
2001-01-26 Thread Patrick Hinsberger


2001-01-26 Thread Patrick Hinsberger

cypherpunks-filter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-26 Thread Patrick Hinsberger


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2001-01-26 Thread thisisyours

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Re: Recommendations for Cypherpunks Books

2001-01-26 Thread Ken Brown

Bill Stewart wrote:


 Neil Stephenson's Cryptonomicon is of course recommended,
 and classics like Vinge's "True Names" and "A Fire Upon The Deep".
 and Stephenson's "Snow Crash".  Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"
 has some nice treatment of reputation systems and pseudonymity -
 unfortunately it's *much* harder to get the tech correct than it is
 to write about what if feels like to use well-designed systems :-)
 Brunner's "Shockwave Rider" and Sterling's "Islands in the Net"
 hit some of the appropriate space.
 "Trouble and Her Friends" has some good treatment of cryptographically
 protected subcultures, though that's more as redeeming-social-value
 for a book that's written for genre.
 "Idoru" by Gibson does some of the same.

Brunner seconded, and a bid for Ken MacLeod. "Stone Canal" is probably
the one most cypherpunks would like the most - set in a well-described
crypto-anarchic polity where "information wants to be free" and is
willing to fight for it.  CPs ought to love the trial scene.  In an
anarchy you start by agreeing on what law you will be judged by and who
is to be the judge.

Reading them in order is best - "Star Fraction" is basically
old-fashioned 1980s-style cyberpunk (but he knows his stuff  is serious
about AI  cryptography, then "Stone Canal", "The Cassini Division" (my
favourite), then "Sky Road".

Some of the best sf of the last 5 years.

Ken (not him - the other one)

DeCSS ruling in DVD case must be reversed, eight amicus briefs say

2001-01-26 Thread Declan McCullagh

Eight different coalitions -- from cryptographers to journalist groups -- 
are filing amicus briefs in the DVD/DeCSS case. The briefs -- an unusually 
high number -- urge that the Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturn the 
district court's ruling of last August.

Wired News article on the briefs being filed today:,1283,41441,00.html

The journalist/media brief, which focuses on the right to link:
The computer scientists' brief (the only one filed earlier in the week):

Photos from trial, protests, anti-DMCA march:

Other briefs include one by the ACLU, one by the ACM, one by law 
professors, and one by Ernest Miller, Siva Vaidhyanathan et al. that says 
"to be governed by the District Court's version of the DMCA is to be 
stripped of the right to make the valuable fair uses of copyrighted 
materials upon which new contributions to the field are so often based."

Judge Lewis Kaplan's ruling last August:,1283,38287,00.html

EFF is funding 2600 magazine's defense and appeal. The appeal brief to the 
circuit court, filed last Friday, is here:

Brief of MPAA member companies is due February 19. Their amici must file a 
week later.

Some of the briefs, including ones I've perused, are still in draft form. 
EFF promises to have all of them online shortly. ACLU says their brief -- 
still in draft form -- will be up on their site by noon.


Re: Bell Grand Jury

2001-01-26 Thread A. Melon

mmotyka said:

 I wonder what's the budget to date for chasing down one apparently not
 so dangerous guy? They may be creating, at great expense ( is there
 another way for a government to create? ), what it is they want to find.
 If they push him over the edge, in 5 years or so they can have a real
 manhunt with bullets and everything. What's the saying? 'The race is not
 always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to
 bet.' Good for The Department ultimately.

Well, what would you expect, really? Jeff Gordon and all the others
of his ilk are just a bunch of low-life, degenerate morons or they would
not be working at the jobs they do. There isn't anything of the slightest
redeeming value in *anything* they do -- their role in life is to create
as many victims as possible, destroy as many lives as possible, make as 
many decent people as miserable as possible, while they suck away at the
public tit, and generally burn up as many resources as possible.
I was really disappointed that those 7 guys from Texas got caught
so easily -- it really would have been nice if they could have wasted
a politician or two or three, or at the very least greased a few more

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2001-01-26 Thread bela nagy

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Re: Web war rages over DVD-cracking site

2001-01-26 Thread George

Congrats to John on his current luck.

Well, not the visit to WAy out there.

Declan, nice photos.

Now check these out:
