CS: Misc-More laws = more criminals

2000-11-25 Thread Ron Rosenfeld

From:   "Ron Rosenfeld", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IG is quite right when he says that more laws means more
offenders.  There is nothing new in that viewpoint.  Here is
a philosophers view on the subject (hope you like it)

"Ages ago there was a great king, and he was wise.  And he
desired to lay laws unto his subjects.

"He called upon one thousand wise men of one thousand different
tribes to come to his capital and lay down the laws.  And all
this came to pass.

"But when the thousand laws written upon the parchment were
put before the king and he read them, he wept bitterly in his
soul, for he had not known that there were one thousand forms
of crime in in his kingdom.

"Then he called his scribe, and with a smile upon his mouth he
himself dictated the laws.  And his laws were but seven.  And
the one thousand wise men left him in anger and returned to
their tribes with the laws they had laid down.  And every tribe
followed the laws of its wise men.  Therefore they have a
thousand laws even to our own day.

"It is a great country, but it has one thousand prisons, and
the prisons are full of women and me, breakers of a thousand
laws.  It is indeed a great country, but the people therof are
descendants of one thousand law-givers and of only one wise king."

By Kahlil Gibran (from The Wanderer published 1932)

(coming soon The Four Frogs - why people cannot compromise)

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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-25 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our right to self defence has not descended anywhere. I repeat...ad
nauseumyou all have a right to self defence!!!

It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence. If a
firearm had been used in this case, then, provided it was legally held for
say, clay shooting, then no jury in a million years would convict someone
using it. Don't delude yourself.
The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for possession.

That juries will almost always acquit in these circumstances may be
true. Which raises the question of why the prosecution is brought in the
first place. How do the prosecuting authorities decide?

Prior to the trial the licensing department will have revoked the
certificate for any legally held gun.

After the acquittal, which implies that no crime has been committed,
will they reissue the certificate without any fuss?

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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-25 Thread John . W . Smith


""Are you implying that we have a law regulating the MISUSE of drugs?  
Then again it could be used to justify another totally ineffective law;
"The law works because people only break it legally". If the laws
prohibiting certain types of drugs, their possession and use work so
well would you mind telling me why we pay Keith Halliwell (I think that
is his name) the "drugs tzar" to do?""


It's: "Hellawell", and what does he do?  Well, in essence he is a puppet
who spouts whatever he is told to spout, mostly!

I've had friends use recreational drugs in the past, and I can tell you
that this is a prime example of prohibition causing more problems than
it ever solves.  The people I knew who preferred a joint at home to a
few pints down the local were forced to be in regular touch with the
most unsavoury characters imaginable just to get hold of some 'weed'.  
(You could argue that they don't need it, but they would argue that you
don't need beer.  And, vastly fewer people die through abusing dope than
alcohol, or even guns in the UK.)  Inevitably, the dealers managed to
convert some of them onto more dangerous and vastly more profitable
drugs through offering first time, cheap deals.  I had a friend, now
living in London who I've heard spends most of his time high on crack
cocaine because of this.  It truly is a tradgedy and is simply not being
helped by the entrenched views of the establishment.  Another
ex-aquaintance commenting on the ease of getting some 'gear' after a
series of massive drugs raids and numerous arrests in our smallish
community: "HAHAHA, it's just a drop in the ocean!"   

Anyone care to draw some parallels?

Oh, perhaps most interesting is that knowing my preferences for alcohol,
and the fact that I'm subject to possible work related random testing, I
never had anyone even try to persuade me to give it a go!  Offer,
perhaps but no peruasion.  But then, I suppose I never had cause to be
in the company of the 'dealers'.

The following letter is quite interesting:

International Organised Crime Inc.

Everywhere, Sitting Pretty, The World

Date as postmark

An open letter to all Prohibitionists

We are writing to thank you for supporting the prohibition of illegal

It is your unflagging support for prohibition that enabled us to make
more than ú300 000 million (nearly ú1bn a day) last year, the second
largest commodity trade on the planet. Your "No to drugs" is a
resounding "Yes!" to our success. We couldnÆt have done it without you.
Thank you! Your policy of "not giving out the wrong message to young
people" leaves us free to give out drugs to those self same youngsters.

Thank you!

Prohibition of this world-wide demand-led market provides us with the
firm foundation we need to operate oligopolies that mean we can charge
whatever price we want. Because of international prohibition the illegal
drugs market is ours. Under this system there are NO RULES. Violence is
our watchword. We will do anything that we have to in order to protect
our business interests. We pay no tax and because of the lack of
regulation of the market we can even sell drugs to children without
compunction. We make so much money that we can buy anyone we want, so
oiling the wheels of international commerce.

