Re: Sircam releases govt docs in Ukraine

2001-08-03 Thread Tim May

At 6:39 AM -0700 8/2/01, Alfred Qaeda wrote:

Thursday August 2 6:57 AM ET

 Website Says Virus Leaked Ukrainian Secret

 KIEV, Ukraine (Reuters) - A Ukrainian Web site said on
Thursday it had
 received secret documents from the administration of
President Leonid
 Kuchma due to a computer virus that infected government
computers and
 e-mailed it the files.

Tim, you don't write Ukrainian, do you?

Life imitates art, eh?

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

Re: SirCam contribution

2001-07-29 Thread Paul H. Merrill

No, MS Word just takes the first line as the
default Title.  Changeable if you want.  It also
uses it for the default filename.


Anonymous wrote:
 This is a strings-processed portion of a recent SirCam post on cypherpunks.
 Note that SS number seems to be embedded in microshit document - is this a standard 
practice ?
 Social Security Number: 326-70-5214
 Prompt Number 1
 48d`$da$d8 1h/ =!#$%i8@8NormalCJ_HaJmH sH  tH  A@Default Paragraph 
Font8$45STR   4:8 88:DE:35SQTY
37:Valued Sony CustomerMC:\WINDOWS\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asdValued Sony 
Customer8C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\DeVry\English 110\Compentency 
III.doc@$$d$$8@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3:ArialhT2T+@!20d\2#Social 
Security Number: 326-70-5214Valued Sony CustomerValued Sony CustomerOh+'0 8D`l
 x$Social Security Number: 326-70-5214ociValued Sony Customerr: alualuNormalSValued 
Sony Customerr: 1luMicrosoft Word 9.0r@@
 @@  .+,0hp
 SonyS\  $Social Security Number: 326-70-5214Title!#$'Root Entry
   FMicrosoft Word DocumentMSWordDocWord.Document

Paul H. Merrill, MCNE, MCSE+I, CISSP

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found 2301FrPatterson.doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: 2301FrPatterson, was
sent from Christine Burns  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found HANDS.doc.lnk infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, HANDS, was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Estimado Olman.doc.lnk infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Estimado Olman, was
sent from Juan Ramón Navarro Flores and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: xip02, was
sent from h and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found 2301FrPatterson.doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: 2301FrPatterson, was
sent from Christine Burns  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found DELEGATION DE CREANCE.doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: DELEGATION DE CREANCE,
sent from Anne Fréchette and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found gASTOS DE ENVIO.xls.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, gASTOS DE ENVIO, was
sent from Calipo  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: kellyres, was
sent from THOMAS CRAWFORD  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

SirCam exposes telecom monopolist John Wehrung, Florida's Fast Net Now

2001-07-27 Thread Subcommander Bob

John Wehrung[EMAIL PROTECTED]  and SirCam volunteered to
this list
the script of an advert *against opening comm monopolies to others*,
excerpted below.

JW, your communication network was built using the State's Eminent
'powers'.  Therefore the historical monopoly company must open its
racks to whoever wants to hook up.  Buy a clue.

Extracted Script:

Attached are two scripts currently in
production and a New script idea for a :60 second TV spot.  Please let
me know what you think.  Thanks!   IN ENGLISH  SPANISH--
following :30 second Spot is being cut in English  Spanish by the
Univision folks sometime before tomorrow @ noon.

“Imagine Government Taking your Car.   Sound Ridiculous?” :05:23 SECONDS
LESS  [Pause HASTA LAVISTA FRED] TIME:05 Seconds  “The County
is considering Internet regulation,Which forces one company to hand
over itscommunication network to competitors”   It’s a bad
idea that government just shouldn’t do. :10:23 SECONDS OR
Second in English
 Spanish-- This spot has been cut in English and a cassette will be
here tomorrow.  The Spanish version will be cut also sometime tomorrow
and be available for us Wednesday. Imagine if you had a company
that gave people a product they liked at a price they could
afford.  You invest your time and money.  Your company creates jobs
 helps the economy.  That’s what American Free Enterprise is all
about.  But what if the government forced you to surrender your
business to your competition, so your competitors could make and sell
their products at your company.  Would that be fair?  Of course
not.  But local Government is talking about taking one Companies’
communication network and handing it over to competitors.  It’s
called the Open access plan  it’s a bad idea that will slow down
high speed internet access and will raise prices.  Call the
Miami-Dade County commission today @ 305/375-5124…375-5124 and tell
them the Open Access plan is a bad idea that Government Just
shouldn’t do.  This message is brought to you by Florida Fast Net
Now, committed to keeping government toll booths and roadblocks off
the Information Super
This is a
BRAND NEW :60 Second Spot for TV that incorporates all changes up to
date.  CAR SCENARIO--#19 TUESDAY 9/28—11:30AM   :60 SECOND TV
to “Imagine”]  :06--Imagine government takingyour car.
Would that be fair?…Of course not.  :05--HASTA LA VISTA
FRED  :10--But the County Commission is beinglobbied on an
Internet Regulation thatwould force one company to hand over its
INTERNET TAKE OVER IS UNFAIRcommunication network to
competitors.  :05—It’s an unfair take over that will
slow   down Internet Access  raise prices. TV  INTERNET PRICES WILL
GO UP  :07--Call the County Commission Today and CONTACT MIAMI-DADE
COUNTYtell them the Internet Take Over is a bad COMMISSION @
305/375-5124   idea that Government just shouldn’t do.  SAY NO TO
INTERNET TAKE OVER :06--CAR SCENE: End With car peeling

