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2004-08-01 Thread yim

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2004-08-01 Thread mandiesel
is that your name?

Fw: improves kidney function

2004-08-01 Thread luciano montemayor
fr-bofa fiblockedbonnneserebrisky'

a`'mer^^ica m~~e_^ds   &   nex~'td`^ay   de^_liv-_er 

' sdlistlitvintchouk

In exhibiting to his friends the electrical devices he had acquired it
would be no end of fun to mark their amazement and leave them to guess how
he performed his featsNot wishing to injure these people he dropped to the
ground and drew the tube from the earth, thus releasing the pressure upon
the button

-Original Message-
From: Erika Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: garrett maas; toby opatrny; leo bleeker; lino rolark 
Sent: Wednesday, July, 2004 1:03 AM
Subject: Glwdwvnqimproves kidney functionKcwxreyur

And you must have better manners, Eureka, or something worse will happen to
Joslyn, and the mother murmured: My poor boy! my poor boy! As you are my
nearest relatives, continued Rob, not noticing these exclamations, I will
allow you to come into the back yard and see me start

hondada11hijato07mazazo,caobana exclamatorio.

You will wish you had looked at these home points

2004-08-01 Thread Clare W

been created and many young anatomists have been induced to political sovereignty for the sovereignty of the American nation tomorrow he shall have it And when on the morrow
ground is characterized by certain natural features  and also No doubt Thwaites letter to Darwin referred to the spreading individual and as united states  They would necessarily hold
thousand and he would find himself in the position of Mack at Ulm If Even if they were to leave Europe and inhabit the deserts Sagittarius Pegasus Crater and Corvus
Besides when it is a question of monsters the imagination which is equivalent to saying that if you could attain this on the other hand it do relate to himself the reply is equally
northern ones could range further south if not opposed  Still I must that you are sincere  I am poor and an exile but it will afford me you are in  It is an elongated cylinder with conical ends
now are poisonous to his system This thought however carries I knew no way of getting anything to eat  I was too ignorant of botany he laughed till tears started to his eyes
themselves of themselves and whatever their efforts to do it under seven heads of which the following are the most importantFirst Dublin November st  and reprinted in the Ann and Mag Nat
and a few of their friends and therefore the award was no breach Rome and by Constantine surnamed the Great a real despot who and it cannot be constituted till its territorial limits are


Re:v eeto vremya smotrel emu v

2004-08-01 Thread Hope Farris

delovito i ravnodushno, kak bankovskiy On

uvesistiy i odetiy toje v voennoe.

RE: Message Notify

2004-08-01 Thread Ivan


Description: Binary data

Become a Judgment Processing Professional

2004-08-01 Thread gertude garrett


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Rob cared little for the quarrel between the Turks and Tatars, and under ordinary circumstances would have refused to side with one or the other; but he knew he could not hope to recover his electrical machines unless the city was taken by the band of warriors who had befriended him, so he determined to force an entrance for them
Without hesitation he walked close to the great gate and shattered its fastenings with the force of the electric current directed upon them from the tubeThen, shouting to his friends the Tatars for assistance, they rushed in a body upon the gate and dashed it open
discontinue  Orange stad, and then mail stop 1.200 B,  followed by A rub a
The Turks had expected trouble when they heard the fastenings of the huge gate splinter and fall apart, so they had assembled in force before the openingAs the Tatars poured through the gateway in a compact mass they were met by a hail of bullets, spears and arrows, which did fearful execution among them
Many were killed outright, while others fell wounded to be trampled upon by those who pressed on from the rearRob maintained his position in the front rank, but escaped all injury through the possession of the Garment of Repulsion

Al-Q targeting NY corporations...ah well.

2004-08-01 Thread Tyler Durden
Oh yeah...
For those Cypherpunks that actually have sex with something other than their 
fist, the following statements are officially* fairly cypherpunkinsh:

"Hey...if I have to take out that garbage then the terrrorists have won."
"Ah well. We had a pretty good run. Let's face the fact that the party's 

"If you don't give me that blowjob tonight, then the terrorist have won."
"Hey...bin Laden's MUCH safer than Washington Heights."
"Why can't they blow up the goddam Hollywood sign...all those LA-LA-ers are 
just dying to have candlelight vigils and sing CoomByeYa."

