CS: Misc-Press Quote By Philosopher

2001-02-23 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The press today is an army with carefully organised weapons, the
journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither
knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the
role he is to play. 
 Oswald Spengler (1880 - 1936) German philosopher 
 "The Decline of the West," vol. 2, ch. 12, sct. 4, 1926

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CS: Misc-SA Website

2001-02-23 Thread RVMalbon


Re Norman Bassett's posting on this subject:

We apologise for the length of time it is taking us to get our website 
transferred to a new 'host'. The problem is in getting our previous host, 
Easyspace, to release the domain to the successor. 'Easyspace' are not 
responding quickly to our messages and the whole thing has gone on for far 
too long. 

Two weeks ago we received a message from Easyspace to 'pay up within two days 
- one of them being a Sunday - or we close you down'. That was the first 
inkling we had had that there was any delay in our payments. Our website had 
been set up by a third party who was actually financing the site for us as 
part of his contributions to our campaign. He is no longer in a position to 
do this, hence the sudden problem. This person was frequently out of contact 
with us and the whole situation was, in hindsight, unsatisfactory. However, 
this is the only significant 'hiccup' we have had with the running of the 
site so far. It is a pity that it happened at this time though.

So Norman Bassett isn't very impressed with our site! What does this mean? If 
he could give us some positive suggestions for improvement we would be very 
pleased to consider them. 

Yes, we agree that a website is very important to our campaign and we are 
developing ours as we can. It must be borne in mind, of course, that 
maintenance of any information exchange system requires appropriate input of 
resources - ours are limited at this time and we see no point in trying to 
duplicate the output of, for example, Cybershooters. We do have links to many 
other sites but if there are still others to which it would be sensible to 
have links, again, please let us know and we will do what we can.

Our Bulletin Board is still functioning and is 'host', amongst other topics, 
to a rather unpleasant exchange of views with regard to the administration of 
another organisation at present. Whilst we strongly support freedom of speech 
we feel that a serious topic of discussion is being undermined by a 
succession of unhelpful postings from a variety of sources containing 
personal remarks of a scurrilous nature. We ask all persons using our 
Bulletin Board to observe the niceties of civilised behaviour. Potentially 
libellous remarks are being deleted as soon as we observe them but otherwise 
the Board is not moderated in any way. 

The Bulletin Board address is: http://venus.beseen.com/boardroom/d/26347/

I will post to Cybershooters as soon as our Website is back on again. In the 
meantime, please accept our apologies for our apparent incompetence in IT 

It is, of course, possible that we are incompetent in other areas as well, as 
was also suggested by Norman Bassett. That remains to be seen - how do we 
judge competence in a campaign against an implacable foe? By results or by 
effort? No-one is doing much good if we judge by results, are they? At least 
we are doing our best to campaign for what we believe to be right and will 
continue to do so for as long as is necessary. If Mr.Bassett can help us we 
would be very pleased to receive his help.

Richard Malbon, Director, Sportsman's Association.

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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-23 Thread Peter Sarony

From:   "Peter Sarony", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Excuse me for being a little surprised, but in my experience of Remington
700's and most other patterns of firearm for that matter, the problems such
as described, e.g. with dodgy safety catches, occur when someone ill
qualified has messed about with the sear or other trigger components. I
believe the same may well have  applied to others reported on CS earlier
this year, where there was a link with a "gunsmith" or home "gunsmithing".
Even simply backing off the trigger setting screws to obtain a light trigger
is sufficient for the sear to follow through as the bolt is operated, or for
the sear and striker to follow down when the safety is released etc. The
real hole(excuse the pun) in the last reported "incident" is surely ...why
was he unloading a live round from the chamber of a cocked rifle in his
home!!!.. and then why was he releasing the safety catch to do so when with
unmodified Remington 700s the bolt can be opened whilst the safety catch is
Peter Sarony - Armalon

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CS: Misc-Quote

2001-02-23 Thread KiPng


I don't want to enter into the camo clothing debate but I think this quote is 

Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once
in a while, or the light won't come in. -Alan Alda, actor and director

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Crime-man murdered by gang

2001-02-23 Thread KiPng



221647 FEB 10

By Sinead McIntyre, PA News

A man died and three people suffered minor injuries today after a shooting 
incident at a house, police said.

Darren Bell, 31, of York Street, Blackburn, died after he was shot by three 
men in balaclavas who burst into the property on Mona Road in the town just 
after 3am.

An 11-month-old baby was in the house at the time of the shooting but was not 
injured, a Lancashire Police spokeswoman said.

Three other men received minor injuries and were taken to hospital but one 
was later released.

Mr Bell was taken to the Blackburn Royal Infirmary but died on the operating 

The three masked men fled after the shooting in a grey or silver Vauxhall 
Carlton or Cavalier.

An incident room has been set up at Accrington police station and detectives 
are appealing for witnesses.

A police spokesman described the killers, who shot through the door before 
entering the house and firing again, as reckless and ruthless.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-Emigrate!

