Re: perl dbi sybase error handling question

2003-03-03 Thread Hans Ranke
Hi Glen,

I hope you don't mind the (nearly) fullquote to keep the list informed.

 Hi Hans,
 Thank you for your response.  I was able to capture $retCode using your 
 suggestion.  I eventually removed the error handler (after the ||) just to 
 isolate something I do not understand.  I am tracking down an issue where 
 errors are not returned from $sth-execute() when a parameter data type 
 mismatch occurs when calling a stored procedure.  It actually looks like it 
 might be a bug somewhere.  Maybe in the Sybase driver.
 Here is my example with updated comments.  The problem is in scenario 2.
 Do you have an explanation for it? Thanks.  Glen
 # Execute query. Capture $retCode for later examination.
 $retCode = $sth-execute()
 # Examine $retCode, err, and errstr
 print BRafter execute retCode is: $retCode br;
 printf(dbh-execute():br .
 dbh-err= '%s'br .
 dbh-errstr= '%s'br,
[ ... ]
 scenario 2 --
 Here I deliberately passed an incorrect data type as a parameter to the 
 stored procedure.  As you can see, there was an error, but the value 
 returned from $sth-execute() was -1.  I would expect it to be undefined.  
 This looks like a bug, maybe in the Sybase driver.  What do you think?
 after execute retCode is: -1
 dbh-err= '257'
 dbh-errstr= 'Server message number=257 severity=16 state=1 line=0 
 server=SCATS1P_SQL procedure=sc_deal_update text=Implicit conversion from 
 datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'SMALLINT' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to 
 run this query.'
[ ... ]

As I am no sybase expert, I am bringing the question back to the list.
Perhaps you could send a sample SQL code that demonstrates the problem
to the list? Other potentially useful information includes the version
of DBD::Sybase you are using, the DBI version, the version of your Sybase
(or FreeTDS) client library, and of your DB Server.


Lehrstuhl fuer Institute for
Entwurfsautomatisierung Electronic Design Automation
  Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Phone +49 89 289 23660  Fax +49 89 289 63666

Segmentation Fault when building .rpm from DBD-Sybase-0.94.tar.gz

2003-03-03 Thread cal kaiwen

I am a happy user of DBD::Sybase to enable my perl to talk with MS SQL 

The DBD::Sybase I am using is .tar.gz, I need distribution in .rpm as the 
deployment machine don't have make :)

What I have done is the following:-


/usr/lib/rpm/cpanflute2 DBD-Sybase-0.94.tar.gz // convert .tar.gz to 


vi perl-DBD-Sybase.spec // change the following line, so SYBASE environment 
variable is set



rpm -bb perl-DBD-Sybase.spec //build the .rpm from .spec file, DONE


rpm -ivh  perl-DBD-Sybase-0.94-8.i386.rpm // Done, 100% complete


// try a connetion test script (see below...) from

segmentation fault
Please advice and where should I start looking for any mistake I made?

Thank you,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Sybase:server=, 'lbs', 'lbs', 
{PrintError = 0});
die Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr
   unless $dbh;
my $rc;
my $sth;
#$sth = $dbh-prepare(select [EMAIL PROTECTED]@servername);
$sth = $dbh-prepare(select * from AP_INFO);
if($sth-execute) {
   while(@dat = $sth-fetchrow) {
print @dat\n;


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Re: Using perl 5.8.0?

2003-03-03 Thread Charles Jardine
Lincoln Stein wrote:
My test case is part of a big script that requires BioPerl.  What I'll do is 
to pull it out into a self-contained script.

Frankly I don't think that this has anything to do with DBI, but rather 
something fundamental that changed with Perl's IO handling.  A whole bunch of 
symptoms showed up in 5.8:

	1) tied print in mod_perl stopped working
Which version of mod_perl. The internal implementation of tied
filehandles changes between perl 5.6 and perl 5.7/8. The
first version of mod_perl which will provide tied print with
5.8.1 is 1.27.
I don't know if the required patch is in any 2.x version of mod_perl.

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

DBI::Format in DBI-1.34 vs. DBI-Shell-11.91

2003-03-03 Thread David Dyck

There seem to be conflicting versions of DBI::Format in
DBI-1.34 and DBI-Shell-11.91.

After upgrading to the recent DBI-1.34 I again get
a warning from the CPAN r command which reports that
there is a more recent version of DBI::Format to
be found in DBI-Shell-11.91.tar.

When I read that the new DBI-1.34 removed the
old DBI::Shell from distribution, I was surporised
that it kept DBI::Format.  I couldn't find any
perl references in DBI-1.34 that refered to DBI::Format,
so perhaps if the official DBI::Format is being kept
up to date in DBI-Shell-11.91, you could either remove
it from this package, or add a not describing
where to get the most recent version.

What do you think?

Bug in Sybase driver?

2003-03-03 Thread G S
I am tracking down an issue where an error condition is not returned from a 
call to $sth-execute().

Here is my example code with comments.  I show the output for 3 tests. Test 
1 and test 2 produce results that I understand.  The problem is in test 3.  
In test 3 I would expect the returned value (retCode) for the error 
condition to be undefined or 0.  Instead it is -1.  Is this a bug in the 
Sybase driver?  If so, how do I report such bugs?

Do you have an explanation for it?

--- code example -
# Execute query. Capture $retCode for later examination.
$retCode = $sth-execute()

# Examine $retCode, err, and errstr

print BRafter execute retCode is: $retCode br;
printf(dbh-err= '%s'br .
dbh-errstr= '%s'br,
--- test 1 --
Here is the output from successful execution.  You can see that retCode is 
-1, which is what I would expect in a successful $sth-execute().

after execute retCode is: -1
dbh-err= ''
dbh-errstr= ''
--- test 2 --
Here I deliberately changed the stored procedure name to an incorrect one. 
$retCode is not defined, which is what I would expect in an $sth-execute() 
error condition.

after execute retCode is:
dbh-err= '2812'
dbh-errstr= 'Server message number=2812 severity=16 state=5 line=22 
server=SCATS1P_SQL text=Stored procedure 's_deal_update' not found. Specify 
owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help 
may produce lots of output). '

--- test 3 --
Here I deliberately passed an incorrect data type as a parameter to the 
stored procedure.  As you can see, there was an error, but the value 
returned from $sth-execute() was -1 (indicating success?).  I would expect 
it to be undefined.  This looks like a bug, maybe in the Sybase driver.  
What do you think?  If it is a bug, how and where do I report it?

after execute retCode is: -1
dbh-err= '257'
dbh-errstr= 'Server message number=257 severity=16 state=1 line=0 
server=SCATS1P_SQL procedure=sc_deal_update text=Implicit conversion from 
datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'SMALLINT' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to 
run this query.'

