CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention UK

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I am in favour and would travel anywhere in UK, but Steve's
suggestion of holding it at the NEC in Birmingham is probably the most
practical.  I agree that there is a need to distance ourselves from the
NRA althought I am not convinced that distancing ourselves from Target
Shooting is a good idea at this stage, because that would also distance
us from the present gun owners and from their support, both moral and

Is it a better strategy to demand a repeal of a very recent act of
Parliament, which we can prove to have been totally ineffective and
misplaced, or to attempt to restore a "right" that can be argued that we
have not had for 80 years and which is very much under attack world

Whilst we are on this subject may I say that I believe that the GCN have
the right to be anti-gun, but we have the equal right to be pro-gun AND

The only logical reason why the six members of GCN are always listenened
to and invited to sit on various committees is because they are
Governmnent sponsored, so let us not kid ourselves any longer that they
are a genuine anti-gun body.  Nevertheless, anyone is entitled to lobby
the government on any issue, but they are not entitled to do so from
complete secrecy.  So, let us have their names, addresses, emails and
any other way to reach them with our opinions!

I suggested the motorcycle museum, not the NEC!

The GCN is not Government sponsored.  They do seem to have reasonably
competent PR though.


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CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention USA

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That doesn't necessarily matter, to be frank, but getting people
to lecture on the rights of self-defence and so on I suspect would
go down like a lead balloon.


I agree that raising the "right of self defence" would get strong
opposition from the police and the government, but it would be
relatively easy to collect statistics of cases where unarmed and
physically disadvantaged people have been killed, mugged, injured and
violently robbed and present each case as an incident that the police
failed to prevent!

These cases must run into thousands each year, proving beyond doubt that
catching criminals after the event is not good enough or effective crime
prevention!  How difficult would it be to form a Pro-GCN consisting of
several hundreds (several thousands would be better) of former victims
of violent crime.

Let us press the government for a new Act making it a serious offence to
mug or rob anyone without a 40 minute warning to give the police the
chance to defend prospective victims (Home Secretary to be given powers
to extend the period of warning to one hour or longer to compensate for
the shortage of police on the beat).This Act would be as effective
as the Firearms (Amendment) Act, 1977, so why can't we have it on the
next Labour election manifesto?

I am not sure whether we already lead the World with ineffective and
stupid legislation, but give us time and we'll get there!
I think you're missing my point.  It's not that the Government
and police would get upset, it's that you'd likely be talking
to a brick wall because most field and target shooters simply
don't care, or else think it's distasteful to broach the topic.


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CS: Misc-King's African Rifles

2000-12-28 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My father served with the KARs in East Africa at the
start of WW2 and about 200 KARs served with my uncle
Jock's regiment and my father in North Africa and up
through Italy into Germany and were "topped-up" with
fresh KARs when necessary.

Ever heard this song:
"Funga safari
Funga safari
Oom riawa na
Oom riawa na, Kapitini
Oom ri Ah Kay Ah"
(We're going on safari
We're going on safari
We'll know where we're going when we get there, says
the Captain
We are the KAR)

My maternal grandfather was in the Boer War and the
Great War and my mother had some interesting memories
of him. She was telling me about playing "Soldiers and
Brave Nurses" as a child after the Great War. The boys
had father-made rifles (with door bolts) painted the
correct khaki colour and the girls had rectangles of
white cloth tied to their foreheads with bits of
string. The girls crawled across to "wounded soldiers"
in no-mans-land with bits of string held between their
teeth in imitation of the nurses doing the same with
ropes to drag wounded soldiers back with. Her father
came home and saw this one day with a Ho, Ho, Ho! and
commented that the nurses wore grey uniforms about the
same colour as the Germans did and you had to be
careful about who you shot in no-mans-land.
Mothers weren't so keen on this game as the girls were
crawling round in the dust and the dogshit full-length
with their dresses. The girls liked the game because
they didn't usually get the chance to be Brave - they
usually got Captured, tied up and Rescued.

She also recalled him standing on the corner with his
rifle while police bullets from Lewis and Vickers guns
were cracking and whining along the street - that was
Ardwick just east of the centre of Manchester and just
after the Great War. Lest we forget.

If any one of you digs in your memory you'll come up
with gems - do it.

Norman Bassett

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CS: Misc-Cybershooters award

2000-12-28 Thread Steven Kendrick

I've decided to make the Cybershooters award a bit different
this year, and as it will probably take forever to decide on
the recipient, I thought I'd better get started now!

This year (or rather 2001) we're going to give the award to
the person or company that made the greatest contribution
to shooting in the 20th century in the UK.