Alcohol prohibition in the US provided us with the market to set
ourselves up and drugs prohibition has enabled us to consolidate our
position and vastly increase our wealth and empire. We urge you to bring
in more anti-drugs legislation and to prosecute the war on drugs to its
fullest. The more the market is pushed underground the greater the
vacuum becomes, into which we will move.  

We thank you again for all your support and we urge you to continue to
fight the drugs war with everything you have. You have our full support.

Yours gratefully

International Organised Crime Inc.
I totally agree with you John, there are so many people in Walsall
who have gotten onto heroin the way you describe that it is
exceptionally hard for anyone to convince me that marijuana and
ecstacy should remain illegal.  Getting someone onto heroin is
quite hard, because there is a psychological barrier, but when
Joe Drug Dealer can say to them, "Well, this is like the draw
you buy from me, only better" there is much more chance of
people trying heroin.

If you had to make the jump from simply buying marijuana at the
local shop to hunting down heroin dealers on council estates it
would be much less likely people would use it.

Also clearing out the jails of people convicted of growing
marijuana would make space to keep the smack dealers in for
much longer periods of time.


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread IG


Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.
Is a law abiding person one who commits offences without being caught, or
one who doesnt commit offences at all?

A person knows in their own minds that they are committing offences (like,
say, Robert Elmer Kleasen and his li'l old bench saw) is innocent util
convicted. NP there. But are they law abiding?
Hmmm. I dont personally think they are!

They would come to me before they went
to their trainer! Dogs are a good judge of character.

My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
good judges.
Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction
Yippee. I'm on the way!!


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CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar


Kenneth, an excellent list, most of which I have not read but ought to 
sometime. You mention John Masters's "Bugles And A Tiger", eminently readable 
autobiography by a man who changed his life post-war, left the regular army, 
and became a novelist living in the USA. Allow me to recommend the next 
volume, which continues his military story into and through WW2: "The Road 
Past Mandalay", equally readable. If anyone can provide a copy of the third 
and last of his trilogy I would be very grateful: it's "Pilgrim Son: A 
Personal Odyssey" (Michael Joseph 1971).
I've tried and failed to get a copy of the McBride book, ditto another volume 
you don't mention, "With British Snipers To The Third Reich" by Capt. C.Shore.
Two volumes of WW2 fighter pilot stuff were written long after the period by 
P.B."Laddie" Lucas - reputed to be good, and I want them!
My only quibble is that you say O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels "rival" 
Hornblower, but in all honesty Kenneth they outstrip C.S.Forester in every 
way, tremendously impressive stories of the Napoleonic period.
Thanks for the list.
Anthony Harrison
I've mentioned this before, but a really good book is "Marine Sniper"
by Charles Henderson, and it's still in print and you can still
get it easily!


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-25 Thread IG


Within 1000 yards of my office there has been
one murder, two attempted murders (one of whom was a WPC),
one armed robbery, at least two shootings and more assaults
that I care to mention.  Within a mile there was a smack dealer
who was ambushed by two guys with sawn-off shotguns and murdered
only a few months ago.

Is that all?
A quiet sleep little village by comparison to where I work.
Why, only yesterday there was an elderly woman parked on a double yellow
line. Mind you, she did have a disabled badge on her windscreen.
4 of us held her up with CS, then gave her a ticket EACH.
That was loads of points for us on our performance indicator charts.
Because she had a badge, she will plead not guilty and go to court. When we
have to attend, it will be EXTRA points on our appraisals! Thats a whole
months worth of armed robbers!
Anyone familiar with the forms we give out to people who we search? Under
There is a box titled 'reason for search'.
Common reason put down by disgruntled cops is ''P.I."
P.I.= Performance Indicator. In other words, a mark on the league table that
keeps the boss off your back.

IG of Dock Green

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CS: Misc-Shooters' Web

2000-11-25 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shooters' Web is now set up so that you can log in and register/edit your
club's details yourself. As an existing registered club, you have been
issued with a username and password as follows:

Looks good. However.

As the site says it is supported by the organizations listed and you exist 
only in virtual web space I would have thought 'support' here means link to.

I looked and can't find links from:

 Cybershooters  (Wot?)