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

How do I respond to a thread?

2003-03-03 Thread G S
I have been posting messages here by emailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Is 
there a way to post messages so that they are part of an ongoing thread?  

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

DBD:oracle installtion problem

2003-03-03 Thread a b
I searched google, but could not find the answer.
We are using
SunOS enigma 5.7 Generic_106541-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4
This is perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris
DBI 1.34
but when I was trying to install DBD:Oracle 1.12

at make test, I got

 Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
t/plsql.Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle/' for 
module DBD::Oracle: /usr/local/bin/perl: fatal: open 
failed: No such file or directory at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/ line 206.
at t/plsql.t line 17
Compilation failed in require at t/plsql.t line 17.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/plsql.t line 17.
   Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
t/reauthskipped test on this platform
Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t/base.t   52  40.00%  4-5
t/general.t  255 65280??   ??   %  ??
t/long.t 255 65280??   ??   %  ??
t/ph_type.t  255 65280??   ??   %  ??
t/plsql.t255 65280??   ??   %  ??
1 test skipped.
Failed 5/6 test scripts, 16.67% okay. 2/5 subtests failed, 60.00% okay.
*** Error code 29
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `test_dynamic'

could somebody help me out?


Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.


2003-03-03 Thread Peter Schuberth

I have changed from 
MySQL DB to CSV File (DBD::CSV).
And also from Linux to Windows

But now I discovered few problems:
On the same hardware system
the same select for the same table

1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds

2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds

Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.

Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?

I have a select like this:
...WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?)) AND
((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?)) AND
((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?))


with Linux this is not a problem, but under Windows I get no data and also no error.

I removed the field3 only then I got data with Windows, but the result looks like 
WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?)) has been used for the search.

There is a different in the order of a table when I use it under Linux or Windows. 
Under Windows the order is fine but under Linux it looks mixed up.

Thanks for any help in advance!


Re: How do I respond to a thread?

2003-03-03 Thread Michael A Chase
On Sat, 01 Mar 2003 12:02:15 -0800 G S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been posting messages here by emailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Is 
 there a way to post messages so that they are part of an ongoing thread?

That is a function of your email client.  Normally, if you reply to a
message, the message id of the message you replied to is included in
the new message's headers.  The receiving email client can then thread
the messages using the message id.  Threading by subject is also
fairly common.

Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

Re: Strange security problem...Solved?

2003-03-03 Thread Cory Rau
I ended up changing all my references to CGI-BIN to cgi-bin and ran 
into the same problem as before when I'd purposely *uppercase* the 
cgi-bin portion of the url.

I ended up creating a shortcut to cgi-bin which is called CGI-BIN and 
added that directory to the appropriate sections of the httpd.conf file 
and all seems to be well.

Is this how to effectively deal with this situation?

Thanks in advance,
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 08:21  PM, Cory Rau wrote:

I was messing around at home with a test web server (Windows 2000 
Professional, Apache and ActivePerl (all the latest versions of each)) 
which resides in my office and I typed in the url of a perl script.  I 
purposely mistyped the url with 'cgi-bin' rather than what it actually 
is, 'CGI-BIN' just to see what would happen.  I ended up getting the 
entire *code* of the perl script in my web browser (latest version of 
Safari on Mac OS X 10.2.3)!  This worries me because my code contains 
passwords to our database.  Is it a well known problem to capitalize 
the CGI-BIN directory?  Should I make it lower case and change my 
Apache config file as well as any paths to it in my perl scripts?  Or 
is it just a permissions problem?

If I re-type the url using upper case CGI-BIN, it works as expected.

I'm relatively new to Perl and Apache so forgive me if this is a well 
know faux pas.  I was just wondering if others are aware of this  issue.

Cory Rau

Re: DBI::Format in DBI-1.34 vs. DBI-Shell-11.91

2003-03-03 Thread Tim Bunce
On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 11:10:34AM -0800, David Dyck wrote:
 There seem to be conflicting versions of DBI::Format in
 DBI-1.34 and DBI-Shell-11.91.
 After upgrading to the recent DBI-1.34 I again get
 a warning from the CPAN r command which reports that
 there is a more recent version of DBI::Format to
 be found in DBI-Shell-11.91.tar.
 When I read that the new DBI-1.34 removed the
 old DBI::Shell from distribution, I was surporised
 that it kept DBI::Format.

So was I :)

I'd meant to remove it and will do for the next release.


Re: Strange security problem...Solved?

2003-03-03 Thread Michael A Chase
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 08:23:11 -0500 Cory Rau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I ended up changing all my references to CGI-BIN to cgi-bin and ran 
 into the same problem as before when I'd purposely *uppercase* the 
 cgi-bin portion of the url.
 I ended up creating a shortcut to cgi-bin which is called CGI-BIN and 
 added that directory to the appropriate sections of the httpd.conf file 
 and all seems to be well.
 Is this how to effectively deal with this situation?

It would be more useful to ask in a CGI forum.

Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.


2003-03-03 Thread Dan Muey

 I have changed from 
 MySQL DB to CSV File (DBD::CSV).
 And also from Linux to Windows

There's the first two mistakes! :)

 But now I discovered few problems:
 On the same hardware system
 the same select for the same table
 1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds
 2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds
 Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.
 Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?

THE OS !! WINDOWS is an expensive resource cow, designed to stop working every 2.5 
And make you think you can't live with out it. 

