-Caveat Lector-

(apologies for typos -- bad scanning)

excerpt from "The Untold History" by William R. Plumme
pp. 113-119

 The purpose of Weishaupt 's Illuminati
was to undermine the formantions of
Western Civilizatios (i.e., belief in
God and HIS Moral Law), and to prepare
the way, first, for capitalism,  and then,
for socialism and communism.
These concents did not originate with
Weishaupt but, rather, date back to the
Gnostics of Early Christian times, the
Manicheanistic Catharists (Albigensians,
Patarenes, etc.) of southern France and
northern Italy, and to the Humanists of
the late Middle Ages. These concepts,
no doubt, were part of the program of
the earlier French Illumines of the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries as
well as of the Alumbrados of Spain, the
last being formded during the revolution
of the Partisans of the Comuneros (the
Toledan movement) of 1519. These two
incidents might he considered a preview
of the French Revolution of 1792,  except
that the latter was largely led by Ger-
man and French Illuminists who had gain-
ed control of the French Assembly clue
to the machinations, or inept handling,
of Louis XVI's minister of Finance, Jacques
Necker, who also had served as a member
of the directorate of the French East
India Company.

The purpose of the forgery (i.e., the
so called Protocols of the Elders of
Zion), undoubtedly, was to gain control
of the Jewish wing of the Socialist
movement, the ultimate objective being
to gain control of the oil of Russia,
Palestine, and the rest of the Middle

It served, on the one hand, the pur-
pose of intimidating the knowledgeable
Jewry who might otherwise have resisted
the conspiracy successfully; it served,
on the other hand, the purpose of arous-
ing flie fear and hatred of the rest of
Jewry toward their persecutors who,
to them, appeared to be solely the Tsar-
ist regime, thus consing those having a
Socialist bent to give themselves more
uncompromisingly to the socialist cause,
while impressing upon those having the
Zionist bent the imperative necessity
for a National Home in Palestine.
At the some time the document has
served to create among non-Jews, who
were conscious of the conspiracy which
was taking place, an impression that the
conspiracy was inspired by persons of
the Jewish faith, and thus,  at once,
diverting the attention of those who
could perceive that a conspiracy was
afoot from the real conspirators, and
thus transform them into the ready tools
of the real conspirators for continuing
the intimidation and the holding of
Jewry in line with its Satanical plans.

The practice of this deception on the
part of the Luciferians, i.e., that of laying
the blame for nefarious acts originating with
themselves upon Jewry appears to go back to
the very beginnings of the Gnostic-Illuminis-
tin establishment.

During the Middle Ages, Jewish bankers were
employed as the middle men between the big
Bankers, who posed as Christians, and the
small fry borrowers. Naturally, the risk was
great. and the interest proportionately high.
Whenever the Jewish middle man, whose modern
equivalent, would be the finance company, began
to accumulate a fair sized reserve, the state
or the mob moved in and looted him of everything
he posessed.

But when the introduction of the lateen sail
made ocean commerce practical and thereby
decreased the importance of the overland routes
between the Mediterranean and North seas, and
the banking-commercial interests were prepar-
ing to make the necessary arrangements, the
Savoyard kings of France and England — Philip
the Fair and Edward I — expelled the Jews from
from their country.

The mothers of these two kings were sisters.
the daughters of Raymond Berenguer of Provence;
their mother, the daughter of the Count of
Savoy; and her uncle, a leader of the Albi-
gensians. Many of the advisors of these two
kings were the descendants of Catharists who
had "recanted."

Signiicantly, both kings came into collision
with the Church.

Under Philip the Fair began the Avignon cap-
tivity and the Great Schism which followed.

Philip also liquidated the Knignts Templars
who acted as bankers for the Church,  confisca-
ting their property and burning many of them
at the stake. Among those who were thus treat-
ed, was Jacques deMolay, the last Grand Master
of the Order.

Philip's minister,  Pierre Dukis, a descend-
ant of the Albigensians, called for the forma-
tion of a European league to enforce peace
under the leadership of the French king.
Under the Dubois plan, disputes were to be
settled by judicial methods, i.e., the Byzan-
tine Code.

