CS: Legal-Guns for Self-defence

2001-01-21 Thread jim.craig

From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know about actual use of firearms by the authorities but a Glasgow
newspaper recently ran an article showing old photos of tanks and troops
with machine guns deployed in George Square in the centre of the city
during and shortly after the General Strike of 1926.   The  term 'Red
Clydeside' was then en general use and the government seemed to think that
if a Soviet-style revolution was about to occur in the UK that Scotland and
Glasgow in particular offered the best chance for it to succeed.
Interestingly while researching the tanks and machine guns story some years
ago I was accused of being provocative and assured by more than one local
dignitary that no such incident  had ever taken place  This despite the
photographic and other evidence available both in the City Archives and in
the records of the local newspapers!

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CS: Legal-Guns for Self-defence

2001-01-20 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been recalling a lot of things about police
activity in Manchester UK at the end of the Great War
and one of the points that has come up is the transfer
of mounted "Irish police thugs" to England in 1920
from their job of holding down Ireland to their new
job of holding down England.

I'm also recalling some shooting in major
demonstrations in London at the end of 1918 following
the return of troops to Britain complete with their
weapons, having refused to be "posted to South Africa"
for two years from France.

We seem to have some major holes in our official
version of Britain's history at the end of the Great
War. Recollections relating to the British
government's revisionist history, anyone?

Norman Bassett
There are reports of people using firearms in riots
both in the Blackwell Report and also a report from
New Zealand around the same time.


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CS: Legal-Guns for self-defence

2001-01-17 Thread George

From:   George Wallace, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is not our legislation which prevents us from having guns for self
defence, but simply Home Office Guidance.  When you say that Police are
pushed along a certain route by "their masters, the Home Office", I am
afraid it is nowadays the other way round.  A Home Office official told me a
while back that, "ACPO now tell us what they want to receive as advice".  I
suspect it was always thus.  You may remember that it was the Commissioner
of the Metropolitan Police who recommended, in 1919, the establishment of
arms caches around the country which could be issued to Government
sympathisers in case of civil unrest. 

With many Countries accepting self defence, if perhaps only in the Home, as
good reason for a gun, it may be possible to do something under our new
Human Rights Act. It is surely unjust that the Irish, the Germans and who
knows who else can defend themselves properly but we cannot.  I have no
money to pay for a challenge in the Courts but it ought to be possible to
raise it with the help of Banks, Security Companies, Building Societies,
Post Offices etc who would be the most obvious beneficiaries.

George Wallace
I don't think the Human Rights Act is really needed for this, all
you need is some desperate soul who has a genuine need, then you
can go for a judicial review.

BTW, I have absolute proof that ACPO wrote the referee forms and
got the HO to sign off on them despite objections from the NRA and
others - surprise, surprise, the forms are hopeless and now they
want them changed.


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