RE: Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-10-30 Thread James A. Donald
On 29 Oct 2004 at 10:20, Tyler Durden wrote:
 We're not reducing the quantity of government, just
 consolidating under a single growing Borg-like government,
 namely the US.

This presupposes the US intends to rule Afghanistan and Iraq,
which is manifestly false. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-10-30 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 29 Oct 2004 at 10:20, Tyler Durden wrote:
  We're not reducing the quantity of government, just
  consolidating under a single growing Borg-like government,
  namely the US.

 This presupposes the US intends to rule Afghanistan and Iraq,
 which is manifestly false.

Agreed.  Our interest in not in Afghanistan/Iraq per se.  Our interest is
in ruling the *planet*, rather than any individual pissant player.

  James A. Donald


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: 2000 curies of Ci

2004-10-30 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:54 AM 10/29/04 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
At 09:19 PM 10/28/2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
Perhaps you meant Cs-137.  Halliburton loses mCi of Am-241 etc

MilliCuries?  That's a bit surprising,
though losing microCuries of it would be more likely.
An average home smoke detector has 1-5 microcuries,
and industrial detectors go up to 15, according to
one or two articles on the web which may be outdated.
So you're saying they lose hundreds to thousands of
smoke detectors a month?

They lose the neutron sources used for well logging.
They contain mCi amounts of Am241 and other hot
'topes.  They use a reaction with Be to produce neutrons
from alphas, like the early nukebomb initiators.

More often, soil-density gauges are lost/stolen from
road crews.  They also have fractional Ci amounts of
RDD-able topes.  But they're very useful; fairly sturdy;
acceptable risk.

and read a few days' reports.

Ruling the planet

2004-10-30 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:24 PM 10/29/04 -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
Agreed.  Our interest in not in Afghanistan/Iraq per se.  Our interest
in ruling the *planet*, rather than any individual pissant player.

Silly JA, we want to rule the frickin' solar system.  Give GWB a line
of Peruvian and he'll go off on Mars.   The more cluefull know about
more proximate artificial and aggressive satellites, but we can't
discuss them.

Got Shutter Authority?The Zionists do...

I'll see your Iranian UF6 and raise you a Dimona...

Re: Winning still matters, etc...

2004-10-30 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 05:09 PM 10/30/04 -0400, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
The terrorists cannot win either a conventional or an asymmetrical war
against the United States, should it bring its full array of assets to

The large pit of smoldering radioactive glass is probably not an

The improvised explosive device is a metaphor for our time. The killers

cannot even make the artillery shells or the timers that detonate the
bombs, but like parasites they use Western or Western-designed weaponry
harvest Westerners.

The cannot even make is patently offensive; why do nitration when what
need is around?  And how many Americans could wire a Casio or Nokia
to a det cap on their own?

They cannot blow up enough Abrams tanks or even Humvees
to alter the battlefield landscape.

Obviously the US mil industrial machine is not the weak link.

But what they can accomplish is to maim
or kill a few hundred Westerners in hopes that our own media will
the trauma and savagery of their attack - and do so often enough to
300 million of us become exhausted with the entire mess.

Say 10 years from now, the dead marine count is in the high 5 figures,
(perhaps they are drafted), there's more snuff-videos than porn on the
web, the US *will* give up and leave, and the Jihad LLC will have won.

10 years, 20 years, whatever.   Persistance works.  And the martyrs
the virgins, at best the infidels play harps and fly around the clouds,

I'll see your IED and raise you Brittney's belly-button.

Re: Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-10-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 09:24:20PM -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:

 Agreed.  Our interest in not in Afghanistan/Iraq per se.  Our interest is
 in ruling the *planet*, rather than any individual pissant player.

Empires never last, and if there's going to be a new one, it's going to be
Chinese. (Of course it won't last, either).

It sucks to be old-growth in a large new-growth market.

Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread Tyler Durden
GodDAMN George W is a dumb fuck.
If the guy's IQ had broken the 3-digit barrier he might have figured out 
that by nearly directly replying to the new bin Laden video he's basically 
elevating bin Laden to a hostile head-of-state.

