Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Sampo A Syreeni

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Jodi Hoffman wrote:

   AIDS/HIV:   $39,172.00
   Diabetes:   $ 5,449.00
   Cancer: $ 3,776.00
   Heart Disease:  $ 1,056.00
   Stroke: $   765.00

   What's wrong with this picture? You don't get cancer by engaging 
in promiscuous sex.

Nope. You get it by smoking. You likely get diabetes by leading an unhealthy
life - overweight is a primary factor. The same goes for cardiovascular
conditions as well. 'Advocate taxing girth?

Sampo Syreeni [EMAIL PROTECTED], aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university

Re: Amex supports CARNIVORE enabled Anonymity System

2000-09-18 Thread George

A Yahoo wrote:
%What a load of shit.   If you check that URL the next
%thing you see the following release:
%#Privada's Technology Protects Users' Privacy, Only
%#Monitors Those Who Abuse It
%Obviously AMEX  Privada don't have a clue as to the
%history of privacy and privacy tools...
%What about civil john doe complaints?
%What about Church of $cientology and
%What about the entire key escrow debate?
%What about the entire clipper debate?
%If anyone really things that 'identity escrow' enabled
%privacy products are what the market is looking for,
%they are seriously clueless.
%This is obviously snake oil.

No, the emphasis is on what consumers in general want.
And it delivers.

Those wishing to push the edge of free speech aren't
going to be satisfied, but the new services meet the
needs of regular consumers/people accessing the Internet.

That market dwarfs what ZKS/Anonymizer will ever get.

Even the Anonymizer shut down its free version due to abuse.

And Yahoo has cooperated with civil subpeonas regarding
stock touting / company disparagement.

Yet you use it. It's free and does what you need.
AmEx is offering their services for free for cardholders.

ZKS isn't exactly mixmaster WWW surfing, at some point
there will be traceability, given the necessary court order.

Albeit ZKS seems to be the best at what it does.

Too bad the cardholders aren't setting up for you to choose
your privacy provider, like cable is being pressured to
allow choice of ISP.

Re: Amex supports CARNIVORE enabled Anonymity System

2000-09-18 Thread R. A. Hettinga


At 1:59 PM -0400 on 9/18/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A Yahoo wrote [about AMEX's "anonymous" credit card technology]:
 % What a load of shit.

 That market dwarfs what ZKS/Anonymizer will ever get.

Again, boys and girls, barring unforeseen events, like repeals in the
laws of physics, and/or human behavior, :-), the *only* thing that
matters in financial operations is transaction cost, and certainly *not*
financial privacy.

The *only* way to get ubiquitous financial anonymity is for a technology,
like internet bearer transaction protocols (blind signatures, MicroMint,
small signed coins, whatever), to be *cheaper* than the alternative,
which, for the moment, is internet-executed and proprietary
network-settled book entry transactions: credit cards under SSL, cleared
by VISA and MasterCard, settled by FedWire and/or SWIFT, modulo the odd
ACH "check" transaction, bla, bla, bla...

Book-entry transactions can *not* be anonymous, folks, because, of
course, you couldn't send someone to *jail* if they lie about a
book-entry, otherwise, right?

I mean, if everyone could lie about a given book-entry transaction, and
get away with it consistently, *without* going to jail, could you imagine
that *any* book-entry transaction of that type would clear, much less
settle, ever again? I thought not...

Unlike internet bearer financial cryptography protocols, the
non-repudiation "technology" of book-entry settlement is non-existent.
Unless you count ballistic technology, anyway. :-).

More to the point, a given inherently-private technology, like Chaum's
blind signatures for instance, must be *waaay* cheaper, on a risk
adjusted basis, ceteris paribus, whatever, than a public one, like
SSL-encrypted book-entries.

Like a thousand times cheaper, say.

Which is, oddly enough, about the cost differential right now between
book-entry transactions (like stock and bond trades going through DTC or
CREST, or credit cards, or checks) and physical delivery of paper/metal
bearer instruments (like "my Brinks to your Cage" delivery versus
payment, or dollar bills, or coins or stamps).