John Wehrung   200 West College Avenue, Suite 308   Tallahassee, FL
32301   Voice: 850.681.6400 Fax: 850.681.7080 Email:

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Modulo fax deutsche post.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Modulo fax deutsche
post, was
sent from Giuseppe Marotta and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Á¨λ infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Á¨λT, was
sent from MYChang and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, Agere-Ron, was
sent from Ron B and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Á¨λ infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Á¨λT, was
sent from MYChang and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found WCDANXT1.XLS.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: WCDANXT1, was
sent from arthurite and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Projektbeschreibung 30.doc.bat infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Projektbeschreibung 30,
sent from Galerie Grita Insam and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found mapa de variaable.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: mapa de variaable, was
sent from maritza and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found CUSTOMER infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: CUSTOMER   RETURNS, was
sent from Brandie Gerou and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-27 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found WCDANXT1.XLS.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: WCDANXT1, was
sent from arthurite and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Re: When is Sircam source going to be put on Sourceforge?

2001-07-27 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Subcommander Bob wrote:

 When is Sircam source going to be put on Sourceforge?

It would be actually very nice to infect machines in opressive regimes
with well-behaved anonymous publishing remixers, with web gateways.
MojoNation can be hacked to be essentially unfilterable, and only make
connections into different legal compartments (which would probably not
always be a good idea, e.g. due to the Great Chinese Firewall).

Re: When is Sircam source going to be put on Sourceforge?

2001-07-27 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Subcommander Bob wrote:

 When is Sircam source going to be put on Sourceforge?

It would be actually very nice to infect machines in opressive regimes
with well-behaved anonymous publishing remixers, with web gateways.
MojoNation can be hacked to be essentially unfilterable, and only make
connections into different legal compartments (which would probably not
always be a good idea, e.g. due to the Great Chinese Firewall).

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found ¦ô»ù³æ.xls.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: ¦ô»ù³æ, was
sent from ³¯»Ê´­ and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, Comprimise, was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found ORD carlos del camp6o.doc.bat infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: ORD carlos del camp6o,
sent from Direccion de Educacion Municipal Santiago and was discovered in
IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found MCB.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: MCB, was
sent from Yatrik Shah and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found JJ.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: JJ, was
sent from Stephen  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found gASTOS DE ENVIO.xls.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: gASTOS DE ENVIO, was
sent from Calipo  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Hi infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Hi Juniper, was
sent from Jan Lundberg and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.


2001-07-26 Thread Jon Beets

I got my first SirCam hit today.. 

Jon BeetsPacer 

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Fax Cover Sheet.doc.bat infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Fax Cover Sheet, was
sent from joe lynch and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: july-2000-checks, was
sent from David Hosmer and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-26 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found sowhatifbizkit3addsbiostools.doc.lnk infected
with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR:
sowhatifbizkit3addsbiostools, was
sent from Phyllis Brasch Librach and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found AFCS_seattle2001.doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: AFCS_seattle2001, was
sent from carl  danielle and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found AFCS_seattle2001.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: AFCS_seattle2001, was
sent from carl  danielle and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found nicolesfairytale..doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: nicolesfairytale, was
sent from Robert Zuk and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found »Å¶ý¤£¬y²\.doc.lnk infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: »Å¶ý¤£¬y²\, was
sent from ¹ü and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found »Å¶ý¤£¬y²\.doc.lnk infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: »Å¶ý¤£¬y²\, was
sent from ¹ü and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: OFFASSLT, was
sent from Christopher Mitchell and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found fakstransfrontier.doc.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: fakstransfrontier, was
sent from Ave Poom and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Gorby Reeves Agreement Letter.doc.pif infected
with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Gorby Reeves Agreement
Letter, was
sent from Lesha Harris and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Dear Fred.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Dear Fred, was
sent from Kathy Vignolo and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found D.reizen.soll.1.doc.bat infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: D, was
sent from Paul De Freitas and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Ham and Swiss Stromboli.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Ham and Swiss Stromboli,
sent from JREIDINGER and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-25 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found MEDIDAS-PESOS-PRESIONES.xls.lnk infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: MEDIDAS-PESOS-PRESIONES,
sent from Benicio Molina Delgado  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Book3.xls.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Book3, was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found futur.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: futur, was
sent from Francois Tremblay and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found aat e1n 1.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: aat e1n 1, was
sent from Economics Department and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Comprimise, was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found synchronized infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: synchronized swimming,
sent from The Bells and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-24 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found PC infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: PC INFORMATION2, was
sent from Deepak Maheshwari  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-23 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found or10.xls.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: or10, was
sent from Travel and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-23 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found or10.xls.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: or10, was
sent from Travel and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-22 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found jo.doc.bat infected with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos)
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: jo, was
sent from Angela and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-22 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found direct.xls.pif infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: direct, was
sent from agnani and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-22 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found Rotary Monies infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Rotary Monies
Accounting, was
sent from Marc Moreau and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-21 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found DUTY TO DIAGNOSE.doc.bat infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: DUTY TO DIAGNOSE, was
sent from Dr.Christopher Kent and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-21 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found infected with W32/Sircam-A
(Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: Resume, was
sent from N Kaloti and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-20 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found comunicación audiencia.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: comunicación audiencia,
sent from Cecilia Gonzalez Ferro and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-20 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found prince and the pauper.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: prince and the pauper,
sent from Jeff and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-19 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found INFORME 24-X AL 24 MAYO 2001.doc.pif infected
with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: INFORME 24-X AL 24 MAYO
2001, was
sent from Ing. Saúl Flaschner and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.