Do they need reminding?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

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CS: Pol-Why not to buy presents from Toys R Us this year

2000-11-25 Thread Steven Kendrick

Old, but worth reminding you all of it:




Politicians are rallying around Toys "R" Us and luxury
purveyor LVMH for taking a stand against the National
Rifle Association in a Times Square showdown over a
shooting gallery there. 
The two companies are refusing to sign leases in the
glitzy new "Bow Tie" building if the NRA also moves in
with its gun-themed showcase. 

After The Post broke the story of their standoff
yesterday, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and two Congress
members, Rep. Nita Lowey (D-Westchester) and Rep. Jerrold
Nadler (D-Manhattan), hailed the firms' "principled stand." 

"You are doing the right thing," the politicians said in
a joint letter to the heads of the two giant retailers.
"We believe there is no place in the new Times Square
for the NRA." 

Sources have told The Post that Toys "R" Us and LVMH are
refusing to sign leases in 1530 Broadway unless they get
assurances from the NRA and its president, actor Charlton
Heston, that the NRA won't build a theme restaurant and
shooting gallery there. 

Toys "R" Us plans to take 45,000 square feet of space,
and LVMH plans about half that amount for one of its
Sephora cosmetics supermarkets. The NRA has been
considering 70,000 square feet for an NRA Sports Blast
eatery-entertainment center. 

The politicians' letter added: "If the NRA opens in
Times Square, they will be sending an unmistakably
dangerous message to visitors that guns are a cause for

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CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar


Jeff, "Handgun" is an odd film - in colour BTW, not black  white - because 
it was made by a Brit director whose name (infuriatingly) escapes me but who 
is distinctly on the "respectable liberal art-film" side of the fence as 
opposed to mass-market Hollywood. It is suggested that it was intended or 
thought to be an attack on US "gun culture", but because any such message is 
difficult to discern it has always proved amusingly difficult for lefty film 
reviewers in The Guardian and elsewhere to categorise! Not a bad film I 
think, though not wildly entertaining.
Anthony Harrison
Well, my mother saw it one night and insisted that I take
her pistol shooting at the first opportunity!


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What constitutes law abiding?
Someone never convicted or someone never caught?

"E.J. Totty"
Your comment above, IG, either demonstrates
your mind set, or the manner in which UK cops think
of their fellow citizens.
In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

  Quite so, the presumption of innocence is the fundamental common law

"The right which every man has to his character, the value of that character
to himself and his family, and the evil consequences that would result to
society if charges of guilt were lightly entertained, or readily established
in Courts of justice:- these are the real considerations which have led to
the adoption of the rule that all imputations of crime must be strictly

"Taylor Upon Evidence".

"Throughout the web of the English criminal law one golden thread is always
to be seen, that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's
guilt...No matter what the charge or where the trial, the principle that the
prosecution must prove the guilt of the prisoner is part of the common law
of England and no attempt to whittle it down can be entertained."

Stones Justice's Manual.
Preface to 1990 Edition.

You do know that don't you?

Regards, John Hurst.

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CS: Field-Bird shooting in EU - info wanted

2000-11-25 Thread Lars

From:   "Lars", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In Sweden all birds of prey are protected. A few animals which are not part
of the original swedish fauna (, rats and other pests can be hunted all year

The hunting seasons for the rest of the animals are regulated. Have a look
at the following link to the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife



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CS: Pol-The Gun Control Network

2000-11-25 Thread Jeff Wood

From:   "Jeff Wood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A recent posting quoted GCN as refusing to expand their membership from the
present alleged 6 for fear of entryism. Yet they are represented on the FCC,
presumably on behalf of the public. This seems to be taking the concept of
the Silent Majority a bit far.

Next time you're pestering your MP, point out that your club has a
membership a multiple of that of GCN.

Yours sincerely

Jeff Wood

Public PGP Key at: ldap://certserver.pgp.com
I've already done this and got the expected useless response from
the HO.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-25 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What weapon do you think would have been effective in this case?
A firearm?
A baseball bat?
CS or pepper spray?
A cattle prod?
A plastic shield such as the police use?
A clothes prop?
A rottweiler?

Our right to self defence has not descended anywhere. I repeat...ad
nauseumyou all have a right to self defence!!!

It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence. If a
firearm had been used in this case, then, provided it was legally held for
say, clay shooting, then no jury in a million years would convict someone
using it. Don't delude yourself.
The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for possession.