OK you TLA snoops...surely some of you montioring this list must have 
noticed that? Where are Mr Asswipe's brilliant advisors? Isn't this kind of 
acknowledgement practically Rule 1 in your anti-terrorist manuals? Or do you 
tacitly cooperate for the sake of job security? (ie, bin Laden gains more 
followers--more terrorism--more need for laws and YOU guys.) And don't get 
me wrong, I think this image shift for bin Laden will probably end up being 
a good thing (ie, we stop fuckin' around over there), but unfortunately a 
bunch of us will probably end up getting blowed-up or whatever in the 

We know you're there so why not come in on an anonymous remailer and tell us 
how it feels to be you these days.

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 2:42 PM -0400 10/30/04, Sunder wrote:
the Turd Sandwich?

Turd Sandwich, of course.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-10-30 Thread Bill Stewart

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
 This presupposes the US intends to rule Afghanistan and Iraq,
 which is manifestly false.
Since this chain started by ragging on RAH about it being a
_geodesic_ neo-{Khan, con-men} empire, you're both correct -
there isn't a conflict between ruling them by proxy
and not ruling them directly, assuming that the Commander-in-Chief
can get Our Puppet Iraqis to take over ruling their country for us
as was supposed to magically happen when we knocked off
our previous puppet.  It didn't help that the Iraqis have
con-men of their own like Ahmad Chalabi telling our con-man
how easy it would be (which is what they wanted to hear)
and we've not only had to get a new puppet, we've had to
do an awful lot more work that we were supposed to.
At 07:24 PM 10/29/2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:
Agreed.  Our interest in not in Afghanistan/Iraq per se.
Our interest is in ruling the *planet*,
rather than any individual pissant player.
I've never been clear how much the neo-con gang
(Wolfowitz, Leo Strauss, et al.) desire to
give America a cohesive sense of national purpose
through empire was because they cared about actually
controlling the rest of the world and
how much was because they cared about ruling America.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 9:09 PM -0700 10/30/04, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
I'm surprised
the Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden comment
isn't discussed more

HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE: The National Conservative Weekly Since 1944

'Europe Will Be Islamic by the End of the Century'

by Robert Spencer
Posted Sep 16, 2004 How quickly is Europe being Islamized? So quickly that
even historian Bernard Lewis, who has continued throughout his honor-laden
career to be strangely disingenuous about certain realities of Islamic
radicalism and terrorism, told the German newspaper Die Welt forthrightly
that Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century.

 Or maybe sooner. Consider some indicators from Scandinavia this past week:

Sweden's third-largest city, Malmø, according to the Swedish Aftonbladet,
has become an outpost of the Middle East in Scandinavia: The police now
publicly admit what many Scandinavians have known for a long time: They no
longer control the situation in the nations's third largest city. It is
effectively ruled by violent gangs of Muslim immigrants. Some of the
Muslims have lived in the area of Rosengård, Malmø, for twenty years, and
still don't know how to read or write Swedish. Ambulance personnel are
attacked by stones or weapons, and refuse to help anybody in the area
without police escort. The immigrants also spit at them when they come to
help. Recently, an Albanian youth was stabbed by an Arab, and was left
bleeding to death on the ground while the ambulance waited for the police
to arrive. The police themselves hesitate to enter parts of their own city
unless they have several patrols, and need to have guards to watch their
cars, otherwise they will be vandalized.

The Nordgårdsskolen in Aarhus, Denmark, has become the first Dane-free
Danish school. The students now come entirely from Denmark's
fastest-growing constituency: Muslim immigrants.

Also in Denmark, the Qur'an is now required reading for all upper-secondary
school students. There is nothing wrong with that in itself, but it is
unlikely, given the current ascendancy of political correctness on the
Continent, that critical perspectives will be included.

Pakistani Muslim leader Qazi Hussain Ahmed gave an address at the Islamic
Cultural Center in Oslo. He was readily allowed into the country despite
that fact that, according to Norway's Aftenposten, he has earlier make
flattering comments about Osama bin Laden, and his party, Jamaat-e-Islami,
also has hailed al-Qaeda members as heroes. In Norway, he declined to
answer questions about whether or not he thought homosexuals should be

 Elsewhere in Europe the jihad is taking a more violent form. Dutch
officials have uncovered at least fifteen separate terrorist plots, all
aimed at punishing the Netherlands for its 1,300 peacekeeping troops in
Iraq. And in Spain, Moroccan Muslims, including several suspected
participants in the March 11 bombings in Madrid, have taken control of a
wing of a Spanish prison. From there they broadcast Muslim prayers at high
volume, physically intimidated non-Muslim prisoners, hung portraits of
Osama bin Laden, and boasted, We are going to win the holy war. The
guards' response? They asked the ringleaders please to lower the volume on
the prayers.

