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Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

GUEST COMMENTARY: Israel's Saving Remnant, by Eugene Narrett,
PhD (An archive of Prof. Narrett's articles may be found on the Freeman
Center Web Site: http://freeman.io.com)

"And they ceased living in unwalled towns in Israel" "How did we close
our eyes and not see our clear destiny in all its cruelty? Have we
forgotten that in Gaza hundreds of thousands of [Arabs] are praying for
us to weaken so that they may tear us to shreds?" 1

The crises of the era of the Judges of Israel have returned. There is no
king in Israel, the tribes are disunited and much of the inheritance is
alienated. In Jerusalem, the heads of the state are scoffers who boast of
their "covenant with Death and pact with the Grave" as if falsehood will
shelter them when the coming storm pummels the land like a scourging
staff (Isaiah 28:14-15). Mr. Clinton and his successor-mouthpiece for the
Bildeberger Group and Council of Foreign Relations will proclaim,
"peace, peace" and there will be no end, seemingly to the self-
congratulation and enrichment of the deceivers. Ehud Barak tells CNN
that "in two or three months" there must be a peace agreement with
Syria. Having committed Israel to this outcome, he claims, "I'm
confident we will have opening of borders, normalization with Syria,
water issues solved, the boys coming home from Lebanon, upgrading of
weapons systems with the support of the American administration.
[Then] there will be an opening to the Maghreb and to the Arabian
Peninsula and an economic boom"2. As Isaiah saw and foresaw, the
delusions of faithless rulers tend toward "sheer horror."

When the fiery woman, Deborah was a judge in Israel, violence against
Jews became so bad that "road travel ceased. Those who traveled went
on by-pass ways and they ceased living in unwalled towns in Israel." In
those days Israel chose new gods whose current forms are American
technology and pop culture with its moral relativism, psychobabble and
behavioral engineering via advertising. Thus, "war came to the land"
(Judges 5:6-8) and the same is happening today. From the upper
Galilee and Golan to Hebron Jews are being herded behind concrete
walls and razor wire and onto back roads by their own government.
Once Barak accomplishes the withdrawal from the security zone in
southern Lebanon of which he ignorantly boasts, "town in the north will
be turned into military outposts" and stretches of road there and along
the coast north of Nahariya will become "closed military zones."
Reflecting his chief, a senior IDF officer says that the Golan "is not a
vital interest for the existence of Israel. If the Syrians capture the
northern Galilee, it will not be so terrible."3

The betrayal of Israel by its 'friends' abroad and Labor-Socialist leaders
at home has roused a large and growing cross-section of the nation.
The massive demonstration in Tel Aviv January 10 deterred Israel's
collapse and caused the State Department to reverse its official tune.
"Certainly we don't wish to push the Israelis anywhere they don't want to
go," they claimed the next day.4 But even as many Israelis awake, they
face crises on all sides. This is the result of three generations of leaders
that identified more with England or Bolshevism or the Arabs than with
their heritage, and who have been concerned above all with the power of
their caste. All of these crises are those of identity. Israel's embattled
physical borders reflect a pervasive distortion and forgetting of what the
treasured people is meant to be and to avoid.

Neither Judaism nor Israel can exist or be understood apart from Torah.
Israel is not a "state" in the modern sense that derives from Machiavelli
(1469-1527) and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1677), but a people whose daily
practice on their Land embodies the truth of Torah centering on the
sovereignty of God Almighty5. John Locke (1632-1704) postulated an
autocracy of sensation that invited social engineering since man by his
theory is merely a blank slate and his character a sum of environmental
impacts. Though Locke asserted the innate goodness of man and
supported private property, his theories as much as those of Hobbes
and Machiavelli effectively deposed God and soul from issues of social
organization and individual spirit. The social turbulence and moral decay
of late Renaissance Italy, and the centuries long dynastic turmoil and
religious strife of England destroyed the principles of legitimacy and
monarchy and opened the gates to the tyranny of the mob and the
State acting in its name in pursuit of rationalized lusts6. Like the
ancient city of Babel, the modern state is a glorification of human
appetites in which reason becomes "a sort of lawyer for the will" as
Melville wrote, "an implement for effecting the irrational." The resulting
"wantonness of atrocities partake of the insane" as chronically
demonstrated by governments throughout the world7. Whether its motto
is L'Etat, c'est moi or Vox populi, vox Dei [sic] the modern state is at
war with God and the family that is the essential unit of a nation and
increasingly tends toward the management of "process," the tyranny of
a godless, self-serving bureaucracy.