 I have a select like this:
 ...WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like 
 ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like 
 ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?))
 with Linux this is not a problem, but under Windows I get no 
 data and also no error.
 I removed the field3 only then I got data with Windows, but 
 the result looks like WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like 
 ?)) has been used for the search.

On this one are the tables *exactly* the same?

 There is a different in the order of a table when I use it 
 under Linux or Windows. Under Windows the order is fine but 
 under Linux it looks mixed up.

That depends again on if the tables are *exactly* the same and *exactly* what query 
you use and *exactly* how the software is installed on the OS, and how you assemble 
the results. Windows and unix behave differently. If you can hack it I'd highly 
recommend sticking to a flavor of unix.
Too many variables to figure out why they are coming back different.

 Thanks for any help in advance!

RE: Strange security problem...

2003-03-03 Thread Dan Muey

Not sure with windows, probably should see for details, but it seems
That perhaps 
There is a 'ScriptAlias' directive for CGI-BIN but not cgi-bin.
I'd try adding that in your httpd.conf file or making some kind of symlink or alias 
with each other for both versions.

Also it may be an ExecCGI directive needs to be added for the cgi-bin version.

Whatever the case it seems to be an apache configuration isssue since the script works 
It's just that that version of the directory isn't allowed/doesn't know how to execute 
a script.

A better solution would be to install any flavor of unix and use your Windows cd as a 
coaster and use the manual to make the table legs even. To many Winders issues to make 
anythign work relyably.


 I was messing around at home with a test web server (Windows 2000 
 Professional, Apache and ActivePerl (all the latest versions 
 of each)) 
 which resides in my office and I typed in the url of a perl 
 script.  I 
 purposely mistyped the url with 'cgi-bin' rather than what it 
 is, 'CGI-BIN' just to see what would happen.  I ended up getting the 
 entire *code* of the perl script in my web browser (latest version of 
 Safari on Mac OS X 10.2.3)!  This worries me because my code contains 
 passwords to our database.  Is it a well known problem to capitalize 
 the CGI-BIN directory?  Should I make it lower case and change my 
 Apache config file as well as any paths to it in my perl scripts?  Or 
 is it just a permissions problem?
 If I re-type the url using upper case CGI-BIN, it works as expected.
 I'm relatively new to Perl and Apache so forgive me if this is a well 
 know faux pas.  I was just wondering if others are aware of 
 this issue.
 Cory Rau

RE: Strange security problem...

2003-03-03 Thread Gaul, Ken
Sounds like the cgi-bin directory is in the document_root hierarchy it
doesn't match the ScriptAlias and get executed so it is just returned as a
text file. Make sure the cgi-bin is in a different directory path not in
document root then you'll just get a Document not found error.
NOTE: Pure conjecture like others I would never consider running Apache/DBI
on a windows platform. Among other things windows isn't free :)


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Muey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 03 March 2003 15:04
 Subject: RE: Strange security problem...
 Not sure with windows, probably should see for 
 details, but it seems
 That perhaps 
 There is a 'ScriptAlias' directive for CGI-BIN but not cgi-bin.
 I'd try adding that in your httpd.conf file or making some 
 kind of symlink or alias with each other for both versions.
 Also it may be an ExecCGI directive needs to be added for the 
 cgi-bin version.
 Whatever the case it seems to be an apache configuration 
 isssue since the script works right.
 It's just that that version of the directory isn't 
 allowed/doesn't know how to execute a script.
 A better solution would be to install any flavor of unix and 
 use your Windows cd as a coaster and use the manual to make 
 the table legs even. To many Winders issues to make anythign 
 work relyably.
  I was messing around at home with a test web server (Windows 2000 
  Professional, Apache and ActivePerl (all the latest versions 
  of each)) 
  which resides in my office and I typed in the url of a perl 
  script.  I 
  purposely mistyped the url with 'cgi-bin' rather than what it 
  is, 'CGI-BIN' just to see what would happen.  I ended up 
 getting the 
  entire *code* of the perl script in my web browser (latest 
 version of 
  Safari on Mac OS X 10.2.3)!  This worries me because my 
 code contains 
  passwords to our database.  Is it a well known problem to 
  the CGI-BIN directory?  Should I make it lower case and change my 
  Apache config file as well as any paths to it in my perl 
 scripts?  Or 
  is it just a permissions problem?
  If I re-type the url using upper case CGI-BIN, it works as expected.
  I'm relatively new to Perl and Apache so forgive me if this 
 is a well 
  know faux pas.  I was just wondering if others are aware of 
  this issue.
  Cory Rau


2003-03-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
  But now I discovered few problems:
  On the same hardware system
  the same select for the same table
  1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds
  2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds
  Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.
  Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?
 THE OS !! WINDOWS is an expensive resource cow, designed to stop
 working every 2.5 years And make you think you can't live with out it.

Please stop flaming based on your personal tastes. It is true that  
Windows use more resources than Linux in the default setup, but the 
difference Dan sees has nothing to do with this.

It's caused by the DBD::CSV. If he installed Mysql and kept using 
DBD::mysql he'd see roughly the same results.

Dan, you may want to take a look at DBD::SQLite if you do not want to 
install mysql.

P.S.: Dan, could you try to run the script using DBD::CSV, using the 
same data, under Linux and let us know how long did it take?
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

Re: Strange security problem...

2003-03-03 Thread Bart Lateur
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 20:21:29 -0500, Cory Rau wrote:

purposely mistyped the url with 'cgi-bin' rather than what it actually 
is, 'CGI-BIN' just to see what would happen.  I ended up getting the 
entire *code* of the perl script in my web browser

This is OT for perl-DBI, but...

I think that your cgi-bin directory must be lying inside your normal
webspace. You should move it outside, so the only way to reach it is via
that ScriptAlias.



2003-03-03 Thread Dan Muey

 thanks for your answers.
 I would also like to stick to MySQL, but I have to change it, 
 since there is no DB-Server available.

Use a remote one, your isp's perhaps. Anywho...