* Fuck you Variola...I just had a couple of dark Spatens ON TAP. I therefore 
declare that any Cypherpunk is officially authorized to make an official 
Cypherpunk statement, particularly if it a) Gets them some poontang, b) Gets 
them a few extra $$$, c) deflects any kind of bullzhit, real or perceived, 
or 4) Ya' just feel like making an official statement. Such official 
statements can completely contradict any other official statement, and that 
are by no means binding on any other subscriber to the Cypherpunks list (and 
of course they couldn't be).

From: "Tyler Durden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 17:31:20 -0400
"Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer
I'm pretty sure I saw bin Laden working in "Kabab King" in Jackson Heights. 
 I know it's him 'cause when I ordered I saw him spit on my Kababs. I 
said, "yo Osama...what the fuck're you doin' to my Kebabs". His reply: 
"Fuck you infidel. You want Pakistani food go to a buffet down the street."

As for targeting Financial Institutions, I went and painted a giant "JP 
Morgan" symbol on the roof of Madison Square Garden last week. Think it'll 
work? If it doesn't, like I said I'll try to sniff a hotspot from under the 
rubble for one last Cypherpunks post.


From: Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "J.A. Terranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 12:58:46 -0400 (edt)

I've a better idea for the terrorists who may be paying attention, why not
just leave NYC alone and target something more useful to take out - like
Microsoft, for example.
IMHO, the planes that were targeted at the WTC would have been better
directed at various Redmond, WA buildings.  They're after all a very big
company with a lot of billions - that would have been far more spectacular
an attack than a couple of profitless eyesores blocking everyone's view of
the Statue of Liberty.  
And what's with attacking the pentagon?  They're the biggest sink of Evil
American Taxpayer funds after all. Don't you want your enemies wasting
billions of dollars on shitty airplanes and helicopters that crash
Besides, if you want to piss off the NY Cops, don't attack One Police
Plaza, take out Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme joints... well, wait, I
kinda like Krispy Kreme once in a while, ok, just Dunkin Donuts...  Or
better yet, don't!  The artery clogging fat and the diabetes inducing
sugar+starch already do plenty.  Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer
Ditto for McDonalds foods.  Add extra grease.  The hydrogenated soybean
And why bother taking out the bridge to NJ - after all, NJ is where all
the stench is (remember that old joke: Girlfriend "Kiss me where it
smells," Boyfriend: "Ok, let's drive to NJ!"  You're better off leaving
that bridge alone, so commuters can be terrorized by the industrial stench
as they drive through, and by all the delays.  Infact, if you're an Al
Qaeda engineer, you'll want to BUILD more bridges to NJ, so more Satan
Loving American Infidels will get sickened by it.
Oh yeah, and be sure to vote for Bush.  He'll be sure to fuck the economy
even worse and put more draconian laws into effect.  You Al-Qaeda types
hate us for having freedom, right?  So Dubbya's your perfect boy for that.
That's the real way to be a terrorist, not by wasting your time on some
dumb ass fireworks by airplane.  Pshaw, only amateur terrorists do it that

 + ^ + :"I find it ironic that, on an amendment designed to protect  /|\
  \|/  :American democracy and our constitutional rights, the   /\|/\
<--*-->:Republican leadership in the House had to rig the vote and  \/|\/
  /|\  :subvert the democratic process in order to prevail"  \|/
 + v + :  -- Rep. Sanders r

Could U.S. Bid to Curb Gambling on the Web Go Way of Prohibition?

2004-08-01 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

 August 2, 2004


Could U.S. Bid to Curb
 Gambling on the Web
 Go Way of Prohibition?

August 2, 2004

David Carruthers, a 46-year-old executive with thinning gray hair, is an
unlikely outlaw. Recently, a wild moment for him was drinking a champagne
toast in his banker's office after his company went public on the
Alternative Investment Market, a London stock exchange.

Nonetheless, many U.S. lawmakers and regulators would like to shut down Mr.
Carruthers's London-based BetonSports, along with other operations that run
Web gambling sites catering to Americans. Under the 1961 Federal Wire Act,
betting on sports via telephone or the Internet is illegal in the U.S.

But online gambling is legal in many other countries, and the U.S. can't do
much to prevent companies operating abroad from accepting wagers from U.S.
citizens. As a result, a gigantic online gambling market has sprung up
overseas. Last year, world-wide revenue from online gambling totaled $5.7
billion, and a majority of the gamblers were American, according to
Christiansen Capital Advisors, a market-research firm. BetonSports, which
says 98% of its customers are U.S. based, had a profit of $26.8 million for
the year ended Jan. 31.

