[DataMapper] Re: dm-types and Flag[]

2010-07-22 Thread tenstates
Thanks for the reply but to be honest I'm not really sure as there
appears to be some confusion, in my mind anyway, created by the
example syntax on http://datamapper.org/docs/dm_more/types... however,
I may of course be over complicating matters as well.

Personally I would have thought firstly if it was a bitwise mapping,
i.e., digit maps to a named value or key, and ideally once you've
declared any base values, e.g.
Flag[:admin, :editor, :translator, :tester], should be centrally
controlled and fixed / restricted during any subsequent create or
update actions and as such cannot then mutate. For example, :role
type :nobody doesn't exist in the original list so should it still be
accepted? Secondly, you shouldn't really be able to exceed the total
number of initial values that you've specified (?), but it turns out
that you can.

These two questions arose from using the Flag[] type which, to be
perfectly honest, I'm not sure if these are bugs or not, or just
reasonable behavior...

Anyway, as I needed to restrict the possible entries to only those I
specified I added a validates_with_method to the model. This hopefully
stops any deviation from the original list and contains the situation.
This pastie shows the model and rspec tests for that stage of
development which I had reached: http://pastie.org/1055304

So, that was all good once I added in my own validation, however, on
adding a few rspec tests for the merb-auth backed authentication
things became quite strange again. In order to successfully test the
authentication, and have it return the pre-defined :role value I
passed - which was part of the default set of valid credentials,
without the :role value /disappearing/ I had to specify the roles
explicitly in the model again, i.e.,

property :role, Flag[:admin, :editor, :translator, :tester]

This pastie shows what I now have: http://pastie.org/1055330

I'm still none the wiser about what I can really expect from Flag[],
although I see it as damned handy for this usage, and whether I've
stumbled on bugs or not.. If this type of behavior for Flag[] suggests
problems still please let me know and I'll fire off a bug report.

On 22 July, 04:37, Kevin inspir...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ah, so flag assigns a bit to each flag and can add them together/etc
 to allow multiple flags to be set?

 Your failing test seems to be a bug with it, eh?  Add a ticket to the

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[DataMapper] Re: Is it possible to create a duplicate of a record ?

2010-07-22 Thread tenstates
... possibly a bit late for this, as Kevins answer is pretty much
identical anyway :), but I found this damned handy - but at the time
couldn't really find anything on this list to help before..

# get a record
@item = Item.first

# override original values where required
@duplicate = @item.attributes.merge({
  :id = nil,
  :type = 'duplicate',
  :created_at = DateTime.now


You could also use the amazingly handy dm-is-self_referential [http://
github.com/snusnu/dm-is-self_referential] to say that the duplicate
you're creating is a 'child' of the original, if you so wished.. I
found this handy when specifying digital art prints that had both an
obverse and reverse pictures printed, e.g. The reverse is a child of
the obverse view :-)

Hope that helps as well..

On 14 July, 07:59, wea_gruena aweber.gru...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Kevin,
 thanks for your good idea.

 I've tried this:

 irb(main):001:0 require './db/config'
 = true
 irb(main):002:0 p1 = Profile.new
 = #Profile @name=nil @descr=nil @pmodule_name=nil @standard=nil
 @active=nil @delete=nil @created_at=nil
 irb(main):003:0 p1.name = 'TEST'
 irb(main):005:0 p1.pmodule_name = 'DESIGN'
 irb(main):006:0 p1.save
 = true
 irb(main):007:0 p2 = Profile.new
 = #Profile @name=nil @descr=nil @pmodule_name=nil @standard=nil
 @active=nil @delete=nil @created_at=nil
 irb(main):010:0 p2.attributes = p1.attributes
 {:descr=nil, :pmodule_name=DESIGN, :active=false, 
 21214585031031383/864000,1/12,2299161, :delete=false, :name=
 TEST, :standard=false}
 irb(main):011:0 p2.name = 'TEST_X'
 irb(main):012:0 p2.save
 = true

 And it looks good.
 It's important to set the name (the key) AFTER p2.attributes =
 p1.attributes, then everything it's O.K.

 Thanks a lot again,

 On 14 Jul., 00:25, Kevin inspir...@gmail.com wrote:

  Maybe you could get it to work with

  p2.attributes = p1.attributes
  p2.id = nil # so that it gets the auto-increment value from the

  Or use one of the strange hash.merge functions to combine your changes
  to the p1.attributes.

  Good luck!

  On Jul 13, 6:20 am, wea_gruena aweber.gru...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Hi all,
   the newbie is back ;-(

   Is it possible to create a copy of a record like this:

   p1 = Profile.first(:name = 'ABC')
   p2 = p1.duplicate(:name = 'DEF')

   What's the best way to solve this problem ?
   Is it possible to copy / duplicate also associations etc. ?


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[DataMapper] Re: paranoiddatetime-and-paranoidboolean-fail-in-100

2010-07-22 Thread tenstates
Hmmm.. No luck with getting around this at the moment with
ParanoidDateTime in my model although dm-types is being loaded. As I
said the usual suspect places for declaring any require statements
within Merb fail to help here and there doesn't appear to be any Class
conflicts with Type..

May fire this off to the Merb list as well to make sure I'm not just
being dappy!

On 21 July, 14:32, tenstates imdata...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Top man and cheers for the reply.. some homework for me tonight me
 thinks :)

 On 21 July, 00:08, Kevin inspir...@gmail.com wrote:

  Paranoia (at least when I was testing it) doesnt stop you from
  destroying the rows - it mostly just affects the getters to add and
  paranoiddeleted=0.  So that @user.items only loads items where
  paranoiddeleted=0.  You need to make your controller's destroy method
  set paranoiddeleted=1 instead of calling destroy to work with it.

  I this will let you talk to the datastore directly, though I haven't
  tested it much:

  DataMapper.repository(:default).adapter.execute(my sql) -
  use .select to get the result and turn it into structs, but doesnt
  work for updates/etc.

  Regarding the loading issue - maybe try referring to it as
  Types::ParanoidDateTime, though that shouldn't be required.

  Try making a testing.rb script that *just* loads datamapper and your
  models and see if it might be something in merb.  The Types
  namespace might be used by something else?

  Good luck,

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[DataMapper] dm-types and Flag[]

2010-07-21 Thread tenstates
Just been looking at the documentation for Flag within dm-types. I can
see that the property of type Flag[] is assigned a type of integer in
the DB. It appears you can assign additional values to those you
specify by symbol as well as by overall amount of items.

With that I was wondering what the original intent was for stating the
properties values was if you can then add additional, non-stated, ones
without it complaining? Yes, validation can sit in front of the
various checks that may need to be made but I just wanted to clarify
the reason for the example syntax first.

Other than that a very useful addition to declaring properties :)

property :role, Flag[:admin, :editor, :translator, :tester]

rspec tests

specify should be valid with :translator and :editor as :role do
  @model.attributes = valid_user_attributes
  @model.role = [ :translator, :editor ]
  @model.should be_valid


specify should be invalid with :anybody as :role do
  @model.attributes = valid_user_attributes
  @model.role = [ :anybody ]
  @model.should_not be_valid


specify should be invalid when exceeding the original number
of :role values do
  @model.attributes = valid_user_attributes
  @model.role =
[ :admin, :editor, :translator, :tester, :anybody ]
  @model.should_not be_valid


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[DataMapper] Re: paranoiddatetime-and-paranoidboolean-fail-in-100

2010-07-21 Thread tenstates
Top man and cheers for the reply.. some homework for me tonight me
thinks :)

On 21 July, 00:08, Kevin inspir...@gmail.com wrote:
 Paranoia (at least when I was testing it) doesnt stop you from
 destroying the rows - it mostly just affects the getters to add and
 paranoiddeleted=0.  So that @user.items only loads items where
 paranoiddeleted=0.  You need to make your controller's destroy method
 set paranoiddeleted=1 instead of calling destroy to work with it.

 I this will let you talk to the datastore directly, though I haven't
 tested it much:

 DataMapper.repository(:default).adapter.execute(my sql) -
 use .select to get the result and turn it into structs, but doesnt
 work for updates/etc.

 Regarding the loading issue - maybe try referring to it as
 Types::ParanoidDateTime, though that shouldn't be required.

 Try making a testing.rb script that *just* loads datamapper and your
 models and see if it might be something in merb.  The Types
 namespace might be used by something else?

 Good luck,

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[DataMapper] paranoiddatetime-and-paranoidboolean-fail-in-100

2010-07-20 Thread tenstates
Got this same issue but having difficulty tracking down where the
require statement is placed in Merb? I've tried adding it to the usual
places but the failure is still the same as this ticket below..


Had no problem with this and 0.10.3 so why isn't dm-types being loaded

Also was there any reliable way of deleting all the records even with
this paranoia in place, e.g. after each rspec test that uses a DB to
store the data?

Many thanks

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[DataMapper] dm-is-self_referential and namespacing

2010-05-18 Thread tenstates
If I have a model stated as Admin::Assignments and add the following:

is :self_referential, :through = 'AdminTask',
:children   =  :child_tasks,   # admin_child_tasks
:parents=  :parent_tasks,  # admin_parent_tasks
:source =  :parent_tasks,  # parent_tasks
:target =  :child_task # child_tasks

both create_relationship_writer and create_relationship_reader in dm-
core-0.10.3/lib/dm-core/model/relationship.rb fail because of the /
in the relationship.name.

I get the following error from

: syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting '\n' or ';'
   def admin/assignment_child_tasks(query = nil)

Can anyone suggest a patch for this?

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[DataMapper] Re: is :self_referential

2010-04-24 Thread tenstates
Used this which only found parent records with children.

self.all( :conditions = { :type = :duplicate } ).parent_items.each
do | r |
  a.push r

On Apr 20, 5:28 pm, tenstates imdata...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I had decided to usehttp://github.com/snusnu/dm-is-self_referential
 but am having trouble isolating records without children due to the
 absence of a foreign key in my model to map the values of the join
 table by.

 is :self_referential, :through = 'Publication',
   :children    = :child_items,          # item_child_items
   :parents     = :parent_items,       # item_parent_items
   :source      = :parent_items,       # parent_items
   :target        = :child_item,           # child_items
   :order        = [ :published_at.desc ],
   :constraint = :destroy

 Is there a clean way to say something like this below but in reverse
 so as to only get back those results without children? I have tried a
 number of combination's, but really need some pointers.

 item = Item.all
 item.child_items.each { | child | item.object_id ==
 child.parent_items.object_id }


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[DataMapper] is :self_referential

2010-04-20 Thread tenstates

I had decided to use http://github.com/snusnu/dm-is-self_referential
but am having trouble isolating records without children due to the
absence of a foreign key in my model to map the values of the join
table by.

is :self_referential, :through = 'Publication',
  :children= :child_items,  # item_child_items
  :parents = :parent_items,   # item_parent_items
  :source  = :parent_items,   # parent_items
  :target= :child_item,   # child_items
  :order= [ :published_at.desc ],
  :constraint = :destroy

Is there a clean way to say something like this below but in reverse
so as to only get back those results without children? I have tried a
number of combination's, but really need some pointers.

item = Item.all
item.child_items.each { | child | item.object_id ==
child.parent_items.object_id }


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[DataMapper] Hmmm.. updating associated records

2010-04-15 Thread tenstates
Hi all,

I've seen the discussions on the update to datamapper and what is
considered a dirty resource but still need to ask the following
question. This is in relation to version 0.10.2 ... Here's a trimmed
down version of the models I have.

class Publication
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :published, Boolean, :default = false
  has 1, :asset

class Asset
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :title, String
  belongs_to :publication

I have nested fields for editing / Updating an Asset attributes, via
the form, like this: publication[asset][...] which I use when making a
new record. So..., when I want to update these records with any
changes what is the best approach? I gather from trying and reading
that @publication.update(publication) is no longer an option.

Many thanks in Advance

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