2001-02-23 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think that all systems manipulate to one degree or another, but does that
make this country right?

Never said it did. I was just illustrating the truism of the old saying - 
'you can't beat the system'. You have inferred a lot from my single statement.

  Saying that 'this' or
'that' is worse in 'so and so' country is nothing more than a cheap cop out
excuse, that is used to show how 'better off' we are, and to shut us up.

There are probably a hundred countries on this planet where the average 
citizen is worse off than anyone in this country will ever be. Life's 
problems are relative - what you would perceive to be a problem many 
wouldn't. Lets face it - if the straw that broke your camel's back was you 
not being able to shoot pistols for a hobby then your problems are not 
exactly big league are they?

You are just moaning and winging - we Brits are good at that - makes us 
feel better. Your missive is basically a rant - illustrating problems but 
offering no solutions. Anyone can do that. I can choose any topic and point 
out problems with it. If the problems are that bad do something about them. 
If the problems are so bad for you in this country do something about that 
rather than just ranting on about leaving. Maybe the real reason the 
majority don't want to do anything is because life ain't so bad after all.

.  None of them care about the firearms crime in this country
or the people who are killed

Who are they? Do you care about firearms crime in this country or the 
people who get killed? Of course not - unless you know any of the victims 
individually you don't give a flying fig any more  than 'they' do. You are 
effectively part of 'them'. You say you are going over to Florida soon. Do 
you care about the crime rates and poverty in that state?

Why do you think the UK is a waste of space? In the top 10 wealthiest on 
the planet. Moderate climate, relatively free, stable, civilized, 
democratic and full of opportunity. There are probably better but there are 
a hell of a lot worse. I get the impression you have spent all your life 
here using the system to make a living - if it is so bad why are you still 
here talking about going - why haven't you gone already?

Is there something better?  Up to us isn't it, not them (who the hell are 
they anyway???)

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
Well, there is better, I just don't like running from a fight.


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CS: Misc-antique and military show, Bisley

2001-02-23 Thread Kenneth

From:   Kenneth Wyatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To be honest i'm looking for a Swedish Mauser(m96 long rifle) seen loads of
dogs, travelled literally hundreds of miles to see 'em as well.
Just thought if I had a chance of seeing a few of them at one time, it might
be more cost effective than one gun every two hundred miles.
Take care
Decent Swedish Mausers are hard to find nowadays.


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CS: Target-Rem 700 problems

2001-02-23 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think that it may even be pertinent for a subsequent buyer to claim that
the fault was created by the previous owner of the rifle and leave the
vendor open to being sued for any injury that might result.
If any one has a faulty arm one is as well to have a competent gunsmith or
the maker check it and warrant it now OK if only to cover one's own back
after the gun is sold.

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CS: Misc-antique and military show, Bisley

2001-02-23 Thread James McNair

From:   "James McNair", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Theres usually a fair mixture of stuff there. Most of it old military rifles
, so you might be lucky , however , if you'd like to email me I can have a
word with some dealer friends to see if they've got what your'e looking for.

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CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-23 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

re. twitching of the trigger finger.

After complete decaptitation and removal of any connection between
forebrain/midbrain/hindbrain and rest of body, bits still twitch. One of the
twitching bits could be on a trigger or a deadman's switch.


Steve,  Robert,

Point of order:

It has been my experience that twitching in animals is exclusively
in muscle extension -- not contraction, followed by relaxation, then extension.
Contraction would seem to be the kind of movement that is
associated with intentional movement caused by brain activity which is
involved in purposeful movement.

I might very well be wrong here, and unless there is a medical
expert who can certifiably denounce my suspicions, I shall retain them.

There have been those movies where either a villain, or a hero, is
shown shooting his last, with a squeeze to the trigger which discharges a shot
to nowhere. I have yet to speak to anyone who has witnessed such an event,
and I have my suspicions that what is shown is merely an artistic artifice
with no real reference to the events as they may have happened.

I can believe that perhaps whatever remained of the perceptual
mind caused the fingers to exercise a movement that was a residual of 
cognizant and defined remnants of control, such that the appendage in
question was 'thought' to be pointing in the preferred direction, but was
if fact still in another.
I can relate an event where I was in a semi-conscious state, and was
attempting to move an object which I thought was in a certain location, when
it was actually elsewhere. And, no, I was not inebriate -- I severely affected by
a viral infection (just in case some wise ass wanted to comment otherwise!!).

Not withstanding that event related by Mossad Ayoob, concerning
a man having been shot in the head and running some flights of stairs and
running else wise to his vehicle, and then collapsing, I have to wonder just
just what really was the extent of the wound suffered. I'm thinking that
there was a large ability remaining for the 'flight' mechanism to still operate,
until the power to operate was lost.

Aside from all that, my experience is that most animals which
have been dealt a fatal blow, will continue to exercise the escape option
and run until there is nothing left in the 'system' to tell it otherwise.
Put another way, the brain causes the nervous system to exercise
the last command, and until the nervous system looses its 'power' to operate,
the muscles will operate in some fashion until the 'power' shuts down.
Whether the muscles operate in a coordinated fashion, or merely
randomly, is a question for physiologists to answer.

