Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-23 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 22, 2004 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

All of the terrorists came from countries that were
beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi Arabia
was certainly not under attack.  If they were Palestinians, and
they hit the Pentagon but not the two towers, then they would
be defending themselves.

I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you differentiate hitting the 
two towers from the Oklaholma City bombing.  McVeigh (not a branch davidian) wanted to 
strike back at the BATF for the Waco massacre, so he killed a whole bunch of people, a 
few of whom were BATF employees, but not, as far as I know, anyone directly involved 
in the decisions that led to all the deaths in Waco.  The 9/11 hijackers wanted to 
strike at the US for a variety of reasons, probably mostly that we're a big, visible 
target, but presumably also that we're propping up states like Saudi Arabia.  So they 
killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had nothing to do with what they opposed, 
but surely including people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

If McVeigh had used a sniper rifle to kill the specific BATF agent who called for the 
raid/media event on the Branch Davidians' compound, I'd still think he deserved to 
either die or spend his life in prison, but at least I could somehow fathom the moral 
decision to do what he'd done--like the pro-life terrorists (ah, the irony) who 
assassinate abortionists.  They need to be locked up, but you can at least see what 
they were thinking.  Blowing up a building full of random people because a few of them 
are associated with some action you really disagree with is just outside the realm of 
the sort of moral decision I can figure out.  Just like flying planes into buildings 
full of people with almost nothing to do with what you're really getting at.  

 James A. Donald

--John Kelsey

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-23 Thread James A. Donald
On 22 Oct 2004 at 21:08, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Taiwan is a particularly odd definitely has
 started forming a modern economy, but then again it had many
 decades of oppression. It also had swiped billions upon
 billions of dollars of gold and other substances that backed
 the Chinese monetary system prior to 1949, so arguably that
 money had to go somewhere.


 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-23 Thread Bill Stewart
At 02:20 AM 10/21/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
Doubtless there are some innocents in Gautenamo - but the usual
reason they are there is for being foreigners in Afghanistan in
the middle of a war with no adequate explanation.
At 09:21 AM 10/22/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
 J.A. Terranson
  No.  We are under attack by those DEFENDING THEMSELVES.
 All of the terrorists came from countries that were
 beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.
James - Many, perhaps most, of the POWs at Gitmo weren't foreigners,
they were Afghans.  Many of the POWs at Gitmo probably were Al-Qaeda
or other organized paramilitary groups.  But many of them were
described by the US propagandists as Taliban fighters -
the military arm of the local central government who were
legitimate to the extent that any group of warlords
who are the current king of the hill are legitimate,
and not too many months before the invasion,
the US government was giving those same Taliban $43million
because they were so helpful in our War on Drugs.
And sure, they're a nasty bunch, but so are many of the
anti-communist military juntas the US supported over the years.
It wasn't like the US didn't know the Taliban were
tolerating anti-American terrorist groups at the time -
Clinton's Pentagon had bombed some of the camps in ~97
as well as the Sudan medical factory in response to
bin Laden's bombing of the US embassies in Africa.
Also, perhaps you don't realize this, but many countries
with central governments do allow foreigners to stay there,
whether as immigrants, tourists, guestworkers, businessmen,
students, or attendees of terrorist training camps like the
School of the Americas or the Osama bin Laden gang.
Countries without effective central governments are usually
more flexible about such things, and cultures that are
tribally organized with colonialist-drawn boundaries
are also less likely to be picky about it, though they may
be more picky about whose tribal land you're in.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: US enacts tough new security measures on visitors, foreign student pilots

2004-10-23 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:42 PM 10/22/04 -0400, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
 US enacts tough new security measures on visitors, foreign student

Also unmentioned: all foreign flight schools are now heavily
and swarthy and/or moslem students have that fact added to their
Permenant Record.