This perversion of the true nature of mankind and of Israel (its practice of
God's Truth as stated in Torah) has led to the proliferating crises that
now threaten a third exile. The state's President, Ezer Weizman has
shown contempt for his people, law and truth from the planning for the
Camp David "accords" at which he undermined Israel and its faltering
head, Menachem Begin to his role in bringing down the Shamir
government. Then, with Shimon Peres he resurrected the PLO and
arranged international support and a state within Israel for these alien
Jew killers. Weizman seems to have been a wholly owned subsidiary of
various global groups hostile to Israeli sovereignty and acting through
businessman Edward Sarousi and David Blass8. The uncovering of this
scandal is compounding it. Weizman is to be "investigated" by State
Attorney Edna Arbel who herself was shown last November to be
involved in the government's cover-up of the case of Avishai Raviv who
was used by the government to vilify and criminalize patriotic Israelis.
So this is like Janet Reno investigating Bill Clinton: the results will not
re-vitalize the people nor restore the nation. And in Israel, the dominant
media already have begun a campaign to replace the now useless
Weizman with Peres. This is progressing from Jezebel to Salome.
"They walk in darkness, all the foundations of the earth collapse"
because the pillars of the earth are truth, justice and peace9. Aging
adolescents can scream, "peace now! Peace, now!" till Israel dissolves
but without truth and justice based on Torah in the entire Land there will
be no peace within Israel or between it and the world.

The arrogance of the socialist state was epitomized by Labor MK and
Minister Dalia Itzik who justified her party's numerous illegal acts during
the 1999 campaign by stating, "there was a drastic feeling that the
Netanyahu government simply had to be replaced. I mean, there was
almost a civil uprising!"10 If Jews feel that a left-wing government is
dismantling the state and even try to demonstrate against it rent a room
to discuss a rally they are hounded by the police, arrested and jailed as
was Moshe Feiglin of Zo Artzeinu. "Israel is becoming like a KGB
state," commented Yigal Abutbul of Haifa. "I am a law-abiding citizen
and have hosted meetings for many parties, Likud, the Communists,
Arabs. What? I'm not allowed to rent out my hall to nice Jews who are
worried about their rights?"11. This man has grasped the essential lie of
a state that has made a covenant with death. Those who wish to make
Israel a Jewish nation on its Land are harassed and declared enemies of
the state. A former MK from Meretz is pushing to ban the right of
religious Jews to assemble in public buildings in Haifa12.

The self-contradiction and tyranny of the "state of all its citizens" that
cannot be a Jewish state expresses itself in allowing the Arabs to
hollow out the Temple Mount with the complicity of the police while
harassing Israeli Jews who salvage artifacts from the dumping13.
Students who distribute pro-Golan bumper stickers to willing motorists
are threatened and fined as are Jews who post pro-Golan banners on
their own balconies. The more the state panders to the enemies of a
Jewish Israel, the more fiercely it turns on Jews who affirm it. In all
these suicidal acts the government fulfills the logic of democracy, the
"value-free" immorality that tyrannizes in the name of "the people" and
accepts no authority or tradition except its own. This is death, just as
Isaiah stated. It is false to the truth about both man and God. It is
essentially hostile to Judaism. Hence the many crises now besetting a
state that cannot set much less seal its borders because it hates and
fears its own identity.

Yet there are reasons as well as faith for hope amid the storm, and
many signs of renewed life breaking through the frozen crust of those
who deny their heritage. Life returns with the 1200 Rabbis led by former
Chief Rabbi Avraham Shapira who issued a halakhic ruling against
uprooting any Jews from their homes or alienating even an inch of the
Land. Thus these rabbis practice the dictum "he whose works exceed
his wisdom, his wisdom will endure"14. Life returns in the "Declaration"
Elyakim Ha'Etzni issued from Hebron at Chanukah, asserting the duty
of all the Jewish people to defend the integrity of the Land. Life returns
in the great rallies for the Golan held January 10 in Tel Aviv and in
Jerusalem (January 24) demanding that the state protect the Temple
Mount and not give any of the Holy City to the Palestinians. Life returns
with the promise of a Jewish future in Dor Hemshekh ("Next
Generation") who continues to plant trees and Jews in the Land and to
honor memorials to Jewish martyrs and pioneers like Dov Dribben of
Maon Farm.