 Dan, yes the data of the tables are *exactly* the same!!!

How about posting the first few lines form the linux one and form the windows one?
When ftping the CSV files up did you do it as binary. 

( I've found once when using CSV that they look identicle if you FTP them in ASCII and 
binary, but if I didn't do them in binary everythingn was screwy )

 The querry I use for C) is like:
 where (field1=?) and (field2=?) order by field3
 again the same data and the same query!
 For showing the data I just use a while loop and display 
 record by record. Again using the same script here and there.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 3:35 PM
 Subject: RE: DBD::CSV
  I have changed from
  MySQL DB to CSV File (DBD::CSV).
  And also from Linux to Windows
 There's the first two mistakes! :)
  But now I discovered few problems:
  On the same hardware system
  the same select for the same table
  1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds
  2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds
  Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.
  Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?
 THE OS !! WINDOWS is an expensive resource cow, designed 
 to stop working every 2.5 years And make you think you can't 
 live with out it.
  I have a select like this:
  ...WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like
  ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like
  ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?))
  with Linux this is not a problem, but under Windows I get 
 no data and 
  also no error.
  I removed the field3 only then I got data with Windows, but the 
  result looks like WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like
  ?)) has been used for the search.
 On this one are the tables *exactly* the same?
  There is a different in the order of a table when I use it 
 under Linux 
  or Windows. Under Windows the order is fine but under Linux 
 it looks 
  mixed up.
 That depends again on if the tables are *exactly* the same 
 and *exactly* what query you use and *exactly* how the 
 software is installed on the OS, and how you assemble the 
 results. Windows and unix behave differently. If you can hack 
 it I'd highly recommend sticking to a flavor of unix. Too 
 many variables to figure out why they are coming back different.
  Thanks for any help in advance!

Re: How do I respond to a thread?

2003-03-03 Thread Bart Lateur
On Sat, 01 Mar 2003 12:02:15 -0800, G S wrote:

I have been posting messages here by emailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Is 
there a way to post messages so that they are part of an ongoing thread?  

Select reply to respond. Make sure [EMAIL PROTECTED] is amongst the
recipients. That's it, basically.


RE: Running SQL from files - was: Your DBI book

2003-03-03 Thread Fernando Luna
I have already realized that simply stripping out the semi-colon will not work with 
all situations. I even posted something to that effect.

It would have been nice to know if, say, someone had worked out something to process 
SQL files since this is such a common task and developers who don't use perl but work 
with Oracle frequently use SQL files.

Having worked with SQL*Plus and Oracle for many years now, I am quite familiar with 
it's limitations and its nature. I am not so gullible as to presume that other tools 
understand sqlplus syntax.

Please don't characterize anyone as being naive since it assumes that you are not. It 
was a simple question. If the answer doesn't not come to you easily in perl then 
please don't try to make me question myself. I hate it when people try to educate you 
but sidestep the original question.

 -Original Message-
 From: M Addlework [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:16 AM
 To: Fernando Luna
 Subject: RE: Running SQL from files - was: Your DBI book
 It's very naive to view this is just a task for split /;/.
 Sqlplus has its own little language, with a grammar and
 sytntax, variable substitution, etc.  Consider this sqlplus
 whenever sqlerror exit failure
 create table prefix._snafu(col varchar2(10))
 whenever sqlerror continue
 insert into prefix._snafu values (:prefix)
 set scan off
 insert into some_table values ('this  that');
 and it's depdendent script @defines.sql
 define prefix='fubar'
 var prefix varchar2(30)
 exec :prefix := 'prefix'
 This is a contrived example, but not at all unrealistic for 
 real-world sqlplus.  Perl's 'split' won't be quite enough :-).  
 You also need to add support for:
 -  amper substitution variables
 -  bind variables, define statements
 -  sqlplus exec function
 -  sqlplus 'set' commands and their effect on interpreting sql code
 -  included @ files (and finding them, following $ENV{SQLPATH}, etc
 -  etc, etc, etc..
 I suggest you step way back and ask yourself various key questions,
 such as:
   - who controls the source code that is the input to your module?
   - what control do you have over them?
   - what do you _really_ need to accomplish here?
 (especially in light of the fact that you have a working
  shell-script solution, no?)
 The gist is that unless you can exert complete control over the
 sql source code, you will be taking on a potentially endless hassle
 because if the programmers generating the source are writing for 
 sqlplus, you will have to effectively implement a sqlplus emulator.  
 What's the point?  You will spend a _lot_ of time, and how will the 
 end result be different (better) from your current solution?  I'm not
 saying it can't be better, but rather saying that you should have
 a very clearly identified and defined objective of what exactly
 that added value will be, and ask yourself if it will be worth the
 price, and/or if there isn't some simpler way to add that value.
 --- Fernando Luna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The only problem I see with the approach of stripping out 
  before passing DDL statements to Oracle is that CREATE PACKAGE
  statements have semi-colons all over the place... in fact, you can't
  have a PACKAGE Specification and body without the semi-colons which
  terminate each statement in PL/SQL. 
  Will $dbh-do() cough and gag on that?
   One problem you may be facing in your current approach is 
   the semicolons -- remember they may have to be stripped off 
   before being 
   passed to a $dbh-do(), at least some DBDs don't want to see 
   the semicolons.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.


2003-03-03 Thread Jeff Zucker
Peter Schuberth wrote:

On the same hardware system
the same select for the same table
Please check your version of SQL::Statement which is the module that 
determines the speed and capabilities of DBD::CSV.  Put these two lines 
at the top of the scripts:

   use SQL::Statement;
   print $SQL::Statement::VERSION;
It sounds to me like you may have the XS version of the module on one 
install and the pure perl version on the other.  You can read about the 
difference between the two at

If you have a moderately large data set and speed is an issue, then the 
XS version will be better but MySQl, PostgreSQL, or SQLlite will be even 
faster. DBD::CSV is really meant for relatively small data sets and 
relatively uncomplicated querries.

