CS: Misc-Who were these authors - "Artifex" and "Opifex" ??

2000-06-26 Thread Tgarth


In 1907 a book was published in London, dealing with the decline of the 
English - specifically Birmingham - gun trade, and it was entitled "The 
Causes of Decline in a British Industry".  The authors did not publish over 
their actual names but as "Artifex" and "Opifex".  The say that their 
backgrounds in the industry were as a stockmaker and a barrel maker.

Can anyone tell me who these two authors actually were? 

All help gratefully received.

Thanks:  AL
David Penn might know.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


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CS: Target-Wanted - info on in-the-ear hearing protection

2000-05-30 Thread Tgarth


Can anyone give me names, tel nos or websites for UK companies offering good, 
in-the-ear (i.e. not muffs or bins) hearing protection systems (electronic or 
passive) for shooting?

All advice gratefully recieved.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


  Website & subscription info: www.cybershooters.org

CS: Field-BASC leadership

2000-05-24 Thread Tgarth


This is certainly no time for any sector of the shooting world to
be indulging in internecine battles, let alone doing it so
publicly; and the one or more special general meetings necessary
will involve a waste of BASC funds that are desperately needed
for far better causes.

I know Charles Nodder very well, professionally and personally -
he was my opposite number at BFSS when I was with The Game
Conservancy, and succeeded me there when I moved on - and I know
he is acutely aware of the priorities and challenges facing
shooting. It is precisely because Charles is so strongly
committed to the cause, and never a man to act on impulse or out
of personal animus, that his careful and detailed letter in
Shooting Times must be taken so seriously.  Unless his
allegations can be fully refuted, the future for BASC's director
and the entire Council looks grim.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


  Website & subscription info: www.cybershooters.org

CS: Field-BASC Chief Executive confidence vote

2000-05-20 Thread Tgarth


Anyone following this wretched business should read the lead
letter in the current (18 May) issue of Shooting Times. (It's too
long for me to key it in here, and my scanner is bust!)

In it, Charles Nodder, formerly Director of Public Affairs at the
old BFSS and then with The Game Conservancy, and now PR
consultant to The National Gamekeepers' Organisation, has set out
a lengthy argument in favour of a no-confidence motion. From
someone whose professional work has involved close co-operation
with John Swift for 17 years, it is quite the most outspoken and
informed criticism I have seen so far, and he cites chapter and
verse for various incidents and issues that have led him to
support the no-confidence move.

It's very sad to see live-quarry shooting tearing itself apart
publicly like this, and the situation ought never to have been
allowed to arise.


  ---[Cybershooters contacts]


  Website & subscription info: www.cybershooters.org