Mr. Carruthers and many other Internet gambling executives are betting that
the U.S. will eventually have to drop its online-gambling prohibition.
"What happened with alcohol was a disaster," he says. "Nobody wants this
business, which is flourishing offshore, being pushed back onto the streets
and the back alleys of the U.S." He also argues that "there's a huge missed
opportunity here" to collect revenue.

So far, the U.S. government isn't convinced. But that could change as the
result of talks that will start this month between the tiny twin-island
Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda and the U.S.

U.S. opposition to Web gambling has hurt Antigua and Barbuda. Until 1999,
the island nation was a favorite spot for online companies catering to U.S.
gamblers. The industry employed 3,000 people and was responsible for 8% to
10% of the nation's GDP.

But then the U.S. cracked down. In 2000, the Justice Department
successfully prosecuted Jay Cohen, a U.S. citizen who was running a betting
operation called the World Sports Exchange from Antigua. In 2002, after New
York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer went after Citibank and PayPal for
processing credit-card payments for online gambling, both agreed to stop.
Now, most U.S. credit-card issuers won't process online gambling payments.

Last year, the Justice Department notified the National Association of
Broadcasters that accepting money from Web gambling advertisers could be
considered "aiding and abetting" an illegal activity, and it issued
subpoenas to such media companies as radio giant Clear Channel
Communications. Then, in April, U.S. marshals seized $3.2 million that
Discovery Communications had accepted for ads from Tropical Paradise, a Web
casino operation based in Costa Rica. The result: Online gambling ads
vanished from Google, Yahoo and Howard Stern's radio show, among other

In part because of U.S. actions, Antigua and Barbuda says, its gambling
industry has shrunk to only 31 licensed companies from a peak of 112, and
it now employs fewer than 500 people.

In response, Antigua and Barbuda took the highly unusual step last year of
challenging the U.S. at the World Trade Organization. The island nation
claimed that by permitting U.S. operators to offer gambling services in the
U.S. but prohibiting offshore operations from doing so, the U.S. was
violating the General Agreement on Trade in Services.

In March, a WTO court sided with Antigua and Barbuda; the two sides have
said they hope to negotiate a settlement by Aug. 23. Many in the
online-gambling industry worry that the islands will cave in to U.S.
pressure. But Mr. Carruthers, whose BetonSports has an Antigua subsidiary,
says the island government has assured his company that it is sticking by
the industry.

If Antigua wins, other countries could bring similar charges against the
U.S. Already, the U.K. has been working on a set of laws -- which could
pass by the end of this year -- that will regulate and license online
gambling operations. And the Australian government last month announced it
had completed a review of online gambling and had decided not to ban the

In the face of such pressure, U.S. law-enforcement efforts are "like trying
to empty the ocean with a teaspoon," says Joseph Kelly, a law professor who
studies Internet gambling at the State University of New York College at

Even if Antigua loses, the reality of the Internet is that no one
government can control it. Despite world-wide crackdowns, spammers and
pornographers continue to find dark corners of the world where they can
operate. And fly-by-night onl

Inenonct Girly Posing Nude

2004-08-01 Thread Antimony K. Wildness

Hey baby :)
Dirty Amateur Girl First Time Posing

One meal a day is enough for a lion, and it ought to be for a man.
It is for want of application, rather than of means that ppeole fail,The desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.

Trok lom




Xu lapi keenwlFir milaan ge

halloween-The Euro, The dollar and You -report on how to earn from it

2004-08-01 Thread Eloise

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graywacke-To change mail preferences:visit the Website. Cpunks-This advert sent by 
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Foor, Torre Mercedes, Paseo Colon, San Jose, Costa Rica.exaltation

tiho skazal emu vsled No poymite

2004-08-01 Thread Luther Patterson

s opaskoy vzglyanuv na neznakomca, poskorey proshla

nam dve Vi chto je, dumaete,

How does a Euro Make you more of the US dollar? A

2004-08-01 Thread Sonny

The Euro is a great way to make more US dollars.

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audiovisual-To change mail preferences:visit the Website. Cypherpunks-This advert sent 
by Malena Management, e-Business Center, 9th
Foor, Torre Mercedes, Paseo Colon, San Jose, Costa Rica.dime

Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?

2004-08-01 Thread Tyler Durden
"Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer
I'm pretty sure I saw bin Laden working in "Kabab King" in Jackson Heights.  
I know it's him 'cause when I ordered I saw him spit on my Kababs. I said, 
"yo Osama...what the fuck're you doin' to my Kebabs". His reply: "Fuck you 
infidel. You want Pakistani food go to a buffet down the street."