 What are European governments doing about all this? France is pressing
forward with an appeasement campaign to free two French journalists held
hostage by jihadists in Iraq. The Swedish state agency for foreign aid is
sponsoring a Palestinian Solidarity Conference, which aims, among other
things, to pressure the European Union to remove the terrorist group Hamas
from the EU's list of terrorist groups -- despite Hamas's long history of
encouraging and glorifying the murder of civilians by suicide bombers.

 What Europe has long sown it is now reaping. Bat Ye'or, the pioneering
historian of dhimmitude, the institutionalized oppression of non-Muslims in
Muslim societies, chronicles in her forthcoming book Eurabia how it has
come to this. Europe, she explains, began thirty years ago to travel down a
path of appeasement, accommodation, and cultural abdication before Islam in
pursuit of short-sighted political and economic benefits. She observes that
today Europe has evolved from a Judeo-Christian civilization, with
important post-Enlightenment/secular elements, to a 'civilization of
dhimmitude,' i.e., Eurabia: a secular-Muslim transitional society with its
traditional Judeo-Christian mores rapidly disappearing.

 After the Beslan child massacres, however, there are signs from Eastern
Europe that this may be changing. Last Sunday Poland turned away one
hundred Chechen Muslims who were trying to enter the country from Belarus.
This is the sort of measure that the countries west of Poland have been so
far unwilling to take. But since one cannot by any means screen out the
jihadists from the moderate Muslims, and the moderates are not helping
identify the 

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread Sunder
As usual, South Park is a great source of wisdom.  So, are you voting for 
the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich?

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

Re: We are revealed by what we hate. (fwd)

2004-10-30 Thread John Young
Now, Bob, master your knee jerk eye-poke: Brooks is a 
regular on the Lehrer show, paired with Shields for, cough, 
balance. Muddle v. muddle, judge-judied by muddle.

Brooks is the only one of the three without orange hair,
the other two a generation older. And he's near wattleless.
His sparse hair is honest compared to the henna, hair 
enhancer, make-up and wrinkle filler on the two 
turkied-geezers seeming coutured by the same Madame
Toussaint as Peter Jennings' boyish mortician deathshead.

Which returns to the Osama make-over. His nose looks
much bigger, longer and wider, eyes closer together. The 
sage-of-the-desert color combination of his face and hands, 
beard, robe, hat and backdrop look as if it was shot in 
New Mexico, or maybe Israel pretending Lawrence of
Arabia remake.

So who's holding the sage, and where, who's scripting the
spiel, who's got the most to gain to keep Osama unburied,
dead or alive?

Most exciting, though, is who's gonna launch the election
day massive massacre on behalf of the pret a porter suspects,
in the can and ready to show.

We are revealed by what we hate. (fwd)

2004-10-30 Thread J.A. Terranson

I think George's handlers have finally found their Inner Truth.  They have
finally come out openly to declare that hate is what drives them.


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:52:16 -0400
To: Alif Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ICYMI:Two Articles on Osama Politics


The Osama Litmus Test
The New York Times

Bush's response yesterday to the video was exactly right. He said we would not be 
intimidated. He tried to take the video out of the realm of crass politics by 
mentioning Kerry by name and assuring the country that he was sure Kerry agreed with 

Kerry did say that we are all united in the fight against bin Laden, but he just 
couldn't help himself. His first instinct was to get political.

On Milwaukee television, he used the video as an occasion to attack the president: He 
didn't choose to use American forces to hunt down Osama bin Laden. He outsourced the 
job. Kerry continued with a little riff from his stump speech, I am absolutely 
confident I have the ability to make America safer.

But politics has shaped Kerry's approach to this whole issue. Back in December 2001, 
when bin Laden was apparently hiding in Tora Bora, Kerry supported the strategy of 
using Afghans to hunt him down. He told Larry King that our strategy is having its 
impact, and it is the best way to protect our troops and sort of minimalize the 
proximity, if you will. I think we have been doing this pretty effectively, and we 
should continue to do it that way.

