CS: Legal-gun trafficker sentenced

2001-02-26 Thread Bippygee


What's going on here does stink. For years now, gangsters in Liverpool have 
operated through so-called 'security firms.' In essence, this means that 
these firms supply bouncers for clubs and bars, often bars which have 
proliferated through the laundering of heroin money.

The bouncers collect up to 750 per 'doorman' per week--if the bar doesn't 
belong to some gangster, or drugs trafficker. You can guess what happens if 
someone doesn't pay up. In addition, the bouncers make sure nobody brings 
drugs into the clubs and bars. They do this so that they can sell their own 
drugs on the premises.

As for guns, although the judge/police accepted this was a one-off 
transaction by Haase, the use of guns has grown massively over the last ten 
years. There are underworld gun dealers who have supplied the weapons for 
many shootings in Merseyside connected with the drugs trade.

A pistol is often included in a big drug deal as a sweetener--a bit like 
buying a bottle of wine for a valued business contact in legitimate commerce. 
And to quote the assistant chief constable of Merseyside, pistols are now 
status symbols for the younger, hot-headed scumbags involved in smack dealing.

Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread Bippygee


The move to ban hunting with hounds is purely about the perception of hunting 
as an elitist, upper-class pastime enjoyed by the well-off.

If Mr Loweth got around a little more he would see that shooting live quarry 
is perceived in exactly the same way as hunting by the urban and suburban 

He will do himself no favours by boycotting the March.

Barry Woodward
I thought it was Stuart who was boycotting it?


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CS: Pol-LACS abuse

2001-02-11 Thread Bippygee


I've had a similar experience in Southport. It ended with passers by abusing 

I got my revenge by nipping along to the police station and telling them the 
antis were collecting money without a permit.

I watched the bizzies close them down while I sipped my drink in the bar 
across the street.  Wrong, yet satisfying.

Barry Woodward

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CS: Misc-Manchester Gun Shops

2001-02-04 Thread Bippygee


Manchester gunshops--a bit of a desert in my experience, Jonathan.
Spend some petrol money in Leeds, Halifax, etc.

Barry Woodward.

PS: Mind you, if you're into airweapons, Manchester Airguns used to be 

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CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-28 Thread Bippygee


Did anyone follow up on recent posts and write to Tony and Kate Hoey about 
her interview in Sporting Gun?

I did and got my replies this weekend. Tony's secretary said he had noted my 
views. I bet...

I got a stereotype letter from Kate Hoey thanking me for my interest in the 
forthcoming Commonwealth Games. Actually, when I wrote, most of my comments 
were about her attitude to guns and hunting. I never mentioned the Games.

Did anyone else do any better?

Barry Woodward

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CS: Field-cooking squirrels

2001-01-23 Thread Bippygee



Do them just like any rabbit recipe. 

For excample; soak the jointed pieces in  a mixture of lemon juice and 
vinegar for an hour or two, then casseroile them with a little wine--red or 
white--and some onion, tomatoes, whatever you feel like.

All done in about forty minutes and tastes surprisingly good.

Barry Woodward

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CS: Field-shooting squirrels

2001-01-13 Thread Bippygee


I didn't see a grey--apart from in Wales in the late fifties--until 1984.
I'm talking about West Lancashire now and apparently they were common on the 
eastern side of the M6 for some years in the l970s.

I live on the western side and since the mid-80s the numbers have taken off. 
So much so that there is a group called Red Alert which monitors the  
encroachment on one of the country's last sanctuaries for red squigs on the 
coast near Southport.

I believe the red was protected under the Wildlife Act of 81 (82?).

Barry W.

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CS: Legal-New legal hurdles

2001-01-13 Thread Bippygee


I have been asked by Lancashire Police to provide my membership card for 

Barry Woodward

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CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-04 Thread Bippygee


Can anyone on the list help with a hypothetical situation for a fiction I'm 
working on?

Someone is shot dead with an illeglly acquired shotgun with sawn-off barrels. 
The police get hold of the gun.

Once the police put it through forensic tests, is it in anyway possible to 
link that gun with a former killing? I know it's easy with a rifled weapon, 
but what can be done with a shotgun?

The way I see it any cartridges impounded with the gun could be linked 
forensically by batch number, plaswads, maybe shot. But I'm hazy on this.

Any information or comment would be much appreciated.

PS: The very first double 12 bore I saved up for when I was first married was 
a Baikal from Russia, imported by a Glasgow company. Twelve months after I 
sold it to a gun dealer,we returned from a holiday to experience the 
Liverpool police practically knocking my door down.

My gun, sawn off, had been used to murder a pawnbroker during a robbery. The 
cops came in mob handed, producing the sawn off without any explanation and 
scaring the daylights out of me, my wife and young son.

