CS: Pol-Why not to buy presents from Toys R Us this year

2000-11-26 Thread Paul

From:   Paul Bartomioli, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the "shooting gallery" does not involve real firearms.  it utilizes
shotguns that shoot light (laser?) at a target.  Very high tech method
of firearms training.  no bang, no smoke, no recoil, no projectiles.

these people are dolts.

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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-26 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

""Are you implying that we have a law regulating the MISUSE of drugs?

I've had friends use recreational drugs in the past, and I can tell you
that this is a prime example of prohibition causing more problems than
it ever solves.

I totally agree with you John, there are so many people in Walsall
who have gotten onto heroin the way you describe that it is
exceptionally hard for anyone to convince me that marijuana and
ecstacy should remain illegal.

Also clearing out the jails of people convicted of growing
marijuana would make space to keep the smack dealers in for
much longer periods of time.


Steve,  John,

Well, if you were to go the complete run and re-legalize
the whole group of drugs that are currently outlawed, and merely
make them obtainable by signature at a local apothecary/pharmacy
or what have you, then the government would have a real idea as to
the dimensions of drug use within the community -- something they
have no idea of now. And, if every item were packaged with a
description of the actual effects upon the body that the substance will
have, as well as the long term effects, that could serve as a restraint.
And, instead of playing the current lock'em up game, it
would be a much better use of funds to simply have treatment centers
for those who wanted to kick the addiction.

As for the illegal market? If the price is so low that even the
most poor could well purchase whatever, then there is no black market.
To be sure, there would always be the abusers, but the
glamor aspect has been removed. And the caveat of illegal usage: no
concurrent activities that would cause others harm. If the price for
breaking that law is stiff enough, it would deter the greater number.
As you know, there will always be the hard cases.

Allow me this: those who become addicted to any substance
are pretty much of the same psychology: the aren't sick people, they
are looking for an out from something that is bothering them. I you
can get them into counseling, you can get to root causes of their

The general idea of getting young people to stay away from
abusive drug use, isn't well thought out. Nobody I know of simply
tells them the real story:
"Your bodies are still growing, and everything you put into
them will have an effect later on in life. When you abuse a substance,
you are essentially weakening the building blocks of your life, creating
possible havoc later on down the line. Everything in life is momentary
except life itself. "Act in haste, regret in leisure". And regret lasts a lot
longer than haste."

Young people aren't taught to think in terms longer than
the shortest spans of time, thus deriving the shortsighted mental
attitudes that prevails in almost every culture.
But that's another story.
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*=
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

My personal view based on far too much sorry experience with young
people in the local area is that any drug that has seriously harmful
effects and is addictive should be banned.  But also things like
ecstacy and marijuana which at best are only mildly addictive and
have mild health effects should be legal.  My theory being the
one of the lesser of several evils.  Driving through some of
the council estates in Walsall is an enlightening experience.
There are people who live in Blakenhall who have sold the glass
and doors out of their council house to buy heroin.

People who advocate total legalisation do so on a flawed assumption
of economics.  I've always said that the problem with libertarianism
is that it works great on civil rights, not so well with economics.

If a substance is highly addictive, then demand is perfectly
inelastic, regardless of price.  The higher the price becomes
the more crime you have as people attempt to obtain money to
buy it.  The only way to stop this is to stop people using it
in the first place, and that means in part stopping the supply.
The other half is to cut down on demand but I don't care how much
money they pump into drug treatment, I have seen too many
people on methadone one day and smack the next.  The
problem in many areas is that people simply won't admit
they have a drug problem, because everyone around them
uses drugs.  If you can't get them to admit they have a problem,
you can't treat them.

So logically the finite resources of the police and Customs
should be focused on the most damaging drugs, and the only
way to do that is to legalise those drugs which don't do
the damage.