But then the political wind shifted, and Kerry recalculated. Now Kerry calls the 
strategy he supported outsourcing. When we rely on allies everywhere else around the 
world, that's multilateral cooperation, but when Bush does it in Afghanistan, it's 
outsourcing. In Iraq, Kerry supports using local troops to chase insurgents, but in 
Afghanistan he is in post hoc opposition.

This is why Kerry is not cleaning Bush's clock in this election. Many people are not 
sure that he gets the fundamental moral confrontation. Many people are not sure he 
feels it, or feels anything. Since he joined the Senate, what cause has he taken a 
political risk for? Has he devoted himself selflessly and passionately to any movement 
larger than himself?

We are revealed by what we hate. When it comes to Osama bin Laden, Kerry hasn't 
revealed whatever it is that lies inside.

To View the Article Please Visit:

Politicizing The Bin Laden Tape
By William Kristol and Stephen F. Hayes
The Weekly Standard Online

The Bush campaign wisely avoided going political. But the Kerry campaign--in comments 
from a top adviser and the candidate himself--did not.

Kerry gave what appear to be his first extemporaneous comments about the tape in a 
previously scheduled satellite interview with Kathy Mykleby, a veteran anchor with 
WISN TV in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

But Kerry finally couldn't resist politicizing the tape: I am prepared to wage a more 
effective war on terror than George Bush, he added.

Kerry's comment was unfortunate, and mild compared to those made later in the day by 
his senior foreign policy adviser, Richard Holbrooke. In an appearance on CNN's Wolf 
Blitzer Reports, Holbrooke, who has rejected the notion that we are in a war on 
terror, said this:

The U.S. is determined to defeat al Qaeda and its allies and the war against their 
use of terrorist tactics.

Holbrooke then went on the attack. The tape shows that he's still around. We should 
have captured him and we haven't. And the other thing it shows, illustrates a key 
point which is that Senator Kerry in his relentless pursuit of terrorism is going to 
be very aggressive. The tape doesn't show that but Senator Kerry's comments 
continually--his experience shows that Osama bin Laden will draw no comfort from a 
Kerry presidency.

Blitzer: Are you concerned though that when Americans see this videotape--it'll be 
all over the news media as you can imagine, not only today but in the days to 
come--they will be reminded of what happened on 9/11 and they'll say, 'You know what, 
I'd better vote for Bush because he's tougher in dealing with al Qaeda than Kerry.'

Said Holbrooke: I don't think so. I think it also raises a much deeper question: How 
can this grotesque mass murderer be out there on worldwide television more than three 
years after 9/11?

Holbrooke punctuated the next sentence with exasperated pauses between his words. 
Why--haven't--we--captured--him--if the Bush administration was going to be so 
effective in the war on terror? President Bush said in the debates that he's rolled up 
75 percent of al Qaeda. 

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 5:26 PM -0400 10/30/04, Sunder wrote:
No! You must vote for the Giant Douche!  Or the Terrorists Win!

Dude. Go see the episode.

Look at the font on the Turd Sandwich float.

Of *course* I'm for the Turd Sandwich.

I can even give you the torrent file, so you can confirm your error...


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Osama's makeover

2004-10-30 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 05:23 PM 10/30/04 -0700, John Young wrote:

Which returns to the Osama make-over. His nose looks
much bigger, longer and wider, eyes closer together. The
sage-of-the-desert color combination of his face and hands,
beard, robe, hat and backdrop look as if it was shot in
New Mexico, or maybe Israel pretending Lawrence of
Arabia remake.

And did you see the wire up his back and the earpiece?

Or maybe its hard to get good tailors in Pakistan.

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread Sunder
No! You must vote for the Giant Douche!  Or the Terrorists Win!

But won't someone think of the chldren!  If you vote for the Douche, 
the ChllLdren will die!


 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

 At 2:42 PM -0400 10/30/04, Sunder wrote:
 the Turd Sandwich?
 Turd Sandwich, of course.
 R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 ... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
 experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 02:42:25PM -0400, Sunder wrote:

 As usual, South Park is a great source of wisdom.  So, are you voting for 
 the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich?