Another issue:  if you are trying to access the same data file from both 
windows and linux, you'll need to specifically set the csv_eol for the 
table.  It doesn't really  matter which you choose, either \015\012 or 
\012.  If the script sets it to either one of those and the data 
matches, then the same file can be accessed from both windows and linux 
without changing the file or the script.  That sort of multi-platform 
accessibility can be achieved with the other DBDs, but probably not as 

You may be running into some bugs I am working on relatvie to 
parentheses in WHERE clauses.  I'd appreciate it if you could send me 
any sample queries that don't work for you.


Re: DBD::CSV--Execution ERROR: Couldn't find column names!.

2003-03-03 Thread Jeff Zucker
Snethen, Jeff wrote:

I've worked with the DBI some, but I'm now starting to experiment with DBD::CSV.  I'm 
trying to read a table without
column headers, letting CSV create the column names for me.  If I understand the 
documentation correctly, an empty array
reference should cause the driver to name the columns for me.
Thanks for pointing out this bug.  I have fixed it and will be uploading 
a corrected version of the module (1.006) shortly.


Re: Running SQL from files - was: Your DBI book

2003-03-03 Thread Michael A Chase
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:42:51 -0800 Fernando Luna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It would have been nice to know if, say, someone had worked out
 something to process SQL files since this is such a common task and
 developers who don't use perl but work with Oracle frequently use SQL

Bulk creation of tables, and other database objects is probably better
left in SQL files; especially since they will probably have to be
maintained by people who aren't familiar with Perl.

I think dbish and SQL Minus (?) are supposed to be able to handle some
of the things you are talking about, but I would consider it unlikely
that they would be able to follow all twists and turns that Oracle may
allow in SQL*Plus syntax.

 Having worked with SQL*Plus and Oracle for many years now, I am quite
 familiar with it's limitations and its nature. I am not so gullible as
 to presume that other tools understand sqlplus syntax.

Just because DBI is an excellent hammer doesn't mean every problem is
a nail.  Use whichever works better for the particular task.

  -Original Message-
  From: M Addlework [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:16 AM
  To: Fernando Luna
  Subject: RE: Running SQL from files - was: Your DBI book

  I suggest you step way back and ask yourself various key questions,
  such as:
- who controls the source code that is the input to your module?
- what control do you have over them?
- what do you _really_ need to accomplish here?
  (especially in light of the fact that you have a working
   shell-script solution, no?)
  The gist is that unless you can exert complete control over the
  sql source code, you will be taking on a potentially endless hassle
  because if the programmers generating the source are writing for 
  sqlplus, you will have to effectively implement a sqlplus emulator.  
  What's the point?  You will spend a _lot_ of time, and how will the 
  end result be different (better) from your current solution?  I'm not
  saying it can't be better, but rather saying that you should have
  a very clearly identified and defined objective of what exactly
  that added value will be, and ask yourself if it will be worth the
  price, and/or if there isn't some simpler way to add that value.

Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.


2003-03-03 Thread Tim Bunce
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 10:07:29AM -0800, Jeff Zucker wrote:
 Peter Schuberth wrote:
 On the same hardware system
 the same select for the same table
 Please check your version of SQL::Statement which is the module that 
 determines the speed and capabilities of DBD::CSV.  Put these two lines 
 at the top of the scripts:
use SQL::Statement;
print $SQL::Statement::VERSION;

Or run this command

perl -MSQL::Statement=

and it'll say something like

SQL::Statement  required--this is only version X.YY



2003-03-03 Thread Simon Taylor
I am trying to do either :-

Retrieve data from an Oracle table with a nested table column
Retrieve data from an Oracle object table based on an object which contains
a nested table

Either attempt results in :-
DBD::Oracle::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR OCIDefineObject call needed
but not implemented yet

Works when attempting a select against a table with no objects in it. So I
am guessing this is not supported.
Is there a way around this issue?

Re: Bug in Sybase driver?

2003-03-03 Thread G S
Hi Michael,

Attached are 2 files.  One is a build script for a Sybase stored procedure 
(fill in the database name).  The other is a perl script (fill in the 
connection information).

The reason I am raising this issue is that I found I had to code for special 
conditions during error handling because execute() was returning a -1 in a 
specific error condition.  I am assuming that undef should be returned in 
error conditions.


Glen Sievertson.

From: Michael Peppler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug in Sybase driver?
Date: 03 Mar 2003 08:02:11 -0800
On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 11:43, G S wrote:
 I am tracking down an issue where an error condition is not returned 
from a
 call to $sth-execute().

 Here is my example code with comments.  I show the output for 3 tests. 
 1 and test 2 produce results that I understand.  The problem is in test 
 In test 3 I would expect the returned value (retCode) for the error
 condition to be undefined or 0.  Instead it is -1.  Is this a bug in the
 Sybase driver?  If so, how do I report such bugs?

Please send me (the author of the module) a script that illustrates the
You can also enter a bug at

Michael Peppler  Data Migrations, Inc.
Sybase T-SQL/OpenClient/OpenServer/C/Perl developer available for short or
long term contract positions -

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
use ??
create proc error_test
@msg char(30)
print @msg
return 0
grant execute on error_test to 
use DBI;
$msg = 12345;

$dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:Sybase:server=???;database=???, ???, ???);

# This query is set up to produce a successful result.  All values returned 
from DBI
#methods are -1.
# To force an error in this query, remove the quotes around $msg. This 
produces an datatype
#mismatch error, but a -1 is returned from $sth-execute().  I believe 
undef would
#be the correct return value.
# To force a different error, change the stored_procedure name to one that 
does not match
#a stored procedure object in your database. This produces an error, and 
undef is
#returned from $sth-execute(), which I think is the correct return 
value for the error.
# Whichever way is correct, it would be nice if the returned values were 
consistent.  This
#would allow for the consistent coding of error handlers.