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Misc-antique and military show, Bisley

2001-02-23 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my opinion very much worthwhile. Probably the best TRUE antique and
modern ARMS show unlike many such as Birmingham and Nottingham which have
become "badge and button" sales!

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CS: Target-Reloading Kit Questions

2001-02-23 Thread VinceB

From:   "VinceB", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am going down to visit the new Kynock (Kynamco?) at Mildenhall on
saturday and will be taking 80 rounds of .375 HH to play with. This
will be loaded with a Lee collet resizing die and Forster bench rest
seater on my forster Co-Ax press with bullets cast from an NEI mould
lubed and sized in an RCBS lubresizer. Powder is thrown from an RCBS
measure. Depending on load and how the nut behind the trigger is
feeling, I get accuracy of between .6 and 1.8 moa.

Andrew, 0.6 MOA from a .375 HH Magnum loaded with lead bullets!
Please come and shoot benchrest and give us all a lesson.

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CS: Legal-Gun suit thrown out

2001-02-23 Thread MikePiet


Florida appeals court rejects gun suit

MIAMI, Feb 22 (Reuters) - A Florida appeals court has upheld a lower court 
ruling dismissing a product liability lawsuit against gun manufacturers that 
sought to recoup millions of tax dollars spent treating gunfire victims and 
investigating gun-related crime. 

The Third District Court of Appeal last week rejected a bid by Miami-Dade 
County to overturn the 1999 lower court ruling, which tossed out the county's 
lawsuit against two dozen gun makers, distributors and industry groups on the 
grounds the county lacked legal standing. 

Miami-Dade County Mayor Alex Penelas, who was behind the lawsuit, was 
considering options to continue the litigation, his spokesman said on 

"The mayor is obviously a little disappointed by the decision," spokesman 
Juan Mendieta said. "He feels it is necessary to move ahead and see what can 
be done to keep this legal action alive." 

The Miami-Dade lawsuit, one of a series brought by more than two dozen 
municipalities including San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles, sought 
reimbursement for public spending related to gun violence. 

It alleged that gun-makers sold products that were defective because they 
lacked safety devices such as trigger locks and load indicators that would 
reveal whether the firing chamber contained a bullet. 

In December 1999, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Amy Dean granted the gun 
manufacturers' request to dismiss the suit, ruling that the county was not a 
proper plaintiff. 

She said Florida law required plaintiffs in product liability cases to show 
that they were harmed by a specific defect in a specific product made by a 
specific manufacturer. 

In upholding Dean's decision, the appellate court called the lawsuit "an 
attempt to regulate firearms and ammunition through the medium of the 

"Clearly this round-about attempt is being made because of the County's 
frustration at its inability to directly regulate firearms...," the appeals 
court wrote. "The County's frustration cannot be alleviated through 

Firearms dealers hailed the ruling, which was issued on Feb. 14 but made 
public by gun companies on Thursday. 

"The Florida appeals court ruling is yet another strong indication that our 
nation's courts will not allow themselves to be used to mandate a radical 
anti-gun agenda," Carlton Chen, general counsel for Colt's Manufacturing Co. 
Inc., said in a statement. 

Penelas, who filed the lawsuit in hope of forcing gun-makers to produce 
childproof guns and to change distribution and marketing practices, was to be 
briefed by county lawyers next week on his options for pursuing the 

"There are several avenues. There is the possibility of a direct appeal to 
the (Florida) Supreme Court. We could petition the Third District for a 
rehearing. Or we could not pursue it," Assistant County Attorney Javier Soto 

Defendants in the Miami-Dade lawsuit included Smith  Wesson Corp., a unit of 
the British conglomerate Tomkins Plc; Beretta U.S.A. Corp.; Glock Inc.; Sturm 
Ruger  Co Inc; Colt's Manufacturing Company Inc.; Browning Arms Co. and Carl 
Walther GmbH. 

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CS: Target-Gallery Rifle power limits

2001-02-23 Thread Jonathan

From:   Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What I want is the formula so that I can work out if any of my 
carbine loads exceed it.  It would be nice if someone who understood the 
formula could write it so I could plug it into Excel.

the equation you need is 

KE in ft-lbs = 1/2 m * v^2

where m = mass in grains
and   v = velocity in feet/second

You need to convert your bullet's weight to mass, and the Excel formula


--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

"Justice is open to everybody in the same way as the Ritz Hotel."
Judge Sturgess, 22 July 1928

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CS: Target-Modern Pentathlon

2001-02-23 Thread SIHarmon


I don't have it anymore, but the US Modern Pentathalon is HQ'd in San 
Antonio, I believe, and they would be a great source of info.  WHen I was 
younger, and into fencing in a big way, I competed against those guys.   They 
were always very helpful tothe local fencing community.  I can't imagine they 
wouldn't be the same for the shooters

Scott Harmon

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