From:   Don Baldwin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> When Charlton Heston was in this country last year, he said that the NRA (of
> America) would not or could not get involved with the politics of another
> country. Therefore, wouldn't your $45 be better spend donated to a better
> cause, in our case a home grown fighting-force for our rights - BASC.
> Just my humble opinion.
> --
> Well, I'm a member of the NRA of America, the NRA here, BASC and a few
> others and I have to say value for money wise you get more out of your
> NRA of America membership.  I think as regards BASC this is because they
> use membership funds for political action, whereas the NRA of America
> uses more direct fund raising.  Perhaps if you are heavily into field
> shooting the BASC magazine is more interesting, but American Rifleman
> is more interesting to me.  (Although you could always pick American
> Hunter or one of the other mags).

Heston has his opinion, I have mine.

My opinion is that while anti-gunners are pressing their case in
the international arena, gun owners should do the same.

If a few thousand of us NRA members...let alone a few million...
joined the Canadian NFA or CILA, the British JFS, an ANZAC group
or two, it would strengthen those groups at least a bit
financially and perhaps make the UN and other groups realize that
they are angering the international shooting community in a
way that could greatly strengthen it.

Just a thought.  Heck, it strengthens my rights too if gun
controls in GB start hitting brick walls... :)

Actually I think what you are talking about is a worldwide organisation,
which is not a bad idea, the problem is that in many countries their
local NRA is basically an extension of the Government and has little
in the way of independence.  It would be difficult to achieve a consensus.


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