$sql_query = qq[
declare [EMAIL PROTECTED] char(30)
declare [EMAIL PROTECTED] int
exec error_test
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@status output
$sth = $dbh-prepare(qq[$sql_query]);

$retCode = $sth-execute();

print \nafter execute retCode is: $retCode \n;
printf(dbh-err= '%s'\n .
dbh-errstr= '%s'\n,
while($data = $sth-fetch)
if($sth-{syb_result_type} == 4042)
{ # it's a param result
$status =  $data-[0];
print \nafter fetch\n;
printf(dbh-err= '%s'\n .
dbh-errstr= '%s'\n,
$retcode = $sth-finish();
print \nafter finish retCode is: $retCode \n;
printf(dbh-err= '%s'\n .
dbh-errstr= '%s'\n,
$retcode = $dbh-disconnect();
print \nafter disconnect retCode is: $retCode \n;
printf(dbh-err= '%s'\n .
dbh-errstr= '%s'\n,


2003-03-03 Thread Michael A Chase
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:50:09 -  Simon Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to do either :-
 Retrieve data from an Oracle table with a nested table column
 Retrieve data from an Oracle object table based on an object which
 contains a nested table
 Either attempt results in :-
 DBD::Oracle::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR OCIDefineObject call needed
 but not implemented yet
 Works when attempting a select against a table with no objects it
 it. So I am guessing this is not supported.
 Is there a way around this issue?

As the error says, not implemented yet.  Include the individual data
elements directly in the SELECT if you can.  Another dodge would be to
use a package procedure to manage the query and return the row values.

Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.


2003-03-03 Thread Simon Taylor
Ok thanks - just wanted to check it wasn't down to how I was using it

Michael A Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:50:09 -  Simon Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I am trying to do either :-
  Retrieve data from an Oracle table with a nested table column
  Retrieve data from an Oracle object table based on an object which
  contains a nested table
  Either attempt results in :-
  DBD::Oracle::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR OCIDefineObject call
  but not implemented yet
  Works when attempting a select against a table with no objects it
  it. So I am guessing this is not supported.
  Is there a way around this issue?

 As the error says, not implemented yet.  Include the individual data
 elements directly in the SELECT if you can.  Another dodge would be to
 use a package procedure to manage the query and return the row values.

 Mac :})
 ** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
 Ask Smarter:
 Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
 Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

DBD :Oracle - Nested Table

2003-03-03 Thread Simon Taylor
I am trying to insert into a table which has a nested table.
I have an array in Perl which I want to load into the nested table.
I have a variable number of entries in the array and dont want to have to
enumerate them.
How can I load my data into a nested table?

DBI on Solaris 8

2003-03-03 Thread Mary.Hamilton

Please has anybody got a similar problem and a fix 

I've already installed DBI.1.21 on 2 Sun servers with Solaris 8 was a 32 bit 
and the other a 64 without any problems well not too many !! 

But on this server its proving impossible  ...I've also tried a different dbi  ..1.34 

See attached text file



Description: perl-dbi


2003-03-03 Thread Peter J. Holzer
On 2003-03-03 13:35:36 +0100, Peter Schuberth wrote:
 I have changed from 
 MySQL DB to CSV File (DBD::CSV).
 And also from Linux to Windows

Neither seems like a smart move to me.

Changing two things at once definitely isn't.

 But now I discovered few problems:
 On the same hardware system
 the same select for the same table
 1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds
 2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds
 Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.
 Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?

or of DBD::CSV? Depending on the size of the tables and the complexity
of the query DBD::CSV can be a lot slower that MySQL. 

 I have a select like this:
 ...WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?)) AND
 ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?)) AND
 ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?))
 with Linux this is not a problem, but under Windows I get no data and also no error.
 I removed the field3 only then I got data with Windows, but the
 result looks like WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?)) has been
 used for the search.

Have you tried the same query with DBD::CSV on Linux? Or with DBD::MySQL
on Windows?

 There is a different in the order of a table when I use it under Linux
 or Windows. Under Windows the order is fine but under Linux it looks
 mixed up.

If you want the result of a select to be ordered you have to use an
ORDERED BY clause. Tables have NO defined order in SQL.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer  | Unser Universum wäre betrüblich
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR / LUGA  | unbedeutend, hätte es nicht jeder
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| Generation neue Probleme bereit.
__/   |   |  -- Seneca, naturales quaestiones

Description: PGP signature


2003-03-03 Thread Peter Schuberth
thanks for your answers.

I would also like to stick to MySQL, but I have to change it, since there is
no DB-Server available.

Dan, yes the data of the tables are *exactly* the same!!!

The querry I use for C) is like:

where (field1=?) and (field2=?) order by field3
again the same data and the same query!
For showing the data I just use a while loop and display record by record.
Again using the same script here and there.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: DBD::CSV


 I have changed from
 MySQL DB to CSV File (DBD::CSV).
 And also from Linux to Windows

There's the first two mistakes! :)

 But now I discovered few problems:
 On the same hardware system
 the same select for the same table

 1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds

 2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds

 Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.

 Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?

THE OS !! WINDOWS is an expensive resource cow, designed to stop working
every 2.5 years
And make you think you can't live with out it.

 I have a select like this:
 ...WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like
 ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like
 ?)) AND ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like ?) OR (field3 like ?))


 with Linux this is not a problem, but under Windows I get no
 data and also no error.

 I removed the field3 only then I got data with Windows, but
 the result looks like WHERE ((field1 like ?) OR (field2 like
 ?)) has been used for the search.

On this one are the tables *exactly* the same?

 There is a different in the order of a table when I use it
 under Linux or Windows. Under Windows the order is fine but
 under Linux it looks mixed up.

That depends again on if the tables are *exactly* the same and *exactly*
what query you use and *exactly* how the software is installed on the OS,
and how you assemble the results. Windows and unix behave differently. If
you can hack it I'd highly recommend sticking to a flavor of unix.
Too many variables to figure out why they are coming back different.

 Thanks for any help in advance!



2003-03-03 Thread Peter Schuberth
Hello Jenda,
I have used the same data under Linux and Windows, also the same scripts.
The times I gave in A) are only for the select of the CSV table not for the
script. But comparing the select query with the execution of the rest of the
script, select is taking most of the time. Under Windows (Script total 2.5
sec. Search 2.0 sec).