Since you ask I would like the opportunity to carry either a CS spray or
stun gun and could detail at least two occasions within the last three
months when I would have been justified in using them if it were a legal
option. There is however no legally acceptable reason for owning either of
these so the explanation you offer in your last paragraph would not apply.
We appear to be left in the situation where you can claim to have used
either a firearm or knife that had been held for entirely legal reasons, but
would quite likely prove fatal, whilst being unable to claim any reason to
own something that would just bring any assailant up short and allow you to

I don't see the objection to CS spray as we have it from the mouths of
police spokespeople that these are used purely for defence.
With regard to all the previous discussion on the list of the if's, but's
and maybe's of aquiring a pistol legally for self defence is there any legal
avenue for applying for ownership of either of these options because I can't
think of one.

Brian T
Bear in mind that CS spray and stun guns are classified as firearms
under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968!  How the courts
ever came up with that is beyond me.


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-25 Thread IG


What? Are you implying that we have a law regulating the MISUSE of
drugs? etc

Oh God.

Read the whole of that post please.

The reason for mentioning that list of laws was to illustrate that there are
more laws to break nowadays, therefore crime figures are bound to be higher.
How on earth even you can turn that around is quite fascinating but boring..


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CS: Misc-hypocrite

2000-11-25 Thread Nicholas Jones

From:   "Nicholas Jones", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The worst actor-hypocrite is surely Sean Connery - glamorising the use of
guns as James Bond, then doing voice-overs for the 'ban the guns' feature
post-Dunblane. The fact that he fervently supports the SNP whilst spending
as little time as possible in Scotland is another reason.

Nik Jones

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CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar


Not hounding you, IG, but when you say, Total freedom of firearms means 
that people like this would be free to have firearms.  you miss the point, 
which is that he WAS armed, and from what we know about him he would have 
been armed without regard to the law - as are a great many of the criminal 
classes. Laws only affect the law-abiding, etc - how many times does this 
basic point have to be repeated?
And when you write, It is a sad but inescapable fact that the degree of 
responsibility and common sense exercised by the average person is somewhat 
lacking, I have to say this is one of the worst statements you've uttered: 
it's a recipe for a police state. The thugs and yobboes you describe are a 
small minority, and if a proportion of decent people were armed, I suggest 
that public violence of this kind would diminish drastically. In the USA, 
which you seem to deride, gun crime is located disproportionately in a few 
big cities, and public brawling between sport fans is much less common than 
it is here. The average person, here or in the USA, is decent, responsible, 
and certainly capable of owning guns wihtout running amok. Maybe your 
opinions are tainted by contact with too many criminal low-life types.
Anthony Harrison

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CS: Misc-Met. police firearms pages

2000-11-25 Thread jim.craig

From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I forward this page sent to me by a fellow airgun
enthusiast In Scotland and having read the Air Weapons
section of the site I agree with his comments and have
mailed the site author to say so.  Others may find other
sections of the site of interest.

Hi Jim,

Some time ago I happened across the Met.s firearm
enquiry teams web pages. I was refreshingly surprised by
helpful attitude displayed and the open advice of the
content. Stark contrast to what we have come to expect.

At the time the site solely concerned itself with
firearms and shotguns. Having been so impressed by this
attempt to lay down the law as it is written and not
how certain factions would prefer it to be written, I
took the opportunity to do some "bridge building". I
wrote to the Mick Wheeler, the web sites author, and
congratulated him on producing such a useful and unbiased
source of information. I told him that what we really
could do with was a similar approach taken on the subject
of airguns and asked if he would consider adding such
information to the site.
He wrote back thanking me for my comments but told me
that the sites primary purpose was to assist the public
to understand the "ins and outs" of the licencing system
and he felt that airguns fell outside that remit.

I wrote back and asked him to reconsider as I felt he
had produced a very concise guide for the benefit of
shooters nationwide and that much of the information
contained therein already went beyond that remit. I
suggested that to leave out airguns not only would
leave his work "incomplete", but would also represent
a missed opportunity.

Imagine my surprise when I received an E-mail from him
today reminding me of our past contact and asking me to
check out his revamped web site for comment.

Jim, you have got to check this out...   there is light
at the end of the tunnel.


If this link doesn't get you there, go to the Mets
website, click on the index page, click on "F" then
on firearms enquiries. A word of warning...  the Mets
site is extensive and I guarantee you won't be able to
resist the temptation to have a good snoop!
Have a good look round and tell me/him what you think,
especially about the new airgun section.

I think you will agree this chap deserves our gratitude.
Such an enlightened attitude deserves support and promotion.