Obviously it's going to have to be a person or company that
still has some sort of existence in one shape or another
otherwise it's a waste of time.



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CS: Pol-Mass. shooting. Daily Telegraph editorial.

2000-12-28 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daily Telegraph editorial 28-12-00

This man wasn't mad about guns - he was just mad
By Toby Harnden

 International: Seven killed for sake of a $2,000 tax bill

A HAND-WRINGING Boston Globe editorial lamented the "nightmare that stalks
the nation" and "bright river of blood" bursting forth because the country
"refuses to pass stringent controls on firearms".

Just as with the Columbine school massacre and the Michigan six-year-old who
shot a classmate, the tragedy in Wakefield has already ushered in calls for
"common sense gun control" and more laws to limit the Second Amendment right
of Americans to own weapons.

Expect an appearance from President Bill Clinton, his bottom lip trembling
as he feels the nation's pain, in which he all but blames the Republican
Party and the National Rifle Association for McDermott's actions. While such
performances no doubt help liberal consciences, they can all too easily act
as a substitute for thought - the terrible events in Wakefield on Boxing Day
could well be used to illustrate the argument against further gun control.

Massachusetts, the most safely Democratic state of the 50 in the Union, is
something close to gun control heaven. An FBI instant background check has
to be carried out on anyone buying a gun and there is a seven-day waiting
period for handguns. There are strict licensing requirements with mandatory
jail sentences for breaking them and no one under 21 can buy a gun.
McDermott, it seems, had no licence for any gun.

He also used an AK47 the world's favourite terrorist weapon and the subject
of a federal ban since 1994. Curiously, one Democratic aide in Boston used
these facts to reach the conclusion: "Massachusetts has some of the nation's
toughest gun laws but this demonstrates that even those laws can be

OK, let's follow the logic here. A wacko ignores every gun law on the books
and blows away his workmates. But if there had been even tougher laws, then
he would have meekly laid down his AK47 and spoken to the human resources
manager instead.

Mr Clinton used a similar logic himself when hammering Republicans over the
death of Kayla Rolland, the Michigan six-year-old. If only Congress had
passed a mandatory trigger-lock law, then little Kayla would be alive today,
he said. But the unpalatable truth is that if the weapon that killed Kayla
had been the last gun in America it would not have had a trigger-lock. The
boy who killed her lived in a crack house. His father was in prison and his
mother an addict. The gun was stolen. All the gun laws in the world would
not have saved Kayla.

While the Michigan shooting and the Wakefield massacre prompt worldwide
headlines, much of the hysteria about violence in America is the result of
carefully twisted statistics. Democrats are fond of stating that 13 children
die every day from gun violence. But about 70 per cent of those "children"
are aged between 17 and 19, the vast majority of them killed in gang-related

Another favourite is that American children - it was Mr Clinton who taught
Tony Blair that the justification "it's for the children" is the best
substitute of all for reason - are more likely to die from gunfire than the
combined total of juveniles in the next 25 industrialised nations. These
nations, however, include Hong Kong (ask Chris Patten but it wasn't a nation
the last time I checked) and Kuwait but not Russia or Brazil - countries
that have largely banned guns but have murder rates four times higher than
in the United States.

That is not to say that America does not have a problem with gun violence or
that politicians and police officers should not be doing all they can to
tackle it. But this is difficult to do without defining the problem's scale
and nature.

Gun ownership in America is both enshrined in the constitution and one of
its citizens' most cherished rights of freedom. Al Gore found this out to
his cost in the election when his gun control rhetoric was one of the
factors that cost him the presidency. George W Bush, in contrast, emphasised
enforcing existing gun laws - an approach that seems sensible enough in the
light of Wakefield.

Moreover, America is already awash with guns and preventing the law-abiding
from having access to a means of self-defence would be little more than
positive discrimination for the criminal. If there is any answer to why Mike
McDermott finally decided "enough already" on Boxing Day, it lies in the
dark recesses of his mind rather than any draft legislation.

However, as Bob Geldof concluded in his 1979 song I Don't Like Mondays -
about Brenda Spencer, the San Diego schoolgirl who opened fire on her
teachers and schoolmates - even the search for psychological explanations
can be fruitless. "He can see no reasons 'cos there are no reasons," Bob
Geldof sang of Spencer's father.

More than 20 years on, the reasons why the "silicon chip inside a head gets
switched to overload" are as elusive as 

CS: Admin-website update

2000-12-28 Thread Steven Kendrick

Another update to the website, this one covers the Swiss
Ammunition Enterprise:



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CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention UK

2000-12-28 Thread jonathan


 My view is that our sport is faced with extermination within the next ten
 Anything we do now to organise and oppose the anti's can ultimately be to
 our collective benefit.