The forensic people had x-rayed the serial number of the Baikal, which 
criminals had tried to erase with acid. Having bought the gun new I was first 
on the list after inquiries at the importers.

The police later told me that my gun, sold on by the RFD, had been stolen 
from the boot of a car and eventually ended up in the hands of an illegal 
armourer. He had rented it to the crims who murdered the pawnbroker.

Not a nice experience, but my name was blackened for ages as during my 
absence on that holiday, the police had been to my two former addresses and 
even talked to local shopkeepers, barmen, newsagents, etc. For at least two 
years I got comments in the neighbourhood--as well as some hassle when I 
renewed my certificate in a neighbouring authority when we moved again. (I'd 
previously taken out a certificate in that area before I married and flogged 
my gun).

Barry Woodward
There's quite a lot of ways, comparison of firing pin indents on
the primers, they can also determine what ammunition was used to
shoot the victim, fire it through the gun and compare it
ballistically, if it was close range they can compare the burns
on the victim with burns obtained during testing and so on.


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CS: Misc-King's African Rifles

2000-12-28 Thread Bippygee


My Dad served as an engineer in North Africa during World War Two and had 
contact with the King's African Rifles.

One night he drove a jeep back to the compound after a heavy night with, I 
think, some American troops. He used to swap stuff with the Yanks to get cigs 
and US rations.

He fell out with the KAR guardsmen at the compound gate and another KAR 
soldier intervened and fired a shot into the radiatior grill of Dad's jeep.

In the ensuing inquiry the man who fired the shot was found to be a certain 
big black guy-- called Idi Amin

On another occasion he crashed a lorry into a car carrying King Farouk, which 
caused masses of trouble.

No wonder he gave up drinking before he was twenty five!

I don't know how true these stories are, I  merely report them.

Later in life he was more than a match for Alf Garnett!

Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-Guardian attacks CA

2000-12-06 Thread Bippygee


Hear, hear,
The Guardian is stuffed with antis. They feed on a hatred of all fieldsports 
and distorted reporting--on anything remotely individual and traditional-- is 
par for their course. Boycott it and wreck its pathetic circulation.

Barry Woodward (ex-journalist, now in TV).

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CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-30 Thread Bippygee


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't dope (marijuana, cannabis, grass) banned 
in the USA in 1937 within twelve weeks because Philip Morris, the ciggie 
makers,and others had formed a cartel and  started market research to market 
'reefers' nationwide?

As Jonathan has suggested, the Government's action was based on the fact that 
dope was used a lot by black people and there was a general perception that 
marijuana caused sexual promiscuity among otherwise chaste, save it for 
marriage-type, Bible Belt white girls. 

I've read this at some time, but I don't recall where.

Sory, it's way off topic, but--if true-- it does seem to have been the 
knee-jerk stuff we all know about.

Barry W.

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CS: Misc-Ejection patterns

2000-11-30 Thread Bippygee


The 'Hollywood goon' 90 degree style of pistol shooting irritates the hell 
out of me. I was delighted the other night when a character in a film on Sky 
took the mickey out of the technique.

Just wish I could remember the name of the film.

Barry Woodward

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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-11 Thread Bippygee


Would Ig like to give us examples of the five per cent of certificate holders 
to whom he objects?
Barry Woodward

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CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-11-01 Thread Bippygee


When I worked in Liverpool I was once almost lynched for necking a feral 
pigeon hit by a taxi.
The bird had severe injuries and when I approached af group of concerned 
onlookers they were all arguing over who'd contact the RSPCA, or vet.No-one 
touched the bird.
I picked it up, examined it, broke its neck and put it in the gutter.

Then had to hurry off back to the office with threats and abuse ringing in my 
Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-Government response to Home Affairs Committee Report

2000-10-04 Thread Bippygee


You said the Government's response to the HAC report might be unfavourable, 
but how could they push through any new laws in the forseeable future owing 
to lack pf Parliamentary time?

Haven't I read somewhere that the Home Secretary has the power to make 
instant adjustments to the Firerams Acts off his own bat withour further 
reference to Parliament? Or was this power only ever discussed?

Barry Woodward
Well, the command paper will be unfavourable in large tracts, that
is certain, but you're right, I doubt anything could be done for
some time.

The Home Secretary has the power under Section 1(4) of the 1988 Act
to lay an order to ban any firearm that he considers to be
particularly dangerous and that was not available in significant
numbers prior to the 1988 Act.  The HAC report suggested the
Home Secretary consider whether or not long-barrelled revolvers
are particularly dangerous or not.  However, even an order like
that would have to be laid before both Houses of Parliament, and
my personal view is that it would be unlikely to pass without
accompanying legislation because of the issues of compensation and
so forth.  The 1988 Act made no consideration of the ECHR, but
now compensation would effectively _have_ to be paid.