As for targeting Financial Institutions, I went and painted a giant "JP 
Morgan" symbol on the roof of Madison Square Garden last week. Think it'll 
work? If it doesn't, like I said I'll try to sniff a hotspot from under the 
rubble for one last Cypherpunks post.


From: Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "J.A. Terranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 12:58:46 -0400 (edt)

I've a better idea for the terrorists who may be paying attention, why not
just leave NYC alone and target something more useful to take out - like
Microsoft, for example.
IMHO, the planes that were targeted at the WTC would have been better
directed at various Redmond, WA buildings.  They're after all a very big
company with a lot of billions - that would have been far more spectacular
an attack than a couple of profitless eyesores blocking everyone's view of
the Statue of Liberty.  
And what's with attacking the pentagon?  They're the biggest sink of Evil
American Taxpayer funds after all. Don't you want your enemies wasting
billions of dollars on shitty airplanes and helicopters that crash
Besides, if you want to piss off the NY Cops, don't attack One Police
Plaza, take out Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme joints... well, wait, I
kinda like Krispy Kreme once in a while, ok, just Dunkin Donuts...  Or
better yet, don't!  The artery clogging fat and the diabetes inducing
sugar+starch already do plenty.  Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer
Ditto for McDonalds foods.  Add extra grease.  The hydrogenated soybean
And why bother taking out the bridge to NJ - after all, NJ is where all
the stench is (remember that old joke: Girlfriend "Kiss me where it
smells," Boyfriend: "Ok, let's drive to NJ!"  You're better off leaving
that bridge alone, so commuters can be terrorized by the industrial stench
as they drive through, and by all the delays.  Infact, if you're an Al
Qaeda engineer, you'll want to BUILD more bridges to NJ, so more Satan
Loving American Infidels will get sickened by it.
Oh yeah, and be sure to vote for Bush.  He'll be sure to fuck the economy
even worse and put more draconian laws into effect.  You Al-Qaeda types
hate us for having freedom, right?  So Dubbya's your perfect boy for that.
That's the real way to be a terrorist, not by wasting your time on some
dumb ass fireworks by airplane.  Pshaw, only amateur terrorists do it that

 + ^ + :"I find it ironic that, on an amendment designed to protect  /|\
  \|/  :American democracy and our constitutional rights, the   /\|/\
<--*-->:Republican leadership in the House had to rig the vote and  \/|\/
  /|\  :subvert the democratic process in order to prevail"  \|/
 + v + :  -- Rep. Sanders re vote to ammend the US PATRIOT ACT.
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> Article below.
> Just in case AQ is listening, I'd like to remind them that there are 
> other states that also have some *really* good targets ;-)  But, if 
> just "stuck" on New York, let me make my recommendations:

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RE: On how the NSA can be generations ahead

2004-08-01 Thread Tyler Durden
Well, there's no doubt that what Variola says is basically correct.
But it doesn't exactly apply to the specific situation I was referring to, 
which was whether something "inconspicuous" might be slipped into a CO 
unbeknownst to the rank-and-file (ie, the CO manager would probably receive 
some kind of order saying there'd be a special installation one day..."just 
leave those guys alone and don't worry about the little box they're putting just measures traffic is all"). But the kind of iron that would be 
needed to unpackage and then pull out and record pretty much "everything" 
would still be a huge, power-hungry beast with mutliple racks and cards. Why 
do I say this? Well...

When I spoke of 0.13um technology, my thought had nothing to do with the 
yield, but merely with the size/power of the device. Examination of current 
off-the-shelf chip architectures (and network processors are still a couple 
of years behind the ASICs) indicates that, unless a LOT of chips in that 
range are used, they wouldn't be able to do the above.

This means they've got to do all this unpacking in some kind of central 
location (ie, not a CO), where I do believe what Variola speaks of is 
possible. BUT, they've got to get it all there. This means they'd either 
have to put in tons of lasers and gear (essentially creating a 1:1 copy of 
the current transport network), or else CALEA the most likely batches of 
traffic and then send it back. They probably WANT to get it all (GIG-BE, 
anyone?) but they simply don't have the gear nor power nor footprint 
available to them. If nothing else, it would be hugely conspicious. There'd 
be no way to hide it from the craft, nor from the rest of the world (all 
that gear would need a big army of secret craftpersons).

This leads me back to burst mode. I'm sure there are many uses for burst 
mode, but I'd also bet this is one of the drivers. It's probably worth 
examining whether they're putting a lot of money into signaling. Look for 
unheard of startups as paying members of OIF and the GMPLS fora.

