From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The news forwarded below this should be of interest.
I'm in Edinburgh at the moment, just having visited
the National Library of Scotland. The Transcript on
paper is about fourteen inches thick, but just printed
on one side of the sheets, with big margins and gaps
between questions and answers.

I think the real evidence to note is Grace Jones
Ogilvie's evidence on Day Three of the Inquiry (p.274
and 275) that a police car was outside Hamilton's
house once or twice a month. I've mentioned it before.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the Transcript
which says which policeman/men it was or explains what
was going on.

I'm pursuing the matter.

Norman Bassett

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear Mr Bassett
> I promised to let you have details of the address
> for the Dunblane Inquiry
> transcripts.
> They can be found at:

> I hope this is helpful
> Yours sincerely,
> Trevor Lodge

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