.

One of Golitsyn's most basic statements about Russia and China goes to the
heart of the matter. It is the deeper truth we must never lose sight of.
"American military and intelligence analysts," writes Golitsyn, "having
accepted democratic 'reforms' in Russia as genuine, have lowered their guard
with respect to disinformation and have failed to detect its continuation."

And what is the purpose of this disinformation?

Golitsyn's explanation is basic: "The Russian and Chinese leaders are still
committed to their objective of world domination and believe that, disguised
as 'democrats' ... they will be able to achieve it."

Those who have written against Angleton and Golitsyn have missed the bottom
line. If Golitsyn's predictions have been accurate, if his analysis
continues to withstand the test of time, then the critics must eventually
revise their criticism. There is no rational argument against a man who has
proven himself again and again.


J.R. Nyquist is a WorldNetDaily contributing editor and author of 'Origins
of the Fourth World War.'


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