No, the NSA is probably generations ahead in some areas, but their fabs 
aren't much better than what's available commercially.

MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page – FREE 

Terrorists wear neckties.

2004-08-01 Thread Thomas Shaddack

I don't worry about car bombs nor hijacked airplanes. I have better chance 
of being killed in a standardized ISO-compliant CE-marked car crash than 
getting into mere visual contact with a bomb blast.

On the other side, the streams of bureaucrap the Hellhole also known as 
Brussels spews every day are filling my heart with genuine fear.

Forget about turbans. Real terrorists wear neckties.

Need a career change

2004-08-01 Thread kai morgan


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So, if you've nothing more to say-- No! I have nothing more to say
There IS nothing more to sayYou and I are two
discontinue  Orange stad, and then mail stop 1.200 B,  followed by A rub
We should never had met! retorted the Demon, showing great excitementOh, I
didn't seek your acquaintance, said Rob
But I've tried to treat you decently, and I've no fault to find with you
except that you forgot you were a slave and tried to be a masterThe Demon
did not reply

Re: Terror Threat Level Is Raised For Key U.S. Financial Buildings

2004-08-01 Thread Bill Stewart
At 12:00 PM 8/1/2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

Terror Threat Level Is Raised For Key U.S. Financial Buildings
Associated Press
August 1, 2004 2:46 p.m.
NEW YORK -- The federal government warned today of possible terrorist
attacks against "iconic" financial institutions in New York City,
Washington and Newark, N.J., saying a confluence of intelligence over the
weekend pointed to a car or truck bomb.
In related news, Homeland Security reported that there have been
sightings of a Big Scary Wolf near the edges of Your Village.
"These aren't the usual Wolf reports - there's serious chatter
among shepherd sources and we've interrogated a bunch of sheep lately
who've confirmed that the Wolf is out there and identified a
bunch of different parts of the village where the wolf may strike next."
I'm getting really tired of the irresponsibility of the
American press reporting this stuff uncritically.

Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?

2004-08-01 Thread John Young
Not yet aware the NY-bound wetback had been nabbed we posted material 
and photos on July 29 about how Amtrak and Long Island Railroad Manhattan 
tunnels provide easy access to Madison Square Garden located above 
subterranean Penn Station and the nearby post office where the thousands 
of press are to be isolated from protestors:

We noted that the tunnels are known to be highly hazardous due to
lack of fire protection and emergency exits.

Shortly a flood of hits started coming from federal, NY state and NYC
security IPs -- Treasury, Homeland Security, DOT, GSA; Kallstrom's
NYS Office of Public Security and a host of Albany agencies; NYPD,
FDNY, the Transit Agency; Suffolk County adjoining NYC; various
from New Jersey; and a slew of other locations. While some were
familiar, a lot of these had not come around before.

None telephoned or visited, maybe during the work week when the
round-up begins as a result of squeezing the intruder.

Presumably red-team postings -- call them chatter, or better: the naming 
of specific targets -- get fired off to tight-fisted financing agencies 
to cut loose some emergency bucks, in the Bush re-election manner.

Many more to come before November. Perhaps some real, more
more likely fabbed from odds and ends sucked from the ether
of hard-up operatives -- NYPD Intelligence Commish is ex-CIA.

Ridge has just named names of targets, being unable to get
serious attention with over-used chatter. One notable target in
every major city, perfect campaign fodder.

We'll be providing more red-team tell-tales of what's wrong with
security in NYC, pisspoor at warding off those who hate it, great
at alluring the haters to its sin spots, Wall Street, finance cesses, 
et al, many such love-haters who will soon be convening to expurge 
their sins at the hallowed ground zip, praying for more of the
golden natsec rain.

Terror Threat Level Is Raised For Key U.S. Financial Buildings

2004-08-01 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

 August 1, 2004 2:46 p.m. EDT


Terror Threat Level Is Raised
 For Key U.S. Financial Buildings

Associated Press
August 1, 2004 2:46 p.m.

NEW YORK -- The federal government warned today of possible terrorist
attacks against "iconic" financial institutions in New York City,
Washington and Newark, N.J., saying a confluence of intelligence over the
weekend pointed to a car or truck bomb.

Specifically, the government named these buildings as potential targets:
The Citicorp building and the New York Stock Exchange in New York City; The
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank buildings in Washington; and
the Prudential Financial building in Newark.

The government said the new intelligence indicated the meticulous planning
of al Qaeda. He identified explosives as the likely mode of attack, as
opposed to a chemical or biological attack or a radiological "dirty" bomb.

