From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Steve

I see in September's Gun Mart the SAGBNI report of the
latest BSSC meeting on 6 July saying they'd proposed
the preparation of a "BSSC Firearms Act" to counter
the HAC report and "tidy things up".

I was thinking that to propose incorporating a
self-defence provision into the BSSC Firearms Act
would be very sensible. It's law in Northern Ireland,
so why not here? It would get the Common Law back into
firearms legislation and what could be more reasonable
and desirable than that?

Also I was thinking some proposals for target-shooting
training as part of secondary education would be a
good idea.

Any thoughts from anyone on these ideas?

Norman Bassett
I've tried doing this myself in the past, it's tricky to
do because you entrench on other laws that you may not
know about.  The best idea is to come up with comprehensive
recommendations, then critique the draftsman afterwards.

The law in Northern Ireland simply says that they must have
a "good reason" like it does here, there is nothing in law
here stopping a firearm certificate being issued for
personal protection, only Home Office policy.

I've always thought under judicial review it would be possible
at a minimum to get that policy overturned to the extent
that people under threat from terrorists would be able to
get FACs for personal protection in GB as well.

I think it was you who had the letter from Ken Maginnis,
Home Affairs spokesman for the UUP, and undoubtedly a major
terrorist target, in which he said he had applied to the
Home Office and been turned down, so he had to leave his
pistol in Northern Ireland!  Barmy.

In fact I know from the RUC that there are two residents
of GB that have FACs for personal protection in NI, because
FACs can be issued to non-residents under the Firearms
(Northern Ireland) Order 1981.  So they can carry a pistol
in one part of the country but not the bit where they live!


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