My candidate is Mr Hanky, Poo party.

Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:26 PM -0700 10/30/04, Eric Murray wrote:
Its almost as if they're both
following Karl Rove's playbook.

Yeah, that's it. Bin Laden's in Karl Rove's pocket.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion

2004-10-30 Thread Eric Murray
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 02:29:51PM -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
 GodDAMN George W is a dumb fuck.
 If the guy's IQ had broken the 3-digit barrier he might have figured out 
 that by nearly directly replying to the new bin Laden video he's basically 
 elevating bin Laden to a hostile head-of-state.

Bush needs bin Laden to be as scary as possible.
I'm amused by the timing.  Its almost as if they're both
following Karl Rove's playbook.


Re: bin Laden gets a Promotion, UBL=Moses

2004-10-30 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:16 PM 10/30/04 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 02:42:25PM -0400, Sunder wrote:

 As usual, South Park is a great source of wisdom.  So, are you voting
 the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich?

My candidate is Mr Hanky, Poo party.

I'm voting for Kodos.  [Simpsons ref]

UBL was pleasantly rational in this one.  Even explained the origin
of the tower-dropping plans, which was a nice bit for the historians.
I'm surprised
the Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden comment
isn't discussed more; then again I find even intelligent people
refractory to that obvious question.
UBL still thinks lay Americans elect their leaders, or have
a clue what they're doing, but he is a man of strong faith.  He even
a succint reminder of the way out, Leave my people alone, Moses
like.  Time for more locusts, frogs, red tides, or modern equivalents,
I'm afraid.  Extra points for the commentary on Bush Sr learning about
dynasty from
the Saudis, etc, and installing his sons as governors.

M. Atta -an Army of One

Re: We are revealed by what we hate. (fwd)

2004-10-30 Thread John Young
Brooks on The Lehrer Report last night did indeed go berzerk
in the face of Shield's superior defense of Kerry's reasonable
approach. Brooks repeatedly agreed with Shield's analysis
showing Bush/Cheney was dogmatic, inflexible and incapable
of admitting error, then went on to defend their fundamental
righteousness as being what you have to do to win against
others having the same characteristics.

He said reasonable people like us, meaning the three on the
show, are not typical of those Bush/Cheney are appealing to.
Their base consituency does not want equivocation they want
to be right, and win, no matter what other countries may want.

Brooks conceded that this desire for being a winner take all,
by force if necessary, concealed a fear of being ignorantly
wrong, and that any candidate which exploited this fear by
promising might is more powerful than knowledge and doubt
will do very well.

This argument is made here by James Donald, and before
him, Tim May and groupies.

To be sure the armaments makers aplaud this rock-headedness
of the cowards who always advocate that others die -- preferably
in large numbers -- for the safety of the yellow-striped shickenhawks 
needing their necks wrung.

Yeah, yeah, they'll rooster-crow about popping their peashooters
at anybody who violates their isolationist piss-markings of triadic
carriers, boomers and stategic bombers. But what the cowards 
want is for somebody to cuddle them like mommy did, to keep a 
tit ready to slumber-suck away nightmare doubts.

Brooks got so worked up, Shield's had to pat him on the back
to assure the weenie his futile defense of idiot hatemongerers 
didn't mean he'd get booted from the elite in-nut-hut.

Re: Winning still matters, etc...

2004-10-30 Thread John Young
Hoover Institution says it all. Heh.

Will to win is the opium of warmongerers, Nietszchean
armchair blowhards.

Come on, Bob, you did the philosophy turn, poke holes
in the blather coming from these righteous pedants hustling
for the military/natsec ghouls, extorting the public for
expensive useless hardware, exhorting families to 
breed dead-heading patriotic youngsters.

Rhetorical bloodlusters, they be, who never took a bullet 
in the spine, no spine in fork-tongued snakes.

Put these vapid thinktankers in a veteran hospital toting 
bedpans, sniffing gangrene, hearing a quadriplegic
beg god to headchop clubhouse shits who drunkenly
cry for war.

Winning still matters, etc...

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 1:36 PM -0700 10/30/04, Bill Stewart wrote:
RAH about it being a
_geodesic_ neo-{Khan, con-men} empire

Okay. Enough pissing in the wind. Time for a Turd Sandwich...