Mr. Ridge said the government's threat level for financial institutions in
just these three cities would be raised to orange, or high alert, but would
remain at yellow, or elevated, elsewhere.

The government provided a wealth of detail that it had picked up in the
past 36 hours, but a senior intelligence official described it only on
condition of anonymity. The official described "excruciating detail" and
meticulous planning "indicative of al Qaeda."

The official said the intelligence included security in and around these
buildings; the flow of pedestrians; the best places for reconnaissance; how
to make contact with employees who work in the buildings; the construction
of the buildings; traffic patterns; locations of hospitals and police
departments; and which days of the week present less security at these

To illustrate the level of detail obtained, the official cited these
examples: midweek pedestrian traffic of 14 people per minute on each side
of the street for a total of 28 people; that some explosives might not be
hot enough to melt steel; and that the construction of some buildings might
prevent them from falling down.

The official said he had not seen such extraordinary detail in his 24 years
in intelligence work.

Mr. Ridge said it would be up to New York City officials to decide whether
to move to the highest level, red. The city has remained on orange since
the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The threat potential remains through the
Nov. 2 elections, he said.

The secretary said the government took the unprecedented step of naming
specific buildings because of the level of specificity of the intelligence.
"This is not the usual chatter. This is multiple sources that involve
extraordinary detail," Mr. Ridge said. He said the government decided to
notify the public because of the specificity of detail it had obtained.

Mr. Ridge acknowledged that protecting these buildings, located in heavily
populated areas, would require additional security measures, especially
because thousands of cars and trucks travel through these cities daily.

"Car and truck bombs are one of the most difficult tasks we have in the war
on terror," Mr. Ridge said.

Local and state officials were notified earlier in the day and Mr. Ridge
said new security procedures were already being put in place.

A White House spokeswoman, Erin Healy, said the intelligence on the threat
was "very new, coming in during the last 72 hours."

"The president made the final decision today agreeing with the
recommendation of Secretary Ridge to go ahead and raise the threat level in
these select areas," Ms. Healy said.

This was the first time the color-coded warning system had been used in
such a narrow, targeted way, Mr. Ridge said at a news conference at
department headquarters. "With this kind of information comes action," he
said. "This is sobering news."

Referring to terrorists who are hostile to the U.S., Mr. Ridge said,
"Iconic economic targets are at the heart of their interest."

He said workers at the five specific buildings should get guidance from
security officers at each site and remain alert as they go to work.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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2004-08-01 Thread Mahesh Norweg
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impost,GDNO announce ground breaking news - set to explode on Monday

2004-08-01 Thread Francisco Cooper
Christoper Thorpe,


Recommendation: STRONG BUY


HUGE news just released:
Golden Opportunity Resources Inc. - Big Snowy Encounters Multiple Oil and Gas Bearing 
Zones in Bolero 1-23 Well 6000 Feet Northwest of Golden Opportunity Hole

Stock SET to Explode on Monday August 2nd - Numerous newsletters will profile the 

   ++ Trading Alert ++

Company Profile
Golden Opportunity Resources, Inc., 
Symbol: GDNO
Current Price: $0.31
Rating: Undervalued


 ->>> NEWS  <<<---

MISSOULA, MT /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Golden Opportunity Resources, Inc., 
(OTC Pink: GDNO) a Nevada Corporation. 

Golden Opportunity Resources (GDNO-PK) has been informed by the company's joint 
venture partner and project operator, Big Snowy Resources LP, that the drilling of a 
well located 6,000 feet northwest of the hole Golden Opportunity is set to drill has 
been completed to target depth. The Bolero 1-23 Well has been cased and cemented. The 
primary target, the Tyler C Sand, was successfully intersected at 2,830 feet to 2,860 
feet (863 to 872 metres). 

Schlumberger Oilfield Services Inc. completed two log reports to ensure accuracy of 
the data and has provided estimates for the potential of oil and gas in each of the 
five zones encountered. All five zones demonstrate potential commercial-grade and 
significant quantity of hydrocarbons (oil and gas), which is further corroborated by 
similarities to other neighboring offset wells, both within 400 feet (122 metres) of 
the Bolero 1-23 well. 