At the same time, in order to break down
the Champagne fairs, in preparation for the
transfer of the center of international com-
merce to the Channel port of Bruges, Philip
began to debase the coinage and constantly
to vary its value.

It was during this period that the property
of the Jews was confiscated and they, them-
selves, expelled from France.

Again, when in the course of the fourteenth
century, the Byzantine Code (Roman Law) was
introduced into Germany, the Jews were perse-
cuted and exiled while the towns were being
reorganized (after the Black Death). Then the
Jews were permitted to return, but were re-
stricted to the ghettos.

It should be obvious that were the Jews in
control-as some insist-they would not have
placed such restrictions upon themelves, nor
have had themselves repeatedly looted, their
property confiscated while non-Jewish bankers
and merchants enjoyed complete immunity from
such depredations.

The Rothschilds have been accused by some
as being the head of the presiding force of
this Luciterian conspiracy. The Rothschilds,
however, were not even aware of the fact that
the Russo-Japanese War was about to take
place. Shortly before Chriates in 1903, Leo-
pold Rothschild bet the Duke of Devonshire
(Spencer Compton Cavendish) then Lord Presi-
dent of the Council, a cane that war would
not break out for another ave years though
both the Japanese Ambassador, Count Haysshi,
and the Secretary to the Germann Embassy, Baron
Eckardstein knew that war was imminent.
The Rothschilds got their start during the
Napoleonic period when they handled the affairs
of the Landgrav of Hesse (who also was the
head of the German Illuminized Masons) during
the Napoleonic occupation of Germany.
About 1810 they began spreading out, estab-
lishing ofices in some of the principal cen-
ters of Western Europe, Vienna, London, Naples,
and Paris.

On Pebruary 8th. 1833, Joseph Pease, a
Quaker, was permitted to take his seat in
Parliament without taking the oath, giving
instead his afirmation. This became the
signal for a strong effort to seat members of
the Jewish faith.

 Thereafter, Lionel Rothschild, who enjoyed
the support of Joseph Pease, was elected M.P.
from London a number of times but was unable
to take his seat because of the "Test Act."
It was not until 1858 when the "Test Act" was
suitably amended that Lionel Rothschild inally
was admitted as a Member of Parliament. On
this occasion, as on previous ones, he was
escorted into the chamber by Lord John Russell
and G. Abel Smith.

A year later brother Mayer Rothschild like-
wise was escorted into the chamber to take his
seat by Lord John Russell and G.Abel Smith.
While the rumor was spread that the Roths-
childs had financed Russell's election campaign,
the fact cannot be overlooked that Russell had
been a M.P. since 1813, and it is hardly like-
ly that the third son of the sixth Duke of
Bedford would have been dependent upon the
Rothschilds for retention of his seat in the
House of Commons. It would seem slightly pre-
posterous to suppose that in the short space
of two generations an immigrant family of the
Jewish faith should gain ascendancy over the
Bedfords (Russells), Marlboroughs (Churchills),
Devonshires (Cavendishs), the United East
India Company, the World Banking group,  and,
indeed, India itself,  all this in the face of
their combined assets, connections, and "know

On the face of it, it would seem far more
reasonable, if anyone has gained control of
anyone, that it was the apparatus which had
gained control of the Rothschilds, that the
Western division of the World Banking group
found them as useful as agents between its
subsidiaries, the national banking groups
which had been established with the "know
how" imported from India; and that the Roths-
childs posessed only as much power as had
been given to them for the purposes of the

And what would that purpose be ?

Would not that purpose be discovered in the
result? :

1. The throwing of a "human smoke screen"
lietween the Dublic and the real sources of
world finance; and

2. Simultaneously provide a means for con-
trolling the Jewry of Western Europe, thus
forcing them to bend to the will of the world
commercial-banking group, and accept its over-
all plan for controlling the world.


William R. Plumme: The Untold History -- How the British East India
Company's "pre-Fabian" Philosophical Radicals set up Capitalism and its
antithesis Communism, NY: The Committee for the Restoration of the
Republic, 1964

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