Absolutley spot on, we are in such a position now that 
anything we do may not do us much good but it can't 
really put us in a worse position than we already are.

Jonathan Laws

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CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention UK

2000-12-28 Thread VinceB

From:   "VinceB", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If such a convention is to take place, why on earth do we want to 
exclude any shooters? At least the NRA do shoot, shoot frequently
and competitively. Exactly who do you mean by 'Target Shooters' 
I thought we were all target shooters - except those who shoot only 
Like it or not, the NRA must be the most influential group of shooters
in the Country. How many other organisations - shooting or not - does 
the Queen give a prize to?
Let's not start off by deciding who we can exclude but by who we can 
get to attend. We must have a commitment from every significant shooting 
body, otherwise non-attendance will be used against us by the press.
If we do it, the press is not invited, who gives a toss what
the press think?  They'll probably portray it as a bunch of
homicidal maniacs getting together to bugger each other or
something daft, who cares.

If we do it, invite _everyone_ from the shooting world,
otherwise we will end up with whomever is not invited moaning
about it ad infinitum.


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CS: Crime-Intruder shot, killed

2000-12-28 Thread N. L. Cobb

From:   "N. L. Cobb", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note the similarity to the Tony Martin case ("shot through the back") and
the contrast ("a clear case of self-defense and they will not refer the case
to the Marion County Prosecutor's office.")   Guess that there are no
"lovable rogues" in Indiana or, if there are some, now there is one less!

 Intruder shot, killed

 By Kevin O'Neal

 Indianapolis Star

 December 27, 2000

 Four men somehow heard that the residents of a Near-Eastside house had a
 lot of money. There was no money, but there was a loaded shotgun and a
 resident who was willing to use it on the robbers.

 "There really wasn't very much brilliance here," said IPD homicide Det.
 Michael A. Mitchell about the four suspects.

 The attempted residence robbery on Tuesday night ended with one robber
 and a second man wounded, shot by one of the people in the house.

 The other two suspects disappeared.

 Police said the shooting was a clear case of self-defense and they will
 refer the case to the Marion County prosecutor's office to consider

 However, the wounded man could be charged with the dead man's death, and
 the two suspects who ran could face similar charges.

 The incident happened at 9:38 p.m. Tuesday in the 300 block of South Villa
 Avenue. Killed was Gary Emler, 28, 300 block of North Holmes Avenue.
 Wounded and later arrested was Andy Whobrey, 18, who lived at the same
 address as Holmes.

 Emler had been wanted on an arrest warrant in Hamilton County for
 his probation after a disorderly conduct conviction. Whobrey faces
 preliminary charges of robbery and felony murder.

 The preliminary murder charge comes because Whobrey was part of a crime in
 which a person was killed.

 Mitchell declined to identify the man who fired the fatal shots, saying he
 was concerned that he might face reprisals from the two suspects who
 escaped. However, the detective noted that the shooter was not the person
 who owned the house where the incident happened.

 Detectives aren't sure how the four men got the idea that there was money
 in the house or why they decided to break in on Tuesday night.

 Mitchell said there was no large amount of money in the house.

 The homeowner and the man who fired the shots were asleep in separate
 bedrooms of the house. Next to the shooter's bed was a 12-gauge shotgun,
 loaded with deer slugs, that the man had used during a recent hunting trip
 to Kentucky.

 The four robbery suspects reportedly drove to the house, went to the back
 door and kicked it open. There was nothing subtle about the entry. "They
 took the door right off the frame," Mitchell said.

 Armed with a small .25-caliber semi-automatic handgun, Emler apparently
 the four men into the house. As he went down a hall, he was confronted by
 the man who was armed with the loaded shotgun.

 Emler pointed his handgun at the man with the shotgun, but that man got
 a shot, putting a deer slug through Emler's chest from 10 feet away,
 Mitchell said. Emler was knocked to the floor, then tried to crawl to the
 handgun that he had dropped and took a second deer slug through the back.

 One of those shots grazed Whobrey in the back. He and the other two
 would-be robbers ran from the house, with Whobrey surfacing a couple of
 hours later at the Methodist Hospital emergency room.
I'm amazed he was still going after one hit with a slug.


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CS: Misc-King's African Rifles

2000-12-28 Thread Bippygee


My Dad served as an engineer in North Africa during World War Two and had 
contact with the King's African Rifles.