So, until people actually *do* get bearer financial cryptography
protocols onto the net, and cheap enough (and believe me, people are
working on it :-)), it is important to remember that *any* book-entry
transaction is, almost by definition, a "public" transaction and not a
private one.  A "public" transaction "guaranteed" to be "fair" by a
*government*, at the point of a gun.

So, you shouldn't be surprised at all when, horrors, there's *no*
financial privacy in the "mainstream" markets. None in the least.
Moreover, that diminishing financial privacy will, um, increase, as
Moore's law increases that cost-differential between automated
book-entry, and its only current extant competition, which is, at the
moment, *not* internet bearer transactions, but, in fact, *paper* bearer
transactions. Paper bearer transactions which, if you'll notice, *nobody*
wants to do anymore. :-).

Contrawise, you should assume that almost *anyone* who offers you a
"private" book-entry transaction is, for lack of a better word, lying,
frankly -- okay, "marketing" :-) -- *especially* if they're promising to
do it over the net(1).

Hence the "safeguards" in just about everyone's "privacy" products, which
amount to no privacy at all.


(1) Okay, I *might* :-) excuse Mondex from this rule, I suppose, but only
because the smart-cards themselves are physically swappable, and thus at
the physical, card-to-card level, anyway, are bearer instruments, but I
would only say so under a regime in which those cards *contents*, the
balances therein, are exchangeable for, or better, denominated, in some
*other* internet bearer instrument like Chaumian cash, which may, I'm
afraid, defeat the economics of Mondex altogether. Obviously, Doug Barnes
has pointed this out more than once or twice here and elsewhere.

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Amex supports CARNIVORE enabled Anonymity System

2000-09-18 Thread Kerry L. Bonin

(1) Okay, I *might* :-) excuse Mondex from this rule, I suppose, but only
because the smart-cards themselves are physically swappable, and thus at
the physical, card-to-card level, anyway, are bearer instruments, but I
would only say so under a regime in which those cards *contents*, the
balances therein, are exchangeable for, or better, denominated, in some
*other* internet bearer instrument like Chaumian cash, which may, I'm
afraid, defeat the economics of Mondex altogether. Obviously, Doug Barnes
has pointed this out more than once or twice here and elsewhere.

The indirect problem with Mondex is that while the card-to-card level
transactions are theoretically less traceable than a typical online
validation, they (the cards themselves) still store at least 10 previous
transaction records including full card id.  Additionally, every programmer
of Mondex interface devices and terminals (including myself, at one time)
gets ordered by at least one involved party (the bank, the terminal
manufacturer, the terminal financier, ect.) to include full audit trail
generation from card-chip and any downloaded card-card transaction
histories for uploading as part of nightly settlement.  (Which is why I
stopped supporting Mondex...)  This defeats the otherwise good anonymity
possible with Mondex.

would it be so much to ask..

2000-09-18 Thread Asymmetric

That the list be changed so that unregistered email addresses cannot send 
messages to it?  This spam is getting ridiculous.

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446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

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Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker

 If we are playing that game, I have 5000+ volumes here. All 5000 of them
 AND my gorilla say that you are full of it.
 That's "Orangutang".

No, Helena was in a different room at the time. It was most certainly 
the Gorilla (and it is hard to make a mistake on such matters).

I can send photos if you like.


Re: Amex supports CARNIVORE enabled Anonymity System

2000-09-18 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 9:39 PM -0400 on 9/18/00, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

 Someday, of course, you won't need the fiat bit, but pure commodities
 aren't the end-state. You probably need a mix of stuff, including financial
 proxies like debt and equity indices, and so on. But the core problem is
 measuring inflation. Fortunately, :-), Paul Harrison and I have this giant
 rant in the can about non-state bearer synthetic numeraires, using things
 like digital bearer warehouse receipts for the hard stuff, a proxy for the

By the way, the above isn't necessarily the end state, either.

