-Caveat Lector-

I've read dozens of UFO (let me qualify the statement UFO; when I say UFO I'm
referring to alien piloted machines, not the hundreds of thousands of mis-
identifications/hoaxes/weather anomolies/government black projects etc) books
in the last 15 years or so and would recommend very few of them. Linda Moulton
Howe is one of the few researchers into this extremely perlpexing subject who
has gained some credibility with me regarding her 20 or so years investigating
cattle mutilations and other UFO/alien related material. I purchased her first
volume in this series, "Glimpses of Other Realities Vol 1" and have been
waiting for a very long time for the second, and seemingly more interesting,
second volume to come out. I've orderd it form Amazon.com and will review it
in the weeks ahead:check-out some other reviews below. Gavin.

Glimpses of Other Realities : High Strangeness
by Linda Moulton Howe

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List Price: $27.95
Our Price: $22.36
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ships within 24 hours.
Paperback - 480 pages 1 Ed edition Vol 2 (March 1998)
Paper Chase Pr; ISBN: 1879706784 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.20 x 10.92 x 8.49
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 7,193
Avg. Customer Review:
Number of Reviews: 10

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Customers who bought this book also bought:

Glimpses of Other Realities : Facts and Eyewitnesses; Linda
Moulton Howe

Alien Harvest : Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and
Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms; Linda Moulton Howe,
Jacques Vallee (Designer)

Recovered crash debris, information from alleged military insiders, and
the transfer of human souls from body to body--this isn't the script for the
next SF blockbuster, but the voluminous exposition of evidence for a
mystery involving the entire human race. What Linda Howe calls a "hall of
mirrors with a quicksand floor" started as a simple argument about where
strange lights in the sky come from and has turned into a discussion of
entities with enigmatic motives possessing the ability to control the human
mind. Howe didn't write Glimpses of Other Realities for light
entertainment (this book is annotated and appended better than most
university textbooks), and anyone who doesn't take the idea of alien
encounters seriously will be challenged by the depth of the book's
coverage. However, readers passionate about UFO and alien contact
phenomena will be rewarded with a profusion of evidence favoring the
existence of an extraterrestrial race. Howe connects this evidence piece
by piece, like an immense jigsaw puzzle, but by the end of the book, the
pieces form only the picture of a keyhole through which to peer. With no
box lid to reveal what the whole picture looks like, Howe will hopefully
gather more pieces soon. --Brian Patterson

Book Description
: "Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume II: High Strangeness" is the
second book in a two volume non-fiction study of government, military
and civilian evidence that a non-human intelligence is interacting with
What started as environmental reporting on animal mutilations grew into a
mission to uncover the truth behind the US Government's suppression of
information on paranormal activity. This extensive in-depth report from
journalist Linda Moulton Howe is the result of years of research through
interviews and exploration into government cover-ups.
This book is a rational report about government accounts of unexplained
phenomenon. Howe's analysis is supported by her extensive research and
documents including top secret government reports and correspondence,
excerpts from military manuals, historical newspaper articles and
interviews with eye-witnesses, including military personnel.
About the Author
Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters
Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film,
television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine
and the enviroment.
Ms. Howe has received many local, national and international awards for
her documentaries, including three regional Emmy's, a national Emmy
nomination, medical producer participant in Boston's WCVB Station
Excellence Peabody Award, Colorado's Florence Sabin Award for
"outstanding contribution to public health," Aviation & Space Writers
Association Award for Writing Excellence in television, and a Chicago
Film Festival Golden Plaque. Some of her honored films have included
Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to
fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public
drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest about the
worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Which has haunted the United
States and other countries since the late 1960s - and continues to date.
In 1989, Ms. Howe was Director of International Programming for
Earthbeat, an environmental series broadcast on Ted Turner's WTBS
Superstation, Atlanta, Georgia. That year her first book was released
enTITLEd An Alien Harvest which documented the history and unusual
medical evidence of animal mutilations linked to a non-human intelligence.
That work was followed in 1994 by Glimpses of Other Realities, vol. 1 -
Facts & Eyewitnesses, the companion to Volume II - High Strangeness.
She has produced and written more than two hundred live studio
programs, including a two-hour special Earth Mysteries: Alien Life Forms
in association with WATL (Fox), Atlanta and was creator and
supervising producer of the hour network special UFO Report: Sightings
series on Fox. That year she also helped coordinate biophysical
investigations of the crop circle mystery in England.
Ms. Howe has been a featured speaker at national and international
conferences and symposiums, including NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center. She continues to produce reports for television and radio,
including news about science, the environment and unusual phenomena
for the nationally syndicated radio series Dreamland and Coast to Coast
hosted by Art Bell. She has appeared on many national and international
television news and documentary programs including CBS's Day & Date;
FOX's Strange Universe; CNN's Larry King Live; and NBC's network
special and companion tape for The Mysterious Origin's of Man.

Customer Comments
Average Customer Review:  Number of Reviews: 10
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from St. Louis, MO , December 14, 1998

Absolute Must Read
Having read over 100 similar books, I can say that this is the best. If this
were available earlier, I could have skipped the others. More information
and explanations can be found here than any other 20 books on the
subject, combined.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from Irvine, CA , October 24, 1998

Wake Up People
It is amazing that persons in this tiny little world still think that "we are
in this universe and that anything else is still science fiction. Open your
eyes, read this book, and get a education that just scratches the surface
of what our government continues to deny. Do you really think that the
Clinton scandal is just a little lie - a lie by our president, to our faces,
waving his kittle finger in our face, about something so trivial as sex? Wait
until discovery hits, and we discover a lie so big, it will be from out of
world. Get the facts and wake up to the lies that Linda uncovers. Be
prepared. Our government is not going to help you understand this
subject. Learn it here from Linda - Thank You Linda.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from Dallas, TX , October 24, 1998

Excellent, thorough, well done.
This is a great book. The depth and scope of research is impressive.
There is a wonderful set of appendic
A reader from Lancaster California , October 1, 1998
A retired Air Force pilot and former skeptic.
I was totally skeptical about alien abductions and UFO contact until I
read Steiger's new blockbuster, Alien Rapture. Then I bought Howe's
new book along with Dr. Hill's Unconvential Flying Objects. How can
anyone read Steiger, Hill and Howe and not come away realizing there
has and is still a massive cover-up. Hill was a NASA UFO investigator
for 30 years and was only published because his daughter took the
manuscript to a publisher after he died. Steiger, of Project Blue Book,
wrote Alien Rapture with an ex-black projects officer who details
advanced technology developed from reverse engineering of alien
artifacts. It is delivered in a fast paced, fact filled, startling fiction
with never-before seen classified government documents. If you read Hill
and Steiger's books, then you will know just how much of what Howe
writes is true. I highly recommend her book as well as these other two.
A reader from Washington, DC USA , September 21, 1998

If you only read one UFO book this year, make it this one.
I was thoroughly engrossed by this book and read it all weekend after it
arrived in the mail. While I don't know what to think about some of the
more difficult passages which challenge my belief system, I believe they
were thoughtfully documented and meticulously researched by the author,
who remains a bit skeptical herself. I appreciate the straightforward style.
Some sections covered material that I had read before but in a way which
made it seem fresh. By the way, the crop circles are not all made by two
guys from England. Duh!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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