One night he drove a jeep back to the compound after a heavy night with, I 
think, some American troops. He used to swap stuff with the Yanks to get cigs 
and US rations.

He fell out with the KAR guardsmen at the compound gate and another KAR 
soldier intervened and fired a shot into the radiatior grill of Dad's jeep.

In the ensuing inquiry the man who fired the shot was found to be a certain 
big black guy-- called Idi Amin

On another occasion he crashed a lorry into a car carrying King Farouk, which 
caused masses of trouble.

No wonder he gave up drinking before he was twenty five!

I don't know how true these stories are, I  merely report them.

Later in life he was more than a match for Alf Garnett!

Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention UK

2000-12-28 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whilst we are on this subject may I say that I believe that the GCN have
the right to be anti-gun, but we have the equal right to be pro-gun AND

I suggested the motorcycle museum, not the NEC!

The GCN is not Government sponsored.  They do seem to have reasonably
competent PR though.


Steve,  Alex,

Well, do be sure to have people who can represent your
cause who won't wilt under fire.
I've seen enough of that from men and women here who
just are not prepared to face the inevitable trained and hostile
proponent of hate. To be able to calmly, cooly, and efficiently
tackle every argument with great aplomb is a characteristic that is
sorely lacking in all but a few speakers on our side of the argument,
because most speakers on the local scene are not practiced enough.

The antis almost always employ the emotion card, and they
do it very effectively, especially when the debaters are a woman on
the antis side, and a man on the pro side. Invariably, they try to make
the man appear to look like a some kind of pervert, who could care
less about the welfare of the children who are sometimes the targets.

In cases like these, where a good woman speaker cannot be
availed to, it helps beyond words for a progun speaker to have his
own children with him, and maybe a few of their friends whom are
shooters as well. You can't believe the effect that having a young
person speak lucidly for the cause can have. There are so many times
where their welfare is discussed, but their input is not addressed.

The antis dare not attack the young person, for fear that it
will detract from their position, especially when the young person
can out-talk them on the issue. It helps immeasurably for those young
people to be well versed to begin with, especially with the facts, and
how those facts are misused, and twisted to mean what they are not.

When the debaters are women only, then the debate can
proceed from the standpoint of real facts. The antis don't talk facts
unless it appears to help their side. 
It helps as well to have a woman who is comely, and whose
elocution is a cut above the average.

Having the whole family can even do the wonders that the
antis will only stutter along trying to effuse their thoughts in a less
effective way.
The great object here is get this to become a family sport -- as
it used to be, and the more family members that get involved the better.

This is why you absolutely must endeavor to fill your ranks
with women who can speak the issues, clearly, calmly, and be able to
take on the hype by exposing it for the crass lie it is.
And the more woman the better.

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

My suggestion is Prince William, I cannot believe the amount of
criticism he has gotten from these anti-hunting nutters.


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CS: Legal-Supplemental Chambers

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I read an interesting article in an old copy of "Handloader" about
supplemental chambers for full bore rifles.
These chambers look like cartridge cases on the outside, but are made of
solid metal and bored to accept pistol cartridge that uses bullets close
to the groove size of the full bore  rifle in which they are to be

Winchester made them from 1914 to 1924 in several popular 30 calibres
and also in .303 and they all used .32 Smith  Wesson or .32 Colt New
Police revolver cartridges.

Using these chambers would enable firing of rifles chambered for
7.62NATO and .303" on indoor ranges approved for pistol and gallery
rifles, so there might be interest in them on this side of the Atlantic
even though they did not survive in the States.

I would like to ask knowledgeable members of this list two questions, as

1.  Do these supplemental chambers require British proof?

2. Has anyone tried manufacturing them recently, preferably in UK and

Any information would be most appreciated,


I think Peter Jackson knows more than me on this one, as I recall
a chamber insert is considered to be a component part of
ammunition if it not permanently a part of the firearm, if
it is then it is a firearm component and must be proved and
you must have authority for it.


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CS: Target-Wipe out Brushless foam bore cleaner

2000-12-28 Thread Adrian Burdett

From:   "Adrian Burdett", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope you Steve and all Cybershooters have had a good Christmas?

I have been trying to get hold of some of Paul Company Inc.
product "Wipe-out" Brushless foam bore cleaner over the past
8 months in the UK.  They said they did not have a stockist in
the UK in April.  They thought Parker-Hale might take up the
agent role but PH said they would not.

Does any one know where I can get it in the UK or a mail order
source in the US?

Hope all the Cybeshooters have a Happy, hopliphoba free 2001.


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