Bell Grand Jury Experience

2001-01-28 Thread John Young

I've written up notes on the Bell grand jury experience,
a bit too long, too entrapping in this tar pit, to post here:

Others have told me about being warned by Robb London
about perjury and self-incrimination during testimony. Lawyers
say this is standard, but possibly lethal.

I didn't know that you can submit a sworn statement beforehand
that all questions will go unanswered to avoid self-incrimination
and that the US Attorneys Manual recommends excusing a
grand jury witness who does that. See the USAM on this:

Re: Bell Grand Jury

2001-01-27 Thread John Young

During the grand jury questioning I was asked about only
one person besides Jim Bell and the CIA-fictional "Mueller" 
and this was someone whose name I did not know. The
name could have been as fictional as the other two.

Do not send me private email or snail mail or telephone 
or visit. Consider me a target for indictment, hanging in
the wind, a warning to others, a Kafka character, PR
for LO.

Do not bite "John Young" bait.

Re: Bell Grand Jury

2001-01-26 Thread A. Melon

mmotyka said:

 I wonder what's the budget to date for chasing down one apparently not
 so dangerous guy? They may be creating, at great expense ( is there
 another way for a government to create? ), what it is they want to find.
 If they push him over the edge, in 5 years or so they can have a real
 manhunt with bullets and everything. What's the saying? 'The race is not
 always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to
 bet.' Good for The Department ultimately.

Well, what would you expect, really? Jeff Gordon and all the others
of his ilk are just a bunch of low-life, degenerate morons or they would
not be working at the jobs they do. There isn't anything of the slightest
redeeming value in *anything* they do -- their role in life is to create
as many victims as possible, destroy as many lives as possible, make as 
many decent people as miserable as possible, while they suck away at the
public tit, and generally burn up as many resources as possible.
I was really disappointed that those 7 guys from Texas got caught
so easily -- it really would have been nice if they could have wasted
a politician or two or three, or at the very least greased a few more

Bell Grand Jury

2001-01-25 Thread John Young

This morning I testified before a Grand Jury in
Western Washington District Court, Seattle, which
is investigating Jim Bell for interstate stalking
of federal officials. 

The testimony concerned what I knew about alleged 
CIA employee Mueller and Jim's alleged gathering of 
personsal information about this person.

I provided the Grand Jury my messages to cypherpunks
about this topic which are the only documents I had
to offer in response to the subpoena.

AUSA Robb London conducted most of the questioning,
with some questions from the jury.

Robb said I was not a target of an investigation but
my testimony and/or perjury could change that.

I will attempt to get a transcript of my testimony
and put it on Cryptome. Robb said that is doable
but it will take a judge's order to release. 

Robb said Jim is still in evaluation to determine his 
fitness to represent himself. A trial date will not be 
set until the evaluation is completed and the judge

Jeff Gordon was in the grand jury suite but did
not attend the hearing.