CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-31 Thread KiPng

jmcnair said:

Well Kenneth if what you say is true then it looks like 
there is absolutely no point in voting at all doesn't it ?.

Er well, to the best of my recollection what I said was
true.  I'm not sure just what you mean.

The whole point was that you should vote for the candidate
who you have personally verified would be most likely to
support us.  If you are confronted by all antis then just
maybe Conservative is the least worst as a higher
percentage of the party are pro compared to the other

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-31 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kenneth Pantling wrote.

Sorry James but you can't count on the Tories.  I would say
that, faced with a choice of candidates that are all anti,
the Tory is probably the least worst choice but I go with
Steve.  Pick your candidate and then vote for him regardless
of party.

This may well be the best and the only thing to do now, but doing that
alone will not get us anywhere whilst the antis continue to lobby
parliament "unhindered".   Is there not a way to convince MPs of all
parties that it is their prime duty to protect the rights of minorities
and that voting in favour of anything just because the majority seems to
want it, or more probably cannot be bothered to even express an opinion,
is neither just nor democratic?

Parliament should adopt a procedure that would require them to prove (in
a court of law if necessary) that a ban would be in the public interest.
Had they had to prove a connection between pistol shooting fraternity
and Dunblane they would not have been able to do so and they certainly
could not prove that the ban was in the interset of public safety.

If all that the MPs are prepared to do is follow the popular opinion
that we certainly do not need them at all. A team of efficient
secretaries could hold endless referenda  and simply collate the results
and issue orders!!!

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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-31 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Alder Hey Hospital bodysnatching-by-degrees
scandal reminds us that there are some extremely
unsavoury things going on in our society not very far
beneath the surface. I will be interested to see if
anything that was being unofficially done with the
body parts emerges.

Either the Dunblane Massacre was a paedophile scandal,
or it was a firearms scandal. 

I think there were a lot of people not wanting it to
be a paedophile scandal - because they were and are
paedophiles - and they got the result they wanted.

Norman Bassett

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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-31 Thread KiPng


Alex wrote:

Is there not a way to convince MPs of all
parties that it is their prime duty to protect the rights
of minorities

1. I wouldn't agree that it is their prime duty.  IMHO the
prime duty of gvernment is to facilitate.  It should provide
for the population that which they are totally unable to
provide for themselves either individually or through group
enterprise.  I would probably include in this such things as
national defence, foreign policy, major public works of
infrastucture (sewers etc.) and care for those who simply
are unable to care for themselves.  Specifically it should
pass as few laws as possible and shouldn't interfere in
individuals lives.  Protection of minorites should be the
function of a constitution and a defence AGAINST government
administered by the courts.

2. Also those in public office should have nooses around
their necks.  It serves to keep them upright. Not original
but I don't know the source.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-30 Thread James McNair

From:   "James McNair", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you want to put it that way then yes , is there really an alternative ?.
Yes, vote for the most pro candidate there is, who is standing!


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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-30 Thread jmcnair


Well Kenneth if what you say is true then it looks like 
there is absolutely no point in voting at all doesn't it ?.

At present I have a Lib Dem MP and she has admitted 
to me that although she knows nothing about shooting 
had she been in the 'House' at the time she would have 
voted for a ban. 
Where do we go from here with people like that 
representing us  ??.
Some of these people do come around if you bend their ears
long enough.  I told my MP I didn't vote for him at the last
election and why.  Then I told him I voted UKIP at the
European election after that election, and soon it does
sink in when the issue comes up that they had better support
us.  It doesn't take much, really.

If every time the subject of shooting comes up they think:
"Oh, those people come to see me about that all the time"

and there is no counter view being presented to them, they
are going to be more inclined not to get us mad.

I doubt you will ever get an anti MP going 100% pro, but
you can get an anti to become ambivalent.

It's just human nature.  It's harder to ignore a subject
if it's personal to you, and you need to make sure your
MP knows who you are and what you think.


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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-29 Thread matthew.wright7

From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I understand your points Steve and in many ways we are agreeing on strategy.
Lets not sully the airwaves with the foul word Mellor who I wouldn't trust
to sit the right way round on the toilet. Yes in theory we should "grill"
all the candidates and some of us have been doing this and more will do so
with others as we approach this election. You rightly say the Tories
introduced a number of restrictions on shooting and it sticks in our
throats. Two points about this, firstly the tories have been in power in
long cycles which included tragedies - I dread to think what firearms would
be left to debate about if Labour had been in power 18 years. Secondly after
the ridiculous restrictions brought in on SLR's and pistols I didn't notice
that many join the parties, become active branch workers or candidates
despite some of us advocating this. The whole point I am making is that a
political strategy breaks into two stages, a long term one of engaging and
influencing (this has not been done properly by us, although BTW has been
done by antis) and secondly a short term one which is not ideal and is more
about booting the ass of those in power while making it known to the
opposition who gave them a chance. I stress I'm not trying to advocate just
voting Tory, if the main opposition in a constituency was Plaid for example
I would have no problem with that. Yet many of the Lab and Lib Dem lot are
antis and they work together. Given that a proper strategy has not happened
the approach has to be more bangs for your bucks in nature. Time is limited,
some of us (and correctly you Steve) were pushing things months ago knowing
that an election was on the way. We're now going into Feb and In May this
Govt aims to become a serial Govt and is changing the rules stealthily to
keep it in power. Its that simple and I often wish we Brits cut the crap and
were a bit more simplistic, definate and focused like our friends over the
pond. Yet again I say get out there, join parties, get involved, link with
other concerned groups and as Steve says grill 'em proper and vote


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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-29 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So if David Mellor was not typical of the Tory party what then of Michael
Forsyth, Sebastian Coe, Michael Howard, etc. etc. It makes one wonder if
these individuals are "not typical" of the Tory party why the 1997 Firearms
Act still had a majority of Conservative MP's voting for it in the Commons.
Even WORSE is to examine the list of the hereditary Tory Peers who remain in
the House of Lords and look at their voting record on the handgun ban! Yet,
probably to a man, they will nearly all vote to protect hunting, their

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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-29 Thread James McNair

From:   "James McNair", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Tories may have been the party that enacted the ban on handguns ,
however , do you think that they would have acted that way had it not been
for Labour electioneering on the back of Dunblane ?. They had their hands

I certainly don't think there would have been a ban had the government not
been near the end of its term and heading for an election.

What you say about individual MP's is rifght and if you do have an MP who is
willing to listen and is not bound by party dogma and the whip then your'e a
lucky man .But I think that these are rare birds nowadays.
Besides Steve we've tried all this 'talking' before and it got us no where
then and I honestly don't see any reason to think it might be different now
, although it should be.
So you are saying we should blindly vote for the party that gave
us the Firearms Act 1982, Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 1981,
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988, Firearms Acts (Amendment) Rules 1992,
etc. when they were under virtually no pressure whatsoever?


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CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-28 Thread matthew.wright7

From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve wrote: I have to say a partly agree on the second point, but as I
been saying for umpteen years now and I am echoed by John Swift in the
latest BASC magazine, don't vote by _party_, vote by _candidate_.  And
don't sit there hoping that one of them will be okay, figure out who the
most likely person to win is
 and talk them around.

Theoretically this sounds fine and I generally agree where plenty of time
has been allocated to the task, but I think it doesn't quite work like that
in the current situation. Parties have particular cultures and attract
particular people, changing that involves a longer term commitment by people
becoming active long term members in the branches etc. Simply asking a PPC
his view on
something is limited because: a) most Labour and Lib Dem ppc's will be
against you (this is not a party political point merely a statement of
fact), b) most of those that only indicate mild sympathy or some degree of
support are lieing (I base this on hard experience over years), c) the only
ones to trust are the
ones that publicly and strongly speak out for you when they gain power (I
stress again only 6 Labour MP's have done so re shooting and 2 re hunting).

The Tories were stupid after Dunblane but Blair also deliberately
electioneered on the issue. The Tory leadership before the 97 election
bottled out on various issues and went too far in restricting pistol
shooting, but many Tory MP's strongly rebeled against this policy by defying
their whips. I know this sounds party political but many Tory MP's are
supportive of us and I feel that a vague idea that we try to identify what
all the party candidates really think so close to an election is
impractical. As I said before there is no quick fix if we have not engaged
fully in the party branches, an aim I've been pushing for years including on
this site. This is only more so when candidates toe party lines and labour
is instinctively very anti. I think Labours majority has to be severly
curtailed, this means voting for the main opposition to the Labour ppc
unless the said opposition candidate is a raving anti. The focus should be
on rural areas and common threads and links should be forged between groups
who want the Labour guy out. I stress I'm not saying this simply because I
don't like the Labour party or some of their ideals. I am saying this
because they are agin us and the utter arrogance and contempt they display
and the blase way they will make decent people into criminals, without a bye
or leave, cannot be rewarded.

So what?  You're saying we should all vote tory?  Mellor and all?

The only way to do it that I've seen work is to grill each candidate,
then come up with a list of who to vote for.  You don't need to rely
solely on what they've told you, you can look back at their voting
records in many instances as almost no candidates to be an MP who have
a realistic chance of winning are complete political novices.

Look, I appreciate what people have said in their emails, i.e.
odds are long, it's difficult etc. but what is the realistic
alternative?  There isn't one as far as I can see, short of
emigrating.  No one makes a greater mistake than he who does
nothing because he can only do a little, as Edmund Burke put it.


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