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CS: Crime-gunman in police siege

2000-11-26 Thread KiPng


 260448 NOV 10
 By Vanessa Allen and Harriet Tolputt, PA News
 A man who locked himself in his home with a gun after a row with his 
neighbour was today still refusing to surrender to police.
 Officers were called to a house in Kildare Crescent, Rochdale, Greater 
Manchester, yesterday afternoon after reports that a man had received head 
injuries following a fight with his neighbour.
 The neighbour who was injured was not seriously hurt, police said, but the 
other man has refused to leave his flat and has fired warning shots out of a 
 Police negotiators spoke to the man overnight but he has refused to come 
out, a spokeswoman said.
 She said: "Negotiators are speaking with the man inside the flat and 
endeavouring to resolve the situation peacefully."

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-26 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.

Go back and read your original comment.
It was to the effect that there were no innocent people,
only those who were not yet found out. The gist is that the world
is full of criminals just waiting to happen.

My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
good judges.
Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

Well, all that proves is that your dog sees you as a lesser
rat not worth chasing snicker.
And, no, those dogs never cocked a leg in my direction.
Dogs show respect by deferring to those whom they see
as either equals or betters. Dogs don't pee on their friends.

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction
Yippee. I'm on the way!!


There you go again.
Where did I infer that every arrest lead to a conviction?

All I said was that if one not under arrest, or under
suspicion for an illegal act, that one is free.

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=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*=
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CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-26 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quirkily 'Handgun' is often described as anti-gun.

Though why this should be I don't really know as it
seemed pretty balanced to me.

My copy of Halliwell's TV and Video Guide 2000 lists
Handgun as an EMI/Kestrel release in 1982  of 101
minutes.  In their opinion it rates only one star but
I found it quite interesting if a little slow in places.

The plot line says ' A schoolmistress, raped at gunpoint,
takes her revenge' and ' Novel, feminist revenge drama
with a neat twist at the end'.

Starring - Karen Young, Clayton Day, Suzie Humphreys,
Helena Humann.

No to be confued with a crime drama of 1994 with the
same 'Handgun' title.



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CS: Misc-schizophrenia

2000-11-26 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's another good read.
It might explain more than just a few things.

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=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*=
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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-26 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, you are right!

Yes I believe that was covered in the Vagrancy Acts as
well (or at least display of the equipment) :-)



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CS: Legal-Pellet pistols in Canada

2000-11-26 Thread jim.craig

From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fascinating stuff re Canadian airgun laws which I gather from reading
between the lines limits the muzzle velocity of non-restricted airguns to
500 feet per second, a different approach to that adopted by the UK where
muzzle ENERGY is the defining factor.   Our 6 ft lbs limit for air pistols
and 12 ft lbs limit for air rifles leaves a bit more room for manoeuvre than
a muzzle velocity law but beware especially of exceeding the limit for air
pistols since possession of an air pistol capable of 6.1 ft lbs will make
you the proud possessor of a prohibited firearm!
The muzzle velocity limit cuts both ways of course.  In Sweden, where the
limit is 600 feet per second .30 calibre air rifles are popular with airgun
hunters since the heavier pellet gives a  higher muzzle energy albeit at the
cost of a distinctly more curved trajectory, but the dangers of nonsense
like the Canadian situation where the law ends up banning some very low
powered airguns are much increased.
If we have to have a power limit, I suspect that for once we've got it right
as far as the system goes although you can always argue about the exact
power at which the gun becomes a firearm.

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CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-26 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've mentioned this before, but a really good book is "Marine Sniper"
by Charles Henderson, and it's still in print and you can still
get it easily!


Definitely agree as I bought it last time you recommended it and couldn't
put it down.
Purchased at the same time "One Shot-One Kill" by Charles W Sasser and Craig
Roberts which covers American snipers in WW2, Korea, Vietnam and Beirut.
Well worth a read.