It has always been this way. A saving minority, a remnant of the
righteous restores the promise. Majority rule, even when genuine does
not guarantee virtue, wisdom or life. It pre-supposes factionalism and
"politics," a secular Greek model. It is not the Jewish way of unity on
the Land in and through Torah. "The Children of Israel were armed
(chamushim) when they went up from Egypt and they were going out
with an upraised arm" (Exodus 13:18, 14:8). "Armed," chamushim
refers to a full strong hand of five fingers but it also connotes that only a
fifth of the people preferred the rigors of striking through the wilderness
for home after centuries of bondage and Egypt's threats in their ears. It
is with this leadership and faith that they traveled, b'yad ramah, "with a
triumphant hand." It was and is in this way that our hand is one with
haYad gedolah, the mighty Hand that Hashem inflicted upon Egypt and
that smites "Egypt" whenever the Jewish people stand up and follow the
Torah of Moshe. Of invaders and trespassers in the Land Torah teaches,
"you shall tear them apart, and you shall smash their pillars and remove
them from your midst." This refers to them, their ideologies and their
habits for a "people of holiness shall you be for Me" (Exodus 23:24-5,
22:30). It was also chamushim in the time of the Judges when only a
fraction of the tribes followed Gideon and Deborah in defeating the
enemies of Israel and God. When even a fifth are steadfast for this
heritage Israel will live in the "sun of righteousness" and book of
remembrance Malachi saw shining and inscribed for those who shun
wantonness and return the hearts of children to their fathers (Malachi 3
and see also Psalm 78:5-7). The written and physical inheritance and
the lives of every Jew must be precious to the leaders of the nation, or
they are not leaders but liars who invite the death of Jews and Judaism
and dismantle moral order from the world.

The storm is threatening and the faithful are rising. The nations again
are coming against a people restored from the sword and gathered upon
the mountains of Israel to live at peace in open towns (Ezekiel 38:8-12).
To live and inherit the covenant the next generation must thoroughly re-
make the nation in the image of Torah so that land, ritual and authority
embody what God intended them to be through Moshe, Joshua and
David, holy and one. "On that day, the Lord will be One and His Name,
One." -- Eugene Narrett, PhD


1. The title is from Judges 5:7, the haftara for parsha Beshalach
(Exodus 13:17-17:16). The epigraph is from a eulogy delivered by
Moshe Dayan for Roy Rotberg, an Israeli settler in Nachal Oz murdered
by Arabs from Gaza on April 29, 1956. ARUTZ-7, Jan. 21, 2000.

2. CNN TV, 01/12/00, Ehud Barak interview with Jerrold Kessler.

3. "From rural idyll to military nightmare," Amos Harel, HA'ARETZ
01/16/00. ARUTZ-7 in an interview with Gen. (res.) Amos Gilboa
reporting on recent conversations. "It was traumatic for me to hear a
senior IDF officer speak this way," he added. ARUTZ-7, Jan. 17, 2000.

4. James Rubin quoted by AP, January 11, 2000.

5. See "Judaic Man: Toward a Reconstruction of Western Civilization",
Paul Eidelberg, PhD (Caslon Co., Middletown, NJ, 1996), p. 129,
chapters 6-8, particularly.

6. A fascinating treatment of the social and psychological crises that
result from the growing primacy given to will and appetites is Nathaniel
Hawthorne's, "My Kinsman, Major Molineux" (1832) that puts the
problem in an early American context.

7. Herman Melville, "Billy Budd" (1890, first published 1924), chapter 13,
describing the ship Bellipotent's Master-of-Arms, John Claggart.

8. Numerous press reports summarized with supporting quotation on
ARUTZ-7, Jan. 02, 03, 04 and 21 among others.

9. Psalm 82:5, Pirkei Avot ("Ethics of the Fathers") 1:18 based on
Zechariah 8:16.

10. ARUTZ-7, January 12, 2000.

11. ARUTZ-7 on Jan. 18 reported the harassment by police of Yigal
Abutbul of Haifa who rented his auditorium to a group of pro-Golan
activists and found himself summoned for interrogation.

12. YEDIOT AHRONOT, Jan. 14, 2000.

13. ARUTZ-7, January 17, 2000. Yehuda Etzion of Chai Vekayam
commented, "this hypocrisy cries out to the heavens. The police don't
lift a finger against the crimes of the Waqf on the Temple Mount, but
when a student tries to salvage some of the destruction they take
immediate action," arresting him and confiscating the artifacts he

14. Pirke Avot 3:12. As it states, "the entire people responded with one
voice and they said, 'All the words that Hashem has spoken, we will do"
(Exodus 24:3).


Tzemach News Service
"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1
Published by Tzemach News Service, a ministry of Tzemach Institute for
Biblical Studies

Lee Underwood

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