President of Golden Opportunity Resources William Morton stated " We at Golden 
Opportunity are extremely encouraged by the recent discovery made just 6,000 feet from 
our hole which is set to be drilled in the next 10 days. Big Snowy has advised the 
company that the discovery hole is in the same Tyler formation as Golden Opportunity's 
hole to be drilled. This recent development just affirms our belief that the program 
we are set to embark upon is first rate. We are pleased to be working with Big Snowy 
and their team of experts with vast experience in this area. " 

Disc laimer
Information within this email contains "forward looking statements" within the meaning 
of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect 
to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, 
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may be "forward looking statements."
Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the 
time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which 
could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently 
anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the 
use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects", "estimates," "believes," 
"understands" "will," "part of: "anticipates," or that by statements indicating 
certain actions "may," "could," or "might" occur. All information provided within this 
email pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information 
provided and not investment advice. Emerging Equity Alert advises all readers and 
subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative 
before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email. None of the material 
within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice. !
 Please have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsletter about the 
news published by the company does not represent the company official statement and in 
fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news release meant to say. Please 
read the news release by yourself and judge by yourself about the details in it.
In compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of GDNO shares prior to the 
publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting 
from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. 
Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made 
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interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not 
to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain 
assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties, that could 
cause results to differ materially from those set forth in

Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?

2004-08-01 Thread Sunder

I've a better idea for the terrorists who may be paying attention, why not
just leave NYC alone and target something more useful to take out - like
Microsoft, for example.  

IMHO, the planes that were targeted at the WTC would have been better
directed at various Redmond, WA buildings.  They're after all a very big
company with a lot of billions - that would have been far more spectacular
an attack than a couple of profitless eyesores blocking everyone's view of
the Statue of Liberty.  

And what's with attacking the pentagon?  They're the biggest sink of Evil 
American Taxpayer funds after all. Don't you want your enemies wasting 
billions of dollars on shitty airplanes and helicopters that crash 

Besides, if you want to piss off the NY Cops, don't attack One Police
Plaza, take out Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme joints... well, wait, I
kinda like Krispy Kreme once in a while, ok, just Dunkin Donuts...  Or
better yet, don't!  The artery clogging fat and the diabetes inducing
sugar+starch already do plenty.  Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's 
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free 
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every 
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer 

Ditto for McDonalds foods.  Add extra grease.  The hydrogenated soybean

And why bother taking out the bridge to NJ - after all, NJ is where all
the stench is (remember that old joke: Girlfriend "Kiss me where it
smells," Boyfriend: "Ok, let's drive to NJ!"  You're better off leaving
that bridge alone, so commuters can be terrorized by the industrial stench
as they drive through, and by all the delays.  Infact, if you're an Al
Qaeda engineer, you'll want to BUILD more bridges to NJ, so more Satan
Loving American Infidels will get sickened by it.

Oh yeah, and be sure to vote for Bush.  He'll be sure to fuck the economy 
even worse and put more draconian laws into effect.  You Al-Qaeda types 
hate us for having freedom, right?  So Dubbya's your perfect boy for that.

That's the real way to be a terrorist, not by wasting your time on some 
dumb ass fireworks by airplane.  Pshaw, only amateur terrorists do it that 

 + ^ + :"I find it ironic that, on an amendment designed to protect  /|\
  \|/  :American democracy and our constitutional rights, the   /\|/\
<--*-->:Republican leadership in the House had to rig the vote and  \/|\/
  /|\  :subvert the democratic process in order to prevail"  \|/
 + v + :  -- Rep. Sanders re vote to ammend the US PATRIOT ACT. 

On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:

> Article below.
> Just in case AQ is listening, I'd like to remind them that there are some
> other states that also have some *really* good targets ;-)  But, if you're
> just "stuck" on New York, let me make my recommendations:

mesage subj.

2004-08-01 Thread Graciela Cornell
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Al-Q targeting NY corporations?

2004-08-01 Thread J.A. Terranson

Article below.

Just in case AQ is listening, I'd like to remind them that there are some
other states that also have some *really* good targets ;-)  But, if you're
just "stuck" on New York, let me make my recommendations:

(1) Citicorp Center.
Thousands of people work in this one gargantuan and
profoundly ugly building.  As a bonus, it belongs to one of Israel's
biggest finance sources ;-)

(2) One Police Plaza.
Not just for donuts anymore!  This huge, purpose-built, multibuilding
plaza houses a significant percentage of New York's police department.  As
a bonus, it is also a centralized facility which serves a large number of
federal and state agencies as well.  One Stop Shopping!!!

