-Caveat Lector-


Interest in Volunteering Booms
  NewsMax.com Wires
  Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Citizen interest in volunteer service within the United
States and abroad has increased dramatically since President Bush last
month appealed to Americans to consider devoting two years of their lives
to helping others, government-backed volunteer services say.

The Peace Corps, which aims to double its numbers to about 15,000 over the
next five years, said visits to its Web site from Jan. 29 to Feb. 19
numbered 125,939, a 300 percent increase. Requests for information and
applications via mail, phone and Internet have jumped 39 percent since the
Jan. 29 State of the Union address, and the number of completed online
applications for service abroad with the agency, founded by President John
Kennedy, has hit 477.

A little less than half of the applicants are eventually accepted for
service and posted to one of the more than 70 countries in which the Peace
Corps operates.  "We've had a great response," said Peace Corps
Communications Director Ellen Field. "And in the spring and summer, we
have a very active recruitment program planned for college campuses,
seniors' groups and other community organizations."

In his appeal for volunteerism, Bush noted it would enable the American
people contribute to the war against terrorism, aid in homeland security
and tackle social problems.

The Peace Corps, he said, would not only return to Afghanistan in the near
future after an absence of more than a decade, but it would seek new
opportunities in Muslim countries to tackle poverty, ill health and
illiteracy, and in the process convey American values by example.

'The Values We Believe In'

"The greatness of the country is in the values we believe in: freedom and
hope and opportunity. We're a nation founded on some just, valuable
principles, and that the power of the idea cannot and will not be stopped
at our borders."

In his address, Bush said Americans could become involved domestically
through USA Freedom Corps, a newly created entity that would act as an
umbrella for established volunteer services and new programs such as
Citizen Corps, which would work with state and local agencies for
emergency response and homeland security.

Linday Cosberg, spokeswoman for USA Freedom Corps, said public response
has been "outstanding across the board." More than 5 million hits on its
Web site have so far been recorded.

"When the president of the United States stands up and calls for people to
volunteer their time, it's serious," and the people have taken it that
way, she said.

Cosberg said one of the elements already in place but that will be
expanded is the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Civilian Emergency
Response Teams for disasters and others such as Neighborhood Watch.

A Medical Reserve Corps is to be created as part of Citizen Corps councils
to recruit and train retired health-care professionals to augment health
care authorities in time of emergency. Volunteers in Police Program, in
which civilians are used to free officers from administrative tasks, will
be expanded.

A publicity and information campaign on crime prevention and what to do in
an emergency also will be launched.

Bush has proposed more than $230 million for the programs in the fiscal
2003 budget.

AmeriCorps, founded in 1984, and Senior Corps also will have a
contributing role.

AmeriCorps and Senior Corps are under the auspices of Corporation for
National Community Service. AmeriCorps volunteers are sent to relief and
aid agencies to help with health, education and other tasks, including
relief efforts during disasters.

In return, the volunteers are paid a stipend of up to $800 a month, and
after a year of service can receive more than $4,000 for paying student
loans or for financing further education.

"What we're finding is that people really want to serve in this, our
national moment," Siobhan Dugan, spokeswoman for the CNCS, said. "Sept. 11
was really an impetus."

Dugan said interest in AmeriCorps was up 53 percent since the president's


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