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CS: Misc-Thoughts on revocation of independence

2000-11-25 Thread George

From:   "George", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd like to think this would be taken in the manner intended...:-)

No I don't think so! We don't want Tony Blair. We have Bill Clinton. I
understand there isn't much of a difference. I believe both countries will
be better off when they leave office. If we want a minister we can go to

You are right about casting British actors as villains. I watched The
Patriot Wednesday night and they set a new standard for "British villain"

The difference between American Football and what you call Football is that
the violence is on the field in U.S. Football. American football players are
armored so the don't get badly injured. It doesn't always help. Are Rugby
players as big as American Football players?

In regard to British automobiles my experience has been that any thing I can
afford to drive isn't worth driving. German cars are nice; but the problem
is the same. While we are on the topic of autos learn to drive on the proper
side of the road.

BTW the Queen impressed me when she wrung that pheasants neck. God save the

George in Las Vegas
You will find that more countries (certainly in terms of population)
drive on the left than on the right, India, China, Japan etc.


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CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-25 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The film is also known as "Deep in the Heart" (1983) - go to www.imdb.com
and search for "handgun" and it'll pull it up for you.

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CS: Pol-HO says armed foot patrols are not allowed

2000-11-25 Thread Charles Parker

From:   "Charles Parker", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Warning over use of firearms
by STUART MULRANEY (Police Review 17 Nov 2000)

HOME OFFICE Minister, Charles Clarke, has warned against the use of firearms 
by routine foot patrols. He told Police Review: 'There are ACPO guidelines 
on the use of firearms and these guidelines say arms are only to be used in 
targeted policing situations'.

Mr Clarke's comments came in response to questions regarding the use of 
firearms by a specialist patrol in central Nottingham, as reported recently 
in Police Review. However, he said Nottinghamshire Constabulary's move was 
in accordance with the guidelines because the patrol was a special operation 
which involved 'the particular use of arms in particular circumstances'.

Mr Clarke said the issue and use of firearms is an operational decision for 
chief officers working within the guidance issued by ACPO. But he added that 
ACPO guidelines cannot be made public because the information contained in 
them would be of use to armed criminals. Simon Hughes MP, the Liberal 
Democrat's chief spokesperson on home affairs, had earlier called on Mr 
Clarke to make a statement on the deployment of armed police officers on 
foot patrols and what assessments have been made by the Home Office into the 
effectiveness of armed patrols.

In a written answer to Mr Hughes, Mr Clarke said ACPO guidance 'does not 
permit the use of armed officers on routine foot patrols' and that, as such, 
no assessment has been made of their effectiveness.

Mr Clarke also made it clear in his written answer that firearms operations 
do not require the agreement of police authorities.

Police Review reported on October 13 that specialist armed officers are now 
patrolling the streets of Nottingham as part of a bid to deal with a series 
of driveby shootings. Nottingham Constabulary said the operation, codenamed 
Real Estate, has reduced the number of shootings in the city. Prior to the 
operation, there were five shootings in two weeks, but in the nine months 
since the operation began, there have been just 10 such incidents, according 
to the force.

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CS: Legal-Pellet pistols in Canada

2000-11-25 Thread Thomas

From:   Thomas A Chandler, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Gelowitz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "cfchat" [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 3:50 PM
Subject: [chat] Here's what to do

 Here is what I've been sending to everyone I know.  It would be great
 everyone else did the same: Just cut and paste everything below the
 Send it to your local newspaper, your friends, anyone and everyone.

 I thought you might like to know about this.  This is not a small
 will directly affect many people you know, and could even affect you if
 or your kids have a pellet gun.  Basically, millions of people with
 are going to become criminals because a new LazerHawk lightweight
 allows many popular airguns to shoot over 500 fps, even though the
 energy of the gun has not increased with the new pellet (ie. the pellet
 is no more powerful with the new pellet than with the old one).

 They've even deemed the Crosman .357 a prohibited weapon, which is
 one of the most popular airguns!  They are for sale right now at
 Tire, Wal-mart, and thousands of stores across Canada.  These stores
 know that the government has deemed that they are illegally selling
 prohibited weapons, and the government hasn't told them!  The
 trying to keep this a secret because of the feared backlash that would
 happen from millions of airgun owners and retailers if they learned
 going to be criminals (yes, criminals) in just over 1 month because
 don't have a Firearms Licence for their pellet guns.

 Here is the official story:

 "The Canadian Firearms Centre continues to play politics with
 charges Jim Hinter.

 "RCMP sources confirm that they can not remove air guns placed on the
 Firearms Reference Tables," states Jim Hinter, National President of
 s 120,000 Member strong National Firearms Association.