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CS: Target-Olympics 10m Air Rifle Womens Results

2000-09-17 Thread Bippygee


I watched this on Sky sports the other night. We were
looking for a film to watch and I asked our company--two
of them women--if I could just take a quick look at the
coverage, to see if Britain had done anything.

To my surprise they all watched the piece right throug
--very impressed with 'how still they hold the guns.'!!

Maybe shooting on telly could find an audience. Or maybe
it looks better after a few drinks...

Barry Woodward
It would certainly be more interesting than endless
repeats of old crappy American rubbish.  They should
rename Sky One the "Simpsons" channel.


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CS: Field-Midland Game Fair

2000-09-14 Thread Bippygee


I got through to their office a short time ago. (2;45pm Thursday). It's all 
go apparently, but I guess lots of exhibitors and other participants will 
have a hard time getting there.

Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-Dump the Pump

2000-09-13 Thread Bippygee


For what it's worth, exactly what I believe, too. Today,
Blair has realised that he is not a golden boy; that he
can forget the polls and the politicial pundits. The guy
is an authoritarian, leaning towards a fascist. This past 
few days he must've felt he has an uncertain future. When
it comes to the Election, most people will attach blame
for all this to him, not the farmers or the hauliers.

My grown up children, thinking only of themselves, today
attacked me for supporting the fuel blockades. I told
them that if that continue to think only of themselves,
the likes of Blair and Brown, will treat them like slaves 
when they're my age.

My wife told them they have grown up not knowing of the
three-day week, telly off at ten at night, the
interference in their lives of national action. 
She's right. Until the young people of today are
politicised, the sleazy conmen of modern politics will
continue to have their way.

(By the way, interesting stuff in the Sunday papers
about Blair and Brown and gay MAFF Minister Nick Brown
and his part in the jealousies and quarrels between
Gordon Brown and Blair and Mo Mowlam. What a buggers'
muddle!  I'm, sure Tony is an Oscar Wilde--ie, but
married with children.)

Barry Woodward
Well I'm not that old and I can remember the power cuts
in 1973.


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CS: Pol-Airgun Misuse

2000-08-28 Thread Bippygee


Maybe this guy was telling me 'porkies,' but last week I was
talking on the phone to an RFD who lives hundreds of miles
away from me. 

He told me that he undertakes occasional work for the
local plod and heard that orders had come down on high
from the Home Office (or ACPO) to get as many recorded
incidents of airgun misuse as possible, following the HAC 
report and its recommendations on air weapons.

In his area, coppers had been confiscating air rifles from
lads on the grounds they they were over 12ft lbs. To be
awkward this RFD had chrono-ed the airguns and those he
found over-limit, he had shortened the springs to bring
them into legal power limits--before handing them back
saying the police were wrong. I had to laugh.

He also claimed thgat in his home neighbourhood, the
residents, largely older people, had been plagued by groups
of glue-sniffing teenagers and rowdies. Repeated calls to
the police to get them shifted had met with apathy from the 
police. The RFD waited his opportunity and when he spotted
a gang of kids causing trouble phoned the police anonymously.
He said one of the boys had an air rifle. He lives in a
relatively small remote town, but within ten minutes there
were eight jam butty cars, including armed police, in attendance.

Like I said, this might be bulls--t, but next time you see
someone letting his dog crap on the pavement outside your
house, why not give it a try...?

Barry Woodward.
I've already come to the conclusion a lot of people are doing
this, you're angry with your ex or whatever so tell the police
they've got a gun and the police will roust them.  There was
actually one of these on "coppers" or whatever it's called
when the MoD police got a "tip" that someone had some ammunition
and they went around to a flat and turned it upside down and
found nothing.


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CS: Pol-Commonwealth Games

2000-08-17 Thread Bippygee


I think the video diary idea is good. Possibly it could be included in any 
evidence that goes before the European Court during these log-winded 
Barry Woodward

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CS: Pol-Olympic shooters lobby for easing of handgun ban

2000-08-14 Thread Bippygee


A demonstration in Manchester based on dumping large
numbers of vehicles to cause traffic chaos to make
contestants in other sports late for their 
events--or miss them all together. That's the way to
get publicity.
Barry Woodward

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CS: Legal-Judge rules booby trap was not set up to kill

2000-07-23 Thread Bippygee


I'm surprised this guy didn't say in his defence that it
was a wad--not a paper pellet. Anyone who has used a
muzzle-loading shotgun has, at times, used a ball of
newspaper of lav paper as a wad.

This would've backed up his case that the booby trap
gun was to warn him of intruders.

Barry Woodward, Lancashire.
I think the judge accepted that it wasn't intended to
seriously hurt anyone.


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