I have also changed now to Apache 2.00.44, then the query is 0.15 seconds
faster under Win.


- Original Message -
From: Jenda Krynicky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: DBD::CSV

   But now I discovered few problems:
   On the same hardware system
   the same select for the same table
   1) Linux the select takes 0.4 seconds
   2) Windows the select takes 2.1 seconds
   Using Apache 1.3.27 and under Windows ActivePerl.
   Is it a problem of Apache, Perl or the OS?
  THE OS !! WINDOWS is an expensive resource cow, designed to stop
  working every 2.5 years And make you think you can't live with out it.

 Please stop flaming based on your personal tastes. It is true that
 Windows use more resources than Linux in the default setup, but the
 difference Dan sees has nothing to do with this.

 It's caused by the DBD::CSV. If he installed Mysql and kept using
 DBD::mysql he'd see roughly the same results.

 Dan, you may want to take a look at DBD::SQLite if you do not want to
 install mysql.

 P.S.: Dan, could you try to run the script using DBD::CSV, using the
 same data, under Linux and let us know how long did it take?
 When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed
 to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
 -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery


2003-03-03 Thread Simon Taylor
I am trying to do either :-

Retrieve data from an Oracle table with a nested table column
Retrieve data from an Oracle object table based on an object which contains
a nested table

Either attempt results in :-
DBD::Oracle::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR OCIDefineObject call needed
but not implemented yet

Works when attempting a select against a table with no objects in it. So I
am guessing this is not supported.
Is there a way around this issue?


2003-03-03 Thread Simon Taylor
I am trying to do either :-

Retrieve data from an Oracle table with a nested table column
Retrieve data from an Oracle object table based on an object which contains
a nested table

Either attempt results in :-
DBD::Oracle::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR OCIDefineObject call needed
but not implemented yet

Works when attempting a select against a table with no objects in it. So I
am guessing this is not supported.
Is there a way around this issue?

DBI 1.34 error?

2003-03-03 Thread Bob X
I have this script:

use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI;

my %attr = (
PrintError = 0,
RaiseError = 1

my @drivers = DBI-available_drivers();

foreach my $driver(@drivers) {
print Driver: $driver\n;
my @dataSources = DBI-data_sources($driver);

foreach my $dataSource(@dataSources) {
print \t$dataSource\n;
print \n;

It simply gives me a list of DBD drivers installed. Ran fine until I upgrade
to 1.34 at which point I get the following error now:

install_driver(Proxy) failed: Global symbol $this requires explicit
package name at C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 272.
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at
C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 414.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 3.

Nothing ground breaking...just thought you should know.


Re: DBI 1.34 error?

2003-03-03 Thread Tim Bunce
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 04:25:13PM -0500, Bob X wrote:
 I have this script:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use DBI;
 my %attr = (
 PrintError = 0,
 RaiseError = 1
 my @drivers = DBI-available_drivers();
 foreach my $driver(@drivers) {
 print Driver: $driver\n;
 my @dataSources = DBI-data_sources($driver);
 foreach my $dataSource(@dataSources) {
 print \t$dataSource\n;
 print \n;
 It simply gives me a list of DBD drivers installed. Ran fine until I upgrade
 to 1.34 at which point I get the following error now:
 install_driver(Proxy) failed: Global symbol $this requires explicit
 package name at C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 272.
 BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at
 C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 414.
 Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 3.
 Nothing ground breaking...just thought you should know.

Thanks. I believe the appended patch fixes it.


*** lib/DBD/Proxy.pm2003/02/28 17:50:06 11.12
--- lib/DBD/Proxy.pm2003/03/03 22:37:14
*** 269,275 
  # to let people trade safety for speed if they need to.
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_dbh'};# Bug in Perl 5.004; would prefer delete
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_client'};
! $this-SUPER::STORE('Active' = 0);
--- 269,275 
  # to let people trade safety for speed if they need to.
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_dbh'};# Bug in Perl 5.004; would prefer delete
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_client'};
! $dbh-SUPER::STORE('Active' = 0);

RE: Using perl 5.8.0?

2003-03-03 Thread Jay Hannah

 From: Tim Bunce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Anyone using perl 5.8.0?

After a lot of upgrades (seg fault, DBI connect hangs), we seem to have one old RedHat 
server happy w/ 5.8.0.

Linux version 2.4.7-10 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 
7.1 2.9
6-98)) #1 Thu Sep 6 17:27:27 EDT 2001

This is perl, v5.8.0 built for i686-linux



connect_cached question

2003-03-03 Thread M. Addlework
connect_cached creates a _new_ connection on the second call
in this sample (only difference being PrintError attribute)

DBI-connect($data_source, $user, $auth, {PrintError=1});
DBI-connect($data_source, $user, $auth, {PrintError=0});

I would submit that this is wrong behavior, and that the
PrintError behavior is not an integral part of the user's
conception of a database connection, but rather is a _state_ 
of a given connection.  Accordingly, the second call should
return the same db handle, but change the PrintError state
before doing so.

Comments?  Am I right?  Or do people explicitly depend
on getting new connections unpon changing a DBI-specific 



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Re: DBI 1.34 error?

2003-03-03 Thread Jonathan Leffler
Tim Bunce wrote:
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 04:25:13PM -0500, Bob X wrote:
I have this script:
It simply gives me a list of DBD drivers installed. Ran fine until I upgrade
to 1.34 at which point I get the following error now:
install_driver(Proxy) failed: Global symbol $this requires explicit
package name at C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 272.
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at
C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 414.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 3.
Nothing ground breaking...just thought you should know.

Thanks. I believe the appended patch fixes it.


*** lib/DBD/Proxy.pm2003/02/28 17:50:06 11.12
--- lib/DBD/Proxy.pm2003/03/03 22:37:14
*** 269,275 
  # to let people trade safety for speed if they need to.
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_dbh'};# Bug in Perl 5.004; would prefer delete
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_client'};
! $this-SUPER::STORE('Active' = 0);
--- 269,275 
  # to let people trade safety for speed if they need to.
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_dbh'};# Bug in Perl 5.004; would prefer delete
  undef $dbh-{'proxy_client'};
! $dbh-SUPER::STORE('Active' = 0);

Silly question time, Tim; does the fact that we don't support Perl 
5.004 allow you to change line 270 now?

