War ain't beanbag....What the Fuck?

2004-06-13 Thread Tyler Durden
RAH wrote...
I'd like to hear how children who werent old enough to pronounce the
colour were 'reds' who were rightly tortured (apparently) in your
view, as well as the many women raped and tortured at the hands of
SOA graduates.

Funny how liberals always do the debits and not the credits in
these grotesque calculations. Shall we count the
several-orders-of-magnitude number of starved (*and* butchered)
children in various Marxist paradises around the world, too? I
thought not. It wouldn't be fair.
Holy shit, Hettinga. Most of the time you make some sense. This ain't one of 
'em. So, in other words, if Salvador Allende is democractically elected in a 
foreign country, then it's OK for the US to send agents and train torturers 
and then assasinate their leader? This is a complete nonsequitur logically. 
The fact that The Marxists would have killed even more is irrelevant. As 
someone who seems to espouse a more or less deterministic viewpoint vis 
economics and crypto-anarchy, you yourself should support a notion of 
letting them figure things out on their own.

More than this, this is the exact thinking that has caused us all sorts of 
problem. The best (and most obvious) examples are Vietnam and China. Both of 
these countries repeatedly kicked our ass in several theaters and then went 
through a brief socliaist period. In both cases, socialism is practically 
gone. Had we instead been smart with Mao and China (who we sent the moron 
Ambassador Hurley to meet) and Ho Chi Min (who was actually our ally against 
the Japanese), might the excesses of, say, the cutlural revolution been 
nearly as bad? Would Mao have felt it necessary to try to move the 
industrial base to the countryside where things would be much less easily 
A-Bombed (As MacArthur recommended)? Obviously not. There probably would 
have been a cultural revolution/cleansing of some sort anyway, but this has 
always happened periodically in China, and Fa Lun Gong is merely another 

In the end, China ended up being a major capitalist country, and our 
involvement against the Chicoms only slowed this process down. We're making 
a similar mistake in Iraq, and we New Yorkers will probably pay for it again 
(if Tyler Durden stops posting after WTC#2 comes tumbling down, you'll know 
what happened. I'll try to post one more time from under the rubble if I can 
sniff a WiFi hotspot.)


From: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [irtheory] War ain't beanbag. Irony is conserved.
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 15:45:37 -0400
Hash: SHA1
Ah. Here we go. A liberal hides behind the straw man, this time in
the shape of a child. How original.
At 3:37 PM +0100 6/13/04, Lee James wrote:
I'd like to hear how children who werent old enough to pronounce the
colour were 'reds' who were rightly tortured (apparently) in your
view, as well as the many women raped and tortured at the hands of
SOA graduates.
Funny how liberals always do the debits and not the credits in
these grotesque calculations. Shall we count the
several-orders-of-magnitude number of starved (*and* butchered)
children in various Marxist paradises around the world, too? I
thought not. It wouldn't be fair.
I'd also be keen to see evidence of this free-market success of
which you talk, because it isn't in central america for the
countless millions in poverty.
Freedom, market or otherwise, isn't about the fool's errand of forced
income redistribution, which is, invariably, what actually causes
famine and tragedy. See children, above. (Not that for the
children, above, isn't the liberal canard it has always been.)
Freedom, market, and otherwise, is about *choice*. The choice to work
hard and make money and do better than you started. Progress, more
stuff cheaper now than it used to be, more stuff cheaper tomorrow
than it is now, is the result. What you do with that stuff, is your
problem. More to the point, it is the very maldistribution of that
stuff that makes *progress* happen.
Marxists have this problem with counting stuff. They deal in lumps of
labor, or missing jobs, or labor theories of value, and it all
speaks to a basic innumeracy that does them ill in a world where
actual math and science are required to achieve things.
Before, a person encourages free-markets elsewhere, how about
encouraging them in the United States in order to really test the
theory and give these nations a chance of economic development. The
three most successful industries in the united states (steel,
agriculture and
Straw man. You're comparing markets and economies that are, for the
most part, free, and pulling out subsidies which are, by definition,
exceptional, and then comparing them to economies in which private
property is, for the most part, criminalized, and saying that the
former is worse.
Give me a break.
Sure. I wish that government didn't control huge tracts of the
economy in the US, making them, 

Re: War ain't beanbag....What the Fuck?

2004-06-13 Thread Justin
On 2004-06-13T17:50:43-0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
 RAH wrote...
 I'd like to hear how children who werent old enough to pronounce the
 colour were 'reds' who were rightly tortured (apparently) in your
 view, as well as the many women raped and tortured at the hands of
 SOA graduates.
 Funny how liberals always do the debits and not the credits in
 these grotesque calculations. Shall we count the
 several-orders-of-magnitude number of starved (*and* butchered)
 children in various Marxist paradises around the world, too? I
 thought not. It wouldn't be fair.
 Holy shit, Hettinga. Most of the time you make some sense. This ain't one 
 of 'em. So, in other words, if Salvador Allende is democractically elected 
 in a foreign country, then it's OK for the US to send agents and train 
 torturers and then assasinate their leader? This is a complete nonsequitur 

He's pro-free-market, not pro-democracy.  What Mr. Free Market doesn't
want to state outright is that a pure free market economy is anarchy,
because every law will impact the way businesses do business.

 logically. The fact that The Marxists would have killed even more is 
 irrelevant. As someone who seems to espouse a more or less deterministic 
 viewpoint vis economics and crypto-anarchy, you yourself should support a 
 notion of letting them figure things out on their own.

A majority screwing up a country is not letting them figure things out on
their own.  Maybe we should have let the Japanese figure things out by
themselves once they surrendered?  Germany?  No funds to rebuild France.
Oh, I want to live in *that* world, where we may not have won the cold

 More than this, this is the exact thinking that has caused us all sorts of 
 problem. The best (and most obvious) examples are Vietnam and China. Both 
 of these countries repeatedly kicked our ass in several theaters and then 
 went through a brief socliaist period. In both cases, socialism is 
 practically gone. Had we instead been smart with Mao and China (who we sent 

I haven't lived in China, but my impression of the country leads me to
believe otherwise.  If it's not *quite* socialist, it's fascist.

 In the end, China ended up being a major capitalist country, and our 

As above, this doesn't seem right.  Hong Kong might be a major capitalist
center of operations, but Hong Kong is not really China, socioeconomically

 involvement against the Chicoms only slowed this process down. We're making 
 a similar mistake in Iraq, and we New Yorkers will probably pay for it 
 again (if Tyler Durden stops posting after WTC#2 comes tumbling down, 
 you'll know what happened. I'll try to post one more time from under the 
 rubble if I can sniff a WiFi hotspot.)

God damned idiots, both the designers/builders and anyone who would work
in it without taking precautions.  Anyone in WTC2 who cares about living
should buy a dozen real climbing ropes or go learn to skydive and then how
to BASE jump.  And pray 5 times a day that the plane crashes into some
*other* floor.

I'd imagine it'd be a bit tricky to get a descender past the knots in a
chain of ropes, and air currents around buildings make a safe landing
improbable for any but the most experienced BASE jumpers.

Accordingly, there was some whining in Oct '01 on dropzone.com about how
morons would jump with an executive parachute whenever they smell burnt
toast, but I think that's a great way to clean the pool.  Maybe some
clever person could change the WTC2 mains frequency to 70 or 80 herz to
facilitate that (as well as overheating Tyler's computer to let him know
that the End is near).

ciel bleu!

Not your decision to make.
Yes.  But it's the right decision, and I made it for my daughter.
 - Bill, Beatrix; Kill Bill Vol. 2