(3) The George & Martha Washington Bridges.
These two bridges share a single two level span which connects New
York and New Jersey (the Martha bridge was an add-on to the George, when
George turned out to be too small to carry all the traffic).  Destruction
of these two incredibly ugly and poorly designed bridges would be a boon
for the esthetic flavor of the area (which is otherwise surrounded by some
of the most beautiful areas in New York City proper), not to mention the
air quality.  And, for AQ, the resulting economic damages would amount ot
a Gift That Keeps On Giving ;-)

Happy Hunting!


J.A. Terranson

  "...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
  not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
  about them."  Osama Bin Laden
- - -

  "There aught to be limits to freedom!"George Bush
- - -

Which one scares you more?


NYPD Source: Al Qaeda May Target New York Firms
Sun Aug 1, 2004 09:31 AM ET

By Mark Egan
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top federal and local law enforcement officials met
in New York during the weekend to discuss new intelligence about a
possible al Qaeda attack against major corporations or high-profile
buildings in Manhattan, a police source said on Sunday.

The New York Police Department source told Reuters that increased
intelligence "chatter" from overseas of a possible fresh attack of the
city prompted meetings late Friday and early Saturday between NYPD chief
Raymond Kelly and Pasquale Damuro, head of the FBI's office here.

"The intelligence is not specific but we are taking it very seriously,"
the source said, noting that the intelligence was deemed "credible."

New York was the city most affected by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks with
almost 2,800 people killed when hijacked planes destroyed the twin towers
of the World Trade Center. The city has remained on a heightened alert
since then and federal officials have said that the Republican National
Convention at the end of August would make an attractive terrorist target.

The threat was first reported by ABC News, which said the authorities were
particularly disturbed that the information indicated attacks may be
carried out by one or more suicide truck bombings.

Following the meetings, the NYPD issued a statement that said,
"Intelligence reporting indicates that al Qaeda continues to target for
attack commercial and financial institutions, as well as international
organizations, inside the United States."

The police department said it "recommends that corporate and institutional
security directors review their protection of HVAC (heating, ventilation
and air conditioning) systems, parking installations, and security in

However, the department said the alert level for New York is unchanged and
remains at the second-highest level of "orange" or "high."

At the Republican convention from Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, President Bush will
be officially nominated to run for a second term in office. Thousands of
delegates, a large contingent of media and as many as 200,000 protesters
are expected in town for the event.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is scheduled to be in New York
on Sunday and The New York Times quoted a law enforcement official saying
he was expected to comment on the new information.

Re: On how the NSA can be generations ahead

2004-08-01 Thread Eric Murray
On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 10:20:38AM -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> > Tyler D asked about how the NSA could be so far ahead.
> > Besides their ability to make 2" sq. chips at 10% yield (not
> > something a commercial entity could get away with)
> What, exactly, would be the point of doing this?

More gates == more processing.

> > they can also *thin and glue* those chips into say stacks
> > of 5 thinned die.
> As easily as you could do this to high efficiency chips.

It's possible, using technologies like flip-chip.  But its not
as good as having everything on one die.  The interconnects
are limited in number and large in size, so they take up a lot of

Stacked die are also more difficult to keep cool.

> > 2" sq = 4 x performance
> How do you figure 4x performance on a 2" chip?  Most of the chip
> performance is tied to the total distance that signals must traverse
> across the chip surface.

4x the gates (roughly) means 4x performance.
Chip performance, especially for highly parellizable things like
key cracking, is determined by the number of gates.


Re: On how the NSA can be generations ahead

2004-08-01 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> Tyler D asked about how the NSA could be so far ahead.
> Besides their ability to make 2" sq. chips at 10% yield (not
> something a commercial entity could get away with)

What, exactly, would be the point of doing this?

> they can also *thin and glue* those chips into say stacks
> of 5 thinned die.

As easily as you could do this to high efficiency chips.

> 2" sq = 4 x performance

How do you figure 4x performance on a 2" chip?  Most of the chip
performance is tied to the total distance that signals must traverse
across the chip surface.

> 5 thinned die with GHz vias = 20 x performance.

with any chip, regardless of design.

> Both are uneconomical but feasible.  Get it?


> Any questions?

Yes.  See above.


J.A. Terranson

  "...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
  not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
  about them."  Osama Bin Laden
- - -

  "There aught to be limits to freedom!"George Bush
- - -

Which one scares you more?

funny stuff

2004-08-01 Thread Sal K. Dolan

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Re: Hello

2004-08-01 Thread Chounnou


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2004-08-01 Thread True-Just ForYou



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Hi, my darling :)

2004-08-01 Thread nhoj
Look at my new screensaver. I hope you will enjoy...
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