-Caveat Lector-

What I wanna know is:  Where's her co-conspirator Lucy Annie with that book
deal (that started the whole thing)?

I wonder if sent an I.O.U., would they remit the $$$ to be donated to a
worthy cause.

Her situation is like that of Billio: a victim of circumstances, created
outside of her/his own control.  And now the violins of sympathy are
supposed to soothe away the stresses of the ordeal (and a few $$$).  I
mean, does Evel Kneivel solicit funds because he's in fear for his
livelihood, safety, and good health?  (Turn of the motorcycle, Evel --
problem solved!)
>From Wash Post

Tripp 'Urgently' Seeks Donations for Legal Defense Fund

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 8, 1999; Page A08

Linda R. Tripp needs money, "urgently." Although she now earns $90,767 a
year in her Pentagon public affairs job, thanks to a recent "longevity"
raise, she says there's just not enough left over to make a dent in her
mounting legal bills.

So in a 12-page fund-raising letter now arriving in selected mailboxes
across the country, the Maryland woman whose secret tapes led to the
impeachment of President Clinton is asking for help in fighting off the
assaults of his "henchmen" and "disciples."

"Their approach has always been to attack, discredit and destroy their
opponents," Tripp says in the letter asking for contributions to Linda R.
Tripp Legal Defense Fund. "Now they have me in their cross hairs and I feel
like David up against Goliath."

Her legal bills are already more than $325,000 and "growing every day,"
Tripp says. She was compelled to give a deposition in an anti-Clinton civil
suit this week after her lawyers were rebuffed in an effort to block the
appearance. She is one of the witnesses who might be called to testify at
Clinton's impeachment trial in the Senate. She is under investigation by a
Maryland grand jury for taping her conversations with Monica S. Lewinsky
about sex in the White House.

And she says, "I'm living in fear for my job and for the safety of my
family and myself."

One of the trustees of the defense fund, Bill Parris, a retired insurance
executive who has never met Tripp and was enlisted by one of her lawyers,
said the letters starting going out Dec. 31 and he hopes they will raise
$60,000 to $80,000. About 20,000 are being sent out, by a direct-mail
operation in Virginia whose name he said he couldn't recall.

"I got a whole bunch of lawyers wanting money from me," Parris said this
week. He joked, "After I take my wife to Bermuda, I might even have some
left over for [them]."

The fund-raising letter, Tripp's first, gives a first-person account of
Tripp's predicament that associates said she reviewed and edited. It also
appears to contradict some things she has said in the past.

For instance, Tripp traces her troubles back to Nov. 29, 1993, when she
said another White House aide, Kathleen E. Willey, "her lipstick smeared
and her blouse untucked," came to see Tripp after an encounter in the Oval

"Ms. Willey then volunteered to me that President Clinton had just sexually
assaulted her while they were alone in his office," Tripp says in the

In testimony before a federal grand jury last June 30, however, Tripp said
the episode came after a series of flirtatious approaches on Willey's part
and that "it just seemed to be as consenting adults."

Willey, Tripp testified, "was very excited, very flustered" as she told
Tripp what happened and "she smiled from ear to ear the entire time. She
seemed almost shocked, but happy shocked."

Tripp says in her letter that she knew her life would be changed forever
when she decided last January to tell independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr
of Lewinsky's affair with Clinton, but was not prepared "for the vicious
personal onslaught" she has endured since then. She took particular issue
with what she denounced as "a slanderous magazine article" based on details
from her "illegally released" FBI background file "about a teenage prank
which long ago found me in the wrong place at the wrong time."

The article in the New Yorker by Jane Mayer reported that Tripp was
arrested when she was 19 in a New York resort town after police said stolen
goods were found in her possession; the charge was later reduced to
loitering. The New Yorker said Tripp answered no when asked in 1987 on a
Defense Department security form whether she had ever been "arrested . . .
. regardless of whether the citation was dropped or dismissed or you were
found not guilty."

Tripp says in her letter that she was "completely exonerated" after the
incident "and the Pentagon knew it and the author of the magazine article
knew it, but the story was published anyway."

Asked about Tripp's remarks, New Yorker editor David Remnick said: "The
story is far from slanderous. It is accurate. We stand by it."

Tripp, who works from her Columbia home, says she has been forced to do so
because the Pentagon "has forbidden me from working at my desk and has
given me a make-work assignment away from the office." She says her
paychecks are largely consumed by "my mortgage, school expenses for my
children, my car payment and personal living expenses."

In the letter, Tripp asks for donations of $20 to $100 or "even $1,000" to
help her fend off the "politically motivated" Maryland investigation and
"tell the truth about what I saw and heard . . . in Bill Clinton's
administration." Contributors are expected to send their money to an
Annapolis address tended by a Mail Boxes Etc. store that bundles it up and
sends it on to Parris.

© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company


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