Brian T

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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-26 Thread Don

From:   Don Baldwin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A firearm?
A baseball bat?
CS or pepper spray?
A cattle prod?
A plastic shield such as the police use?
A clothes prop?
A rottweiler?
Our right to self defence has not descended anywhere. I repeat...ad
nauseumyou all have a right to self defence!!!
It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence.
Can't you even see the internal contradictions inherent in
those comments?

You can't own a firearm for the purpose of self defense
in the home.

You can't carry ANY weapon for purposes of self defense in

In contrast, I am able to carry lockback knives at all
times.  I am able to carry pepper spray at all times.
I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun.

Are you going to honestly say that British folks on this
list have as much ability to defend themselves as I do?

The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for possession.

Why?  IT's the most important reason for owning firearms.
If you give up the right to use firearms as defensive weapons
then they are just dangerous toys - why not ban them?


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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-26 Thread IG


There are people who live in Blakenhall who have sold the glass
and doors out of their council house to buy heroin.

If there were no gun controls, they could have legally bought firearms and
nothing could have been done about it.
It is but a small escalation to then use that firearm to carry out a raid on
an all night garage. Or anywhere really.
A bit like America.

BTW..armed robberies are still less common than unarmed ones. Before the
posts start flying in.

So logically the finite resources of the police and Customs
should be focused on the most damaging drugs, and the only
way to do that is to legalise those drugs which don't do
the damage.

Or concentrate on the source of the problem.
Colombia, Pakistan, etc etc.
Get rid of the drug tzar and actually do something about the importation of
I am surprised that anyone who admits to seeing the damage done by tack and
E could advocate legalising such substances. Cannabis...hmmm..open to
argument.but Emy God.

What is a recreational drug by the way?
Its another nonsense term, like 'friendly fire'.
Its merely an attempt to minimise and legitimise the consequences caused by
ingestation of chemical substances to alter a state of consciousness or to
reduce inhibitions, etc.

E isn't addictive though, not like heroin at any rate.  I know
a guy in Walsall who is brain damaged because he used too much
of it but the doctors reckon it was because of a bad recipe.  He
has these spells where he sits and rolls his eyes and sometimes
he has fits.  However, that is nothing compared to what I have
seen done to people who use heroin and I tend to feel that
if ecstacy were legal it would be properly manufactured so
any adverse affects would be minimal.

And BTW, I didn't advocate that there be no gun controls,


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-26 Thread IG


How many police officers have spotless pasts, whether they were
convicted or not?

Would you rather form a partnership with non-criminals in your
country in opposition to serious crime?  Or  treat every 
non-officer like a future perpetrator...and become their enemy?



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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-26 Thread AnthonyHar


 any drug that has seriously harmful effects and is addictive should be 
I know it's tempting to agree with this, but the history of governments 
banning things (including guns...) is a very sorry one. Reason invariably 
flies out of the window, the rules are arbitrary, there is a massive growth 
of bureaucracy and a parallel diminution of civil rights. To call for 
something to be banned is to say either "I disapprove of this even if it has 
no direct effect on my liberty and I don't think others should be allowed to 
make up their own minds," or "I think a bunch of politicians and civil 
servants should have the power to decide what I can eat, drink, smoke or 
sniff." Banning things creates all manner of dangerous precedents - as 
shooters, of all people, should know. Like gun-control, the "war on drugs" is 
a massive scam perpetrated on the citizens by duplicitous governments, to 
whom it gives greater freedom to tax us, spy on us, and interfere with our 
liberty. Alcohol meets your definition of a potentially dangerous, 
habituating drug, Steve - but the great majority of us don't let that glass 
of sherry at the vicarage tea-party lead subsequently to our sitting under a 
railway arch swigging methylated spirits. If a few weak-minded people want to 
destroy themselves with heroin or whatever, let them - they won't last long. 
It's just Mother Nature's way of culling the bozos.
Anthony Harrison
I knew someone was going to say "Oh yes, Steve, but that includes
booze and fags as well."  No it doesn't.  Also this argument
about only weak-minded people is utter crap as well, anyone
can become a drug addict I've seen it with my own eyes.  I have to
say quite frankly that people who say things like that obviously
have little or no experience with drug addicts.  I've seen
blokes who are obviously very bright who can defeat every
car security system known to man in seconds, but instead of
using their intelligence to get a real job they are addicted
to heroin so they steal cars and live from day to day.