The National Review
 October 29, 2004, 8:25 a.m.
The Power of Will
Winning still matters.

Victor Davis Hanson

The terrorists cannot win either a conventional or an asymmetrical war
against the United States, should it bring its full array of assets to the
struggle. Indeed, the Middle East, for all its revenue from inflated oil
prices, has a smaller economy than Spain's. It has never won a war against
a Western power. Arab nations lost in 1967, 1973, 1991, and 2004. Hence the
fatwas must go back to millennia-old glories about Saladin, the siege of
Cyprus, the Moors, and the Caliphate - about the last examples of Islamic
victories over the West. The Middle East's only successes in 1956, or
during the 1980s in Afghanistan, were due to either a United States' veto
of British operations or the importation of American stinger missiles. The
Iranian hostage crisis, Lebanon, and Mogadishu were Western retreats, not
battlefield defeats - grievous, yes, but hardly arbiters of relative
military advantage. The present terrorists are a nasty sort, but they are
still not the SS or millions of Tojo's crack Japanese troops; nor do they
have the organization or the skill of the Vietcong or NVA. These are losing
hundreds of jihadists every week in Iraq and have failed to retake

So why do the now-surrounded and desperate insurgents in Fallujah think
they can prevail, especially after the rout of the Taliban in six weeks and
the implementation of a consensual government in less than three years in
Afghanistan? In a word, the jihadists and their fellow-travelers are once
again convinced that this time it will be different because the West, and
the United States in particular, have neither the patience nor the will to
endure their primeval killing of a post-Saddam Iraq.

 Beheadings, suicide bombings, mass executions, and improvised explosive
devices are not intended to destroy or even defeat the U.S. military.
Rather, they are aimed at the taxpaying citizens back home who fuel it. In
a globalized world of instant communications, a bin Laden or Zarqawi trusts
that most of us would prefer to take out the garbage than watch a
blood-curdling video clip of yet another Western hostage kneeling before a
half-dozen psychopaths as they begin to saw off his vertebrae. They hope
that we the sickened ask, Why waste our billions and hundreds of lives on
such primordial folk? - wrongly equating 26 million who wish freedom with
a few thousand criminals and terrorists.

The improvised explosive device is a metaphor for our time. The killers
cannot even make the artillery shells or the timers that detonate the
bombs, but like parasites they use Western or Western-designed weaponry to
harvest Westerners. They cannot blow up enough Abrams tanks or even Humvees
to alter the battlefield landscape. But what they can accomplish is to maim
or kill a few hundred Westerners in hopes that our own media will magnify
the trauma and savagery of their attack - and do so often enough to make
300 million of us become exhausted with the entire mess. The message of
Arabic television is that the Iraqis are supposed to blame us, not their
brethren who are killing them, for the carnage. Not our power, but our
will, is the target.

 Al Qaeda and their appendages in Iraq do not know the requisite numbers of
dead or wounded Americans necessary to break the resolve of the United
States, but brag that with 1,000 fatalities they are nearing their goal -
and thus a few more will give them a change of administration, schedules
for withdrawal, an abandoned interim Iraqi government ripe to pluck, and a
Lebanon-like paradise to reconstruct the lost sanctuary of Afghanistan. In
other words, they are desperate for a reprieve from their looming
destruction. Al Qaeda - the Base - without a base is not much of a
terrorist organization since its own proud appellation has become an ironic

Despite the three-week victory over the Baathists, there is some reason for
the Islamists' optimism that they can break our will - given a decade of
nonchalance after the first World Trade Center attack, the Khobar towers,
the USS Cole, and an assortment of other unanswered murders in the 1990s.
The April withdrawal from Fallujah - whether due to worry about Iraqi
civilian or our own casualties - was a grievous blow. The Spanish debacle
was an even worse Western defeat. Killing about 200 Spaniards got a
Socialist and anti-American prime minister elected and an almost-immediate
troop withdrawal from Iraq - even though such appeasement was met not with
thanks but with a subsequent attempt to blow up the judges of the Spanish
High Court.

Meanwhile, here at home, John Kerry talks about timetables for 

Re: We are revealed by what we hate. (fwd)

2004-10-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:48 PM -0700 10/30/04, John Young wrote:
The Lehrer Report

I think that says enough.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'