A lot of people, probably me among them, subscribe to the theory advanced
by Eugene Fama (Efficient Market Hypothesis) and Fisher Black
(Black-Scholes option pricing formula) that if switching out of the
numeraire is cheap enough (insert Moore's Law here), it's probably better
to keep and price transactions in *appreciating* assets instead of assets
which don't earn a return.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Kevin Elliott

At 00:08 -0400 9/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Betweens teenagers and adults?!  You must have been perusing a NAMBLA website
from another world.

I'm sorry but you seem to be the one in another world.  Read the 
stupid website if you don't believe me

Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#23758827
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware 
of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting 
victims of the darkness."
-- Justice William O. Douglas

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Jodi Hoffman

Kevin Elliott wrote:
 At 00:08 -0400 9/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Betweens teenagers and adults?!  You must have been perusing a NAMBLA website
 from another world.
 I'm sorry but you seem to be the one in another world.  Read the
 stupid website if you don't believe me

Sorry.  I was referring to my copies.

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy
R.A.M.P.-Restore America’s Moral Pride

Jodi Hoffman   R.A.M.P.
Victimization of Children/Research  Education Council of America
TELEPHONE (954) 567-0698  TeleFax (954) 630-2280

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Jodi Hoffman

Kevin Elliott wrote:
 At 00:08 -0400 9/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Betweens teenagers and adults?!  You must have been perusing a NAMBLA website
 from another world.
 I'm sorry but you seem to be the one in another world.  Read the
 stupid website if you don't believe me

On second thought, I just checked out the stupid website you mentioned. 
 At (one of the webpages which offers 
books for sale).  The cover of one of those books shows a very young 
boy.  There is no possible way that child is a teenager.  You're wrong.
"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy
R.A.M.P.-Restore America’s Moral Pride

Jodi Hoffman   R.A.M.P.
Victimization of Children/Research  Education Council of America
TELEPHONE (954) 567-0698  TeleFax (954) 630-2280

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-18 Thread Jodi Hoffman

Kevin Elliott wrote:
Read the stupid website if you don't believe me

Here's a little something else I picked up from the same stupid website 
(you know...the one you say only promotes sex between teenagers and 

 be boys with names like Jimmy  Joey ~ 
 let's say one of them is almost eight, raggedy-kneed blue- 
 jeans  an old slouch tweed cap, hair  eyes both the same 
 soft Venetian brown, body svelte as a Caravaggio 
 urchin-cherub ~ and the other ten--a-half, huge slightly 
 crazy green eyes, world record eyelashes, hair the color 
 of Lindisfarne-gospel goldleaf ~ wild enthusiasts, boastful 
 liars, agents of chaos, cuddle-monsters, extortionists of 
 toys  favors, fancy-dancers, dirty jokesters, natural-born 
 exiles from the Mundus Imaginalis ~ right! there must be 
 millions like them in these frozen flatlands, millions of 
 secret epiphanies in thousands of icy boxy little houses at 
 every point of the night-whistle-echoing nation ~ but 
 imagine just this once instead of staying on the Wabash 
 Cannonball or whatever Zephyr you disembark just here  now  
 penetrate the mystery of these lost-town boys who might have waited 
 unknowingly forever for someone to notice their beauty, might have 
 grown old and heavy, square  dull without ever communicating 
 their dirty-sweet fragrance  sheer unreasoning joy to a 
 single poet ~ but this time you finally get off the train 
 in this godforsaken grain-embargoed cowburg ~ and thanks to 
 the whim of some nearly defunct amerindian pagan-pervert 
 genius locii this time at last you get to meet Jimmy  a 
 Joey who are precisely as imagined, feed them cheeseburgers 
  pink shakes  bribe them with action-figures  gum, these 
 two microcosms, these two fire-clowns ~ so that all of us 
 in a moment of mutual unspoken relief at this shattering of 
 worshipful destinies, all of us suddenly gracefully have to 
 embrace  kiss, kiss chaste  cool on the lips  grin like 
 bobcats for this fortunate derailment, this whistle-stop, 
 this milk-run, this hobo's muscatel"
"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy
R.A.M.P.-Restore America’s Moral Pride

Jodi Hoffman   R.A.M.P.
Victimization of Children/Research  Education Council of America
TELEPHONE (954) 567-0698  TeleFax (954) 630-2280