 "The National Firearms Association has discovered that an estimated one
 million Canadian air gun owners now must be in possession of a firearms
 licence by 01 January 2001, or face criminal charges," Hinter stated.

 "On November 17th, the National Firearms Association reported there
 is a "Hidden Agenda" going on during this election campaign." stated
 "Despite claims from the Canadian Firearms Centre, we are being proven
  right" said Hinter.

 "RCMP sources also confirmed that there has been "no change in policy"
 because they are following existing policy and legislation regarding
 current definition of a firearm," states Hinter.

 "Rather than ensure Canadians who own air guns are made aware of the
 reclassification of many popular airguns into firearms, the Canadian
 Firearms Centre is still trying to keep this secret," Hinter continued.

 "Earlier this week, spokespersons from the Canadian Firearms Centre
 Canadians that there "had been no change in policy" regarding air
 Hinter said. "Our sources in the RCMP confirm that all the airguns we
 reported as now classed as firearms are still on the Firearm Reference
 Tables (FRT)," Hinter said. "Not only that, but the RCMP has reported
 NFA that an additional fifteen more airguns have been added," Hinter

 "The Canadian Firearms Centre is already hopelessly behind in trying to
 issue licences to Canadians", stated Hinter. "Now they are ensuring
 least one million Canadians will become criminals on New Years Day 2001
 keeping this secret,"

 "That is not the New Years message a government should sent to Canadian
 citizens," concluded Hinter.


 Air Gun Background

 The RCMP confirmed that all 13 firearms listed in the NFA News Release
 November 17, 2000 are still on the FRT.


 November 23, 2000 - Today the RCMP provided us with the newest list of
 airguns the Canadian Firearm Registry has changed from non-firearms to
 firearms on their Firearms Reference Tables (FRT):

 Umarex Walther cp88 Prohibited Firearm - FRT# 40081-1
 Gamo r77 Prohibited Firearm - FRT# 47973-3
 Daisy model 131 Powerline Restricted Firearm - FRT# 79531-1
 Benj Sheridan Silver Streak 177 Restricted Firearm- FRT# 63222-3
 Crosman 1740 Restricted Firearm - FRT# 89275-1
 Umarex Walther ppk Restricted Firearm - FRT# 40082-2
 Umarex Colt 1911 Restricted Firearm - FRT#47505-3
 Gamo r77-6 Restricted Firearm - FRT# 47973-1
 Gamo 45 auto Restricted Firearm - FRT# 47966-2
 Benj. Sheridan Blue Streak 177 Non-Restricted Firearm- FRT# 41279-2
 Savage 560f FRT# 33149-1
 Crosman Challenge 2000 FRT# 72353-1
 Crosman mod 66 pwst FRT# 41792-1
 Crosman 2260 FRT# 46765-1
 Gamo p23 FRT# 4427-2

 November 17, 2000 - Original list of 13 airguns the Canadian Firearm
 Registry has changed from non-firearms to firearms on RCMP's Firearms

CS: Misc-drunk driving

2000-11-25 Thread nick

From:   nick royall, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My point about the DD and road checks is that the CC of Essex boasts about
how many random checks they do in the run up to christmas. There are not
supposed to be random stops, you are only supposed to be stopped when you
have done something to warrant the attention. Now, since Essex constabulary
seem to be the keenest on this having just started this years campaign
perhaps they should publicise the result as an average of motorists stopped
versus those over the limit. The last time such things were done they ended
up doing the most stops for the least number of drivers over the limit and
christmas is the time when the least offences are now committed. It may be
fear that is causing this method to work or perhaps, over the years people
have become better educated in their responsibilities to others and
themselves. It certainly doesnt do any favours to the thousands stopped for
no reason and will little or nothing in law to allow it. I do not condone
driving whilst intoxicated and would like to see drunk drivers charged with
at least manslaughter when causing a fatality rather than careless/dangerous
etc since they have made a decision to act in a way that they know is
reckless. If it was any other implement rather than a car it would be
probably a murder charge but the world is in love with the car so different
rules apply. 
In my ideal society the guilty are punished when proven guilty based on
solid evidence and information. The majority  should not be held in
suspicion as many new laws allow, that is a Thatcherite thing with more to
do with control than curbing crime.  As for your comment about road kill, I
am a fully trained front line ambulance attendant with the red cross and
have seen more than my fair share. Today is also the 12th anniversary  of
the death of my daughter, killed by a motorist driving on to a pavement.


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