-Caveat Lector-

Sunday December 19 8:10 PM ET
Indicted Nuclear Scientist Said Suing U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wen Ho Lee, the former government physicist accused
last week of mishandling top secret nuclear weapons data, will sue the
government on Monday for wrongfully portraying him as a spy, CNN reported

CNN said Lee's lawyers planned to file a lawsuit against the U.S. Justice
Department, the FBI and the Energy Department, alleging they violated his
privacy and characterized him as a spy.

Lee, a Taiwan-born American citizen, was indicted and jailed on Dec. 10 on 59
counts of tampering, altering, and concealing classified information about
nuclear weapons. He was not charged with espionage, although he was fired in
March from the Los Alamos National Laboratory on suspicion of passing nuclear
secrets to China.

Lee's Los Angeles-based lawyer Mark Holscher was not immediately available to
comment on the reported lawsuit.

Chinese-American organizations on Tuesday accused U.S. authorities of using
Lee as a scapegoat in its feud with China over nuclear weapons secrets,
claiming his detention ahead of trial is evidence of racism.

Lee, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, was ordered detained in jail.
His lawyers had offered to put up a $100,000 bond and put Lee under
electronic surveillance.

The Los Angeles Times, in an editorial last week, accused the FBI and Energy
Department investigators of ``tunnel vision'' in its pursuit of Lee. It said
both organizations were ``now known to have been astonishingly inept,
incomplete, and in their premature public identification of Wen Ho Lee as the
prime suspect, grossly prejudicial.''

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