#include disclaimer.h
Guardian of DBD::Informix 1.04.PC1 --

ANNOUNCE: IBM Informix Database Driver for Perl Version 2003.03.0303 (2003-03-03) released

2003-03-03 Thread Jonathan Leffler

IBM Informix Database Driver for Perl Version 2003.03.0303 (2003-03-03) has been 
uploaded to CPAN.

IBM Informix Database Driver for Perl (also known as DBD::Informix) is
the driver code that enables Perl 5.005 or later to access Informix
databases via the DBI module (but if you are not already using Perl
5.8.0, you should be planning to upgrade to it).  You will need the code
for DBI version 1.33 or later as well.  The code for DBD::Informix is
available for download via:

** When you successfully build this module, use the ItWorks (Perl)
** script to report your configuration to the maintenance team (meaning
** Jonathan Leffler) at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Note that ItWorks does not
** send email to anybody; you have to do that yourself.

New in release 2003.03.0303:
* Pre-requisite version of DBI is now 1.33.  There were a number of
  changes made in the support code for DBI that this version of
  DBD::Informix relies upon.
* Fix various minor problems as noted in the ChangeLog.
* Overhaul the infrastructure to align better with DBI specifications.
* Revise infrastructure to exploit ExtUtils::AutoInstall.  If it causes you
  problems (because you don't have Internet access, for example), read the
  notes at the top of Makefile.PL on how to avoid the problems.
* Provide support for $dbh-get_info() and $dbh-type_info_all().
* No longer supporting obsolete versions of ESQL/C: 5.0x, 6.0x, 7.0x, 7.1x,
  7.2x other than 7.24, 9.0x, and 9.1x prior to 9.16.  All of these are at
  least 5 years out of date.  See also FUTURE DIRECTION in ChangeLog.
* This release is supported by Jonathan Leffler [EMAIL PROTECTED].
* Moving to version numbering scheme with 3-part major, minor, release
  numbering as recommended in:
  Just to be contrarian, the version number will be date-based.

New in release 1.04.PC1:
* This release is supported by Jonathan Leffler.  It isn't clear what
  IBM's official stance on the product is.  However, they do support
  DBD::DB2 so there is likely to be minimal objection to this work.
* This release provides support for INSERT cursors.
* This release provides support for UPDATE of blobs (BYTE and TEXT).
* This release provides semi-tested support for BEGIN WORK WITHOUT
* This release works with ClientSDK 2.80; the prior versions of
  DBD::Informix do not because the version string changed radically.
* Has better support for non-standard Perl installations.
* You can tell DBD::Informix to avoid testing smart blobs if you have
  IDS 9.x but no smart blob spaces.  You can also say which smart blob
  space to use if you don't want to use 'sbspace'.
* Fix up file locations so it works better with CPAN.

Scheduled next version: 2003.02.00.
* Feature content still dependent on time available.
* Expected to contain sqlda version of the code (WIP - Work In Progress
  WIP - at last).

As always, see the ChangeLog file for details about what has changed.


@(#)$Id: Announce,v 2003.3 2003/02/28 21:31:22 jleffler Exp $

Jonathan Leffler   #include disclaimer.h
STSM, Informix Database Engineering, IBM Data Management
Phone: +1 650-926-6921   Fax: +1 650-926-6971   Tie-line: 630-6921
Guardian of DBD::Informix v1.04.PC1 --

Anyone have DBI code that depends on $sth-{NAME} containing tablename.fieldname?

2003-03-03 Thread Tim Bunce
I've discovered that DBD::mysql will return tablefoo.fieldbar as
the NAME of the field in a select like:

SELECT tablefoo.fieldbar FROM tablefoo

It does that simply because that's what the underlying mysql client
API tell it is the name of the field.

I believe this is very rare (I know of no others drivers that do that)
and I'm considering changing the DBI specification to clarify that NAME
should only contain the fieldname.

I appreciate that there's a loss of information here and that
statements like this:

SELECT table1.field, table2.field FROM table1, table2 WHERE ...

will return the same NAME value for both fields.

However, I'm currently of the opinion that removing the table name
to make NAME be consistent with the behaviour of other drivers is
of greater benefit than retaining the table name.

I'd welcome any examples of code that *relies* in the table name
being present in the NAME attribute and can't easily be changed.

Note that in the specific case of DBD::mysql, the table name of
each field is also availble in the $sth-{mysql_table} attribute,
so any application that needs the table name for each field can
still get it.


Re: Anyone have DBI code that depends on $sth-{NAME} containing tablename.fieldname?

2003-03-03 Thread Paul DuBois
At 0:18 + 3/4/03, Tim Bunce wrote:
I've discovered that DBD::mysql will return tablefoo.fieldbar as
the NAME of the field in a select like:
SELECT tablefoo.fieldbar FROM tablefoo
That's not what I observe.  Is this a recent change in the MySQL C client
library?  The library has not returned a table name before, because
the table name is in a separate member of the MYSQL_FIELD structure.
It does that simply because that's what the underlying mysql client
API tell it is the name of the field.
I believe this is very rare (I know of no others drivers that do that)
and I'm considering changing the DBI specification to clarify that NAME
should only contain the fieldname.
I appreciate that there's a loss of information here and that
statements like this:
SELECT table1.field, table2.field FROM table1, table2 WHERE ...

will return the same NAME value for both fields.

However, I'm currently of the opinion that removing the table name
to make NAME be consistent with the behaviour of other drivers is
of greater benefit than retaining the table name.
I'd welcome any examples of code that *relies* in the table name
being present in the NAME attribute and can't easily be changed.
Note that in the specific case of DBD::mysql, the table name of
each field is also availble in the $sth-{mysql_table} attribute,
so any application that needs the table name for each field can
still get it.