CS: Target-Televised target shooting

2000-07-12 Thread norrb


Professional football, tennis, motorsport, boxing etc on
TV does indeed attract a lot of couch potatoes, but
professional golf, snooker and darts clearly must be
encouraging more participation.

I think the general rule to be implied is that the more
the equipment costs and the more difficult and/or expensive
the facilities are to access the less people will get
actively involved. Bearing in mind that a lot of people
have gardens and that non-FAC airguns can be used across
the bedroom, even, I think that encouraging televising
shooting sports is an excellent idea.

Looking at the police helicopter video of the Rochdale
car-chase shooting case, doubtless everyone said "bad guns!"
and nobody said "bad cars!". Logically, they should have
been saying "bad men!", shouldn't they?

The general idea apart from encouraging participation is that
the shooting sports should receive favourable publicity and
lots of it and then eventually media logic will improve. 

Norman Bassett

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CS: Misc-Churchill as Home Secretary

2000-07-07 Thread norrb


My interest in a possible second occasion on which Churchill was
Home Secretary stems from this story he told:

"(some time after the Great War) The King called me in and introduced
me to a Russian gentleman who turned out to be the ex-Russian
Communist Ambassador from Vienna, who had defected to the White
Russian side and fled Austria in fear of assassination. 
I questioned whether he had been wise, as we had had ten 
ssassinations of White Russians in the last (month/3 months, I'm
not sure which). He seemed to think he had made the right decision. 

I said that in fact a White Russian had been assassinated the day
previously and I presumed that was the reason for the pistol in his
pocket? He said that he knew, it had been a friend of his. I presume
that's his pistol in your pocket, I asked, that you don't have
authority to carry? Yes, he said. I presume some policeman returned
it to you, I asked. No, he said, the assassinated man's companion had
taken the pistol from his dead hand and shot at the assailant with it,
missing, and then pocketed the pistol, later giving it to him. I know
you have decided to disarm your people to prevent a revolution, said
the Russian, and I fear it will have tragic consequences. I am carrying
this pistol to defend myself with. I am a poor man and cannot afford a
fortress and armed guards, so I carry a pistol, even though your Home
Secretary would not like it.

I am the Home Secretary, I said, and if you apply to a magistrate tomorrow
I will see to it that you have authority to carry that pistol AND a
fortress AND armed guards, we have to stop this.

The Russian was on his way to a magistrate's court the next morning
when he and his companion were assassinated. Both were carrying pistols.

He had commented cynically that as a White Russian he now supported the
restoration of the Czar, the Duma, Holy Church and Mother Russia. He
also commented that the 'Communist Revolution' was in fact a coup by a
clique of the Russian intelligence service."

Anybody know anything about an open season on White Russians in London,
fairly soon after the Great War?

Norman Bassett
Hmm, I assume Churchill was referring to a Gun License under the 1870 Act
as magistrates have nothing to do with firearm certificates so it must
have been a fairly narrow period around 1919.


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