Registration confirmation - Yahoo! Games

2000-09-18 Thread Yahoo! Member Services
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SECrets Newsletter 9.18.00

2000-09-18 Thread EDGAR Online News

EDGAR Online's SECrets Newsletter
Editor: Timothy Middleton, EDGAR Online Analyst

ON THE INSIDE: TCF Financial Insiders are Sellers

Starved for food for thought? The free Business 2.0 Daily
Insight newsletter delivers easily digestible business
insights. Subscribe today at


SEC Warns on 'Pre - IPO' Fraud
Federal regulators have detected an increase in fraudulent securities
offerings online and are warning investors to be careful of online
securities sales. Regulators are also warning investors to be wary
of ``pre-IPO'' stock offerings - i.e. opportunities for investors
to get a "jump" on the market before the firms go public. The SEC
has recently charged several offending companies with fraud.
On Thursday, the SEC said it had reached a settlement with Austin,
Texas-based Inc., a company that operates an Internet
retail site. Roger D. Pringle, the company's founder and chief
financial officer, neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing in
agreeing to the settlement of the SEC's allegations, but agreed to
pay a $25,000 fine. Regulators say raised $3.8 million
from 1,200 investors nationwide by making false and misleading
statements about an IPO, and by referring to the offering as a
According to the Associate Press, it was the fourth such action
by the SEC recently. Since March, the SEC has alleged that three
Internet companies, New World Web, Y2K Highway Inc. and
Stadtt Media LLC, committed securities fraud by making false claims
about IPOs. All three cases are pending in federal court.


QUESTION: What is a Schedule 13D?

ANSWER:  Schedule 13D is an SEC document that must be filed by any
person or entity acquiring direct or beneficial ownership of at least
5% of any class of a company's outstanding shares. The purchaser must
file Schedule 13D within 10 days of reaching the 5% ownership
threshold, and all subsequent trades must be stated promptly on an
"amended" 13D. The purchaser must also indicate their intention of
ownership - i.e. passive investment or takeover attempt. The
purchaser must also file a 13D with the company itself, and with the
stock exchange on which the shares are listed.


TCF Financial Insiders are Sellers

Regional banks have defied a broader rally this year in the financial
services sector. While the financial services sector is ahead 7.7%
through July, according to Standard  Poor's, the average regional
bank stock was down 3.3%.

Not so shares of TCF Financial Corp (TCB). They are up 57% this year,
not including dividends paid in February, May and August. The holding
company for TCF National Bank and TCF National Bank Colorado, which
operates in five upper Midwest states, likewise hiked its quarterly
payout during the period to 21.3 cents a share, from 18.8 cents.

Insiders have shown prescience in the past, selling into strength in
their company's stock just ahead of sometimes-steep declines. Lately,
they've been selling again. In the last two months, five of them have
filed Form 144s with the SEC that indicate the sale of more than
200,000 shares, according to Thomson Financial/First Call. Most
recently William A. Cooper, chief executive, reported on Aug. 23
selling 90,000 shares for $32 apiece, or nearly $2.9 million

TCF has prospered in part because it has managed to boost deposits
significantly. In general, says James F. Catudal, manager of Fidelity
Select Financial Services Fund, (FIDSX): "Regional banks are right
now funding loan growth with purchased money. They're not able to
attract low-cost deposits from customers anymore."

That's exactly what TCF has managed to do, however. On Sept. 9, it
announced that its network of branches in supermarkets had topped
$1 billion in deposits, or nearly 10% of the bank's total. TCF is
the fourth-largest operator of bank branches in supermarkets, with
212 of them. In the Chicago area, TCF claims to have the second-highest
number of non-interest bearing retail checking accounts.

Thomson's Paul Elliott says Cooper "last sold shares in November of
last year, ahead of a 35% decline" in the company's stock.

Another prominent seller has been Timothy P. Bailey, president of
the company's Wisconsin operations. He filed Form 144 on July 26

TroppoLotto presents

2000-09-18 Thread TroppoLotto

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2000-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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