If it only affected people because of some genetic reason then
it would affect all age groups equally, it doesn't, it affects
young people to a far, far greater degree, certainly in Walsall
at any rate.  People do not sell every possession they have,
live in poverty and commit burglaries every day when they
have a drinking or smoking addiction.  And it's not because
they started out living in poverty either, most of them don't
in my experience.  And it's not because drugs are artificially
expensive because they're banned either, heroin is quite
inexpensive, but when you are addicted to it you can
barely function as a human being so you can't make much

I've seen this "Oh, it could never happen to me, I'm far
too bright (or my kids are)" and then they find out their
daughter uses smack every day or they get addicted to it

Wake up everyone, there is a large and growing proportion
of the population going down the tubes because of heroin.


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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-26 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The law does not restrict self defence as being a "good reason",
Home Office Guidance does.  Home Office Guidance even points out
that the police _should_ not issue certificates for that purpose,
it does not say they can't.  A small but important point.

OK, I will wear that one.

  That is not good enough. Your Oath of Alleigance requires that you
accept the law as it is, specificaly the common law confirmed by the Bill of
Rights and the entrenching clause;

Article 7 " That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their
Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law...".

"...Now in pursuance of the Premisses the said Lords Spirituall and
Temporall and Commons in Parlyament assembled for the ratifying confirming
and establishing the said Declaration and the Articles Clauses Matters and
things therein contained by the Force of a Law made in due Forme by
Authority of Parlyament doe pray that it may be declared and enacted That
all and singular the Rights and Liberties asserted and claimed in the said
Declaration are the true auntient and indubitable Rights and Liberties of
the People of this Kingdome and soe shall be esteemed allowed adjudged
deemed and taken to be and that all and every the particulars aforesaid
shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as they are expressed in
the said Declaration And all Officers and Ministers whatsoever shall serve
their Majestyes and their Successors according to the same in all times to

Your previous posting was;

It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence. If a
firearm had been used in this case, then, provided it was legally held for
say, clay shooting, then no jury in a million years would convict someone
using it. Don't delude yourself.

The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for

This is incorrect for those reasons. Claiming otherwise through innorance is
no excuse either because it breaches the common law requirement for Crown
servants to know the law;

'We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only
men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well.'

Regards,  john Hurst.

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CS: Pol-dates of laws

2000-11-26 Thread IG


A recent case in Kent had a judge
being furious with a Crown prosecutor who declined to co-operate with his
plea-bargaining strategy over some Kosovars and other ex-Yugoslavian dross
who'd created mayhem in the street, and they escaped the prison sentence
deserved because they "copped a plea" to some lesser offence. I'm sure you
know all about that kind of thing, IG.

Is this your interpretation of events, or was this information actually
If you let me know the case details, ie roughly the date and the name of any
one of the defendants, I will pull the court transcript to establish what
Incidentally, would it have been as big a problem if it hadn't been
'Yugosalvian dross'?
What happened with presumption of innocence here? They deserved prison even
prior to conviction did they?
I bet a hundred million pounds (or dollars even!) that not one single person
will object to your comments on here.
But if I had made them!
Not that I'm bothered, amused, yes, bothered, no!


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CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-26 Thread N. L. Cobb

From:   "N. L. Cobb", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Another Forester work worth reading is "Rifleman Dodd."   During the
Peninsula Campaign Dodd, through no fault of his own,  becomes separated
from his outfit and eventually joins a guerrilla band, sniping at the
French.  Forester could have gone into more detail about the Baker rifle
but, on the whole, it's a good adventure yarn offering a pretty good "feel"
for an infantry campaign of that era and service in the Rifle Corps.


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