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Will a week of the high life help the poor?
It is one of the world's most illustrious gatherings, set in one of the
world's most exclusive ski resorts.

But as 14,500 delegates descend on the Swiss town of Davos for today's
opening of the World Economic Forum, some might question whether this is
simply the world's most expensive talking shop.

US President Bill Clinton will attend for just half a day, yet with him goes
a delegation of 300 aides, politicians, businessmen, secret servicemen and
general hangers-on.

The trip in Air Force One, with a Boeing 747 bringing up the rear, will cost
the US taxpayer at least £5million. Then there are the US delegation's 80
limousines and 200 hotel rooms to pay for.

The summit guest list features leaders from the worlds of politics, finance,
business, medicine and the arts. It includes the richest man on the planet,
Microsoft's Bill Gates, and the international financial speculator George
Soros. Tony Blair, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan will also be there.

Guests will listen to speeches and discuss globalisation, Internet business,
trade negotiations and the rich-poor divide.

Aid agencies want the summit to produce positive initiatives to reduce the
widening gap between the richest and poorest countries. But in private
yesterday aid chiefs voiced concern that the annual meeting produces no
concrete proposals. In fact, the agenda is little different from last year,
they point out. "Davos is long on talk and, at the moment, short on practical
solutions," said one aid worker.

Figures published yesterday - 30 years on from the first meeting - highlight
the growing gulf between rich and poor countries. In 1950 the gap was 35-1,
by 1997 it had grown to 727-1.

The forum's multi-million pound funding comes from private, unnamed partners
and big companies such as Andersen Consulting, as well as multi-national
giants such as Coca-Cola, Audi and IBM.

Cynics might suggest the choice of venue for the annual jamboree - a hub of
non-stop dining and skiing - indicates that some delegates might have a
little more than just talks on their mind. This would seem to be confirmed by
the fact that high-class escort agencies have put hundreds of girls on

Davos residents know that the six-day summit can earn the town more than
£5million - a fifth of its annual income - and some shops will open round the

Ten of the 40 heads of state attending will be staying at the Seehof Hotel,
where manager Christoph Schlosser has flown in acclaimed chef Anton Mosimann
from London. "I'm thrilled to be here," said Mosimann. "I know the kind of
food these people like. I am keeping it simple and light."

Fearing violent protests like those that disrupted last year's World Trade
Organisation summit in Seattle, the Swiss are taking no chances with
security. Hundreds of soldiers will patrol the surrounding dense forest and
snow-covered mountains."With so many heads of state and some of the richest
and most powerful men in the world, the chances of protests and attacks,
kidnappings and assassination attempts, are high," said an official.
© Express Newspapers, 2000

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